Working Cases - Episode 13

The Boy Who Must Not Die

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It was all so bloody obvious now that I knew.
Duncan had planned it all from the start. He’d set up his own death. No wonder the body was headless! It wasn’t his body. He had used his influence to make it look like he had been killed by Lanre Abidemi, when in fact, it was he who sent Lanre to plant the fake body, and had later disposed of him when he had been spotted by Gabe. He’d planned it all from the start . That was the part of Carpenter’s statement that wasn’t true; it hadn’t been a stranger, it had been Lanre himself. The stranger had been the guy he had murdered as his substitute.
But Gabe had seen him that day on the hill. He hadn’t been sitting with us, facing the sun. He had been slightly to the side and had gotten a perfect view of the man’s face.
I had to admire Duncan’s resourcefulness. The man had grown a goatee and given himself a scar across his eye to throw us off from his previous clean-shaven, clear face. He had managed to stay hidden in a city where everyone knew him. He had been able to orchestrate everything from the shadows.
But Gabe had seen his face. And with the knowledge that he was Duncan, came evidence of his crimes. I was no longer looking for a faceless, nameless person; I was looking for Duncan Ajayi and everything that was his. 
Gabe had been able to tie him to several other criminal activities

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. I had called to have the headless body exhumed and tested. The new round of tests revealed the body wasn’t Duncan’s. The old autopsy reports had been falsified, the mortician bribed silly. When we approached him, he spilled the beans faster than we could say ‘Jack Robinson’. He had been paid off by Lanre to pass the body off as Duncan’s.
I built up a case, one big enough to put the bastard away for life.
But the case hinged on one thing, one person, one factor—Gabe.
No one else had seen Duncan since he supposedly died. There was no other proof that he was the man behind the shadows besides Gabe’s testimony.
The reality of this weak point came to me when I talked to the Chief of Police.
He had said, “You know Gabe’s your major witness, right? You have to protect him and get him safely to court to testify. If anything happens to him, you’ve only succeeded in proving two very different things—that a man in the shadows does exist, and that the headless body found in Duncan’s apartment wasn’t his. Gabe is the only person who can link these two facts together. You need him.”
After that, I had run to the hill that overlooked the sea like a man possessed. Gabe seemed to realize the severity of the matter, because he followed me without protest. The entire police department knew about my case and that I would need to present it in federal court in three days to get a warrant and official taskforce approved to hunt down Duncan. That meant, Duncan knew too. And although, in most cases no one would ever dare hurt Gabe, everyone knew that this was an exception and that if I let my guard down for even just a second, Gabe had less than three days left to live.
Duncan was coming for him.
And I had to do all to protect him. To defeat the man in the shadows, I needed Gabe. He was the boy who must not die. Three days and five hundred miles of forest between the city and the Federal Court. And Gabe must survive every inch of it. Every. Single. Inch.    

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