Attitude meets Arrogance - Episode 27

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Ciara's POV
My mother always told me, there is no other better feeling than that of knowing whatever happens someone got you...

She always boasted of how her marriage with my dad was the best. Although he can be a pain in the ass at times but to him his family always came first..  His wife and three daughters..

She made me crave for this thing called marriage, to look forward for the man I was destined to be with but I guess I wasn't that lucky after all...

I was a sad woman with a ring on her finger... I always thought this nonsense only existed in the soap operas where a girl marries the man she hates the most for the sake of her family until I experienced it all...It felt like my future was being foretold through them..

"If you think I am going to plead with you to eat, you are mistaken...." Jordan retorted when he got inside our room...

I will be with this man for two years and if I want to survive the horror he carries with him I need to be the mature one and remain silent...

"You know don't think just because I told Carol to be bring  the food for you that I am caring and everything . I just don't want to be seen like a horrible husband..."

I rubbed the exhaustion from my eyes and stood from the bed....

"I will take this downstairs....." I spoke in a low voice and took the tray but he grabbed it from my hand..
"What will people say??? That you are not happy

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I see what you want to do, you want my family to know the truth...Smart woman..."
I sighed heavily.

"Jordan, I don't want to argue with you. I think we have had a very rough day..."
"Then sit down and eat..."

"I am not hungry!!!...."
"If you don't eat this food, right this minute only God knows what I will do..."

I walked closer to him, no inches between us "Will you strangle me again????Force me to eat it??? Kill me???"

He remained silent and I continued...

"You are suffocating me. I hate you but I have to stay with you because of my family. But let me tell you this loud and clear, I will never ever love you...This marriage is gonna be the worst mistake you ever made.."

I turn to walk away when I hear a loud thud...The fool dropped the tray..

"You can die with hunger, I don't care!!!."He shouted..

I begin walking then he grabs my hand...

"Clean this up, you wanna make my life a living hell. I too won't spare you..."

God give me courage, please help me control my temper. Let me not say something I will regret...

I turned around and smiled mockingly, "Your threats don't work anymore...I am your wife. What do you think people will say when they find out that the husband wants to snatch his wife's ancestral land from her??? They will feel sorry for me and you will be the villain..."

I could see me tremble in rage but I didn't care. He used my weakness against me and now it was my turn. His ego and reputation...

He pushed me to the wall and pinned me there, "Dont y....." I cut him off with a rush, "Try anything stupid with me and only the heavens knows the kind of drama I will cause in this house..."

He took steps back and looked away..

"There is an extra blanket in the closet...I will sleep on the bed and you on the couch..."
"I don't think that I want even to be in this room. Just have fun, it all yours..."

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room when I bumped in Chloe and Sophie...

"Tell me it's not true???" Sophie asked jumping up and down excitedly...
"It's not true..." I replied dryly..

My day couldn't get any worse...I had to bump into the girls that I can't stand outside Jordan's room. One is a spoilt brat the other is the cousin to the devil...

"C'mon you are pulling my leg..." Sophie slapped my arm... Does she think we are buddies..
"I am not even holding your leg..."

"Stop it sister-in-law. I heard you are now Jordan's wife. I always thought you and Jaxon were a thing." She chuckled and I just looked at her expressionless.

"I didn't know you would choose the grumpy one.." She whispered and I rolled my eyes away..

"Sophie, I need to go. Can I?????" She nodded paving way for me..  All along when Sophie was talking to me, Chloe was looking at me with murderous eyes...

When I walked past her, I winked just to get on her nerves...

My first stop was at the kitchen where I found  Jaxon singing making a milk shake..

"Hey..." He answered not even looking at me..

"The milkshake looks good..." I tried to start a conversation with him.
"I make good milkshakes."

"Can I have some???" I asked walking to where he was standing... When I saw him shirtless in an apron, I felt like I was floating in the air like midnight smoke...Every passing day, I was falling more and more in love with him..

"You got married today. Shouldn't you be beside your husband???" The issue I was trying to avoid, he just slapped it on my face.
"He is tired and I am thirsty..."
"He also makes good milkshakes..."
I felt like he was been sarcastic...

"Jaxon," I turned him around to face me," We will be living in the same house. Can we atleast act normal???"
"I am normal." He forced a smile, served the milkshake in two glasses and gave me one..

"Thank you.." I sipped, "Wow, it's very sweet..."

He smiled and walked past me but I held his wrist, "Don't leave, I need a hug right now..."

He just stood there silent.

"Jaxon I want to be in those arms so bad.. I want you to kiss me on the forehead and tell me everything will be alright... I felt tears on my eyes," I can't do this, I can't keep up...

He twisted his wrist from my grip and I had no choice but to let him go...

"What happened to you being there for me ???You said you would always be by my side..." I whispered. But still he remained silent, drinking his milkshake..

"All those are memories, you should forget about me.." He replied boldly.

I gathered the courage and turned to face him. He was acting all cold but in his eyes he looked worried about me. I know he also wanted me as much as I wanted him...

"Don't you love me anymore???" I stuttered and he looked away...
"My love you are here, I have been looking everywhere for you..." My good for nothing husband butted in...

"Thanks for the milkshake..." I told Jaxon, placed the remaining content on the counter and left the kitchen..

Jordan's POV
I won. I told you that by hook or crook Ciara was going to be my wife..

I got married in the worst possible way that I can never wish the world to know about it..

We would have had a glamorous wedding if I wasn't scared about the lust Ciara felt for my brother...With that lust she was dangerous and that's why I had to act fast..

It was like fifteen minutes past ten when she left our room...Was she angry that I told her to sleep on the couch??? But this is my bed and she is the guest...

Plus we aren't even in love , she is like in the 'somebody that I know' zone.. And people in those zones don't deserve special treatment...

I tried ignoring the fact that she wasn't in the room but I was restless...What if she went into Jaxon's room and seduced him??? What if she run away??? What if she told on me???

With the crazy thoughts in my mind, I ran out of my room into Jaxon's room without knocking and they weren't there.

Read " Binded by friendship " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

. That's how paranoid I was becoming by the minute.

Like a mad man I ran downstairs and spotted them in the kitchen. Beside him she looked fragile, like a scared cat, she seemed like she craved for love but Jaxon looked unbothered.

Maybe was because he saw me or he genuinely just found her irritating...

I felt my heart drop in my stomach, anger raising up my temples but I chose to act all cool...
She was my wife and needed to respect boundaries... I have a reputation to uphold...

"Baby, you are here. I have been looking for you everywhere..." I faked a concern and she didn't bother faking her love...She just rubbed the coldness on my face...

She was gonna get it from me when I get into our room...

When she left, Jaxon just stood there silently playing with the glass...

"She likes you..." I broke the silence...
"She is not my type...." He answered coldly not looking at me...

"But you two are close right???" I don't know why I couldn't stop interrogating him..
"Yeah, designer and employer relationship..."

I felt stupid but I needed clarity. I couldn't sleep with a guilty conscience of knowing he also felt the same and I snatched her away...

"Some wine???" I asked and he shook his head.
"So you don't like her???"

Thanks goodness Mason arrived and neutralised the tensed atmosphere...

"My married brother and the bachelor..."He teased...
"Shouldn't you be making love to your wife???" He wiggled his eyebrows and I gave him a straight face to hide my embarrassment. How could I tell him, we are not even acquaintances.

"She is tired..."
"But you should be beside her,wrapping her in your arms..."
"Jaxon, when will you get married???" I changed the topic but Mason wasn't ready to give up...

He placed his hand on my shoulder,"Bro, we dared you to get her in two weeks and in three weeks you married her..Nigga you are the master.Right Jaxon???"
He just nodded. I had even forgotten about the stupid dare...

"Are you okay brother???" Mason asked him and he just smiled...

Every night when we came together, we could cook, drink and talk about women but today something had changed...

"So what are we cooking????" Mason asked taking out the cooking pans..
"You guys go ahead, I am tired and tomorrow I have rehearsals..." He walked out on us something he never did before..

"What's with him???" Mason asked and I shrugged.
"Truth be told bro, I thought Jaxon and Ciara would be together not you two but who am I to go against destiny???"

His words made my body shrink in jealousy. I didn't want anyone thinking i made the wrong choice because Jordan Marcias is always right..

"I will also got to bed. My wife must be waiting..." I lied..
"Let me go have some drinks,mine is in a bad mood..." He retorted and I couldn't help but laugh. In reality it was the story of my life..

The first day as a couple and they are already avoiding each other. How long can they keep up with the lie???How long can Jaxon act all cool???More drama only in Attitude meets arrogance..

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  • Jennifer Aboagyewaa picture
    Jennifer Aboagyewaa
    Surely Jaxon is not stupid he must sense something is off with this quick marriage. How can one be with you and the next minute mar y you big brother she has never been cordial with and never made secret of it? Let Jordan suffer in his own arrogant stupidity. He deserves the heartache bed he has laid for himself. I am worried for Jaxon and hope he pulls through. As for Clara if she was genuinely into Jaxon she should have been brave enough to tell him about everything and not crumpled and succumb to the pressure. I can't wait to o find out what next.
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Jennifer more drama to come
  • Maame Konadu Fredua picture
  • Shirley Demi picture
    Shirley Demi
    Well good story,jaxon sorry abt him but I know attitude meets arrogance is a story abt her and Jordan bcs of the introduction
  • Thomas Camp picture
    Thomas Camp
    Poor Ciara. I pity her
  • Bubbles picture
    I can't wait for the drama to unfold
  • Amina Onaghise picture
    Amina Onaghise
    oh can't wait, can't wait, Pls bring it on . happy New Year guys......
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    I won't disappoint my dears
  • Rufai onyinioza simbiyat picture
    Rufai onyinioza simbiyat
    fideh make Jordan realize someone can love again he is only hurt because what happen to him in past that is y he is cold and arrogant to everyone make him believe people can love again make him and ciara to fall in love cos is both of them are the main character
  • Maame Konadu Fredua picture
    Maame Konadu Fredua
    That's ma point @Rufai...the title goes with both Jordan and ciara..and there is also got me twisted and confused a bit
  • Sanusi Khadijat picture
    Sanusi Khadijat
    I really love dust book Jordan is Jst Arrogant and cold based on what happens to him in de pass.and he is lonely but he doesn't agrees to it.tanks Fideh nice story
  • Rufai onyinioza simbiyat picture
    Rufai onyinioza simbiyat
    fredua that's it Jordan think all girls are the same and Ciara think he is arrogant but she never knew what he has gone through that make him become arrogant and cold she need to figure it out d only punishment Jordan has is for forcing ciara into marriage nothing else I love Jordan in particular
  • Tobinna picture
    Ciara, your stupidity is legendary.. anyways this your case can only happen in Kenya.. I trust naija babes
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Tobinna all African ladies be same now
  • Ucheoma Rufus picture
    Ucheoma Rufus
    But he chose the wrong woman to venge his anger on, why not look for a desparado instead of tormenting and innocent person. I have Jordan
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