DEMON'S FATE ( BOOK 2) - Episode 27

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It's been two days and both Ariel and Grey has gotten use to their "MIND LINK", 

it was really exciting for them to be able to talk to each other in a room full people without them knowing what they were saying.

Hey sleeping head wake up, Ariel said softly

She has being up for a while and has even taking her bath,

she did not want to go downstairs and leave her soulmate so she decided to wait up for him to wake up,

but it's been a while now and Grey still don't want to get up.

Grey grumble something that made Ariel smile 

"Wake up now", Ariel said again 

One more minute, Grey murmured without opening his eyes 

Stop behaving like a child and get up, Ariel said nudging him but Grey did not wake up 

Ariel stood up from the bed when she had an idea on what to do,

she rushed into the bathroom and carry a bowl of water 

Wake up Grey, Ariel said I'm warning you she added 

Grey did not even stir, he did not take her warning seriously

Ariel moved closer to him and pour little water on him 

Grey jumped out of the bed with force 

Ariel! Grey shouted 

Ariel was busy laughing hard at Grey 

I warned you, she said out of breathe from laughing 

Grey shook his head and move closer to Ariel wanting to hug her 

No don't hug me, Ariel said quickly

I have had my bath already she added 

Her words did not stop Grey from wrapping his hand around her and wetting her dry clothes 

Grey! She whined 

Good morning, he said as he kissed her softly 

Good morning to you too, Ariel said in an excitement tone 

You look really happy today, Grey said observing Ariel's happy expression 

Is anything happening? Grey asked 

"Not really" Ariel said with a smile 


Grey release Ariel and she moved to her drawer to look for what to change into since her cloth was wet 

What are you doing? Grey asked 

Looking for what to wear, Ariel said without glancing at Grey 

Let's have a bath, Grey said 

I have already had my bath, Ariel said 

Then have another one, Grey said 

Ariel turned to look at her soulmate with amused expression 

How can I have two baths in two hours, its crazy she added 

No it's not, Grey said as he pulled Ariel along with him to the bathroom and shut the door behind them 

"You are crazy" Ariel whispered 

Yes, "about you" Grey murmured sealing their lips together,

they made out for a while before Grey turn on the shower, they have their bath and left the bathroom when they were done 

They left their bedroom and head downstairs 


I thought you guys wanted to stay in your bedroom all day, Elena said with a smile as she looked their way 

Ariel rolled her eyes making Elena laugh 

Come sit you two, Elena said 

Grey and Ariel moved to the dinning table and have their breakfast,

when they were done they join the rest of the family in the living room 

Ariel look at the corner if the living room and saw her uncle

I will be right back, she said to Grey as she walked up to her uncle 

Hey, Michael said 

Hi, Ariel replied sitting next to him 

You look really happy these days, Michael said with a smile 

Ariel glance at Grey and smiled 

Look at you, Michael said with a chuckle 

It's really good to know you have someone by your sides forever, Michael said with a smile 


Michael nodded his head as he remained silent

You look less distant, Ariel said 

She has noticed that her uncle tend to spend more time with the family and he always have smile on his face 

Michael raised his eyebrow at Ariel 

I never knew you noticed he said 

What do you mean by that? Ariel asked 

Of course I wilI notice she added 

I thought you only had eyes on your soulmate, Michael said 

I do, Ariel said, but that does not mean I will not know what's happening around me 

"True" Michael said 

I like it when you seem relaxed, Ariel said 

And smile often she added

I will try to do it more often, he said 

"Okay" Ariel said 

I will take my leave now, she said glancing at Grey 

"Sure" Michael said, by all means he added with a laugh 

Ariel stood up and walk back to Grey 


Grey instantly wrap his hand around her immediately Ariel settled next to him 

What's happening in the movie? Ariel asked 

Grey explained it to Ariel and she soon start to follow up with the movie 

After few minutes, Grey tried to get Ariel's attention by brushing his leg against Ariel's 

Ariel felt Grey's brushed over her, but she ignored it and concentrated in the movie

Grey frowned a little when Ariel refused to acknowledge him, so he did it again and still Ariel did not respond 

He did it again making it more obvious but Ariel was very adamant and she refuse to answer him

She was trying very hard to not smile, her mind was no longer on the movie because she was finding it hard to concentrate on it with her soulmate brushing his legs over hers

She kept quiet as Grey tried more to get her attention 

"Talk to me"  Grey thought

Ariel heard him but she refused to answer him 


"What"? Ariel thought back 


I was trying to get your attention, Grey said

Sorry I did not know that, Ariel said trying to keep a serious face 

"Yes you know" Grey pointed out 

"No" Ariel responded 



Ariel could no longer keep up with the serious face as she burst into laughter 

Grey did no hold back his own as he laugh along with Ariel

Their laughter caught the attention of their family 


They are at it again, Elena said with a slight chuckle 

Their family has gotten used to them laughing or responding to things through their "MIND LINK" 

They no longer find it weird when the two if them communicate through their mind link

Now you have my attention, what is it? Ariel asked giving Grey his full attention 

"You" Grey said bluntly

Ariel's blushed hard at Grey's word 


Ariel asked trying to remain calm 

"Yes you,"

Grey lean down close to her ears and whisper 

"All of you" he added 

Shiver run through Ariel's spine at Grey's word 

Grey look at Ariel and raised his eyebrow at her 

"Stop" Ariel said grinning widely 

"Why" Grey asked 

You know the reason, Ariel said still smiling 

"No I don't " Grey said 

Yes you do, you know how I find that act of yours " cute" Ariel said 

Grey smiled, I wanted to hear you say that, he leaned down and kissed her check 

Should we go upstairs? Grey asked 

"Yes" Ariel said softly 

"Let's go" 

Before they stood up they saw a very bright light in the living room Grey and Ariel turned towards the light 

"The messengers Angels" Raguel whispered 


Hi guys, so I was wondering if I should write book 3 about Michael, I don't really know if you guys want that or a new story, so please drop a comment so I will start writing it.

Three more chapters to go guys, Thanks for reading this book 


. .

Read " Banished Angel " by the same author ( Igwe Aruoriwo loveth )


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