Twisted Twice, Twisted Mine - Episode 2

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Sixteen Years Later.. 


he walks in, takes a look at me and he knew he had to have me. 

'what are you doing?' he asks and I blush. 

'I was waiting for you' 

I reply innocently, he looks around the room and pulls me to him, my chest smashing with his, it's thrilling, I like it.. 

He strokes my hair off my face bending his head for a kiss. 

I prepare my self, it's everything I've always wanted, everything, to kiss this man. 

Our lips brush and he comes in for another kiss and I...... 


The voice jerks my head up and I blush quickly slamming my book close. 

I slide a killing look to Pamela as she grins at me. 


"Oh shush, stop writing er*ticas on Levi Carter and go serve some customers" She says and I poke my tongue out at her. 

"You made me stop at the best part, now I've lost inspiration, besides I'm on break" 

I say, giving my book a wistful look. 

"Your break ended like 10 minutes ago, write on your own time" my eyes go to clock on the wall in our break room and I almost wince. 

Whenever I write time flies but when I write about Levi 'golden boy' Carter? Time Zooms so fast I dont know where it goes to. 

"Hold up, who made you the boss of me?" 

I ask Pams and she shrugs. 

"I'm just trying to make sure you don't get fired" she says as I tie my apron. 

"You know James is an A-hole" She says and I cringe, our boss James is the world greatest asshole, he's a pervert and a sex offender but since I greatly need this job I have to make do.

"Thanks Pams, that's why you are my bestie" she fakes barfs and I laugh, I begin to walk out but she stops me with a tut. 

"Nuh uh, don't forget your cap" she says handing the piece of offending fabric to me. 

I don't know why James makes us wear it, it's big and covers my face. I smile gratefully at her as I accept. 

"I'm clocking out now, see you at home" she says. 

"Okay, microwave that fried chicken for me yeah? And don't forget to record Levi's interview for me okay?" she nods and I exit adjusting my cap.

I walk to my section of the restaurant and I see table No

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. 5 filled with men. 

Ugh, I hate it when a group of men come in at once, they go out of their way to comment sleazily. 

I cover my head more as I approach the table. 

"You should have see how star-strucked she looked then, she would have kissed your feet" one of them is saying and I immediately dislike this guy. 

I know I don't know him and stuff but he sounds like an all time player. 

I count 5 of them as I approach. 

"Good evening gentlemen, I will be your waitress for today, may I take your orders please?" 

Their head turns to me and my eyes scan them. 

Typical suits, I'm sure they are all news reporters or something, most likely shareholders in a company. 

Based on the way they are dressed like peacocks. 

My eyes peruse them from first to last and I stop when I see a pair of blue eyes looking at me. 

It's... It's... 

Working here in James resort I see a lot of celebrities, it's a perk of the job, I get paid well and sometimes I get free food. 

Trust me, these are all things I need. Never in my years of working here have I ever seem him. 

Levi Carter! Levi freaking Carter! 

I almost jump out of my skin when I feel his gaze on me. 

He's trying to see underneath my cap but it's covering face. 

And it's a good thing too, I take stock of how I looked when I last looked in a mirror and I surmise that I look like yesterday's roadkill. 

My long black hair has grease in it from me staying in the kitchen for long. 

My mascara is smeared, my eyeliner 

Smuged and my lipstick have been licked off. 

My life. 

This is not how I planned on meeting Levi Carter for the first time. 

I wish I looked as good as one of the Kardashians right now so that I could ask for his number. 

And when I do he would see me and instantly fall in love with me. 


"Did you get all that?" 

Suit one asks and I blink my eyes realizing that I've been staring at Levi. He has looked away and I've been drooling like a fool. 

"I'm sorry can I get that again?" I ask and they rattle out their orders again but not before suit one calls me a dunce. 

I forget to be angry, why? Because I just met Levi freaking Carter!! 

I walk away when he gives me his order, he just wants a glass of water with a lemon slice. 


Even his voice sounds like I imagined, cool and deep. 

Oh sweet Mary and Joseph. 

I get their order and I set everything on the cart and I wheel it out, still on cloud nine. 

I walk to table No. 5 and I begin  to set their orders in front of them, my eyes going to my Future husband once in a while. 

When I get to the suit before him I almost trip and fall. 

I almost die of embarrassment when he steadies me but I don't because his hand is curled around my wrist. 

Sweet Bliss. 

His touch does things to me down below, shite! 

I begin to set his glass of water on the table when temptation sets in, this close I can probably see his eyes. 

I should take a peek, just a little peek. 

I raise my head and his eyes are right there to greet me, he's looking at me too, I'm sure he can't see my face underneath the cap but he's trying to. 

I miss the table while setting the glass and it ends up on his.. Crotch? 

Oh hell. 

I grab some paper napkin when he inhales a little from the bite of the cold water. 

This gets the attention of the other suits and I almost die of mortification. 

Thank God he can't see my face, this was the thought on my mind as I dab on his wet jeans. 

He's the only one wearing jeans in the group. 

I freeze when his hand curls around my wrist to stop me. 

"Please just let me help...." 

I say with a whisper. 

"It's fine lady" He says but I continue. 

He looks uncomfortable, who wouldn't be? A strange waitress has poured ice cold water on his body. 

"Will you just stop?" suit one says. "Can't you see where your hands are touching?" 

I don't get his meaning, I look up at Levi and down to my hands. 


My hands were grabbing his Junk!!!!! 



Thanks for reading. 

Don't forget to do the thing. 

Happy New year. 

. .

Read " The Homecoming " by the same author ( Bebe Ernest )

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