When A Woman Wants.. - Episode 20

Rosa's Pov

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Francis caught her starring at him, she froze, their gazes locked for a while and then he frowned and she looked away, she had been so reckless...stupid.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
She nodded quickly and her phone rang. Seeing it was Luke gave her so much relief, best timing.
She picked.
"I think it's best you go see him"
Francis said to her as she spoke with Luke on the phone.
"Hello Luke"
"Rosa, have you been avoiding me?"
She could sense the hurt in his voice.
"Please, can I see you?" He asked again.
"Alright, where?"
Luke heaved a sigh of relief.
"I will text you the address"
"Okay, will be there in thirty"
She ended the call as a text entered her phone. She opened it and asked Francis. "Do you know Dew Villa?"
He raised a brow and nodded.
"Please can you take me there?"
"Sure. Let's go"
She grabbed her purse and stood up as Francis brought out his hand.
"After you my lady"
She smiled and took his hand and together, they walked out of the restaurant. 

His eyelids were closed against the dim light of the room. His breathing, deep and relaxed. Not a twitch, not a spasm, barely any movement of his chest rising and falling. He was sleeping peacefully; his right arm was across her chest.
She turned to the other side, gathering much of the white blanket with her to cover her almost naked body except for the loose sky-blue shirt she wore. She stood up and walked to the window. Pulling a string, the blinds drew apart and she pierced through the glassy window and looked down.
The guards were at their posts, busy gisting and laughing. She drew back the window blinds and walked back to sit at the dressing table, gazing at herself in the mirror. That was the only way she could think. 
Frank was still sleeping; she remembered how he had fallen asleep while making love to her. It was really terrible. This was the fifth time this would happen ever since they started sleeping together. 
The first time wasn't like that, even though it wasn't satisfying, she couldn't complain, she got what she wanted. She had never had sex with someone as old as Frank or as rich before so she had no choice than to not complain. Besides, during the first few weeks she spent at the mansion, John was always there to satisfy her, that limping Godzilla was really good but she put an end to it when she got Frank's proposal and John had been cold to her. The only thing she could convince Frank into doing was not to allow him to stay in the mansion with them.
It was a cruel thing, yeah, but she wouldn't allow him  address her rudely just because she stopped having sex with him. He was only a means to an end.
She craved a good sex...it had been too long she had one. She wanted a young man, full of life, fine and energetic...
Frank was old, rich and weak. He wasn't even close to satisfying her lust. It takes thirty plus minutes for her to orgasm and the highest he had gotten close for twenty minutes. She would definitely loose her mind if she gets nothing done.
She was having an event to attend tomorrow, with Francis. 
Both of them together would be a nightmare for her. What if tomorrow would be the day he has been waiting for, to finally expose her? She was really scared of the man and she would do everything to avoid going with him but she needed to be there. It was Fleeze event and every popular model and rich women of the country always aspire to be there. It had been one of her dreams to be at the event ever since she had become a model. It usually occured one time in a year and several awards would be given to different deserving women. This year she had been invited and she had been planning towards it before Francis came.
She needed to be there...
She really hoped the whole plan with Rosa would go well for her so she could be able to relax. She had been on edge ever since he stepped into the house and she had been doing everything necessary to avoid him and now. What would she do?
  Where was Rosa anyway and who was the lady that was seen with Francis at the restaurant that afternoon on the TV?
Her phone rang, distracting her from her thoughts, it was on the table and she picked it, she had told Ella to notify her once Rosa comes in. She picked it.
"Is she around?"
"Yes ma'am" Ella replied.
"Alright. Thanks."
She got into her room and put her purse on the table. She noticed the bags of clothing Francis had bought for her were packed in one corner of her bed. She smiled. He must have asked one of the ladies to put them in her room. She really hoped it wasn't Ella and Perry, else she was in a serious trouble.
Once she takes her bathe, she will try each of them to see how fitting they were, she had already tried them out when they were buying them but she still needed to do it. She couldn't remember the last time someone bought cloths for her. 
She took out her phone. She needed to text Luke that she was home. He had insisted to drive her home but she had flatly declined. She didn’t want him to know where she stayed and she needed to find a way to talk Debby out of this crazy drama. All the entire time she spent with Luke, she had been thinking about Francis and Debby. She just couldn't help it. She couldn't shake the feeling that something would happen, either good or bad. She needed to stop this on time.
Just then, the door opened, astounded, she turned around and was surprised to see Debby.
"Hi Debby"
Debby looked at her questionably from head to toe, her brows bumping together.
"You were the lady that was with Francis?"
She had no idea if it was a statement or a question but she nodded.
"I could barely recognize you" Debby continued and came closer, walking in a circle around her, looking at her from head to toe.
"Well, well, well, someone had a special treat today"
"He wanted me to look good for the camera" Rosa quickly replied.
"I understand the camera wouldn't know you are his cleaner with the way you are so beautifully dressed. I couldn’t even recognize you"
She stopped walking and stood in front of her, arms akimbo.
"So I see you have decided to do what I asked and since you had quality time together, what do you have for me?"
This was her chance to talk her out of this. 
"He has nothing against you Debby, he won't tell Frank anything. You just need to talk to him, apologise and be good to him as your family. We don't need to continue this charade..."
"Keep quiet! What are you talking about?" Debby snapped at her. "Did he tell you all this just today?"
She nodded.
"And you believed him?"
She nodded again and Debby scoffed. "How naive are you? You think he has trusted you and would just tell you everything just like that? “She snorted.”Because he took you out to make you look beautiful, you already believed he has fallen for you to tell you everything?"
Rosa remained silent as Debby continued.
"We are not done Rosa; I will tell you when we are done okay? You are just starting and for your first day, you did wonderfully. Just be more...open with him... Let him trust you...I don't care how you do it I just want to know his motive! Do you understand?"
Rosa exhaled sharply. This wasn't going as she had planned and she wanted to protest but Debby gestured to her to be quiet. Then she moved closer to her and said almost in a whisper.
"I hope you know what I meant when I said you should get close to him and remember, you are not allowed to start having any feeling that you have no business to feel. Just because you spend some time with him doesn’t mean you forget where your loyalty lies. I will be watching you" She hissed and walked out of the room.
Rosa shook her head. If she wasn't in a big trouble before. She definitely was now!

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