Unattainable Perfection - Episode 36

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It all happened in a blur.

One minute, I was in William's arms and the next he screams as he pushes me down.

I grip his shirt as I feel the ground disappear underneath my feet.

William spins us around making him land on his back while I land on his chest.

"You okay?"

He asks stroking my hair out of the way.. Before I can respond, I hear groaning and I turn just in time to see Lydia a few inches away from us, tripping on a stone and then falls.

I notice the fork in her hand, pointed in our direction. . Was she going to stab me with it?.

However before I could come to a conclusion, she losses her footing.. I watch as she struggles to maintain her balance with her hands but then it twists due to the handcuff, the fork twisting as well.. she falls on the fork. I gasp as I watch her scream in agony as the entire fork disappears into her stomach.. This is how I lose another someone.


I spring up from my seat for the millionth time in three hours and then begin to pace to and fro in the waiting area of the hospital.


strong arms, that I've grown so used to encircles my waist from behind.

Immediately, I spin around to face him,resting my head on his chest.

He doesn't say a word as he strokes my hair.

I say nothing either.

I can't seem to find words right now.

Heaviness is all I feel in my chest.


I disengage myself from William and turn at the voice.. I sigh in relief when she lunges herself at me.

I hug her back.

"Oh Alexa, I've missed you so much"


I mumble She pulls away and peers into my face, scanning my entire body for any signs of bruises.

I chuckle.

She's always doing that, acting like a mother.

"I'm fine you know"

She glares at me and continues to check my body

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/unattainable-perfection

. Satisfied, she steps away and stares at me.

"Is it true? What you told me on phone? About ...Lydia?"

She asks in a low voice almost like she's scared of my answer.. I bite my lip and nod in the affirmative.. She hisses, running her fingers through her hair.

"I can't believe this. She.. Oh my God. How come I was so blind not to have realised this? The backstabbing lying b*tch"

"You weren't blind Sophie. She was just good too at deceiving us"

"Are you okay?"

She asks with concern.

"Yes. I am. I know I should be angry, hurt and all but I don't know. It's like deep down, not knowing the truth was a burden on me. All these years that I've been trying to actually remember what happened that night and now that I remember,  all I feel is relief. You know, like good riddance to bad rubbish"

I frown at my words.

I'm not mean am I?

"Good riddance to bad rubbish"

Sophie repeats and I smile.

I sigh, turning to watch the door through which the doctors had disappeared with Lydia.

She was bleeding a lot.. I just hope she doesn't die.

Despite everything, I'd never wish death on any anyone

"She'll be fine. you'll see"

Sophie says as if reading my thoughts.

I sigh, leaning against the wall..

"I'll go get you ladies something to drink."

I suddenly recall William was still there.

I turn,giving him a small smile.

"Thank you"

As he leaves, I turn my attention back to Sophie only to find her wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I roll my eyes.


"Damn! He's hot! Look at those muscles. I bet he's strong. And by strong, I mean in bed"

My eyes almost bulge out of it's sockets.

Only Sophie can say something like this at such a time.

"I've not slept with him yet so get your mind out of the gutter"

It was her turn to roll her eyes

"Not yet sweetie. Not yet. Soon you'll be m*aning and squirming 'oh yes I want more! Give it to me! Yes yes yes!'.."

I reach out and cover her mouth.

I feel my cheeks heat up and I don't need a soothsayer to tell me I'm blushing.. It's not my fault I have a friend who's mouth has no filter.

"You're just like William. You both have no filter in your mouth"

I shake my head.

Her eyes lit up like I just gave her the best news.

Narrowing my eyes at her, I release her mouth.

"William. It suits him. Damn it girl, you really did catch a big fish!"

"He's not a fish gosh Sophie!"

"Mmm. If I were to have a driver as hot as him, I'd have him for breakfast everyday.."

"Shut up! He's coming!"

I slap my hand over her mouth again and release it when he gets near us and hands us a cup of coffee each.


I take a sip.

"Anything for you beautiful"

he winks and from the corner of my eye, I notice Sophie smirking.. Oh dear, she won't let me hear the end of it.



"You may go in and see her."

I such in relief, springing up from my seat.


Sophie and Will follow suit.

"How's she doctor?"

He gives me a warm smile

"She's awake. Lost a lot of blood but she's out of danger now. This way, follow me"

he turns.

I turn to William.

"Are you coming?"

He shakes his head.

"No. I figured you need to talk to her alone"

Yes, and I'll talk to him after I'm done with Lydia. I'll tell him I've recovered my memory and everything regarding that night.

"Go on. I'll wait behind the door"

he interrupts my thoughts.

I nod and make my way towards the ward where Sophie had disappeared into while William stays outside, behind the door.

I step in side.

There she lay with a pale face, an oxygen mask over her nose and an IV attached to her.

Just then, as if sensing our presence, she opens her eyes and stares at Sophie and I.

Her lips parting into a slight smile.

"Ah, the two musketeers"

her voice was tiny and weak but I didn't fail to recognize the annoyance and sarcasm lacing her voice.

"Are you here to mock me for getting stabbed by my own weapon? If yes,kindly leave because I just finished mocking myself"

she continues.

Wow, even for someone who was at the brink of death, she still isn't showing a tad bit of regret.

I stare at Sophie who stares back at me.

Guess we're both thinking the same thing.

Clearing my throat, I turn to stare at Lydia.

"No. I actually came because I wanted to know how you're doing"

My words seemed to tickle her because she lets it a forced laugh

"You think I'm actually stupid to believe that bullsh*t?"

"Believe it or not Lydia, I don't wish Ill health or death on anyone no matter how much they hurt me"

"Ah. I should have known. You'll always be you. So stupid, innocent as f*ck, naive and blind which is why people tend to walk all over you."

I open my mouth to reply but then a lazy smirk appears on her lips as she continues

"You know, it's such a shame. A real shame that guy didn't die in prison because his death will have been on your shoulders and knowing you, you'll carry the guilt till your last breath. But too bad he survived. Oh well, it doesn't matter cuz hell come after you once he's out of prison."

I frown.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh don't you know? That guy who went to jail for attempting to r*pe you. Yeah him. I had paid a few people in jail to hurt him but he survived but still he probably hates you, because I made him think you had ordered for his death. Figured I should tell you. Makes nonsense to hide it from you my dear"

I stagger backwards, fixing the last puzzle in my maze-like life.

Attempted r*pe? Jail? All this was connected to William.

Does this mean.. She... She... Dammit! William thinks I had paid some people to kill him?

That restrain and anger I always saw in his eyes. It wasn't just because he was falsely accused. It was something more.

Before he knew about who hit his mother, he hated me already.

The revenge.

It all made sense now.

He thought I had wanted him dead.

That b*tch! Sophie lunges forward to attack Lydia but I grab her arm, stopping her.

"No. Let me handle her"

Lydia laughs again. I'm officially her clown today, but not for long. Being on a sick bed and injured, she sure had a lot of disadvantages.

"You? Handle me? Don't make me puke Alexandra. You can't even hurt a fly. You're stupid, slow and f*cking blind"

she spits.

I clench my fists.

Something snaps inside me and at this point, all I see is red.

Today, I'll teach her that everyone can be wicked when they want to. "I came here in peace Lydia, but you? Let me tell you something, in this world we all have choices. We all have our good and bad sides and everyone gets to choose which side they want to dominate them.

And you Lydia, obviously chose to be a bad person.

And I chose to do good but today, I'll show you that you must fear every good person out there because the moment they turn bad,they're far worse than the wicked ones. I'll show you my bad side today Lydia. I'll make you beg for dear life. I promise you"

I sneer and then proceed to take off my dress leaving me in my bra and panty. My scars visible.

Sophie cringes but I couldn't give a f*ck.

Today, Lydia pushed me to my limits and I'll show her.

I'll make her beg for hurting William and his mother.

And me.

I point to the scars on my belly and thighs.

"You see these scars that you caused by dragging me on glasses,I want you to count them"

She laughs. Again.

Fuelling my anger.

Just what I needed.

I storm towards the oxygen tank and turn it off. I wait till she begins to gasp for air before turning it on.

I wait for her breathing to go back to normal and then switch off the oxygen supply again.

I do it repeatedly until she begins to gasp uncontrollably.

No doctor will come here because I'll make sure she won't scream.

"P...pl..please... S..pare...m..my...life...c..can't...b..bre..athe"

she stammers.

"Oh? You're asking me to spare your life now huh? Now count my damn scars!" I demand and she begins to count, her eyes scanning my body.


she stutters.

"Forty five scars? Caused by only you? Well, Lydia dear I want you to beg me forty five times" Something flashes in her eyes and I knew she was gonna spew a snarky comment so I shut off the oxygen supply again, turn it on, then off, on and off untill I have her gasping for dear life.

Then I stop.

"How does it feel to be in pain hmm? Does it feel as good as it Does when you inflict pain on others?"

I practically growl Beads of sweat trickle down her face as she struggles to speak.


"Oh so now you know how to beg hmm? Well too bad.. If you think I'm gonna hurt you then you're mistaken. I won't hurt you physically but emotionally. Because emotional pain takes forever to heal. I'll make sure you rot in jail but before that,I'll show you that I can be just as wicked when I want to. You pushed me to the limits Lydia. You showed no regrets, hell I was willing to forgive you but people like you deserve no forgiveness.

Read " Daddy's Girl " by the same author ( eliza )

. You made the wrong move by hurting William and his mother and making him hate me. Friends like you are the reason people die before their time these days. But trust me Lydia, after I'm done with you,you'll never underestimate a kind person. You took my kindness and silence as my weakness but that was your greatest mistake. When I'm done with you,you'll come crawling to me. I'll make you beg Lydia. I'll make you feel the pain I felt when you hurt me. I promise you!"


Episode was getting too long, had to cut it yet again here.

Please if know someone who's always quiet and reserved, never underestimate them because the day they explode... It'll be worse than earthquake.. Lol... Good morning people.

Don't forget to let me know your thoughts.

Love you.

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  • Linda Lyo picture
    Linda Lyo
    That's true...still waters run deep..bt its evil to take advantage of others because of their weakness...
  • eliza picture
    I know right @ Lydia
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    Lydia just allow envy and jealousy to blind her even on death bed, never underestimate anyone o. Eliza thumb up
  • Josephine Borngreat picture
    Josephine Borngreat
    You took my kindness for my weakness that you Eliza dear
  • eliza picture
    thanks Adeoti
  • eliza picture
    thanks Adeoti
  • eliza picture
    thanks Adeoti
  • eliza picture
    most welcome Josephine
  • belladiva54@gmail.com picture
    [email protected]
    Well said elliz.can't believe someone could be dis evil even on d sick bed.how pathetic!!!great job hun.can't wait 4 d next ep.luv u darl
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Glad she's alive death is way too easy for her.......*clasping ma hands* may long suffering fall upon her Amen.........kisses Lizzie!
  • eliza picture
    sure thing Bella hun
  • eliza picture
    lol Pamela. a big Amen to that
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    One word for Lydia: Wicked. She didn't even feel remorse. Well done Eliza
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Just imagine Lydia,, no remorse at all sef.... I'm so happy Alexa is beginning to have some senses,, Alexa should make Lydia beg ,,wicked Lydia ,wolf in sheep clothing ...... ....Ellen Eliza,u re just too much
  • Fagbire Omowunmi picture
    Fagbire Omowunmi
    Yes this is just a tip of the iceberg Lydia....... There is still more for you ...... Thanks Eliza
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    Good for Lydia, nice episode
  • eliza picture
    thanks Ronke
  • eliza picture
    thanks confy hun. kisses
  • eliza picture
    thank you too for reading Fagbire
  • eliza picture
    thanks Destiny
  • eliza picture
    thanks Destiny
  • eliza picture
    thanks Destiny
  • eliza picture
    thanks Destiny
  • Young Royalty picture
    Young Royalty
    That Lydia Of Girl Is Damn So Cruel.What A Wicked Friend Even When She Is At The Verge Of Dying She Still Thinks And Plan Evil.Thumbs Up Eliza.Next Pls.
  • eliza picture
    thanks young Royalty. I'll post the next God willing tomorrow
  • Gifty Agudjey picture
    Gifty Agudjey
    I just love Alexa's courage now,Lydia must rot in hell
  • eliza picture
    lol Gifty. she sure has to
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