Adam And Eve - Episode 2

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William Black isn't just any name,it's the name of the leader of a well known gang in the area,"THE BLACK".. precisely the gang that has been doing all the dirty work for Eve's late father, according to him,"THE BLACK" were very reliable yet heartless,they provided good info and evidence for him to win cases,and to judge some culprit,some innocent really do end up dying without the true information ,they also deal with drugs and kidnapping for random.
Eve looked at the door as it opened and her mom walked in ,she had changed to a brown velvet skirt and black polo shirt

"What do you want now? Eve questioned with untamed anger,she was tired of pretending to love people who cared less about her,she just wanted to be left alone .

"Eve!her mother called slowly ,testing the waters,she knew Eve was irrational when hurt or angry and right now she was both.

"What?she barked,glaring at the older woman who decidedly sat on her bed before saying

"Quit shouting,the earlier the better,I won't lie when I say I feel bad for your inheritance....


Eve rolled her eyes ,ready to lash out but the sad empty eyes of her mother refrained her ,at least she could tell she wasn't lying about the pity part,but still she knew her mother cared less about her.

".... there is something you have to know...

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. we don't hate's just that we were trying to protect you and it came out wrong...."
She paused, struggling on options of telling Eve or not,the secret had lived with them for so long,she wasn't even sure that Eve would believe her

"Spit it,mum,he's dead,I have enough years to hate his ghost. Eve almost shouted ,
these  was one of the things she wanted to know and her mother was just the right person to know and tell her the truth,"why was I hated in my own family or am I adopted? she watch her mother bit her lip with nervousness and she prayed in her heart that she shouldn't be an adopted child ,in as much as she disliked her family she wasn't ready to face such news.
Her mother exhaled deeply before announcing

"When you were three,you were kidnap for random...
Eve's eyes went wide in disbelief. Me? she questioned and her mother replied with a nod

"Why didn't I ever hear of it?she asked in disbelief,she was sure she had no memory of such a drastic incident.

Her mother cleared her throat"Well,your father banned us from talking about it, but I guess it's high time you know what happened to you 25yrs ago and the changes it caused...... your dad had just sentenced one of the members of the "scorpion's fraternity"to death, those nicompoops that have vanish to reappear again ,the gang kidnapped you and held for three days,and till now I wondered how you survived,....we received lots of threats and tried tracking them but they were very good at cleaning up.......very good,their plan was to trap your father and kill him,an eye for an eye.....

"So?Eve urged wanting to get to the bottom of the story, the one that would make her see sense in her life and in her father's will.

"......your dad got tired of using the force and called the big shots,"THE BLACK",only them could trace those goons and yes  it turned out fine,you were found and their leader killed but it came with a prize....from that day you were bound to them,
your father wrote his will for you out of depression and anger,he had tried to free you from that gang, but there was no reasonable excuse to save you, he even made it his dead wish but wasn't granted.......there was no excuse, with you being  a school drop out ,no job,no big name ,no husband ,with those features you became a "BLACK" to be protected and shield....".

Eve's ears burned,she shook her head as if that would wipe away all what she had heard,instead she understood her life the more,she understood why she felt hated,why she felt like an outcast because that was what she was!

She found herself seated by her father's grave,as she stared she doubted that her father even died of cancer....who knows he might have been poisoned by the fraternity nonsense....
"I'm sorry ,dad! She whispered in a dry voice,now she understood her father's anger when she had declared a no to law,the poor man had wanted her to either escape one gang or escape the two,leave the country and the silly games,but She being Eve,she had been decieve by the serpent in form of fun.   
"I'm sorry that I was so stupid and useless,yes like a moron ,.....
Tears rolled out of her eyes,she really wanted her dad to hear her being remorseful and regretting all that she did,the truancy in school, embezzlement of money using school activities,the lies,sneak outs to parties and joints,....she felt the consequences of her actions at the moment and she cried. Her father was gone ,in less than a year ,termite will infest on him.

  "Now Eve ,you have a lot of consequences to live with ,stop crying ,just live in it".
At her thought to herself,she blew her nose and wiped her tears.    
"Adieu daddy,I'll make you proud!
Then she made her way back to the house,the two sisters left were just about leaving ,they gave her a comforting smile but she couldn't return the same,hers came out like a sad wilted flower struggling not to break.

"It will be alright!her mother remarked , squeezing her arm and taking her mind of the inevitable,she just couldn't run from this one.The little time spent at the grave had made her realized that her running days were over!!!


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Read " Stephanie,the boss lady " by the same author ( Ndy Ekpo )

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