Unattainable Perfection - Episode 12

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***** 7:00AM.. ALEXA'S POV

Mumbling incoherent words, I roll on my comfy bed trying to block out the bright sun rays blinding my eyes through the cracks of the curtains but failing miserably.

Giving up,I sit up groggily and lean against the headboard, rubbing the remnants of sleep from my eyes.

I groan when I feel another headache coming on.

All because I'd cried myself to sleep last night.



For no reason, Will's words had strangely cut deep and it hurt much more than any form of ridicule I've ever faced over the years.

Speaking of Will, I still don't know if my Father has managed to get the case reopened.

Shrugging the duvet away from my body, I plant my feet on the floor.

Grabbing my robe from the floor, I pull it around my body and head out.

I need to talk to my dad.

When I reach the door to his room, I stop when one of the maidservants coming out of the rooms.\

I furtw my brows.

A maid is never allowed into my Father's room unless to clean up the room.

I make my way into the room, completely unprepared for the scene awaiting me.

There lay a sick pale man who was completely healthy just few hours ago with a drip attached to his arm.



"Who would want to hurt you my boy? Who? Oh my God"

mother sobs and despite the excruciating pain I'm In right now, my heart still breaks for her.

"Mother please. I hate to see you cry"

I reach out touch her face but then I wince immediately at the pain.

I've been injected with something supposed to act as painkillers but all I feel is numbness in every part of my body except for the occasional pain in my wound.

I feel drowsy as hell, my eyes feel heavy desperate to be closed so sleep can take over but I can't.

How can I sleep when I'm still aware of the pain in my abdomen.

I don't know how I'm still conscious after getting stabbed twice.

Maybe it's because I've had far more worse injuries than this in the past and yet I survived every one of them.

"What did you get involved in Will?"

Richard questions, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I got involved with a lying backstabbing b*tch.

My mind screams but I don't say it out loud.

"I told you already didn't I? I don't know

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/unattainable-perfection

. I was weeding just like everyone else and these guys came up to me and before I knew it..."

I trail off letting them come to their own conclusions.

I wasn't going to tell them about Alexa.


Whatever's going on is between Alexandra and I.

This fight was between us and I wasn't going to involve them.

"Stop making him talk too much can't you see he's hurt?"

Mother scolds my brother who just sighs tiredly.

"You should go. I don't want you to get fired at your workplace because of me Richard. Go. Mom,you too. I'll be fine"

I tell them.

"You aren't fine Will. You aren't. They wouldn't even let me bring you food!"

She protests and I sign.


I say as softly as I can taking her hands in mine.

"You trust me don't you?"

"Of course I do son"

"Then trust me when I say I'm fine. I'm fine mother. I'm okay"

I force out the words.

I'll be okay.

But deep down, a part of me knows my life has taken a drastic turn and I won't ever be okay from today.

And the one person for this drastic turn will pay.

Dearly. I know I won't be okay from hereby and so will Alexa's fate.

Making my decision and feeling my thirst for revenge ignited, I sigh and shut my eyes as sleep finally overcomes me.



Alice strolls lazily into the kitchen just like she had been doing for the past two weeks since her husband fell sick.

And like every other day for two weeks, she had taken it upon herself to be in charge of preparing and serving Henry's meals.

Two weeks was enough, she thought.

Two weeks was enough for a long wait.

Now was the time.

Today was the day for her to give her last straw and end everything.

By tonight, she was going to officially be the sole owner of the entire Wallace's wealth.

Alice smirks satisfactorily as she grabs a bowl from the rack.

Scoping a reasonable amount of light soup, she pulls out the bottle which Eric had given her and poured everything into the soup,leaving no drop left and then stirs the soup.

Done,she hides the bottle in her bra and heads back upstairs with the soup.

This much medicine was enough to finally kill Henry.

Today. At last.



I rub my palm against my father's pale skin as he just stares at me.

Blankly. Like every other day for two weeks now.

Its been two weeks since he strangely fell sick and there's been no improvement in his health whatsoever despite all the medicines we give to him precisely as we were instructed.

But instead of getting better,his health seems to be deteriorating each passing day.

Alice wouldn't even let me take him to a hospital. I haven't Even gone to see William.

I sigh.

How do I tell him his case can't be reopened since the person who ordered for his arrest is lying on a sickbed? My thoughts get interrupted when the door burst open and Alice steps in, with a bowl of soup.

A scowl etches on my face as she walks towards the bed with a smile on her face.. A smile which is so damn fake and forced.

What exactly did my father see in this witch that he married her? Gah! Infuriating.

I step away when Alice takes my place and scoops some soup with a small spoon and takes it to my dad's mouth.

I almost missed it.

But I didn't.

I saw how my dad's eyes flicked continuously from the spoon to me, his lips pursed tightly.

My father kept staring at me, flicking his eyes back and forth.

It was like he was trying to send a message across with his eyes.

He had lost his ability to speak a week ago.

I stare at my father hard.

He's refusing to open his mouth to drink the soup.

It's almost like he's scared of drinking it.

His eyes keep flicking, begging me with his eyes.

My father is tense.

Now that I recall, he becomes tense whenever Alice is around of late.

Like he's scared of something.

He purses his lips tighter, outrightly refusing to drink the soup..I frown.

Something is not right. Walking back towards the bed, I snatch the food from her and she turns scowling at me.

"I think my dad doesn't want this soup"

I say

"How can you tell? Give it let me feed him!"


If my guess is right and she's been doing something to prevent my dad from getting better, I'll find out.

"Alexandra give me the soup! Your father is hungry and I'm hungry too. I need to feed him so i can eat also!"

The woman practically screams in my face.

"I said no. It's clear dad doesn't want to eat"

"Stop testing my patience girl else..!

"Else what?"

I challenge.

"Why? Is there some special ingredient in this soup"

I ask knowingly and I notice something flash in her eyes but it disappears before I could grasp it.

"What? Of course not.

Read " Daddy's Girl " by the same author ( eliza )

. I just haven't had time for myself since Henry fell sick and I really need him to eat so i can prepare something for myself too"

I could see right through her flimsy lies.

Is that the best lie she could come up with?

"If you're so hungry then drink this soup yourself"

I hold out the bowl to her.


she stammers.

"Oh it's okay. Since it appears dad doesn't want it,I'll just prepare him something else. So go on. Eat"

I push the bowl into her hands.

"Uh..no... I..."

"Go on. Since you're so hungry, eat it. I'm waiting"

I say and I see Alice gulp hard as she tries desperately to cover the fear lingering in her eyes.

And there and then,my Suspicion was confirmed.

witch was trying to poison my father. Well,I'm going to make sure she drinks this entire soup.


I got writer's block and it was so difficult to put up with this episode. let me know what your thoughts are. next episode will be up later today.. Good morning..

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  • Eunice Iyanu picture
    Eunice Iyanu
    I really hope Alexa will win this challenge with Alice. Ride on Eliza
  • Jilac Nimako-Mensah picture
    Jilac Nimako-Mensah
    Hehhehe... the world is round.
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    I hope Alice drink the soup n die, nice episode dear expecting the next episode
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    I hope Alexa can force her to taste the soup.
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Alexa should try as much as possible to let that witch gulp down that soup. More inspiration eliza babe
  • eliza picture
    thanks Eunice
  • eliza picture
    ikr@ Jilac
  • eliza picture
    sure Destiny. soon
  • eliza picture
    I hope so too Ronke
  • eliza picture
    thanks Bennie love
  • belladiva54@gmail.com picture
    [email protected]
    I hope alexa finally defeats alice.elliz luv u more
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    I gat ur bk Alexa...Alice must drink dat soup ooo
  • Esther Mutunga picture
    Esther Mutunga
    Alice drink up oooooo the 3 bedroom HSE you requested for in hell awaits
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Hope she succeeds in making her drink the soup a lil bit,I don't want her to die instantly,that'll be way to easy for her,she has to suffer....can't wait for the next episode!
  • eliza picture
    love you too Bella
  • eliza picture
    lol confy,she must
  • eliza picture
    hehee Esther. the house is uncompleted.. lol
  • eliza picture
    thanks Pamela. I just uploaded it. it'll up in two or three hours time
  • Fagbire Omowunmi picture
    Fagbire Omowunmi
    The table got turned for Alice , I just hope she gets what she deserves..
  • eliza picture
    i hope so too Fagbire
  • Favour Abhatue picture
    Favour Abhatue
    Alice has to pay for all the atrocities she has committed, its really too much for her. Nice one
  • Mary Eyo picture
    Mary Eyo
    hope Alexa succeed in making Alice drink the soup. ride on dear
  • eliza picture
    thanks Favour
  • eliza picture
    i hope so too. thanks Mary
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