Beyond captivating - Episode 38

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Celine POV:

"Celineeee they left already  okay ..." Mum called

I threw the blanket aside gather my robe around me before making my way out of my room tiredly ....
Swollen eyes, dull face and aching bone
Was the definition of me right now
I realise mum was trying to speak but if only I could wait to hear whatever she wanted to say ...

I've never been so wretched up in my entire life ..
Every cover i turn ,,my heart keeps aching at the thoughts of Nigel
Of course I came back home last night after making up my mind ,,

Although it took several hours to battle with my mind and soul but at the end of it all...I let my possible revenge on Lucas get behind me .
i angrily tore all of his pictures burned everyone of it before placing the house on sale ...
I called few estate manager who guarantee the sales in two weeks time..
The house was filled with nothing but illusions ,,Lucas was definitely not meant for me and faith had decided that long ago and still made it all glaring even up to the present  ..he was part of my past , and can never be my future ...
I clear away my tears and decided to go after my love and life instead but seems I got there too late  ...

And that had definitely prompt to my unending tears
I wish i had put him first before Lucas,, i could still see those hurting lmage of his eye in my mind and can't stop but wonder what he might be doing or where he might be ... 
There was just so much I wanted to tell him,, that I loved him  ,that I was sorry for everything ..that I was ready to tell him every single truth about me ...

To tell him how much I miss him ....
How much I miss his smell, his smile his lips pelting against mine ,,
His touches of love making , his eyes ,,his soft voice....the feeling of him inside of me ...
His actions made me realise who was really in my heart , it was him
If he hadn't left me.... I was so sure i would never have  realised how much I love him so much

All he ever does was put me first in everything he does ,,after being there for me , he was even ready to help me revenge on Lucas...but yet I end up hurting him...
Am a bitch truly I am...
Guess I should be satisfied now that
I wasn't able to get through to him anymore ,,

I glanced around the kitchen before walking tiredly towards the refrigerator...I stare out the window as friends hurriedly bounce into a taxi....
Silvia invited them over to Lucas , they seems so exited,, mtchii if only I could rewind time maybe I would have gotten so exited like they were...
I avoided them knowingly cause I don't wanna keep pretending...
Showing off so happy when I knew with in me that everything was so wrong ...

I clear the tears in my eyes before shaking my head
I don't think I am bold enough to face Silvia....
She trusted me as her best friend ,,yet I betrayed her ,,i sold her ,,how was I even able to live with that through this years least she wasn't as greedy as I was she barely spend a day in that house and there she is inviting her friends over ...
What a free minded soul 

I brought out a lemonade ,,I was taking a sip when my mum came into the kitchen....

" I'm worried about you Celine,, you came back home so broke last night ,, and why are you avoiding your friends, is everything good"

I let my lemonade slide down my throat before answering

"Yes mum, we are ,, I just needed a break from them " I said weakly

"But what's wrong , your eyes is all swollen ,, did you break up with your boyfriend"

I nodded

"What went wrong ,," she seems anxious but her voice was soft and tender ...

"He broke your heart"

"No mum" there before I realise it I started crying like a kid ...

"I broke his heart instead mum,,all he did was love me mum,,all he did was stand by me , but I betrayed him by falling in love with his friend and yet telling him right to his face "

She drew me closer and patted my arms in silent sympathy ...

"I never knew how much i love him until now mum,,
I never knew how much I love him until he left..

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. his contacts wasnt even going again, his apartment was strictly locked ,, I don't know where else to find Nigel mum ,, I miss him so much " I cry harder

"Its okay darling ,,you are gonna be fine"

"I don't think so mum,,I am so ashamed of myself right now " I cry harder ....

"Sorry dear ...... I wanted to tell you later but think this is the right time,, JCS company called ,,your interview is in a week time ,,so that tells ,,,,you need to move on Celine ..."

"I'm not moving on without Nigel mum, " when the realisation on where he might be struck me I cleared the tears in my eyes before narrowing my eyes at my mum..

"How could I have been so stupid not to realise ,"

"Realise What " she asked ...

"He once mentioned having a villa in Swaziland where he most time went if he wanted to be alone .. God that was it"

"I'm going after my love mum, am catching a flight " I said hurriedly
before racing into my room ..

"What if he's not there Celine, and how are you gonna trace the villa  ,,you've got to calm down" mum called

"Wait for me my love ,, am coming"
I whispered before throwing  few of my cloths into a small briefcase ...

Authors POV :

Nigel Norman had taken the earliest flight and arrive at Swaziland to his private villa around ten in the morning ....
He let himself inside tossed the keys on the end table and stroll aimlessly through his living room while rubbing the back of his neck ...
The night before had certainly taken an unexpected turn ...
He had the opportunity of destroying Lucas so he could end up being the sole heir of the Tyson's but in another minute found himself rejecting the idea

...yes he loved Celine well enough but it seems she's someone who doesn't really wanted to be loved..and he Nigel wasn't ready to hurt his best friend ..not for any position or for a woman ...
He had thought about it over and all over again but seems the goodness in his heart was much more stronger than the monster part in him ...

He was man with humor and this special kind of softness he himself  hated so much ...but it was part of his being and he had to accept it whether he likes it or not ...

     Celine had done great job of  leading him to the point of no return and then call it quits ..she wanted that so much and he was glad he was strong enough to give it to her ...after all he was a very good looking man and he could get as much as plenty women he so wanted out there ...
Naturally he'd been frustrated ,, internally he was boiling with rage and externally he just wanted to be alone ..

It had taken ten minutes under an ice cold shower to cool his head so he could concentrate on getting Celine out of his head and focus on finding out whomever was after his kid brothers life..

Possibly he can't be Celine ,,quite all right he took the letter the intruder left last night , but after getting to the finally decision in his mind ,, he was about throwing the letter back outside when he heard the sounds of some heavy boot matching to his entrance ,,
Almost quietly ,,he tiptoed and found himself opening the under ground passage right beside his dinning table and hiding himself inside ...
Whomever the intruder was ,, how was he to know but he heard the conversation the intruder made quite alright...
After searching aimlessly seems when the intruder wasn't able to find Nigel he dialed a number 

"Hello boss can't believe i wasn't able to find that Nigel guy inside ,it was like he disappeared into thin air "

"Are you sure he took the letter in" the thick voice behind the loudspeaker said ..

"Of course he did boss and I've searched every corner of this damn apartment he isn't in.."

"The bastard fled , gosh I thought he could help me in luring his dad back to Capetown, no body knows the where about of his shares and documents ,,not even his wife"

"What about his lawyer boss"

The deep voice laughed ...

"Lawyer ,that man is so secretive he's exactly like that nigel
but since you can't find him you know who the next target would be..."

"Thought you've been working through the months on hiding an hard drugs to tarnish the company image boss"

"Too many tight security hunter,, the company was built in a kind of way ..if the four walls noticed any kinds of strange stuff ,, it would shoot out a laser and that would cause for an alarm and am not ready to get caught ...
Since every possible ways are not working the next target is to kill Lucas and sent him to the exact place he sent my sister that was the reason why I came back to cape town at the first place ...
Revenge ......hahahahaha" the thick voice laughed .."

"Sure boss"

"But that karate girl is still all over him, am watching their every movement though ,, I'll be the one to handle her myself your own target should be on Lucas ,,"

"If its time to attack boss ,, am always around "

"I trust you with your gun hunter, I'll get to you later ,,you can go home"

"Alright boss"
The intruder searched around once more before racing out of Nigel's apartment.  

Breathless Nigel not wanting to believe all he heard came out of the underground , packed few of his cloths ,, put a lock on the door and went to an hotel to spent the night before booking the earliest flight down to Swaziland ..

He was worried to the throat on who might be after Lucas life ...although Lucas had lived a very bad past but whom or whom it might be ,he has no single idea...

on the other part of his heart he found himself missing Celine so much ...he wasn't even sure if the girl had used a charm on him despite all she'd done ...he ignored his thoughts picked up his phone and quickly dialed a number ...

"Hi is this private investigator Mr Alan ,,"

"Yes , how may I help you "

"This is Nigel Norman"

"Oh Mr Norman what's the urgent call for sir"

"Its something serious and urgent Mr Alan ,, I want you to start with the process immediately ,some one is after Lucas Tyson's life ,"


"Yes Mr Alan "

After Nigel explain all his encounter last night to Mr Alan the private investigator gave his reply

"Alright Mr Norman ,,"

"Okay if possible get one of your assistant to the Tyson's company ,,one to the mansion and one for Lucas himself"

"Don't worry Mr Nigel , we'll do our job perfectly "

"I trust you ,, but whomever the person was let me know his plans ,,keep updating me and if you realise the FBI attention is needed at that moment just act fast okay "

"Alright sir"

After the call ended Nigel was seen alone with his thought ,, cursing himself for trying to hurt Lucas at the beginning of it all ...
Lucas might be a jerk but he just doesn't deserve to die now ...

To keyed himself to sleep ,he turn on the TV , grab his phone and rested his head back on the sofa ,, he was going through his Instagram and was surprise when he saw what the trending updates was all about , Lucas lips was  locked intently an a lady's lips

"My god " he gasped out not believing what he saw one thing Lucas would never do was kiss a woman in public and here he was not even minding if the picture of it was taken or not

"What's wrong with this guy ,," definitely the lady he kissed wasn't Celine ,,he zoom the page only to realise it was Celine friend ,,Silvia ...

He was debating on what was really wrong with Lucas head when his phone rang ,  it was Jackson ,  in the next moment he found himself laughing when his friend told him everything ...

"Are you kidding me. A whole Lucas Tyson ,  an international playboy crying for a woman , impossible "
He shouted...

"Jackson that guy head needs to be checked " he laughed more

The conversation on making jest on Lucas went on for a while after the call ended he dropped his phone and went on smiling to himself ...he was about resting his head on the sofa when the door bell chimed long and loud..

"What the hell" he muttered glancing at his watch ,, people generally didn't make social calls this time of the morning and surely his villa was out of  bound for those kind of people ..

His peep hole revealed a woman standing on the other side of the door,,
He thought he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Celine ,,
Of course she can't be the one ,,the thought of killing her straight out went to his head...
He opened the door with a frown on his face surprised to see her standing and staring at him with a big bag eyes ...there it occurred to him that she'd crying possibly because of Lucas and not cant be for him

"If I don't have him ,,no one one will" he recalled the statement she made yesterday and immediately felt his stomach boil with rage

Almost immediately Celine fell down on her kneels and wept but shuddered with fear when she heard the loud scowl of Nigel

"What do you want with me Celine ,, what is it you want again,, " he shouted more

"Just get away from me ,, I don't wanna see you ,, never again"

"Nigel please,,I never realise how much I loved you until you left" Celine cried moving to hold one of his legs ,, boiling more in rage Nigel kicked her hands away and there she was rolling off the entrance step

"Get away from me Celine , don't you get it "

Blood was sliding out of Celine fore head , ankle, kneel and nose as she crawl in on herself with all teary eyes

"Nigel please , I love you please" she said weakly "

Without caring on how wounded she was Nigel glared at her irritatedly before slamming his door right behind him...

A/n guys attention , attention ooo

Despite everything do you think Nigel should accept Celine back ...???

Does Celine really deserves a second chance from Nigel ....???

Oh no have offended you guys ooo especially akos ...
Am truly sorry God knows my heart ooo I was truly intending on updating double episode ,, but something I didn't expect came in the way so I wasn't chanced to type....

Next episode ....let's go back to our heroes ooo lol don scatter their head finish ...

Coming up tonight love ya guys ....

Don't forget to like ,rate and comments...

Thanks lots of love..

Ya girl dey holla

. .

Read " Her Secret Lover " by the same author ( Op. Amina )

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  • Latifah Habib picture
    Latifah Habib
    Nyc one dear...evry1 deserves a second gud she realised her mistake...I hope Nigel 4gives her.
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    I felt for Celine, but she deserved a second change. Infact Nigel really loves her. He should forgive her. Back to our heroes jo
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    *Chance not change
  • lydy mbuh picture
  • lydy mbuh picture
    lydy mbuh
    yeah Amina, Celine deserves a second chance let Nigel rescue her before its too late, thumbs up dearest
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    He should just forgive her and accept her back she has learn her mistake
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    Well everyone deserves a second chance. Pls no harm should come to Lucas cos of Sylvia she deserves happiness at least. Amina thanks waiting seriously for anoda episode
  • Akos Geyevu picture
    Akos Geyevu
    I think he should give her another chance don't promise again
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    yeeeesssd,,Nigel,pls for my sake forgive Celine, I know she is mumu but just accept her.... I'm so happy they've both realized dia mistakes and none of dem is after Lucas's life again... now the question is WHO THE HELL IS THAT BOSS THAT WANNA HURT LUCAS AND SYLVIA????hmmmm,,,more episode oooooooooo biko,ejo,pls
  • Loveth Dennis picture
    Loveth Dennis
    She deserve a second wat she felt before wasn't love but hallucinations thinking it will be a perfect ending between her and Lucas after sleeping with her
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Honestly, u won't value what u have till u loose it... Nigel should accept her back, but she needs to suffer more for her to value him more... Who could be dis boss man? Nice one darling! Keep rolling! More ink to ur Biro dear
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Keep it rolling in dear
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Everyone needs a second chance in their life at a point in time, Nigel pls forgive and take her back
  • Fagbire Omowunmi picture
    Fagbire Omowunmi
    A second chance is not too much.... Everyone makes mistakes and Celine already realized hers ..... Nigel should not lose her because of rage.... #who da hell iz da boss?¿¿!
  • Ogochukwu Ejike picture
    Ogochukwu Ejike
    Celine deserves a second chance,Nigel should forgive her. I think the boss man is a brother to the girl that Lucas got pregnant and ask her to abort it n she later died.
  • picture
    [email protected]
    Am now feeling sad 4 celine.nigel pls take her back.kudos amina
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Why not I mean they love each other,so Lucas is being punished for his father's sins!
  • Chris Love picture
    Chris Love
    Thank God they changed their dark mind. At least lucas is safe
  • Akos Geyevu picture
    Akos Geyevu
    Amina please dis ur promise n failed don't send it's to ur husby's hse oooo else u will smell pepper
  • Uwem Udoh picture
    Uwem Udoh
    Everyone deserves a second chance,Nigel needs to forgive her since she has realized her for the boss n his agent, they better not hurt my heroes oo...
  • Rasheed picture
    Kindly waiting for another episode
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Love you @raheed it's been posted.. Thanks @uwen war ooo cos that guy no won gree at all ...thanks dearie
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Hahahaha akos sincerely I really wish to see you in person ehn ...okay thank you .... Let me take it ooo cause am already old enough to go self ... Lolzzzz I don't laugh tire here .... Akosss ooo
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @pamela love you, thanks for the comment self dey pity aunty Celine die ooo...... @chris love don't mind them jare thanks dear
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @bella me self don't dey beg Nigel since him no won hear abi .. Thanks dearie ..@ejike thumbs at you ...that guy is our first unknown POV ....abi na thanks dear
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @fagbire no mind Nigel jare ...him still dey do shakara lol thanks dearie....... @benedicta love thanks dearie.. Me self dondey began m since oo lolzz
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Love you @,Maureen thanks darie lol abi oo... Perfect @loveth ,, na one big hallucination oo love you ...thanks
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @confydency thanks dearie ...its been posted ... @ adeoti thanks dearie love you
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @destiny sure thanks dearie ... @lydy she has ooo ...thanks for the comment
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @ronke sure ...abi oo...everyone deserves a second chance oo
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @latifah first to comment ,,, sure ooo every deserves this thing called second chance you thanks
  • Ewoma Patience picture
    Ewoma Patience
    This guy that wants revenge on Lucas. It should be the brother of Winifred or Wilfred, the girl that died having an abortion for Lucas. Nigel should accept Celine. They're the same. If she wants peace, she should still go ahead and confess to Silvia. She owes her that.
  • Ewoma Patience picture
    Ewoma Patience
    This guy that wants revenge on Lucas. It should be the brother of Winifred or Wilfred, the girl that died having an abortion for Lucas. Nigel should accept Celine. They're the same. If she wants peace, she should still go ahead and confess to Silvia. She owes her that.
  • Lo is picture
    Lo is
    But y will he slam d door NAA..
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