My Past My Future - Episode 23

We Handled It

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She walked in strides towards me and stood in front of me

"You are the perfect girl that Sam wouldn't stop talking about"

"I wonder what you have that I don't have"

"I love singing you like writing, maybe that's the difference"

She sat down and crossed her legs

"You know darling, I have known you way back before our university days

The young little girl that likes music's and even writes some

Our initial plan was for him to make you love him, collect your songs and bounce but he fell in love with you

I have always love Sam and music but you got it all

Then I got jealous

"You see, its not my fault"

"You made me feel jealous"

I have to poison Sam's mind against you

She smiled wickedly

It was so easy
"You refused giving him your cookie which I gave him in no time"

"He got used to it and I used that to manipulate him"

She smiled towards Sam who just smiled back like the fool he is.

I made him see reasons with me

We settled on him just collecting the written songs from you while I produce them as mine

"Yet he still adores you"

That got me angry

She stood up visibly angry and towed over me

Tony came closer in a bid to protect me from her verbal attack

I felt safe

Frank typed something on his phone and sent it to me

"Record everything she is saying, it will be used against her"

I smiled

"What a brilliant idea" 

I stylishly brought out my phone and started recording

I looked around but no one took notice of what I did except Frank

Oblivious of what was going on around her she continued her ranting

"You made him craw around you in the name of love while I beg for his attention and that really got me

When I have collected enough songs from you and we have made enough money from it 

She said emphasizing on the WE pointing at Sam

"You became useless to us, so we need to discard you yet he needed something from you

She looked at Sam and he grinned 

"Your cookie"

"And he got it"

"That hurts but not anymore" I said to myself

She starts again

I became your bestie

She laughed

"Awwnnn, its not my fault you trust too much"

I even plant Frank in your life but was surprised why he couldn't succeed 

"Not surprised about that" i thought to myself

"You see we are winners"

She said smiling triumphantly

"I am rich, I am a singer and I have Sam"

"You are a bloody loser"

She shouted to my face

"Loser" she shouted again

"Gosh that got me"

I gave her a resounding dirty slap without thinking twice

That shut her mouth

"That's enough" I shouted with tear glistering in my eyes

"Why am I even crying for this bloody sh-t" I thought to myself

I cleaned my eyes and walked casually to where Sam was sitting

He stood up alert

"Sweet heart, you don't need to stand as a soldier in front of me"

"That won't affect me or belittle me"

"You see, you are in my past"

Pointing to Tony

"And he is my future, way more better than you"

"I just thank God who filtered you from my life so that I can fresh air and breath"

I walked over to Lizzy

"You are not worth over any tears in my eyes"

"You came to me when you pretended you had nothing, we became friends, best friends at that but what did I get, a betrayed bestie"

I smiled to her face

"You know what"

"You are the bloody loser cus I don't think you are gonna make it here out alive"

She seemed alarmed at what I said

I smiled at the effects my words had on her

I pointed at Frank

"You see that guy over there, I know from the beginning that he was never your brother"

She twitched her face in disgust

"All the things you said are all recorded here, enough evidence for you to rot in jail" 

She made to snatch the phone from me

"Ah ah ah, don't you dare" I said with all seriousness

Tony walked over and hugged me

"Its okay love, I and Austin will take it from here"

"Go and rest okay, its been a rough day"

I hugged him back

He is my strength, I wouldn't have known how to face this mess if not for him"

"Thank you Tony, you are the best"

I went and hugged Austin
"Thank you for being there"

And finally my paddy
I hugged Frank too before leaving

I faced Sam and Lizzy where they were seated looking defeated because they got opposite of what they came for

They were here to negotiate the price for the concert but I guess it got worse

I smiled triumphantly

"Tony please make sure these tramps doesn't see tomorrow's daylight"

I said and walked out of the office

"Huh" I exhaled immediately I entered my car
"I did it" I consoled myself never to cry but leave the bullsh-t to handle itself

I drove out of the company to face my real future

I smiled in satisfaction


Huh, hope I tried friends

I guess am not a fan of action and emotion scene at the same time which made this episode somehow difficult to write

Comment your observations in the comment section and I will take note

"Did Chioma handle the situation very well"

. .

Read " Jamila " by the same author ( Celestina Oranye )


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