Two Faced Lover - Episode 15

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"Just cut it out already!"

I say for the thousand time as I walk down the lonely corridor, Julian following.

"Why are you being so difficult Cam?"

"It's you who's being so damn difficult by refusing to drop the f*cking topic"

I reply without stopping to look at him.

"But you don't even know what I want to say"

he protests further. I groan out of frustration, stopping to face him.

"I don't need to hear you say it in order to know what's going on in that head of yours. And whatever you have in your mind, better leave me out of it" 

I turn and continue walking.

"I don't even know why you've suddenly brought this topic out of the blue.. I just don't..." 

I stop short, my words getting clogged in my throat when a high pitched scream echoes through the hallways.

"...let me go. Please!"

The same high pitched voice echoes again a while later.

I turn to look at Julian.

He's staring right back at me, alarm evident in his eyes.

Without exchanging words, we both run towards the direction from where the sound emanated.

I pass a few restrooms.

Male restrooms, I notice.

What would a girl be doing in the male restrooms? I speed up, suddenly coming to a halt at the sight a few metres away from me.

Laying on the ground beside a fallen table and several scattered pieces of what used to be a vase was a girl wearing familiar clothing.

Red, sleeveless dress.

And a man was on top of her, as she struggled, his hands between her thighs.

I hate to think of what his hands are probably doing there.

"Be a good girl yeah? It's not gonna hurt. I promise"

Nothing more could have disgusted me the moment those words leave the f*cking psycho's mouth.

I see red.

Fury burns through my system as I charge forward, pouncing on the stupid retard of a man and drag him off the lady, throwing him against the wall with every strength I could muster.

As he crashes into the wall, I don't wait for him to recover before I pounce on him again, kicking and punching just like I do to my punching bags.

F*cking bastard.

A disgrace to manhood.

"Let him go Cameron I'll take care of this piece of sh*t here. Go get the girl."

Julian nudges me, grabbing the stupid man who groans pathetically.

Breathing heavily, I get off the bastard but not before delivering one last punch.. I jog towards the girl who's still laying on the floor. 

I bend over, recognizing her immediately.

This girl again?.

Why can't she stay out of trouble for once?

"Hey..hey girl are you okay?"

F*ck Cameron.

Stupid question, of course she's not okay.

I slide my arms around her shoulders lifting her carefully off the ground when I notice the large amount of blood pooling around the very huge gash in her palm.

"Hey.. Sh*t. You're losing so much blood. Stay with me girl. I got you"

She passes out just then.

"She's passed out Julian!".

"Get her to safety Cameron. I'll take care of this"

I nod as I lift her fully off the ground and carry her.

"Make sure you f*ck this bastard up real good, he forgets his mama's name"

"Will do master"

Julian grins wickedly. 

I smile sauntering away with the girl in my hands.

This is why, Julian and I are best buddies.


I nod absentmindedly at my house help handing her the first aid kit after I cleaned and bandaged the girls wound. 

I sigh, staring at her.

She looks so nice and... Beautiful even when she's asleep.

But when she's awakr, she's like a f*cking parrot.

Talking and chirping like a recording device has been installed in her system.

She's much more tolerable asleep.. And pretty too.

Her long lashes lay over her closed eye lids.

I wonder.

I wonder what her eye color is.

I blink, shooting off the bed so quickly like it's fire burning me.

Now's not the time Cameron.

Now's not the f*cking time to be describing a girl whom you hardly know while she's asleep.. In your bed!.

Your f*cking bed! F*ck! Why did I bring her to my home?.

No girl has ever been allowed entrance into my home for three years now.. All my flings and one night stand, go as far as hotels, guesthouses or even bathrooms when we decide to have s*x there and then we go our separate ways.

I bite my lip, staring at the girl.

F*cking hell!.

Everything is going wrong.

F*ck! ***



I wake up to white washed ceilings and walls.

Everything is white, including the tiles.

Except for all the furniture that are shades of black and grey.

The woolen carpet gracing the doorstep is grey.

Even the bed is.. Bed.. Wait bed?.

I'm in a bed, who's bed? I look around, panic settling in.. That man... My hands begin to roam around my thighs, searching for any evidence of being violated when my eyes land on the bandage around my left hand. 

I wince.

I blink, trying to recall what happened.

Chocolate eyes.. That was the last thing I remember.. And 'girl'.

He called me girl.

I blink, realisation setting in.. Cameron Knight saved me.

And I'm in his room, judging by the small picture frame that sat on a study table at the corner.

I did it.. I managed to get Cameron's attention. 

I did it.

Seven weeks Sky.. I've got seven weeks and six days left to do my job.

I look up at the ceilings, muttering a silent thanks to the entities when something snaps.


Oh my God, Sean.

My eyes land on the wall clock.

Quarter to eleven.

Oh my God.. It's a quarter to eleven.

Sh*t! My son.. I scramble off the bed, in a hurry ignoring the pain shooting up my hand as I support my weight with my arms.

As I get off the bed, I notice my purse lying on the bedside table.

Grabbing it, I tiptoe towards the door, grab the handle and push the door open.. I stick my head out.

Searching if the coast is clear to escape.

Grunts and kicks fill my ears as I cautiously make way into the living room.

There's a room, with a door slightly opened. I poke my head and find Cameron, shirtless, punching the bags hanging from the ceiling. I've got to leave.

Now!. Turning, I tiptoe faster and faster until I reach the main door.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I push the door and then stop.

If I leave what's the chance we're going to meet again.

Slim chances that's for sure.

Hardheaded Cameron will be happy to get rid of me. How do I ensure this doesn't occur? I bite my lip, smirking as an idea occurs to me.

Rummaging through my purse, I pull out my ID card and throw it onto the couch, watching it miss the target, slipping onto the floor.

Surely, if Cameron sees this he will think I had left it mistakenly and then he'll search for me to give me back my ID.

Hmm. Nice Sky. Nice. 

I pat myself.

Good thinking.

I turn and then stop.

What if he never searches for me? As hardheaded and stubborn as Cameron is, I'm sure he will dump my ID into a dustbin the moment he sees it.

Hmm, what to do? How do I ensure we meet again by hook or crook? My eyes roam around, stopping on the black pretty blazer sprawled on the couch.


I grab the blazer and put it on, hiding the torn parts of my dress thanks to that animal. Cameron's Cologne invades my nostrils immediately. Hmm. I spot a gold watch on the glass table.

I pick it, shoving it into the pocket of the blazer.

I turn and walk out, smiling triumphantly.. If Mr chocolate eyes doesn't search for me to give me back my ID, then I'll surely go looking for him to return his watch and jacket.

See you soon Cameron.. I shut the door behind me.

You aren't getting rid of me so easily.

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  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    But she could have initiated some conversation before leaving instead of stealing, won't that get you on his bad side?
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Skylar stealing from her saviour. Do u think he can trust u with dis act. Well,lets me join u nd hope dis works. Thumbs up bae
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Hmmm lemme get some popcorns' sit back and enjoy the show.....
  • Racheal Rakel Namz picture
    Racheal Rakel Namz
    hahaha I lovd#blessing in disguise
  • eliza picture
    @ Benedicta she's crazy like that. let's hope she doesn't get on his bad side
  • eliza picture
    thanks Confy
  • eliza picture
    lol Pamela I'll bring you juice to go with the popcorn
  • eliza picture
    ikr @ Racheal
  • Abena Asima picture
    Abena Asima
    Skylar's work is difficult I don't envy her
  • Abena Asima picture
    Abena Asima
    Skylar's work is difficult I don't envy her
  • picture
    [email protected]
    Sky is very smart.
  • Amma picture
    Sky as usual with her plans
  • Uwayo Gentille picture
    Uwayo Gentille
    wata bad act!!!!!!!! I don't know what's next
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