Beyond captivating - Episode 59

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The girls had came by to the hospital earlier to meet with Celine who was still looking every bit as bit up as they had left her last night, her hair was loosed, her face was heavily shadowed still with her eyes on Nigel's unmoving form ...
After minutes of finally convincing her to at least have her bath
The girls prepared her for it at the hospital bathroom  took care of her stuff and helped her into a nice fitting short gown which had definitely given her a satisfied turn over, ....
Now as she walk towards Nigel's bed 
She slowly resumed her position and stare down at Nigel whose face was looking so pale and handsome,

"You need to come with us Celine, at least to take in something, your man is still breathing he is gonna come around ehn"

Celine nodded at Diana as she struggled not to cry 

"Trust us Celine, he will be fine" joy moved closer and caressed her hand on Celine's now tidy hair 

"Okay thank you girls" Celine's voice trembled soberly as she paused long enough to regain control 

"Promise you'll forgive me with what am about to tell you" she managed to say 

Now with the tears sliding down her face Anabelle moved closer and caressed her cheek softly 

"We can talk about what ever after you eat something okay"

"I think there's is a restaurant at the second street " joy said to the others

"Please promise me girls"

" alright we promise" they said together

Celine nodded soberly and stare back at Nigel's still unmoving state, she moved towards him and bent to press her lips against his fore head 

"Am about to tell them Nigel" she whispered softly 

"I hope they forgive me, I just wish you were here with me, I love you"

This time she placed her lips together with Nigel's and cried softly until her tears fell on his face 

"Wake up baby" she whispered 

"Celine enough now " Joy and Diana moved ahead to take her hand then  slowly led her out of the room ...
If only they had looked back cause the moment they left, two of Nigel's finger roses up and fall again ....


"I love you" the word ranged through his ear
Nigel paused at a top stairs and glance down to meet with Celine who was trying to reach for him, he couldn't really guess how he got to this top step but all he did noticed was the steps headed to the pure sky,
He was climbing, trying to go back back to where he thought he could stay alive, but Celine voice keeps calling back him and crying ...

Wait a minute, he got so confused, cause he seems he might have lost his way to earth instead ,he was contemplating on whether to keep going up or climb back down when he Suddenly felt a drop of water on his face 

"Wake up baby" the soft voice said

With his lips slightly open he frowned and touched the water on his face instantly he knew it was Celine's tears, 
He caressed the tears on his hand and kissed it ...
Heaven rattled behind him ,, the sun went back up to the sky, white beautiful birds sang their song,  then at a moment quietness settled in, the breeze around him brought the scene of a new morn hay from somewhere down the stairs, the world seems as still as if nothing had happened ...


a part cleared its way for him and slowly he climbed down the stairs with a smile on his face ...
His love had showed him his way back to earth

"Am coming for you baby, I love you so much"

Slowly Nigel's eye lashes shakes as he struggled out of the force, his breath rises in terrified spots to his visitors as he shake all over, he heard voices and sounds calling to him as he closed his eyes tightly in an effort to open them ,,

He breathed in and out when he got to the lower step ... 


He closes his eyes and pushes himself back wards and there he flew in 

gbam his eyes flung open ...he gazed up the ceiling with uncertainty,
He remembered everything of the dream he had ...Celine saved his life...she had lead him back to earth...

His mouth was slightly opened as Few nurses smile down at him ...
his gaze slowly shifted at the sound of familiar voices only to meet with his father and mother's teary face....

"Norman, you are awake" Mr tyson called with his thick shaky voice 

"Nigel" his mum Mrs Cooley cried out with her hand hurriedly holding on to him.

"Where is Celine, I want to see my love and life, where is she" that was the first word Nigel said as he winced against the pain at the right side of his chest ...

....I feel like crying o love, o love is such a beautiful thing, a round of applause for our aunty Celine na... 

I told you I love their love story pass Lucas and Silvia oo...chai

Love oooo, I dey catchy cold ...lolzzzzzz


Mrs Tyson walked up to the VIP wards and towards Nigel ward after her meeting down stairs with Mr Edwins who had happily announce to her about Nigel's recovery...

"thank you for saving that boy for me lord" she said to herself as she located Nigel's ward...

"Ward 8, oh yes there it is"

She walked towards it and opened the door gently....

"She would be here soon Nigel," mrs Cooley who doesn't even know whom celine was gave Nigel reassurances, but never was he listening ...
He wasn't looking at his dad, his gaze was focused on his mum as he speaks ...

"Just call Celine, I want to see her, where is she???"

"Son am am am so glad you are awake"

Mr Tyson called softly from behind, a middle aged tall, fit and broad shouldered man was seen as he struggle to speak ,, despite his age, there was a cuteness in his face that tells his two sons took over all of those handsome ness from him
Guilt battered his face as he struggled more with his voice 

"Son, I ....I..."

Nigel stare sideways at his dad and narrowed his eyes at him....of course it just so odd seeing him after a long time and now he is here calling him son...

"Just call me Norman dad, calling me that doesn't suit you" Nigel hissed

"He is still your father Nigel, just forgive him already"

"What's going on in here ," Mrs Tyson called and both Mrs cooley and mr Tyson stare back only to meet with a shocked expression on Mrs shocked face...


Emerald restaurant at the second street looked like a gold bowl fish, it was brilliantly lit through beautiful glass window....
 Every where was perfectly arranged and well organised which had definitely  gave the girls a calmed heart to walk in at least they date rich guys now, so they don't do cheap restaurant ..durrr

"Bacon and eggs, grilled meats, waffles, chickens, spaghetti  and sausage... please a plate each with an orange juice and water" the girls had said ten minutes earlier to the waiter,...

They all gisted while they eat, atleast they were able to heighten Celine's mood a little bit 
Now fully satisfied, they touched the tissues on their lips and smile feeling so glad that Celine was able to feel free and ate something ...

They were all looking at her as she struggled to speak when Joyce received a call from Jackson, who was asking whether they were already at the hospital with Celine ...

"Yes of course" Joyce said through the phone 

",no we are not in the hospital for now, alright you don't need to wait since you guys wanna talk to Celine, you can come right down the restaurant at the second street ,  emerald restaurant,, yes see you soon love, bye"

Joyce pressed on the touch pad of her iphone and smile back at the girls 

"That was Jacksons, it sounded as if they all wanted speak to Celine so they are heading down here first"

At the sound of that Celine became unsettled as she struggled on the seat 
Why would the guys wanna talk to her, she barely even know them, 

 with her panicked heart she had decided to hold back her confession until the guys arrived ...

With the now silent atmosphere which was suddenly unoccupied with the  customers at the restaurant

The guys looking so tall and ravishing all came in smiling and walking towards the girls, they  had definitely do the trick to avoid girls clutching all over them 

"Hi babes" they said at randomly 

"Hi dear" the girls stood up each to give their man a peck

The waiters created three more seat for them as they settled gently on the seat ...

The face to face contact they all had with Celine made her throat tightened...

"And how are you now Celine," Tom said with a smile on his face ...

"Am fine" she said softly with her eyes looking down on her laps 

"Nigel is awake" Jack said with a smile

At that the girls flew up with a scream and went going around to hug Celine whose tears of happiness kept falling miserably from her face ...

"We told you gal, your man is back" anabell screamed happily 

"Wao, thank goodness" Diana jumped

"And thought you didn't branched the hospital, and how did you know guys" Joyce's asked

"Lucas called us" Jack returned

"Waooo am just so happy for this news" Diana cried out 

"What are we waiting for then, we should go"

"Not yet," Jack said 

"Celine you've got to tell us about your involvement in Silvia's r*pe "

 Elliot said and at that Celine's heart skipped ...
It's such a shame full stuff to say but she is gonna do it without leaving any secrets behind and she hopes her friends forgives her as Nigel had

"I ...I...." Celine trembled with her voice, she closed her beautiful teary eyes a little  before finally finding her voice. 

She glanced at the girls whose shocked face was settled on hers...

"Celine" the girls gasped softly when they realised she wasn't denying the accusation the guys made ..

"It's definitely the same stuff I wanted to confess to you girls, and I hope you all forgive me, its the truth, I was involved in Silvia's r*pe, although it wasn't my fault, my intentions wasn't on hurting Silvia at all, that was why I had cried so hard when I saw her lying in blood that morning which was three years back"

Both the guys and girls watch Celine as she speaks soberly,

 Their mouth was slightly open with their gaze intently on hers as she relates her whole story, how she met Nate at the club and how they had exchange deal in giving him her best friend and having s*x with him, just to meet with lucas tyson, she went on explaining the night she had lied about her date so her friend wouldn't end up snatching Lucas away from her, the guys gasped out when they realised they had truly met with her in the past....she further her explanation on the times she was dumped by Lucas Tyson and how Nigel had came to her rescue, how he had endlessly loved her even when she kept crying on meeting with Lucas Tyson again, how she had got pregnant for lucas and how he had sprayed the cash on her and scolded her to go for an ab*rtion,, 
How it was only Nigel she it was only him that keeps coming to her she had acted with the girls from the beginning of it...

She cleared the tears on her face and sniflled ...

"I never realised how much I loved Nigel until he left me, we fought, I had an accident, all went rough, but I was glad he forgave me, the day you all came in to meet Nigel and I at Lucas's office was the day Nigel came to remind lucas of whom I was, so he could apologize"

"How come you never get to meet with  Lucas all these years, how come he doesn't even know you" Jack asked softly 

"Cause he only thought I was just a b*tch back then and at that Nigel blocked all possible ways for me to meet with him, Nigel never gave up on me, he helped me through it all, he made me realised Lucas was only in my fantasy world..

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Nigel was my reality that was the reason why I can't live without him" she cried softly 

"But did you also knew it was Lucas who r*pped silvia" Elliot asked with a Pulled brows

At the sound of that the girls shouted. ."what!!!"

"What in the world is all this, this is too much, how can Lucas do that to Silvia,"

"Lucas was drunk girls he didn't even  know he r*pped anyone" Jack said ...

"How cruel of him"

 the girls cried with their hand on their heart while the guys cuddled each of their girl friends in their arms except for Celine who kept battling with her own emotion ...

"Not at first " Celine finally said softly 

"I didn't know it was Lucas who r*pped Silvia, but I was able to know when I coincidencely  met with Nathan here in Capetown months back, those times were the times I was unaware of my emotions, so I kept it to myself instead all for selfish reasons"

"You are so wicked Celine" Joy and Diana shouted at her which had definitely got Celine into another freshly loads of tears 

"Am sorry girls forgive me please" she sobed more 

"This is too much Celine" Anabel said with tears on her face ...

"Silvia was our friends, she trusted us, of course everyone loved Lucas Tyson, he was a star, but the moment we saw him loving Silvia and Silvia loving him we had to accept the way things were, 
You betrayed your friend by giving her to that gold digger called Nate all because of a man " Anabelle fell on her kneels and wept while tom c*ressed his her back ...

"You were the closest to her Celine, this truth is too much, its gonna break her, if we forgive you for all you did, can Silvia forgive you huh, she must not know please " Joy wept more on Jackson's arms ...

"All Silvia did was asked about you the day we were happily coming to meet with the guys, she loved you like her own sister, Celine am so ashamed of you, you betrayed us all, you broke all of our heart," Diana wept like a school girls as Elliot pull her into his arm..

"Take it easy girls, just forgive her already, she needs you, you can't leave her", the guys gave reassurances until the girls pulled themselves into  each others arm

"oh Celine"

"Am sorry please girls, forgive me"

The crying jag and emotions of the girls cuddling among themselves lasted for minutes, 

"we must not let silvia know Celine betrayed her," the guys finally said when they came to the final conclusion 

"What" Anabelle shouted 

 "yes girls the sleeping with Lucas and joining hands with Nathan to give Silvia to him should be kept closed..some truth are meant to be kept hidden girls, all we have to tell her was that the love of her life was her r*pist and definitely the father of her son because her ex sold her out to Lucas all for money and Lucas who happen to have gotten drunk that night didn't realised he had r*ped anyone, atleast she was the one who changed him to who he was recently, we all knew Lucas to be a terror ," Elliot said

Celine cleared the tears on her face and stare up at the guys who nodded towards her ...

"Its best that way,  cause now that Lucas is crazily in love with her, that guy might kill himself if he lost two parties will be of benefit here if this truth is kept closed amidst ourselves," Jack said

"you can still keep your friendship with Silvia with that part of the truth staying closed and Silvia might at least be able to forgive Lucas ...cause letting her hear what you just told us could break her, and at that she might never forgive you nor Lucas" Tom concluded

The girls nodded towards the guys and back at celine as they all clung to each other,

"I'm sorry girls, am sorry"

They all stood up and wrapped their arms around eachother

"It's for the best, Celine, the deed is done," Diana cried 

"Am sorry" Celine said softly in between tears

"we are gonna scold you for a week Celine" Joys cut in as she cried ...

"And you are gonna tell us how your hips got a lot wider within this few days of not seeing you, is it Mr Nigel's handwork "

Celine shook her head still in tears at Annabell's while they all smile with their fore head against each other

"We forgive you Celine, we forgive you"

"Thank you so much girls " Celine cried more in their arms..

Tom on the other hand was busy staring at Elliot whose eyes was fixed on Diana's exposed legs ...

"Mad taunter, go kiss her already " Tom tapped him in the head ...

"You devil" Elliot clenched his teeth and silently whispered at Tom which  definitely got Jack laughing out ...

"Another truth needs to be told "

Jack said laughing out as the girls stare back at him ...

"We need to go, those two should be at the hospital already " Elliot hits at Tom in the arm as they all went out with girls and towards their car....


Oya ooo , truth step 1 and two has been resolved ooo, so let's go for truth step three and four...

Don't forget to like rate and comments ...

Thanks lots of love 

I hope am progressing with the story, its gonna end soon 

Don't forget to like rate and comments

Thanks lots of love ....

. .

Read " The fugitive " by the same author ( Op. Amina )

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  • Akos Geyevu picture
    Akos Geyevu
    I pray truth 3&4 also be accepted n forgiven as 1 &2 please more episodes but don't let Silvia and Lucas separate
  • Afia Pat picture
    Afia Pat
    Awwwnn I so love this chapter, it so emotional
  • Chi Emeasoba picture
    Chi Emeasoba
    Ds is soooooooo funny, if dt truth is not told den dr friendship is based on lies and one day it ll eventually come out since, Nathan is still alive he could blackmail dem wit it, so it's best d tell Silvia and Lucas let dem deal with it now, dnt forget Dr's a child involved already, take a look at Nigel's case, it's almost similar, my humble opinion,! Lol! Weldone dear more grace to ur fingers
  • Loveth Dennis picture
    Loveth Dennis
    Hmn I pray all end well
  • Eunice Ache picture
    Eunice Ache
    It is well o. May God save us from our friends
  • Njoku Chinenye picture
    Njoku Chinenye
    Good one there gal more please
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Nice one dear, I think Celine should tell Silvia all the story she needs to hear so she forgives her wholeheartedly. If not, it might get chaotic in the future should Silvia find out.
  • Faith Benedeth picture
    Faith Benedeth
    They should tell Sylvia the whole truth. I just hope Lucas don get some dimac before forgiveness
  • Oke Olabisi picture
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Hiding the whole truth from Silvia makes em Celine & Nate's accomplice,it's up to Silvia to decide not other way round,they'all betraying her trust,I hope Nate's not gonna sugarcoat it like em,he can't face the dimmak alone na!......kudos dear
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    hi guys I don't wanna tell you the story ...its suppose to be a suspense but Silvia is gonna know the whole truth ...relax na
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    na Celine herself go tell her ...conscience na know how powerful it is relax ....thanks for the comments ya all...
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Hmmmn.... It's better for Celine to tell Sylvia everything dt happened.., cos d whole truth must come out one day.... Am just feeling for Sylvia... Chai..
  • Orji Christiana picture
    Orji Christiana
    Pls am so nervous, update
  • mara picture
    celine shud confess to silvia b4 it too late, nice wrk dr nxt episode pls
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    OMG!!! I hope truth 3 & 4 will be forgiven too but in all this pls let Sylvia forgives Lucas oo bcos of Jamie he really need a father and Sylvia needs to be loved too. I hope Mrs Tyson will forgive her husband and accept Nigel as step son he saved Lucas life. Amina u're such a good writer bravo
  • Rifkatu Halilu picture
    Rifkatu Halilu
    I love this part "truth 3&4" hahaha Weldon Amina dear
  • Ngozi Awagu picture
    Ngozi Awagu
    You are the best baby.
  • Dammyzee picture
    Feed us more na plz .thank in advance
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    New epi is out guys ya all ,,, don't worry they are gonna update it
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Am tired of checking.. One has to go back to d previous episode before d new one cos I have forgotten what happened last.. Babe, dis is taking too long
  • Rifkatu Halilu picture
    Rifkatu Halilu
    Can't access the new episode, don't known why
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Rifkatu Halilu, I don't think it has been posted
  • Faustina Oches picture
    Faustina Oches
    Please am craving for d next episode Love Ur pen
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Ebony story are busy some what guys ,, they might upload on authors stories today ,, don't worry... Enough epi would be out for you guys today
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