Trapped In a Jungle - Episode 20

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So, this is it! That feeling when you feel successful. Twenty chappies down! Woohooo. Okay, bye.


I was busy arranging the dinning table when Nabeel emerged from his room, dressed in his suit and carrying his briefcase. He looked so handsome and I felt like jumping over him, giving Him a tight bone crushing hug and kissing his juicy lips. But i restrained myself, he's still under punishment.

"Good morning" i said to him, giving him one of my brightest smile.

"Morning" he replied, standing in front of me . I nearly loosed my senses when i smelt his Cologne. Damn! He smells so nice.

"How was your night?" He asked, kissing my fore head. No matter how i tried, Nabeel always find a way to kiss either my cheeks or my fore head.

"Alhamdulillah" i answered shyly.

"Oupss, i shouldn't have asked, you slept by my side so i knew how well you slept. Buried in my arms" he said, winking at me. I know what that look means.

I guessed right when he moved closer to me and grabbed my waist, kissing kissing my cheeks. I looked up into his eyes and before i could say anything, he kissed my lips.

God knows i can't control my emotions being with nabeel, just the smell of his Cologne melts my heart, the feeling when his hands touch me its a different thing. I can't say for sure how it happened, but i felt my hands grabbing his neck and pulling him more closer, deepening the kiss.

"You taste sweet this morning" he said between kisses.

"I.." I kissed his jaw "told you" then his fore head "not to kiss me" i added before finally kissing his lips again

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I opened my eyes half way and caught fareedah's eyes on us. Mehn! She was all red!.

I broke the kiss and looked at nabeel's eyes. They held passion, longing and above all....Love.

"I love you so very much Asmaa'" he said..squeezing my hands. "Ever since you came into my life, you've been a blessing. You complete me and make me whole, you are sweet and no words can describe how sweet and amazing you are. Please, don't you ever leave me Asmaa', I'll be shattered.

I inhaled some air before finally having the courage to open my mouth and talk "Aren't you the sweetest? What's life without you? Worthless teddy bear. You are the perfect definition of a perfect husband. I love you morethan words can say. I love you infinity cube, to the edge of seven squares". I said slowly...tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Do you know" he started again cupping my face "that one of the best feeling in the world is being with you? Holding ya tight in my arms and kissing your lips, looking deep into your eyes knowing that am the love of your life. Have i ever been this blessed? I don't think so. Thank you so very much for coming into my life Asmaa', now i know what it really means to have that wierd feeling called LOVE".

I couldn't help but smile, my eyes still caught up with fareedah's. I wouldn't want her to blow up, but i was happy and glad she heard those words with her own ears. Best feeling ever.

I cleaned my tears before smiling, the gap between my teeth visible. "Come on, have your breakfast else you'll be late for work. I wouldn't want that to happen" i said as i sat him down on one of the chairs.

"Where's reedah?" He asked after sitting down.

"Ohhh, She'll be here any minute I guess" i answered as i served him his breakfast of boiled yam and egg stew with fruits salad and cow tail pepper soup. Since the last two weeks, Nabeel made it a rule for us to eat breakfast and dinner together in his part, as for lunch; we can all eat what we want.

So, whoever has Nabeel that very day will be the one to cook breakfast and dinner. I finished serving Nabeel and was about to sit on my own chair when fareedah walked in, i wondered what she stayed behind for when i saw her standing there since.

"Good morning baby" she greeted nabeel hugging him from behind before sitting on the chair beside him.

"Morning reedah, how was your night?" He asked smiling at her.

"Had a slight fever, but as soon as i saw you; I'm as strong as a horse". She replied winking.

Lord! I feel like smashing her that moment. I stood up and walked up to where nabeel was sitted, ready to devour his meal.

"I missed you baby" fareedah said as soon as i sat by his right, she took hss left hand and squeezed it in hers before smiling at him. I saw him smile and i was sad. Hey! What's wrong with me, she's also his wife and i know she's doing it deliberately to annoy me.

"Good morning aunty faree" i greated her smiling, a smile i know was just for a show.

"Morning" was her simple reply.

I smiled at her, knowing that she heard every single word nabeel told me that morning.

"Open up teddy bear" i said as i shoved the yam into his mouth using my fingers. He turned quickly and looked at me, surprised. I only smiled and shook my head.

"Sabon salo....when did she start feeding you kuma?" Fareedah asked a little bit irritated "why not use the knives and forks instead of those fingers of yours" she added.

Nabeel opened his mouth to reply her when i quickly tapped his shoulder "Table manners teddy bear" i said slowly, putting the cup of coffee up for him to sip.

"Aunty faree kenan. What's the use of my fingers if i can't feed my husband with them? I'll do just everything to make him happy, make him know that i love him as much as he loves me. Chill please". I said trying to remove my fingers from nabeel's mouth after giving him another yam. I felt his warm hands on mine and without expecting it, he kissed them, looking directly into my eyes and then muttered a thank you.

Fareedah hissed and adjusted her sitting position. I thought she was going to leave but she sat down and eat her breakfast in silence. Good for you, i mused at myself, else i would've give you the best breakfast ever.


"Adda husnah, zan biko nidai" yusrah said almost crying.

"I'm not going with you anywhere yusrah. Go back and sit down, i promise am gonna buy you a new teddy just like the one in your room, a very big one darling sis" Nabeel said hugging her.

"Promise?" She asked happily.

"Yes angel" Nabeel replied.

"Kaidai kama yata wayo" umma said smiling at us "and if you come back without that teddy kaida ita ne" she added.

"Don't worry mom. In shaa Allah we'll bring that teddy together" i answered her.

"Safe journey hamma" yusrah waved at us happily.

A week back, Nabeel told me we'll be going to india for a week. I asked if he's going there for something pertaining his work and he said no. Just a vacation for me and him.

"Addah husnah buy me a sari please" Amal said when i was on phone with her.

"Naqi din" i answered as i kept arranging cloths in our trolley.

"Please please dearest sis. You know i love you right? Pleaseeeee".

"Keh naji! I'll buy one in shaa Allah. Be here as early as possible, we'll be leaving by six".

"Sure sis. In shaa Allah, oh Lord! How i wish dani za'aje".

"Goodbye miss"


Our plane landed in new delhi. Lord! I was outta words when i saw our suit.

"O my Allah! I'm so damn tired teddy bear" i said as i jumped on the bed. Damn! It was so soft.

"I know Asmaa'; you need a hot shower to calm those stubborn muscles. Want me to shower you?" Nabeel asked, lying beside me and intertwining our hands.

"Uhm uhmn. Nah, banso....i can shower my self" i replied standing up.

It was already late and am so tired and hungry. I just want to have a warm shower, eat and then rest my head on a pillow!.

We had dinner of pori and sabji. At first, i was contemplating on the taste but nabeel encouraged me to eat, i almost lost my senses when i ate a spoonful. In the morning we had a breakfast of puri, roti and keir.

"I'm taking you somewhere today. I bet you'll love it" nabeel said holding my hand as we took the cab. The cab driver parked at a very tall gate and i was wondering what we were doing there.

"Behold Asmaa', the indian gate". He said smiling.

"Lord! This is so huge" i said clasping my hands on my mouth.

"Like the view?" Nabeel asked behind me.

"Like? Are you kidding me? I love it teddy bear. Thank you".

"Always welcome Asmaa'".

We went back to our suite and had lunch. I was already drooling when i saw the lunch before even tasting it.

"This is called better butter" nabeel said putting a spoon in my mouth.

"Mmmmhhmmmnn! Lord! They cook so well teddy bear".

"Yes Asmaa', daina santi hakanan karki manta ni" he said jokingly.

"Hmmmmnnn, i love you morethan words can say, this" i said pointing to the food on my table "or nothing else won't make me forget about you. I promise" i said holding his hands in mine.

He squeezed them the more before kissing them. "I love you Asmaa'".

"I love you more teddy bear".

The next day, we had kanda poha for breakfast.

I must admit that Indians are really good when it comes to cooking. We took a train to Amristhan punjab and visited the golden temple

Our next stop was in manali, himmachal predish.

Dinner that day was peas paner curry

I had a good time in India. I enjoyed every single bit of my stay over there. And i loved nabeel more and more with each passing day.


"Best friend" Amrah said hugging me as soon as i emerged from my bedroom.

"How you?" I hugged her back slightly before settling down on a couch, keeping my phone beside me.

"Fine babe, inyeee, you look fresh fa yanmata".

I rolled my eyes before answering her "i ought to. I'm with the love of my life always. Nothing is gonna disturb me" i replied walking to the kitchen "what do you wanna have?" I called.

"Just that mixed fruit juice you always have. I missed it". She answered back. 
We had our little chit chat before she left, claiming that she just branched on her way to visit a friend.

I really really don't trust AMRAH!.

It has been three days since we came back from india, amrah came the day we came back and took her time enjoying my stories. Fareedah wouldn't even answer my greetings. Well, to hell with her. I really don't give a damn.

But something doesn't seem right, nabeel has been distant since yesterday, i tried my possible best to make him open up but he wouldn't even look at me nor answer my questions. But i made up my mind that no matter what, I'm gonna ask him what's wrong today, and he has to answer me!.

I took my time in the bathroom, scrubbing my skin like am gonna change its color before finally coming out and dressing up.

I peeped through the window and saw his car parked. This is really serious. Ever since we settled our differences, Nabeel always come over to say hi before finally going to his part where we'll all meet him and have dinner together. He really must be angry, and i just can't point out why!.

I heaved a sigh and went to his part, only to meet fareedah feeding him the food i cooked with my hands. He was obviously Happy with it cuz he kept smiling at her and stealing glances. O my Allah, what is wrong here.

Read " My Mistake " by the same author ( Murjanatu Alkali )

. I turned and went back, my heart beating fast and aching so much. What could be the problem this time around? I asked myself. No matter how hard i try to figure things out, i just couldn't!.

I tossed on my bed form one side to the other before i finally sat up and switched on the bedside lamp. It's 12:00am, maybe i should try talking to nabeel now.

I went back to his part and meet him all alone in the living room, his hands on his cheeks. He seem so deep in thought.

"Teddy bear" i said slowly touching his bare shoulders.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" He snapped at me before pushing me away from him.

I was surprised at his new behavior, what the hell is wrong with nabeel?. Maybe he's only interested in your body and he has gotten it. My subconscious told me.

Lord! No...let this not be true please.

"what have i done to deserve this nabeel?" I asked slowly.

"You even have the guts to ask me that husnah huh? What am i to you? A fool or a piece of garbage?". He asked angrily.

"Of course not teddy bear. You are my husband, the love of my life, my one and only habibi da'ieman" i replied trying to hug him.

"Damn you husnah!" He shouted "get the hell out of here before i do something we'll both regret!".

"Why don't you just give her what she really want baby" fareedah said, coming out of nabeel's bedroom. A place i ought to be right now. Damn you fareedah.

"Give it to her Goddammit! She cheated you!" Fareedah said angrily.

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  • Chinonye Malume picture
    Chinonye Malume
    Wow!! Am enjoining this good
  • Abigail Edos picture
    Abigail Edos
    Wow!!! I'm so enjoying this
  • ganiyat picture
    the story is really interesting......
  • Egovin Anthony picture
    Egovin Anthony
    Hmmmmm, the devil at work. Wolves in sheep's clothing like Amrah. Who knows what they have done
  • Ekine Prudence picture
  • Adeola Adebimpe picture
  • Oluwadare Mojisola picture
    Oluwadare Mojisola
    Bravo! Game about to change
  • Chioma Okoye picture
    Chioma Okoye
    Very nice story
  • Temitope Haruna picture
    Temitope Haruna
  • Egovin Anthony picture
    Egovin Anthony
    Next episode please am waiting
  • Rosemary Ukeh picture
    Rosemary Ukeh
    Nice story Nxt please
  • ifedolapo loveth picture
    ifedolapo loveth
    nyc work but pls try to always translate d Hausa in English....more grease to ur elbow
  • Olaleye Adedamola picture
    Olaleye Adedamola
    I like d story but try to always use English instead of Hausa, More to ur elbow Murjanatu
  • Adetutu picture
    Murjanatu, Beautiful morning to you, I believe you had a pleasant night rest. I hope all is well with you? we have been expecting episode 21-25 since yesterday but nothing came up i checked till late last night and woke very early this morning to check, still nothing. If this is suspense, it's getting too much if not please let's hear from you soon. Thanks Trapped in a jungle is a #top notch#
  • Murjanatu Alkali picture
    Murjanatu Alkali
    Sure. I will. Thank you all for reading, i really really do appreciate you all. I've been down with fever that's why, but in shaa Allah I'll make it to you all today. Thank you all and am glad you all loved it!
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