Two Faced Lover - Episode 28

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"Yes. Please e-mail it to me.. I'm taking the next flight back to the U.S. I'm going to see Cameron".

Natalie tells her husband, picking up her phone, scrolling through her contact.

She needed to book the next flight back.

"Uhh.. E-mail what?"

Chris' question cut through her thoughts and she stopped scrolling to look up at him.

"His address of course"

she replies annoyed.

"Oh? Sorry sweetheart but I do not have his address"

"What? You just told me you knew where he lives. What's this game you're playing?"

She demands

"I'm not playing games Natalie . I'm being honest, cross my heart"

he does the cross sign on his chest dramatically.

"I don't know where he is. I told you I knew where he lives not his address. Meaning, I know the town in which he lives but I don't have his address. Sorry princess"

he lies. Of course he was lying.

He knew where his brother lived. He knew his brother was doing quite well.

He knew he lived in an expensive penthouse on the fourth floor of a five storey luxurious building in a beautiful neighbourhood.

He knew all that but that doesn't mean he was going to say anything.. He wasn't going to send the predator straight into the prey's mouth.

Maybe Natalie ditched him years ago, but that doesn't change the fact that she and Cameron shared a childhood.

They'd grown together.

Spent years together as friends until they decided to date and then get engaged.

And so he knew that, for the sake of the friendship they once shared, his wife still held a place for Cameron in her heart.

There was still a tiny fondness lingering there that could morph into something greater when given the slightest chance.

Maybe Natalie never said anything out loud, but he always saw the longing in her eyes.

He always saw her staring discreetly at Cameron's picture when she thought he wasn't looking.

He always saw it all

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. He wasn't stupid or blind.

He just didn't love her enough to care about the fact that his wife was thinking about another man, his elder brother to be precise.

He didn't care about her at all, but it was nice having the one thing his brother wanted and yet could never have.

Let's just say they were both in this marriage for selfish reasons.

"Oh look, I've got a meeting. Got to go. Talk later babe"

Chris says and the call was cut off leaving her to stare at the blank screen.

Cussing loudly, she shut the laptop.

She was going to get Cameron's address by hook or crook and not even her bastard of a husband could do anything to stop it.. She had to see him. She needed to see him.



I was still laying on the bed, feeling useless when the door opens and Julian strolls in with a tray of food.

My dinner I guess.

My shoulders slump in disappointment when I realise it's not Cameron bringing me dinner.

"Cameron asked me to bring you something to eat. He had to go out for a while"

Julian says as if reading my thoughts. He went out? By this time of the night? For what? Oh God, I'm beginning to sound like a nagging wife already.

Get a grip Sky. Plastering a forced smile on my face, I nod.

"Is it okay if I come in?"

He asks still standing by the door.

"Please do. You don't need to ask"

he nods curtly, strolling in, his shoulders stiff and tense, completely alert reminding me of Cameron.

I watch as he places the tray of food on my lap, the smell of rice and garden egg stew filing my nostrils immediately. I sigh contentedly.

It's been so long since I had food from my homeland.

"Cam wanted to cook you something more Ghanaian"

Julian tells me, straightening up.

"He prepared this?"

My eyes are wide, taking a small portion of the stew on the side, mixing with some rice before scooping into my mouth. Damn, so delicious. Julian snorts

"Cameron can't cook to save his life".

I chuckle, scooping some more rice and chewing.

"So who prepared this?"

"Me of course. Who else?"

"You? Wow, your future wife is gonna be so damn lucky"

I comment

"Damn right. Any lady would be extremely lucky to have someone like me as a husband. Men like me are rare"

I can literally feel the arrogance and cockiness radiating off him. I roll my eyes.

He's as cocky as his friend.. Silence falls between us as I eat in silence, feeling his gaze boring holes into the back of my head.

"Hey Skylar?"

He calls after a while and I drop my spoon, giving him my attention.. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry.. I went overboard with my suspicions. I hurt you in the process, said things I shouldn't have said.. I'm..".

"You don't have to say anything Julian. I'm glad you love your friend that much to look out for him. I'm glad everything is okay now."

I say with a shake of my Head.

"Sooo we're good?"

"Yes, we are good"

I reply.

He nods and I go back to eating.

"Uhh hey, you were saying something about losing your parents?"

Julian asks after a while.

I open my mouth to reply when Cameron strolls in, looking as hot as ever.

"Why do you ask Julian?"

"I just wanted to know Cam, besides I wasn't asking you"

Julian snorts making Cameron roll his eyes as he comes to sit beside me, taking the tray from my lap and then proceeding to feed me. I purse my lips, refusing to open up for him.

"I lost my parents in a plane crash. The crash was a very big issue so I'm sure you'll find everything about it when you Google it. It happened in the year 2000 and.."

I don't finish when a spoon of rice is shoved into my mouth.

I glare at Cameron who ignores me, scooping more rice.

"Great got it"

Julian answers and strolls out leaving me confused.

Why is he asking about my parents?

"Don't mind Julian Sky. He's a computer freek. He's the greatest hacker I know. If he's asking about your parents, I'm sure he's just curious to know the full story. That's all"

Cam says as if reading my thoughts..

"he won't find anything. It's been years" I grumble under my breath, not liking the topic regarding my parents.


Cameron drops the spoon, lifting his hand to cup my face softly and I lean in.

"I like your touch so much"

I whisper, slapping my stupid mouth mentally for saying that. I expected him to pull away after my statement like he usually did, but he didn't, instead his thumb begins to stroke my cheeks.

I look up to find him staring at me already.

There was this look in his eyes as he stared at me. It made me feel self conscious, giddy and.. Shy? I bite my lip, his eyes following my movement, letting his gaze linger on my lips for a while longer before they snap back up to my face.. His thumb travels down my cheeks, softly, torturously slow until they find my lower lips and he traces the outline of my lips like he's memorizing them.

Oh God, what's happening? Why do I feel so unnaturally attracted to this man? Why does his touch make me feel so different? Cameron's eyes travel to my lips again, a dark look crossing in his eyes. Was he going to kiss me again? I bite my lip again, and a low growl escapes his throat as he grips my waist in a swift motion.

He leans in and I do same too, breaths mixing together, Lips almost touching when the door suddenly burst open and Julian barges in.

We jump apart so fast like we've been caught stealing.

Cameron cusses under his breath at his friend's ungodly interruption, muttering swear words I hadn't even heard before.

I almost giggled at the look on frustration on his face when I notice the sullen look on Julian's face.


I clear my throat

"Is everything alright?"

Julian's eyes snaps to mine, stares at me for a while before shaking his head.

He runs his fingers through his thick afro hair pacing to and fro.


I call out again and he stops pacing to stare at me again, the same sullen look evident.

"Are you..." He pauses only to shake his head.

"Are you sure your parents are dead Skylar?"

He questions and my brows furrow in confusion.


"Did you see their dead bodies?"

I frown deeper, recalling that I didn't.

"No I didn't. They were burnt to ashes. No flesh remained to be identified. It was only the clothes they wore that day and their personal stuff they had with then that was provided as evidence"

"So you saying you didn't see their dead bodies?"

"No. I already told you it was burnt beyond recognition. Why are you even asking?"

"From the photos that I saw online, the plane that crashed wasn't even that burnt. If a plane that carried passengers wasn't that destroyed beyond saving, how then do the passengers get burnt to ashes? Unless you're trying to say there was another explosion inside the plane. That could pretty much be a logical explanation but in this case, it's not."

I gulp hard, dread filling the pit of my stomach.

My mind goes back to all those years ago.

I remember how burnt the plane was, but not enough to burn it's passengers.

I recall how many people had been retrieved alive yet injured.

A few were dead, I'm sure it was from collision or over inhalation of smoke.

I remember none of them had burnt to ashes but I was too grief stricken to think about the fact that any foul play was involved.

I was just a child then.

The loss of my parents were my only concern.

I blink rapidly. I hope it's not what I'm thinking. I hope not. I hope not.

"Skylar think about it. The plane was almost forcefully landing as the pilot had detected something wrong before it crashed. The plane crashed just a few metres away from land before it landed so how could have your parents burnt to ashes like that? Do you know what it takes it to burn a human to ashes without leaving even bones?"

Julian questions further and I blink, recalling how the doctor refused to let me get close to the morgue.

The only thing they gave me were the clothes my parents wore that day.

Read " The Last Virgin " by the same author ( eliza )

. I never thought about it, because thinking about it was painful enough. And So to protect myself, I blocked all memories of that day.

Wait! I jump off the bed. If my parents had burnt to ashes then how come their clothes weren't burnt? Were they naked in the plane?.

Eyes wide, I glance at Cameron who's eyes are as wide as saucers, realisation flashing in them. I stagger back in shock whimpering, the truth hitting me hard. No, no. This is all a nightmare. A f*cking nightmare.

"Skylar even if your parents had reportedly burnt to death like you say, how come the clothes they were wearing wasn't harmed and was presented as proof? Surely They weren't naked when they got on the plane were they? Or they decided to have a change of clothes on the plane?"

A sob escapes me at this point.

No this can't be. It can't be.

My mind is reeling from so many assumptions in every direction.

My brain a jumbled mess.

This can't be.

My parents can't do this me right? Right?

"You've been lied to Skylar. They played on your innicejcs because you were just a child then"

Julian continues nevertheless.

"Either your parents lied to you and faked their deaths, or someone conspired to make you believe this. Either way, one this is for sure, your parent's are alive somewhere. They aren't dead."

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  • Ohemaa Mildy picture
  • Àïr Klëèps picture
    Àïr Klëèps
    This getting more interesting. Great work dear
  • Mhissy Bones picture
    Mhissy Bones
    Hmmmm wow
  • Dolapo Oloyede picture
    Dolapo Oloyede
    Hmmmmm....... Where were they then ?
  • Maame Ama picture
    Maame Ama
    Awww........ what a sad faith Skylar have
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    Hmmmm more secrets
  • eliza picture
    thanks @ Kleeps
  • eliza picture
    we'll find out soon @ Dolapo
  • eliza picture
    ikr @ Maame
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    This whole situation has Park's name written all over it no doubt,He knows exactly where Skylar's parents are.....maybe Sean didn't even have hole in his heart,he tricked her so he can trap her...this man is beyond redemption,As for Natalie I pray she finds Cameron a lil late when he's deeply in love with Skylar,then the rest I leave it in karma's hands he never disappoints......!
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Whoa whoa whoa!!! I didn't see dis coming. Ellen Eliza, u re just too much. Skylar's parents re alive. But the question is where are they? (i think, i will go with wat Pamela said) BTW i really miss garden egg stew ooo, it's been 4yrs nw
  • Abimbo Aji picture
    Abimbo Aji
    I didn't see this twisted coming Eliza, lemme just keep my fingers crossed
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Eliza babe, such a good twist to this novel, you are such a great writer. Love you babe
  • eliza picture
    sure thing Pamela. Park may or may not be involved in this
  • eliza picture
    come to me @ Confy I'll prepare you some to eat
  • eliza picture
    i didn't see this coming either @ Abimbo
  • eliza picture
    thanks Bennie. love you more
  • Amma picture
    just as I was enjoying the Ghanaian meal together with Sky, Julian made me loose appetite
  • eliza picture
    lol @Amma, I'll serve you some personally
  • Muhammed jamiu picture
    Muhammed jamiu
    Getting pls
  • Debby Treasure picture
    Debby Treasure
    Getting twisted already
  • Uwayo Gentille picture
    Uwayo Gentille
    Hmmm story on ?
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