Binded by friendship - Episode 24

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Eve's POV
I sat up inching my way to the side of the bed careful not to stir up trouble in my stomach.

I blink hard when I saw my surroundings. This wasn't my hotel room. I blinked hard again as if wanting to disappear still not understanding what was happening.

In panic, I tried to remember everything but it was blur. I looked at myself to check if I was okay only to find out I was wearing only a black t-shirt.

How did I get here???
And where are my clothes???

I sluggishly walked out of the beautiful enormous room and went downstairs hoping to find some answers...

"Hello!!!!!Anybody home???"

"In the kitchen Ivie..."It was Cani...I released the breathe that I didn't know I was holding...

"How are you feeling Eve???" Cani asked the moment I stepped into the kitchen..

How can he look so refreshed....He didn't look like a guy who had partied all night...

"Like someone has been jumping on my body all night..Why do you look so fresh???"

"I am a party god Ivie..."

"As you say your majesty..Back to things that matter, how did I get here???"

"You don't remember...." He arched a perfect eyebrow at me.

"Everything is blur....."

"I would rather show it to you..."

"What do you mean????"

"Check it out...." He handed me his phone and I clicked on the article..

Good girl gone bad
I don't know about you guys but I am loving the new Eve . She is carefree, seems happier and she has learnt that life is short

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I hope we get to see this side of her very often. The old Eve is always uptight with too much rules, finally someone reminded her to live a little.

I clicked on the video below the article and couldn't help but laugh. I was there shaking my ass not caring that people were taking videos as they cheered me up...

"I have never danced so hard..." I chuckled,"Not even in my music videos..."

"It's called the power of marijuana..."

"I have never felt so amazing in my life...."

"Here is your breakfast, I was about to give it to Emma to bring it you..." Cani pushed a cup of coffee, some sausages and toast on a plate to me..

"Who is Emma???" I sat by the counter ready to dig in. Menh!!! I am starving...

"My housekeeper..." For a moment I thought she had brought a girl home from the party...


There was a comfortable silence as I enjoyed my breakfast...

"Ivie, spill it!!!!"

"Spill what???"

"Why you are living in a hotel room and not in your house..."

"Ooooh!!!I forgot to ask...Are you the one that changed my clothes????"
That was one topic I didn't want to talk about...

"No, it was Emma...Yours will be clean and ready to wear soon...."

"I hope we didn't blow off some steam...." 

"You are not a hooker Ivie and I would never take advantage of you while you are wasted...."

"That's sweet of you...." I gave him a strange half smile..

"Stop changing the topic Ivie...." He seemed mad..

"What do you want me to tell you????"

"I don't know Ivie, the truth..."

"My marriage is breaking apart and both Nicholas and I are not okay..." I stated dryly...

"But in the club, you two seemed fine..."

"Trust me not everything is always as it seems...Since my incident with Mason at the bar, things haven't been the same..."

"If you......."

"Eve!!!!Eve!!!!!" I heard Nicholas calling out for me...

Shit!!!What is Nicholas doing here???

"Is that your husband???" Cani asked in a surprising tone...

"I am afraid so...."

"Stay here, don't move..I will handle it..." Cani stated.

"Be careful, he is not himself when he is mad...."

I shivered at the thought of us two been on the receiving end of his wrath...

Before Cani could walk out of the kitchen, Nicholas walked in  his face burning with anger.

"Shut up dude before I make you swallow your teeth...." He pushed his way past Cani towards me.

For a moment, he looked at me from head to toe scrunching his nose.

What the hell!!!I was wearing Cani's Tshirt...

I opened my mouth to try and explain myself but ended up closing it...

"I was at home worried sick while you were here having fun..." 

"I can....."

"Shut up Eve!!!!I don't wanna hear it..." He moved forward with anger etched in every line of his face...

"It's not what you think...." I trembled...

"I have had enough of you Eve Minnie Raine. My patience has ran out..

Read " Pierced Rose " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

. You are beyond help...."

I felt a haze of overwhelming hurt and doom...

"You have turned into a stripper and a whore sleeping with every tom, dick and Harry...Showing off your thighs to the world for anyone willing to touch to touch. Getting drunk and praying that a horny man would take you home to quench your thirst...."
I wish he would have just killed me than say those words...

I looked at Cani who was shaking in fury as he watched the drama unraffle..


"You disgust me you cheap piece of meat and this time round I don't want to see your face near my house or company...God knows what disease you are carrying inside you..I am done with you, you can continue whoring around all you want Eve I won't stop you...." For the first time , I saw a look of hate on his face...

This time I had a feeling he meant each word he said...

I could feel the tears prick my eyes, I didn't want to cry Infront of him... I didn't want him to see what his cold words did to me...

"You wanted us to separate and for me to move on with a better woman right??? Good news honey, that's what I am going to do..." He hissed in fury and I just looked down at my fingers on my lap, fighting my tears...

"I wish you knew how much I have sacrificed for you. How much I have gone through to keep you safe...You are just an ungrateful piece of whore that I reg....."

"I won't let you insult her again Nicholas...."

"Shut the hell up...." Nicholas throwing his fist into Cani's face happened so fast.

"Cani, are you okay???!" I rushed to Cani's side, crouching to my knees lifting his head from the floor..

"I am okay...." He groaned...

"You two are just a perfect fit, two miserable losers..."

"Nicholas, that's enough...." I thundered,"Cani and I didn't do anything...."

"I don't care if he spent the whole night singing lullabies to you, the fact is I am done. You wanted me to leave so bad, guess what her highness you won..." He clasped his hands together Infront of my face...


"You were not worth any sacrifice, I wish I had just left you by the road that day...." And with that, he left...

"Eve I am sorry about that!!!"

"It's okay Cani.I will go freshen up..." I ran upstairs to the room into the bathroom locking myself inside..

I leaned against the door and slid to the floor, my body convulsing as huge sobs wracked my body...

This is what I wanted, for Nicholas to leave me and be happy but why does it hurt so much??Why are his cruel words assaulting me??

Why do I feel like I am dying inside???

This is what I have always wished for, I should be happy instead of crying..But no, my world has just crumbled down. 

A feeling of guilt and helplessness weighed me down and I hated it...

His face showed pain and agony mirroring what I felt inside.

"You finally lost him Eve!!!I know you feel so shit of yourself and you should because you don't deserve anything good in life..." And the monster was back.

"Leave me alone!!!!"

"Nobody wants you and I am glad Nicholas realized what kind of a whore you are..."

"I am not a whore!!!" I snapped..

"Ivie dear, I know how you are feeling but I am here for you...." Cani assured me from the other side of the door..

I was glad Cani was there to pull me from my torturous thoughts...

"You are not a whore or a stripper Ivie. You are that amazing woman that I have seen work hard to get where she is. From singing around the shopping centre in Campus to winning the best female artist award in all of Kenya,East Africa and Africa. The first female artist to ever do a collabo with Chris Brown and Drake and the only girl who has been too many tours so far..."

I chuckled lightly at Cani's words...

"I don't know what's going on between you and Nicholas but all I can say is you are welcome to stay here with me. My house is so big for the both of us and it will be fun to have you around...Take heart Eve, I will see you downstairs..."

After throwing a pity party for myself, I showered quickly but let the water spray on my face for extra seconds...

When I walked out of the bathroom, I found my clothes neatly folded on the bed plus a pair of sweatpants and a note..

Ivie, I don't think it's a good idea to walk on the streets right now in your booty shorts...

After I finished getting ready, I went downstairs and found Cani working on something on his laptop...

"I am sorry that Nicholas punched you. He is really a beast when angry..."

"It's nothing, I just couldn't stand him insulting you anymore..." Cani turned to look at me and I could see his cheek was a greenish and a little bit swollen...

"Thanks for the sweatpants too...."

"Its fine but are you  okay????" I bet my eyes were red and puffy..

"Yeah..."I strained a smile, holding my tears at bay,"Why wouldn't I be???"

Cani stood from the leather sofa and walked to where I was.
"I am sorry, I didn't know things were this bad. What are you planning to do????" He placed his hands on my shoulders...

" I don't wanna see my mom so I guess I will be staying in the hotel for a little while until I find an apartment..."

"What nonsense Ivie???I want you to go for your things and come stay with me for a while...I could really use a roommate, this place can be lonely at times..." 

That's didn't seem like a bad idea...

"Are you sure????"

"Positive Ivie...Right now I have to go but I will see you later..."

"Can you drop me at the hotel to change???I have a meeting at four this  evening and I don't want to miss it...

"Sure thing Ivie..."

Do you think Eve moving in with Cani is a good idea???And what about Nick's reaction, is it justified??

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  • Dolapo Oloyede picture
    Dolapo Oloyede
    With present situation, it's not a good ideas at all
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Dolapo let's Hope for the best
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Dolapo let's Hope for the best
  • Shiru picture
    Nick is just overreacting and it's kynda good and bad idea for Eve. Honestly I would like them to part since Nick is surely unhappy and him being with her it's for pity's sake
  • Shiru picture
    You don't just keep saying mean words over and over again
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Shiru Nick is one character I hate and love at the same time
  • Esther Yeboah picture
    Esther Yeboah
    This Eva girl is really annoying me
  • carmen picture
    Wat am I going to do with dis two?
  • Shiru picture
    @Fideh for real I hate him.. I believe in giving someone a chance to explain themselves , mad or not .
  • Shiru picture
    This is a situationship not marriage , it's only good if they part and he will come to regret for calling her a whore
  • Shiru picture
    Fideh an curious about other characters
  • Shiru picture
    Fideh am curious about characters and what's that about Victor claiming Vivian is not whom she says she is
  • Eunice Ache picture
    Eunice Ache
    Nick is justified. Its frustrating being in a relationship with someone who always wanna push u out.
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    His anger is justified Eve is acting like a brat even worse she doesn't want help.... & moving in with that party animal is a perfect recipe for a disaster!
  • picture
    [email protected]
    More ink to your pen babe. Are you on wattpad. if yes, what's your username
  • Delly Soglo picture
    Delly Soglo
    Nick has harbored all this for so long. Eve doesn't want to accept the help she is being offered and went ahead to even smoke. Nick was harsh with his words though. I don't think she moving in with Cani is a good idea. Well done Fideh.
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Shiru the next episodes are about the other characters
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Delly we will see why he is so mad
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Eunice very soon you will realize he isn't who he claims to be
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Esther just be patient with her
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Afola yes I am in wattpad...@fidehmwangi
  • Maame Ama picture
    Maame Ama
    What's wrong this Eve, I don't hate her but I don't like the way she is behaving she is married for Christ sake what's with smoking and dancing in public
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