My only addiction - Episode 30

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Ethan's POV
I am tired of this life,
It's like I am screaming and no one can hear me...
I am suffocating....
I am not angry but in pain...
It's fucked up not to have control over your life...
My life feels like a horror show...

You don't know what it feels like...
To be all smiley...
But you are breaking deep inside....

I staggered to the living room after throwing Sophie's crap over the balcony and slumped on the sofa...

I am what's wrong.....
I keep hurting those dear to me...

I felt tears spill down my face and I quickly wiped them away....

How has she gotten under my skin so easily???? I don't think I have ever felt all this before....At first it scared me but now I love the unfamiliar emotions am feeling...

The emptiness when she is not around...How I feel like every ounce of my breathe has been taken from my lungs when she is around me...Or how I imagine the world comes to a standstill when she smiles or how her eyes shine like the stars everytime she is smiling or laughing....She makes every thing in my life feel perfectly aligned....How can I let that go????

By just a mere touch of her skin and I feel a high electric voltage surging through me...The idea that she may never be my Arya again, haunts me and it's unwelcoming to my gut....

I think I need another bottle of whisky before I drown in my sadness...Or maybe I should call her or text her...Or send her roses or serenade her....

I reach out for my phone and just when I am about to dial her number, it's like I was held back by imaginary chains...

Who am I fooling???? My ego is way high that my desperation to win her back..I swiped through her photos and agony began weighing my chest down...I tried locking all our sweet moments in the depths of my mind and they all came back at me full force.... How can simplicity amaze me????You are really going bananas Ethan Marcias..

I wish someone could do a memory wipe spell on me...
I was dragged back to reality with the sound of the doorbell...

Who is that now???? I swear if it's Sophie, I am gonna cut her to pieces and feed her to the street dogs....Jeez!!! Just by the mention of her name, I can feel my insides churn....

"Who is it????" I groaned, my hand already on the door knob...I twisted it and opened the door and there was my brother wearing a sad guilty face....

"You are not the one I expected to see...."
"Have you been crying???"
"Why wouldn't I when that girl you love more than your life is bound to destroy me...." I yelled at him...
"I am sorry about earlier....I crossed the limits and after you left my office I felt bad..."

I know I should be madder after seeing him but I felt much better by looking at his sorry face...I can never stay mad at him....

"Come here...." I hugged him a little longer before finally releasing him ..
"It seems you have had a rough day...." He sighed after I pulled back...
"Yeah...worse than worse..."

"So do you mind telling me about your day????" He asked immediately we slumped on the carpet...
"Sophie was here...." I said dryly, downing a glass of whisky...
"Yeah I followed her and I saw how you threw her things over the balcony..."

"I hope you are not mad...I just can't stand her...Everytime she comes close to me, someone i love gets hurt..."
"I guess I am the one who slapped you not the other way round...I am hurt emotionally but it's my fault I am in love with her...Don't feel sorry for me..."

"I am not talking about you bro, I am talking about Arya..."
"Who is Arya???" He raised his eyebrows at me...
"Is she a model, influencer, model or  a daughter to one of Jordan's associates????" He continued....

"She is a baker...." I replied dryly and downed another glass of whisky...
"What????" Troy spat out the whisky that was in his mouth all over the carpet....
"Yeah...It's no big deal..."
"What happened to the Ethan who hated middle class women because he thought they are materialistic????" It was evident  he was trying so hard not to laugh...

"I wish you see her....When she smiles I am sure, everything around her stops and admires her...When she cups my face, I feel strangely contented....I get lost in her eyes Everytime I look at them and for the first time drowning seems like a good idea....She is so kind, forgiving, charming and not forgetting beautiful....She is simple which weirdly amazes me....She doesn't realise she bits her lip nervously when looking at me, I sense I have an effect on her ..When she is nervous, she talks alot like she says alot of silly things which I find funny...She is also a crying baby, she is vulnerable when she is drunk and it hurts me everyone she cries....When she kissed me for the first time, it felt like my first kiss...So perfect.."

"Wow....I don't think I have ever seen you so starstruck by a girl Mr Ethan Marcias...."

I hadn't realised how much she means to me until now...I know is so soon to have ideas in my head but I think I like Arya Almasi so much...

"It's different....She makes me feel complete...Something I have never felt till now...She like the part of my puzzle that had been missing since forever..."

"It's called love brother...You are in love with this Arya...."
"What rubbish???? I don't fall in love...Love is for jerks like you..."
"I am not a jerk...."
"Then what do you call a guy who loves a girl who keeps hurting him all over again????"

"A guy in love...."
"I don't want to be like you...I see how broken you are Everytime Sophie gets into a new relationship, ignores your texts or flies back to London...I don't want to be that vulnerable..."

"I wish I could get her off my mind,heart and soul but I just can't...I love her and that's it...." There was sadness in his voice...
"I wish she would love me you know...Like to stop chasing after you or getting into new relationships...I wish she would just love me..." He said hoarsely, tears dripping from his eyes...

"She doesn't deserve you brother....She tried s*ducing me earlier and  Arya got mad and left...There are more worthy girlfriends out there...Why her????" I began scolding him...

"I wish my heart could just forget her...This is not a tap that I can turn it on or off when I want too...."
"But you can learn to forget her...."
"It's not that easy Ethan....Until I decide I wanna forget her, let me keep waiting..."
"I am still mad at you for not telling me about this Arya who is making my brother act like a teenage in love..."

I see what he did there, he wanted to change the topic...
"You don't want to hear all about it...It's so funny and silly how we met and how much lies I have had to tell her..."

After I am done narrating to him, all the drama I have gone through, the lies I had to tell since I met her, Troy couldn't stop laughing....

"Your life is one hell of a telenovela Amy...." He chuckled and I joined in...
"It was so much fun until we met in the football pitch...Trust me, I almost got a heart attack...The shock on her face, I am surprised she didn't get into comma..."
"I am so curious to meet her now....Does she have any male bestfriend????"

"I don't think she will forgive me after the drama Sophie caused here earlier..."
"Go and apologise to her...How hard can that be????"

"I am scared...She wants more that being my other woman and I can't offer anything more..."
"You can always offer her more....All you have to do is chose between your fame and her...Your fans will be mad for a while and they will learn to love her as they love Ivy later..."

"But she doesn't offer much...Ivy is my IT girl, she is partially the reason I am where I am today...She is smart, a strategist and she plays dirty when need be...Arya is too good for the limelight..."

"Then let her move on with her life...Do you think it's fair for you to drag her around in your mud??? She has the right to be happy..

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. "

I looked at the whisky bottle Troy was holding and it was already empty....That explains why the house is spinning and Troy looks blur...

"That's the problem...I want her to be with me and if not she should join the celibate academy or even be a nun..."
"Then you are just selfish Ethan...You have to chose, you can't have both...."

"I don't think I am ready to chose yet...I love fame, I love how people love me and I love how Ivy makes us this power couple...Only a mad man would trade that just because he likes a girl..."

"Then let her go...."
"I can't....I love the heart-in-my-mouth, butterfly-in-my-belly  moments Everytime she is around me..I want her to be with me but not in the expense of sacrificing what I have worked for years to have..."

You don't know what's like....
To come across something special...
But you can't have it....
Because you can't...

"I hope one day, you won't regret all this...Do you know what I would sacrifice to have Sophie be mine, trust me even my life..It seems you haven't fallen in love yet or else you wouldn't be ranting all that rubbish???"

Troy tried to stand up but slumped on the sofa...
"Damn Ethan, I guess we drank a lot...."
"Tell me about it....I can't even move my legs and my butt is numb..."
"But for sure bro, try and win that Arya back....She seems like what you need to figure your life out."
"We will talk about that later but right now, I just need to lie down....My head feels heavy that I can't support it anymore..."

Ian's POV
"Why does it look like you are gonna hit somebody????" George asked the moment he opened the door....

"I just hate how Ethan gets his way Everytime...I wish you would have seen how heartbroken Arya was...." I sneered and pushed him aside as I got into his apartment...

"Are you surprised???? That sounds like Ethan to me...."
"Why does every girl fall for him???What makes him special????"

"He is not called the charmer for no reason.."
"Arya didn't have to be one of his victims...She is a weakling and a crying baby...."

"But still you are going to use her to get back at Ethan???..." George arched a perfect eyebrow at me...

Everytime I see Ethan Marcias, I wanna tear him apart in pieces with my teeth....He gets to live my life, have my spot and also my girl..Saying I hate him it's a understatement....

Let's just stay if he was on fire and I was holding a bucket of dirty water, I rather drink it....

"It's not like I am fucking with her...She should even be grateful that I am doing her a favour...I am saving her from the worst woman eater on the planet...."

"How would she feel when she finds out that the guy who she trusts the most has other agendas too????"
"I don't have an agenda....She makes Ethan vulnerable and we can use that to our advantage...."

"Since when is it we????This stupid plan is all yours dude..."
"Traitor...." I rolled my eyes and poured myself some whisky..

"What difference is there between you and Ethan??? You are practically doing the same thing Ethan is doing at Arya but differently...." George with his lectures again....

"I am a good friend who is trying to save her from herself ..Trust me, she will thank me some day..." I downed the glass of whisky and poured myself another one...

"Just let it slide...It's not like Ethan forced Ivy to be in a relationship with him...Infact she dumped you and started going after him...."

"What about the fact that I introduced her to the modelling world??? Or the fact that I housed her for an year since she wanted to fake it till she made it??? Or the fact that I used to give her my credit card or even the damn fucking fact that I bought her a Mercedes Benz or the stupid silly fact that I was willing to marry her....Which shit precisely should I let slide...Ethan offered her nothing but she left me for him without second thoughts...."

God knows I did everything right but she left anyway....
I have never felt so much rage like I do for Ethan...

Everytime I see them together, there is this stabbing paining my chest....
I loved her and she dumped me for him...It's not like we were dating or so but only a fool couldn't realise what I felt for her...

"Ethan is a Marcias and anyone who associates themselves with the Marcias, get somewhere in life...Look at Ethan's mom, she was just a celebrity fashion designer but when she married Jordan, she is a celebrated fashion  Icon and owns a fashion house ..We can't ignore the fact that Ivy has partially achieved all she is because of dating Ethan..."

"Stop rubbing salt on my wounds...."

"I am just sure Ethan is not that happy with Ivy or else he wouldn't have his eyes on Arya..."

"I was supposed to be the captain of the team..I was supposed to be the brand ambassador of Nika men's wear but he got it...I am the one who supposed to be Ivy's boyfriend  but he took that from me also..."

There was this stabbing sharp pain in my chest just thinking about him....

"You are just jealous bro....Ethan is the m....."

"Enough with the Marcias bullshit...I came from the ghetto and look where I am today..Whether he is a Marcias or not, soon I will take everything he loves from him...." I said Icily, slamming the table...

"Do you think the Marcias will allow that????"
"Why is Ethan so lucky???..."
"If I were you, I would stop this madness before it blows on my face...."

"I think it was a bad idea coming to see you...You are useless, nothing good comes from your mouth..." I thundered...
"No buts...Go be friends with that Ethan....You are either with me or not...." I took my jacket from the sofa and walked out of his apartment, slamming the door on my way out....

I can't wait for the day, I will laugh at your downfall Ethan...

A/N Hello smile squad, I am sorry I didn't update during the weekend....So this chapter basically is to help you understand better why Ian despises Ethan and where Arya stands in Ethan's life....

Kindly guys, if you see anyone copying my work or its posted somewhere apart from wattpad and inkitt...Tell me asap..

. .

Read " Bloody Fog " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

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  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    This Ian guy is so petty
  • Johnny Tall picture
    Johnny Tall
    thats just low for ian guy though the story is beautiful as always dont keep us waiting for too long fideh
    Hmmmm I can sense a war line being drawn and don't think it's a good one, but Ian thumbs up.
  • Modupe Gbolagun-Bello picture
    Modupe Gbolagun-Bello
    Good work Fideh
  • Horlarboy picture
    Hmmmm who is seeing the future with me... Troy will meet Arya and love her, without knowing she is d same Arya, Ethan was talking about... Anoda blooda war Just thinking out loud
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Horlarboy mmmmmh let's wait and see
    @Horlarboy, It's Hmmmmm
  • Oke Olabisi picture
    Oke Olabisi
    pls Fideh dont bring troy in loving our Arya just leave Arya for our Etha only
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Oke nothing of the sort will happen
  • Esther Mensah picture
    Esther Mensah
    I dont like dis Ian guy.he seems like trouble
  • Fatu M picture
    Fatu M
    I wish Ian and Arya could end up. Ethan needs to learn
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Esther let's see what happens
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Fatu let's see what happens
  • Abena Asima picture
    Abena Asima
    Ian is bad news let's keep our Arya for our bull headed Ethan
    @Abena Hahahaha, bull headed indeed..
  • LOHWOR mark picture
    LOHWOR mark
    Habba@fatu why nah?
  • Zainab Mohammed picture
    Zainab Mohammed
    Tnx so much Fideh. Waiting for the next episode dear.
  • Sue Nyaga picture
    Sue Nyaga
    loved Ethan and Troy conversation, the way u put it in words felt like I was there filming ?
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Sue wow.....I am humbled... Do you do filmmaking????I am so into filmmaking too
  • Sue Nyaga picture
    Sue Nyaga
    Nothing close to filmmaking.... let's say those are dreams which we were told are valid....haha.could feel them expressing to each other and that is wat makes u an amazing writer...kudos
  • Sue Nyaga picture
    Sue Nyaga
    Nothing close to filmmaking.... let's say those are dreams which we were told are valid....haha.could feel them expressing to each other and that is wat makes u an amazing writer...kudos
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Sue Nyaga thanks country woman...
  • Michael winful picture
    Michael winful
    let's see if Ian is mysterious or his got something up his sleeves.
  • Uthman Danfodio picture
    Uthman Danfodio
    I hate ethajne is doing presently, leave this arya girl and focus on yovr life... I hate dull and slow people, she's always at the right place at the wrong time... Ivy all the way
  • Mae wesley picture
    Mae wesley
    So interesting but just a quick one i have seen this story on facebook just that some scenes were rewritten
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