Firesparks - Episode 31

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Winter's p.o.v

"Once upon a time" the strange man said.
"Time....Time"I said.


There was a boy

His name was Ikenna
He was happy because he stayed with his family and his best friend zainab.
But one day..
He was driving with his family..
when a little girl jumped in the road!
"Stop the car!"Mom cried.
"The brakes isn't working...."Brother cried.
Then it happens..Dad doesn't want to kill the girl but in an attempt...he hits a tree...
Everyone in the car.......

"Dies" I finished.
"So princess is this a happy stoory or sad story?"He asks.
"Sad story. Is mommy the little girl... . and are you Ikenna?"I ask.
"That would be all for today princess...."He said walking away.
"I want my mommy" I cried.
"Don't you get the use of my story!? an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth...... Your mommy will loose everyone she loves!"He screamed and shut the door.

**Aisha's p.o.v
"He isn't my lover... he's my man"I scream angrily.
"Mommy she has a gun!"Ken screamed.
"It's okay..

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. darling go and wait outside.."I said.
"No stay!"She said and shot the air.
"No one is going anywhere!"She screams.
Well if this lady thinks she's taking my husband and son elsewhere then she should think again!"

A day to my wedding and I'm having Jitters....
I can't crazily gave me her consent.
The cake just stressing me...
how can she tell me a day to the wedding...that she can't make my special order..
How can the wedding planner not know the theme color to use!!!
My wedding dress arrived and it's not even what I tried and ordered!
So many things to do today..
How do I start!!!
I sat down sipping Juice...
mom is busy preparing fura da nunu.
I caught Kabira staring at me.
She is our maid but she is also blessed.
She knows what will happen in the next minute and she is very quiet and that makes me scared of her.
"Kabira..."I said walking up to her.
"Is this hair...fine enough for tommorow?"I tease.
"What will happen tomorrow?"She asks.
"Ha..ha..ha you are very funny it's my wedding..."I laugh.
"This wedding will not take place"she says quietly.
"What!"I scream
"it won't happen"She repeated.
"Are you mad...are you crazy?"I scream holding the edge of her dress.
"Aisha..."Mom said"What's the matter."
"Can you imagine.. this idiot telling me my wedding will not hold!"I scream.
"Aisha"Mom scolded.
"So..sorry ma"Kabira said running out.
"Can you imagine the nonsense!I screamed as mom held me while she ran away.

"We can solve this camly"I said.

"No... don't move..your son saw the face of  the one's leaving here"She screamed.

She pulled the trigger and It hit Remy's shoulder... he tried to regain his balance but ended up falling.

He was  limp.

"Remy!"I screamed running to him.

"Are you okay?"I ask

"Sure I feel fine with a bullet stuck in my arms..."He groaned.

I used my handkerchief to tie his arms.

"Mommy..."I heard a scream.

I'm not prepared for what comes next..
Remy is bleeding next to me..

and the lady is dragging Ken... with a gun pointed on his head.

I look sadly when I hear a big crash and the lady falls...
her head hitting the wall.....

***Sara's p.o.v
"What do you mean by you know nothing about the kidnapping of my daughter... you guys were on shift while she was kidnapped!!"I screamed angrily.

"I don't know anything!"The fat man insists.

"Well were you three the only ones on shift?"I asked.

"I doubt this interview you called up will help in finding your child"He scoffs.

"Well if you did a godammn Job... doing your job my daughter wouldn't have been kidnapped"I scream.

"How about you tie her with a chain and keep her close to you"He screamed.

"Ok that's it!"I screamed and ran to him but Treasure pulled me back and I sat down in the chair raking my hands.

"Please not now"She pleaded.

"My child is Missing!"I scream.

"What do you want us to the harp?"One of them screams.

"So none of you have any information about my missing child..."I scream.

It's been exactly six months since I arrived in India precisely.
And I totally regret all of the misconceptions I had of Dayne...

Read " Tuff stuff " by the same author ( Lo is )

. gosh this boy is nice.
He's like literally been there for me.
My short stay has made my hair from the shell of it's formal a new thing entirely.
it's so long almost touching my  lower back.
Pooky helps me braid it every two days.


"Want to play card?"Pooky peers up at me.

"Haven't I warned you to always knock"I say lightly.

"It's boring"She leans on the door.

She looks at my medications.. and wrinkles her nose.

"You're actually taking that?"She asks.

"A girl's got to live"I groaned.

"I'm so glad I'm not sick!"

"So who's playing card?"I ask.

"Dayne.. and Rajput"She says running down laughing.

"I'll be down in six minutes"I scream after her.

I don't know why at the mention of Dayne my heart skips a beat and I don't want to accept the inevitable.

I stand up and wear a palazzo and smoothen my top.

I look at the mirror. 

I think I would loose my braids and leave my hair flowing.

I always liked it unbraided since a certain someone said I looked Finer when I unbraided my hair.

I'm about to go down..

when I make a u-turn.

"Oh my gosh..I would have gone down like this.."I scream.

I pick up my cream and rubs my skin.

Then taking a deep breath I go downstairs.

"I'll be down in six minutes"Pooky grumbled.

"What are you doing?"Rajput asks.

"I want to sit"I say.
"No sit next to Dayne"He says.

"But..."I start

..and he pushes me right next Dayne.

His eyes are glittering and he looks like the world to me.

"Hi pretty..."He says and runs his hands over my hair.

"Hi"I manage to say... and I feel my cheeks turn tomato red...

"Sara... have you been listening to me... you're lost in thoughts...I'm beginning to get  have to see a physician..."Treasure sighed.

"No I was listening"I lied.

"Ok what was the last sentence I said?"She insists.

"Last sentence I said"I repeated.

"Sara you have to of these men was asking if you know anyone that would have that intention"Treasure said.


I thought ..
"I don't really know...such things like this... it's who you  trust that is the mastermind"I said.

"What about Big toe?"Treasure asked.

"He's moved to America besides it was like at least thirteen years ago"I sigh.

"I'm sorry I'm trying to help"She says.

"Baby wherever you are.. don't worry mom's coming!!!"I scream


***Clifford's p.o.v
"Beat it?"I scream walking slowly.

Is she still stuck inside or has she escaped..I wondered.

I should leave now.... she's already married but immediately I saw her..

I knew she was for me. I don't care if she's already married.

I hear voices

I tiptoed when I hear a shot again..

and I see a man shot and falls down.

Beat it screamed and she runs to him...
asking if he's okay.

I almost hit him for his sarcastic reply.

She covers his wound
and I feel pain.

I should go in and save her but the other lady is running out with a boy who screams "Mommy."

That's her son...she was coming to pick.

The lady takes the child and runs out... but anger runs through my veins...

and I kicked her so hard from behind that she fell against the wall.

I hold the boy and he kicks me and run to his mom.

"Beat it..."I said walking out of the dust.

"Are you okay?"

She looks at me suddenly recognizing me and says
"Ohh no!!!"

"Who is this guy..."Her man asked.

"I'm Clifford"I said.

"and I'm here to stay!"


who else thinks Ikenna is a nut.. 
I hope Remy turns out fine
and dear viewers Cliff is here to stay!!!!

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