Tomorrow - Episode 13

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The whole school was disjointed for few minutes before normality was restored. Mr Tola ran into the classroom with the gateman to check the students on the floor. Hearing the sound of people murmuring, Jason and one other stood up unhurt, the remaining person was taken to the school clinic. 
         Although no one sustained any bullet wound, how they survived only God knows because the bullets were seen on the floor where they fell. The only one taken to the clinic fainted due to the sound of  gun shot . Jason staring around looking for Love to know whether she was alright, but she wasn't anywhere close, he asked some of his classmates and they had no idea of her whereabouts. "Maybe she could still be in her hideout" said Teju.
        Jason climbed up to ss3 class where they met and Love who was in tears jumpt and embraced him. "Thank God, i thought i had lost you"
  "Is that why you have been crying" said Jason. 
 "Love nodded her head signalling yes to his question. Jason was so happy hearing this, so someone still cared whether i exist.  He thanked her and they both went down to the assembly ground where the principal had called all the classes to address them. 
He explained that the incident was a mistake, it was a gun battle between some robbers and policemen. He told the students to all go home for the day due to the incident, school continues tomorrow

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. The students all murmuring left to there various classes to pick up their belongings. 
Jason came out of the school compound with Love and fortunately they are going the same way. On the road,  Jason asked Love to tell him about herself which she did, he was shocked that she was from a wealthy family.

He asked her why public school and not private school? 
"My parents said to be the best in public school was quite difficult and I couldn't have done that  throughout my years in primary school, and lest i forget that day of our exam, i just wanted your attention, i had already finished before you stood up".

Jason replied "I knew because when i saw your booklet you were done. so this is a game of proof"? 
Love said no that she likes competition and just the name differents this public school from private ones due to the quality of teachers and school standards.

So who is Jason kambili? 
 Jason told her exactly who he was, Love who was feeling pity for him appreciated him for been honest. 
   Jason laughed and said if did or not, it wouldn't change  my situation.
They entered a shop where she bought soft drinks, gave one to Jason and they continued there discussion. They got to a street and Love pointed to a mansion, "that's my place".
That means we are not far apart, that's my uncle's house Ten buildings away replied Jason. So this street was named after your father? asked Jason. 
Love said yes that it was renamed after him due to his contribution to the street since he came back from the United Kingdom. 
Impressive, take care of yourself as she went into her house. Jason was in cloud nine with all that has happened in his first official day at school. He didn't even care what about whatever thing that will waiting for him at home. He got home to meet door opened, he went in and saw Martha lying naked on the floor of there seating room. He thought he heard a man's voice while climbing the stairs.
  To be continued. Please rate,like and comment .





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