My Priceless Jewel - Episode 4

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"What? What did you just say girl? You mean a mechanic had the guts abdand audacity to slap you and you let it go? Like you just forgave him just like that? Are you kidding me Juwai?" Soffie's voice boomed through Juwairiyyah's ears. She sipped her coffee, a mischevious smile playing on her lips.

"Easy girl. Stop shouting and listen to me . You know i won't let something as serious as that easily. I've already put my plan into action, just keep calm and watch."

"Aren't you going to tell me about it? Maybe i can help."

"No sof, don't bother about that. I can handle it__i promise you're going to enjoy it."

"Okay...if you say so miss."

Juwairiyyah was about to reply her friend when Her Grandma came banging at her door "Juwairiyyah! Juwairiyyah! Where are you miss? Come out here and make some beans cake."

What the heck! Is something wrong with her grandma? Hope she got to be kidding her___she wondered.

"I'll call you later girl. Gotta go right now, take care." And she clicked off the phone before opening the door "Well, hello there Grandma! How may i help you?"

"You heard what i said you naughty girl. Make some beans cake, i want them for breakfast__its already 9:00am please make it snappy okay?"

So, she wasn't kidding then? Well! You sure are going to eat beans cake of your life!

"Okay Grandma

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. I'll make it quick okay."

She left for the kitchen, a lazy and wicked smile on her lips. Finding the already grinned bean, Juwairiyyah mixed all the necessary ingredients, exceeding the limits of them all before frying. Half way through the frying, she switched off the gas and served the bean cake before approaching the living room where her grandma was sitting.

"Here grandma. Your bean cake is ready."  

Hajiya Azumi smiled warmly at her grand-daughter before taking a bite from one of the beans cake. She quickly spurted it out before swallowing. Holding her neck so tight, Hajiya Azumi caughed like she's going to throw up the pap she took hours ago. Hajiya Raliya was by her side, rubbing her back in a soothing manner before handling her the glass of water she was holding.

"Sorry Mama" she kept repeating.

Juwairiyyah burst into a fit of laughter, clutching her stomach so tight "Wow! Seems like grandma enjoyed my _akara_."

"Juwairiyyah, what did you just gave me to eat?"

"Kosai (Beans cake)" Juwairiyyah answered absent mindly giving her full attention to her phone.

"Haka aka koya miki kosai? (is this how you're taught to make Beans cake?) What type of lady are you, common beans cake you can't even make!"

"Kai this old woman, am beginning to lose my patience ooo, haba. Why didn't you ask uwani in the first place to make it? Abeg spare me nikam" She huffed, banging her feets before leaving for her room.

Hajiya azumi was out of words. At this rate, a day will come when Juwairiyyah will attempt to slap her!

"Mama, kiyi haquri, this is all our fault, most especially you and Alhaji. Even though i contributed in the destruction of her moral upbringing. We just have to pray for her."

"Abun na juwairiyyah is getting out of hand, just look at how she treated me moments ago, we've made a mistake Raliya, a very big mistake". Said hajiya azumi in tears.

"Hajiya, kiyi haquri, lets keep praying for her. Am very sure.......".

Juwairiyya's foot steps stopped her from completing her statement, She came out fully dressed.

"Where are you going this early morning? Thought yoi said you're not having classes today?" Asked her mum.

"Am paying dad a visit, i've called him already. Bye" She answered making her way to the door.

"Juwairiyyah!!!". Her mom called back angrily "Where do you think you are going dressed like that?"

"O come on mum, give me some space. Am a grown up, i know what is good for me."

"Are talking to me using that tone? Juwairriyah, i gave birth to you remember."

"Well, that doesn't give you the right to question my every move. Just because you gave birth to me doesn't mean you can stop me from doing what i want, it's my life___and I'll rock it the way i want without you interfering! Good bye and have a nice day. O! My dear old kakus (grandma), enjoy your beans cake" Gbam! And she left.

Hajiya Azumi and Hajiya Raliya only exchanged glances, each person with a different thought in her head.


"Dad, how about the guy we talked about? Is he here today?" Juwairiyyah asked, seating across her dad.

"Arfaat you mean? Yes princess. He arrived before me, i guess he's very happy with his new job."

'That fool! Why won't he be happy' Juwairiyyah thought.

"Can i go to the engineers site and see how things are there?"

"Of course angel, take david with you. Get me Arfaat while coming back. There are things we need to clear first" Replied her dad.

Juwairiyyah was soo happy, today she's gonna meet that one man who had dared to lay his filty hands on her. He's gonna pay. It's a promise she's gonna keep!

She left for the site with David trailing behind her. She stopped as they approached the site, turning to David, she spoke up___"Do you know where the new vulcanizer is? Something Adnan or what? Can't really remember."

" I do Ma'am. This way please."  

Juwairiyyah saw Arfaat from afar, busy working. She smiled at herself, remembering her plan for the third time today.

"Hey arfaat, the boss lady is here to see you."

Arfaat turned quickly, and started walking towards juwairiyyah. 

"Good morning miss" Arfaat greeted not knowing who it was, this happend as a result of juwairiyyah turning her face.

"Good morning Yaa Arfaat, i need to have a word with you". Said juwairiyyah turning around for him to see her.

Arfaat was speechless, how could this be? Isn't she the girl he slapped? If he can recall perfectly he heard David calling her boss lady. Could Alhaji Abbas be her dad?. Wait did she just called him Yaa(Big bro) Arfaat???

Juwairiyyah could see the changes in Arfaat's face as she looked at him. The fool ought to be suprised. Nah he'll be more suprised when she puts her plan through.

"Yaa Arfaat, pleaseeeeee."

", lets go". Stammered Arfaat. What the hell is happening here, he thought.

They walked slowly until they arrived at the parking lot where  Juwairiyyah parked her car.

"I want to apologise for what i did the other day, i was out of my senses and i acted rudely. Hope you will forgive me Yaa Arfaat" She said sweetly, batting her lashes.

Arfaat couldn't believe what he just heard , Juwairiyyah just rendered him speechless. This was not The same girl he slapped three days back, it can't be. Wait, is she trying to get back at him? Well if that's the case then he'll surely enjoy this game.

"Forgive me beautiful, i also acted rude. Let's forget everything okay?"

"Sure Yaa Arfaat, arrrmmm......"

"Say what you have in mind beautiful."

"I want you to be my big bro.....Juwairiyyah said looking at him "... Can you be?"

Arfaat is beginning to doubt if she has something else in mind or so.

"You want to be my little sister?" Arfaat asked amazed.

"Yes__please" Replied Juwairiyyah smiling.

Arfaat smiled too, and that smiled killed Juwairiyyah ten times over. He looked super amazing just smiling that way.

"I have three sisters then, but you are the best" Arfaat said. 

"Lets meet tomorrow at a coffee shop, Bill on me. Dad wants to see you___ Bye i've got lectures." Juwairiyyah lied.

"Take care LILYNAH" Arfaat said smiling.

Lilynah! Juwairiyyah loved the name. She can't even explain how happy that name made her.

Read " Embedded Roses " by the same author ( Murjanatu Alkali )

. She only smiled and turned to her car.

"Wait up.....can i have the pleasure of having my Lily's number" he asked bringing out his baby nokia.

Juwairiyyah couldn't help laughing. A baby nokia? She asked herself bewildered.

"What's funny Lily?"

"Naah__ Nothing  bro. Here lemme have the phone". Said juwairiyyah stretching her hands to his reach.

"Bye, regards to my other sisters"  said juwairriyyah hovering into her car after handing Arfaat his phone back.


"Keh! Baki ganni bane? (Didnt you see me?)" Hajiya Azumi bellowed anger.

"Oh, kakus my yar rigima. I was too happy to notice your presence. How are you doing?" She spoke up not minding to look at her grandma.

"Waton ke kin raina ni koh? Bari Abbas ya dawo either ki kawo miji a miki aure ko kuma ni in nemo miki shi. (It seems like you've made me your mate Abi? Let Abbas come back home today__either you bring forth a guy and get married or i'll look for one for you myself!) Foolish girl!"

"Hey! Hey! Hold it there kakus, abeeg don't even bring up that issue. Me marry? Hajiya are you in your right senses kuwa. Am too small for stuffs like that please. Spare me."

"La illaha illallahu! Juwairiyyah, are you talking to me using that tone?"

"Toh akan me zaki shiga rayuwata? Ni banason sa ido dan Allah" (why then will you keep disturbing me and stop trying to meddle in my affairs? I hate it when people stick their nose in my life please)."

"I can see you've really grown up Juwairiyyah, i won't stick my nose again like you said__am sorry okay?" Hajiya Azumi spoke in tears.

"That would have been better". Said juwairiyyah leaving the sitting room humming a song to herself.

Hello everyone! Hope you like this chapter, if so, then please comment your thoughts. 
Hmmn, what is juwairiyyah planning na?
Who can guess?

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