Beyond captivating - Episode 15

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Lucas POV:


I clenched my teeth against the surge of pure anger before shouting into airs

"You two taunter's will you just shut the fuck...."

The remaining words got cut in my throat when I angled my head side ways only to realise jack and Elliot bass laugh was just a little higher

they were all in fact laughing at me

including my own mum ..

Goshhh What if she'd ran me down ,
we are talking about horror here,,, she could do any damn thing

Oh God!!!  my hands went straight to my face,,
what kind of bad luck has been coming my way lately ...

I  dropped my hands and there
I saw queen at a farther direction ...
While two or three doctors help in supporting the injured guys into the ambulance ...

I bared my teeth in the parody of fear when the flash back came ,,
the way Zack  flew into airs with just one blow ,, the way she hit her feet and flew towards the guys like some spider ,,,,the ways some of the guys stare at her with so much fear ,, how she splashed blood out of their mouth in macabre polka dots and
The way she twisted that rope ,, where does she gets so much strength from...


I stopped while i ruthlessly check the horrific tremors shuddering through me.
..... i turn very slowly and  lifted my gaze towards her direction when I noticed she was staring at me through the glass

Instantly a pounding began going on somewhere behind my ears I had to press my lips together to swallow the hunk  that began to form a clot in my throat..

Yet I couldn't stop the banging or the tremor that rattled through my body...


I shuddered almost back fleeting off the bonnet at the laugh that suddenly rolled out of her lips

My God...

I hurriedly leapt unto my foot, nearly falling as I raced towards my mums direction,


I was panting hard when I hold her shoulder for support .

"Lucas,calm down"

I opened my lips slightly while I sent her a half tired and half about to die stare

"Mum, I can't calm down ....I can't ...
please I beg of you in the name of Christ ,,I can't go with that horror gal...."

I gestured a finger towards her direction

"That girl is nothing but horror mum,
Thought you hired her ....must she go with me"

"Locust beans I heard that ,, am not a girl, at least you are not blind you should know the different between a woman and a girl " she called out

Jack and Elliot kind of taunting laugh rant once more through the air ..

Did she....did she ...
Did she just try to say it indirectly that am blind...

And that kinda irritating name locust beans for a whole me Lucas Tyson ..
What the hell is she??? Oh my....

I glanced at her direction with a straight brows pulling together in a frown ,,I opened my lips repeatedly but damn i couldn't say a word

Am finished!!

Just look at the way she sits like she own the car..that's my car for heaven sake ....

I arched my brows towards my friends while I boiled over with rage

Nigel and tom were also seen holding their stomach while they laugh along with the two taunter's ....

Gosh what has this horror girl turn my friends into ,, especially Nigel who hardly laugh to the most funniest joke ...look at him

"What funny huh
, you guys are suppose to be my friends for  heaven sake ,,you are suppose to be helping me bundle her out of my car and not laugh like a dog "

I sneer loudly at them ....

Irritation made me close my eyes a bit ,

Lucas just breath in and out ...

i took a deep breath and glanced back at my mum who was also trying to hold in her laugh ...

"Mum" I spoke softly this time ...

"Mum see am sorry ,,am sorry okay
I know i shouldn't have try to escape like that , if you can't trust me enough to drive myself home ,,let me go along with you ...the limo is spacious enough ..."

Her mouth twisted in a grim smile...
She narrowed her eyes up at my pleading eyes before glancing towards my friends ...


"Yes ma'am "

"Come on let's go"

My breath instantly left me in a gust

"Where , where where" I raced along with her ....

"Mum you can't leave me here please,,"

"Lucas ,,, if you do not wanna walk , just go get into the Car already , you can see the weather has changed "
she said while she walked towards her limo

"Unbelievable, mum at least give me my phone, I wanna make a call "
I raced along ...

When she slammed the door on my face heat drifted through me as the core of it curl like a fist In the pit of my belly

I raced towards Nigel this time ...


"Man am sorry ,,.."


"Man ,, she's just a woman ,,not a vampire"

Did tom just said that horror is just a woman..

I dare not call the two taunter's who were still grinning like a whore

I  propped my left hand on my hips while I use the other to racked through my hairs ...

I can't believe what just happened,, did they just left me alone with .....,, horror

My head snapped up as I studied the darkening sky,
where the hell has the sun gone to

What the hell

I glanced at my wrist watch only to realise its almost 2.o clock.

"Must it has to rain , today of all day,"

I turn only to see her zoomed my car forth ...i felt panic in my throat as she packed beside me ...

"Hey am ready to go  ,you getting in or not"

Instantly I crave the ground to swallow me up ..
gosh I must think of something to lure her out of my car ..

"I'll rather die than leave with you ,, don't you get it"

She roll her eyes

"Lucas don't be stubborn ...look at the sky ,you can't stay here all alone"

"Now you know how to call my name,
You can leave with the car for all i care am staying"

The idea came up ...yes Lucas get it done...

"Die out in the rain then " she shouted

I moved backwards and hit my two legs to make it looked as if I fell ...

And when  I went right down ...I saw her racing towards me ..

A wicked smile curled at the corner of my lips

Perfect plan Lucas ...

You got the strength then I gat the  brain

Silvia POV:

I hit him...

I think am doing a great job...

Locust beans,, perfect name ,, that's what he gets for calling me a saliva ....

I watch him raced along with his mum and friends,, I just cant help but mused to myself..

Look at him,
I glanced at the front mirror and touched my face slightly..
Am I really that horror,, of course not ...
He's nothing but a baby ,,,as big as he is
This guy is unbelievable..

I rested my headback on the seat while I wait

The whole car smells of him, I picked up a face towel that was neatly folded and placed in front of the car player ...

I stylishly smell it and smile ...

Not bad,, he smells nice ...

What's wrong with you Silvia you hate men remember

I hissed at my thought yes i hate men at least if I see a very good looking one I can admire him right

But why do I keep seeing Jamie in him,
The thought of him being Jamie's father made my stomach shun...

I was blinking rapidly now
No it can't be ,,he cannot just possibly rape someone and not remember right..

Yea its not possible..

Get the thought away right now before it could strike you

I bit my lower lips and stare sideways at his handsome form once more ,
One of his hands propped on his hip and the other racking his hair ..


All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. If I told the girls that am with him right now ,,, they would have possibly ran out here with their heads not caring whether its about to rain or not ...

Gosh ,

I sat still for a moment just watching him

suddenly the

Thunder rumbled a low warming in the distance as the flash of lightening forked out of the darkening clouds

Damn !!

A sense of frustration ballooned inside me at his stubbornness
Is he really planning on walking home for real...

Gosh it would start raining in the next ten minutes ,,
What about my allergy to rain

I need to get us both out of here
I start the engine and zoomed forth.

Slowly packing beside him,, I call out to him

"Hey am ready to go  ,you getting in or not"

I felt his death stare on me

"I'll rather die than leave with you ,, don't you get it"

I roll up my eyes ,,

Gosh this guy needs some beatings

"Lucas don't be stubborn ...look at the sky ,you can't stay here all alone"

"Now you know how to call my name,
You can leave with the car for all i care am staying"

Anger boiled in me at his childishness...
I pressed a button and waited calmly as the car roof covered back...

"Die out in the rain then " i shouted

I was about zooming out when I heard his painful groan...

My heart skipped in horror ...


I hurriedly raced out and towards his direction ...

"Lucas are you okay"

I bent towards him,,suddenly an unexpected hard blow landed on my cheek ..


"God"I drawled painfully

I hit on the ground, while I hold on to my bruised cheek ...
The next I heard was his laugh

" hey horror"

I struggled painfully and stare back at him ,his hands was on the steering as he blurted out the words

" That's what you get for making me a laughing stock ,,
that's what you get for calling a whole me Lucas Tyson,,,,locust Beans ,
Are you kidding me,,,
that's what you get for beating up my guys ,you think you are some sort of hero right ...
Am not sure you are gonna get a taxi with this kind of weather  "

He stare up at the now about to explode sky and gave a pitiful grin

"Anyways,,Enjoy the rain, horror"

He laughed out before zooming right out...

I sat there staring at the car as it  zoomed off ...

"Am allergy to rain water"
I wanted to say but what difference does it make

That's what I get for trying to be nice

When will I accept no place in my heart is meant for men,....
Yet I was busy admiring his looks and loving the way he smells ..

I got what I deserve

I watch as the rain started to fall in heavy drops ...
There was in fact no escaping area ...
Fear sprang up inside me while I spurt through the remaining energy I had left
I forced myself up like a weak cat in a sand bag....
my eyes were now red and watery..

I realise I was alone when my  gaze drifted  around the open field .

"I must call mum,,no Celine"

I tapped on my pocket only to realise I left my phone back in his car

Gosh , I hate you Lucas ,,, I hate you...

I covered my head with my hands before running towards a direction ..
This time I was drenched , and my body has started to ache and itch with the water ..
I pull of my jacket and bent at the side of a pole  ...I coved my jacket on my face while the rain slapped more of its form on the jacket  ..

My teeth was indeed hammering against each other ,,I was freaking freezing ..

Some body help!!!....I cry softly

Lucas POV:

That's what she deserves for turning me into a laughing stock,,


I watch as the rain slapped its heavy form on the glass while i use the car wiper to clear the water off...

But what kind of afternoon rain is this??
I was about turning on the car player to start shaking my head to my victory when I sighted her phone...

I frowned
She left her phone...

I turn and crossed a old steel bridge leading into town ...
After 10minutes drive
I sighted a field  ahead and pulled into the park...

The rain keeps slamming more of its form on the roof and there guilt starts to pitch me in the guts

I hope she's okay out there ...??

For a Moment I thought of going after her but decided to go against it ....

"What if she beats me up and left me in the rain instead.."

I picked her phone up and tapped on it ...
She and her son was seen on screen saver ..
I smile a little at the boy's cute little face ...
His dad must be very good looking..

I slid on it only to realise she wasn't using a password...

What kind of human being is she,,, goshh!!!!
I tapped on the photos and glaced through ...

"Mmm she isn't bad looking herself,,"
Her child is just a little extra toned ,,"

"This must be her mum,,nice one"

I slide through
"This one is younger...possibly a younger brother "


"Her friends maybe ,, Gosh the girls are hot ,, look at their fat ass ,,gosh"

Four gals in shorts struck their bums out while she stood beside them like a woman robot ....

I roll up my eyes ...

"Always so strict "

More of her friends pictures made me laugh ....

"God this girls are crazy"...
And when I sighted the four in bikinis ,,
I had to off the phone light

"I can't keep watching this ,"

"Those girls aren't possibly her friends right ,, damn!!!!!
the mere sight of them clearly states the opposite"

I turn on the phone light and touched them on the phone ...

"Goshh they are so smooth and beautiful"

I glanced through and saw a video of her ..

I played the video...

She was training with a spare ....
Gosh what kind of human being is this ..
Fear made me slide through it hurriedly until I get to the end...

I stare into space

"How come !!!!not even a single pictures of a man ,isn't she married ,,"

I glanced at my wrist watch

"Damn its 4:o clock already"

I stare out to the sky
When I realised the rain isn't rounding up I cut on the drive and drove right out ....

The faces that welcomed me almost melted my form

"Where is Silvia" mum raced towards me like a vampire...

I wipe the water on my hair while I ignored my friends stare

"You hired her mum,, you should know"

"Lucas "

" OK fine mum, since you refused to let me go with you guys ,, I tricked her out of the car and left her there"

Jack and Nigel raced towards me all ready to pounce their fist on my face ....

"How can you leave a woman in this kind of weather,, the news said its gonna stay this way till dawn..

I stared surprisingly at the anger that fled in their eyes,

" she is a big girl she would sort herself out"

With a tormented cry mum struck out at me ,,, her fist drumming against my chest ,,slapping at me ,,

"I called her home address,, her mum is Freaky worried ,, she's allergic to rain water "

She pushed me hard ...

"You useless and heartless boy ,, get out and get her here ,,if anything happens to her ,,,
After i kill you ,am gonna kill my self ," she shouted

''Mum listen, I didn't know she ....."

"Damn you Lucas , just get out "

"Am sorry mum"

" are you deaf,, get out to that rain right now ," her screams almost blocked my ears

Anxiety made me slicked my hands over my hair,,,
I stared back at my friends whose flaming eyes were on me ...

"You are always a jerk when it comes to women Lucas, you are such a freak "
Nigel shouted ...

"What the hell are you waiting for" tom raced towards me ...

"You want her to die out there  so you could spend the rest of your life in jail huh"

"I'll go with him"  Elliot offered...

"No Elliot ,let him go ,,its high time he stops being a spoilt brat" mum said ..

When another thunder rumbled ,,

I pitched the bridge of my nose at thought of her been alone out there ...

I turn on my heels ,,and raced towards my car ...

With a pounding heart I cut on the ignition and zoomed out like a person whose world is about crashing right before him....


Guys don't forget to like rate and comments....

Thanks lots of love ....

Me I want to follow Lucas  oooo...

Comma look for me if I didn't come back quick

Let me comma start going ...

. .

Read " Cold But Charming " by the same author ( Op. Amina )

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  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    Locust beans u are in trouble for putting Sylvia in d rain, I want to follow him too to save her I just hope she's there and safe. First to comment thanks Amina
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    This Locust beans, pray nothing happens to Silvia, cos I will be showing u the real Kungfu..Whaaaat!!!who treats a lady dat way. @Amina,since u will be following dat Locust beans, disturb him to drive fast ooo, if possible he shud disobey d traffic lights
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    I just hope Sylvia is fine....
  • Loveth Dennis picture
    Loveth Dennis
    Hmn it about that time
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Adeoti thanks know say the guy called locust beans him be chicken .... Let's see how it goes hope you read further... Lol
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Thumbs to you at confidence .... Person wey never save himself won go save someone .... Lol Let's see how it goes in the next episode... Thanks for the comment
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Maureen thumbs ,, thanks for the comment... Hope you read further
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @loveth thanks for the comment
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    Locust beans, you are in trouble.If anything happens to Silvia. Amina don't go yet, come and continue. Well done
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Amina pls another episode today to kill the suspense, how can he leave our miss kunfu in the rain? Hope nothing happens to her else Locust is damn dead
  • Young Royalty picture
    Young Royalty
    lucas you de in big trouble,if anything do my kungfu teacher i swear on be only locust beans you go bear,pls amina disturb lucas to drive faster than how flash would have ran.
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Eagerly waiting for d next episode dear
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Wao Maureen ,, I just came online today ....thanks I already uploaded another one ....
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Thanks for the comments guys....
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Jerk ass.....can't wait till Silvia starts tormenting him!
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Lol @pamela ,,,,seriously.. Thanks for the comment
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    U welcome boo
  • Abdulsalam Aisha picture
    Abdulsalam Aisha
    Lucasss will surely pay for this, so angry now
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Thank you Aisha love
  • Mercy Ezigbo picture
    Mercy Ezigbo
    You are very good writer, i couldn't even concentrate on lunch bcos of this story, lol.
  • Lo is picture
    Lo is
    Let x Silvia die...4 treating my Lucas like tattt...he should not pick her oo
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