Trapped In a Jungle - Episode 5

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I focused my gaze at Amrah, wondering what the hell she's looking or thinking about for her to be so lost.

"Who's he Husnah?" She whispered, her eyes on Nabeel.

"Arrgghh! My future lovey dovey husband of course" i whispered back sarcastically.

Her eyes grew wide open. Whatever that means? I don't seem to get it right.

" mean he's the guy you told me about?" She asked again . This time surprised.

I sighed heavily before replying her back.

"Yea. He is Amrah".

"You sure are lucky!" She said as a wide grin appeared on her face.

"Arrrrmmmmm....." I heard Nabeel's deep voice "Is everything okay here?".

"Well, yea. Everything okay". Amrah answered.

I don't know why, or maybe it might be the effects of my shortsightedness, but i thought i saw Amrah sweating profusely as well as shaking all over. As if in shock or disappointed.

"Amaryar mu" fahad said, shifting his gaze from me to Amrah. Uhhh! I guess he wants to know who the bride is amongst us.

"Angon mu" Amrah chirped in as she smiled.

" are our bride kenan?"

"Not at all, a friend. Nah, not a friend

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. A sister, a friend, an aunty, a role model....everything". Amrah added.

Fahad was silent for a while, am damn freaking sure that something is wrong with this two!.

" heart was beating so fast moments ago when i saw you; deep inside i was praying that you shouldn't be the bride" fahad said.


Did Amrah just blushed at his comment? Ahhh, so now i gerrit! These two have something in common.

"Yaa Allah, can i please have some few minutes with my wife". Nabeel said and i felt like the ground should be wide open so that i can fall inside.

" this love?" Amrah asked amused.

"Of course qawar mu" Nabeel said, his eyes on me. I could feel them piercing through my soul. O Allah! What is he doing to me?. "You know, she's just too sweet and beautiful for simple words. Am head over heals in love with your friend" he added smiling.

My jaw dropped.

My eyes wide open.

My mouth went dry, i almost lost my balance. Is this for real?

I turned my gaze to Amrah and found a blank expression. Something is sure wrong with my friend.

"Arrrmm..." Fahad said "i think they need some space. I know this crazy dude over here is doing all this to annoy me cuz am single. But don't worry, I'll have one soon...she'll be the best!" He said, as he fixed his eyes on Amrah.

Amrah nodded and went along with him to the garden, which is a few distance away from us.

I turned my face and looked at Nabeel. To my surprise, his eyes were fixed on me. He was smiling. Smiling at me.

Yaa rabbi! 

Believe me, am not exaggerating. He has the sweetest smile I've ever seen!.

"You like it?" He asked

"Like what?" I responded, a confused look on my face.

He chucked, his right hands caressing his beard. I don't know why, but i found what he was doing amazing.

"The little game i played of course. Weren't you happy when i blabbed the so called "I Love you"?. He said, his hands in the air as he quotes his recent words.

I fumed up with anger. This guy is a snake!.

"You know what yaa Nabeel? You disgust me!". I said angrily. Hello! Why am i even angry? He was right, i was happy when he said those three words. Even though i knew he was pretending, but he shouldn't have poured his sarcastic look to my face.

"Ouucchh!" Nabeel said, his right hand at his heart "That hurts baby". He said slowly faking a sad face.

I was speechless!

I loved the way he just talked right now!

"Hmmmn...yaa Nabeel kenan!" I said slowly as i keep twisting my fingers.

"What?" He asked, raising one of his brows "You loved it right? Well! Great then. I'll keep pretending and showing the world i love right". He said, a mischievous smile crossing his lips.

"I..i..i rea..lly do..nt like that idea" i stammered.

"Why?" He asked. Amused. Yea, he ought to be.

"Because we both know that we are cheating each other. We don't love each other so let it be that way" i replied blankly.

Nabeel was silent for a while. I can't seem to understand what he's thinking about. I heard him cleared his throat.

"Husnah" he called softly, and my heart melted.

"Naa'am" i answered, my gaze at my feet.

"Let's just pretend. That's the only way Out. I can't love you, neither will i love you; if that's what you are thinking about, then keep it aside cuz it's never going to happen" he said.


By Allah I felt like strangling Nabeel right this instant!.

A lump went down my throat, and i was speechless. It took me almost ten minutes for me to get back into my senses. I looked up at him, cleared my throat and said

"I never said you should love me, neither did i say am gonna love you. So stick to your wife, you want a pretense right? Then you've got one!" I replied, sounding bitter.

He chuckled, yaa Rabb! That chuckling freaks me out!.

"Great, i love it when you look tough"

I was about replying him back when i saw fahad and Amrah coming. Those two were grinning, i wonder what it is about.

"Heyya lovey doveys! Aren't you guys done yet?" Fahad asked smiling.

"O shit! I know you gave the idea of you guys coming back, you ruined my beautiful moment with my Angel". Nabeel said, faking a sad face.

Read " Today's World " by the same author ( Murjanatu Alkali )

. I giggled and he looked at me as if he was admiring me.

" guys are surely in love" Amrah said. I couldn't understand the expression on her face.

"Yes Amrah. My Asma is the best, and when i say the best, i mean the very best. I love her so very much" Nabeel answered closing his eyes.

Amrah looked at me. Hey! What's that look for? She totally had an unpleasant look, and i wonder why.

"Let's get going buddy, you know i have an appointment". Fahad said quickly.

"Uhh! Yea, i almost forgot. Am gonna miss you My Asma, so very much".

"Am gonna miss you more future husby, do take care of yourself for me please" i replied.

Hello! Did i just do that? Whoa, then am really getting it.


The wedding had already begun, it started with the SA LALLE, then KAMU, WANKIN AMARYA and then finally tomorrow, am gonna be a BRIDE, yaa Nabeel's bride.

My hands and legs were decorated with henna flowers, when Nabeel saw it, i don't know if it was part of his pretense but he loved it.

Amrah had been by my side all this while, assisting me in anything possible.

We were seated in my room, chit chatting. And most of my friends are also there.

"Guess what babe?" Amrah said happily.

"What?" I asked her

"Am in love!" She shouted at the top of her voice.

I was stunned.

Amrah in love? Oh yeah, i almost forgot, she told me about the guy she saw days back.

"Who's the lucky guy?" I asked happily.

She looked at me, as if contemplating of she should answer or not.


"What!? You can't be serious babe" i said bewildered.

"Yes i am babe, i love him and we are already into a relationship" she answered.

"Nabeel never told me" i said.

"Well maybe he doesn't know".

"Lemme call him"

It rang for only two times before i heard his deep and husky voice answering.

"Hubby" i said quickly because i want him to know that am not sitting alone so that he won't forget about our pretense.

"You've got the sweetest voice ever My Asma" he said slowly "i love you so very much" he added.

"Awww, i love you more. Hey! Wait up, did you know that Amrah and Fahad are already in a relationship?". I asked

"Are you serious?" He asked. He's surprised too, just like me.

"Am damn se......" The line went dead, i don't know what happened.

I called back and it kept ringing without him answering.

I have a bad feeling about this.

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Allah hafiz
With love

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