Omoshalewa - Episode 10

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Stephen kept sending me messages upon messages since I had stopped picking his calls. I am sure he would have come to see me at school if not for the examination he was writing. His messages were so emotional. He mentioned in one of them that he wasn't sure his examination result would come out fine because he was really heart broken. At a time, I felt like giving him another chance . I still loved him...

I decided to pray to God about him. The more I prayed, the more I felt convinced not to end it with him yet. 

But then, Oyinkan's advice still prevailed. I thought about what she said concerning Stephen later marrying someone else at the end of the day. If that ever happens, the pain will be too much for me to bear. I concluded that it is better to leave him now than him leaving me later...

So, I started giving Desmond my attention and truly, just like Oyinkansola said, I started forgetting about Stephen. Desmond was a wonderful guy too. He really made me happy in the relationship. Each time he came visiting me, he would buy me all sorts of expensive gifts ranging from necklace to wristwatch, shoes, bags, dresses, etc. In short, he was really spoiling me. I hardly touched my pocket money because Desmond often bought me provisions and foodstuffs from time to time. I was happy again.

I never prayed to God about Desmond though, I didn't even want to because I was really enjoying myself at the moment

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. My friends too were benefiting from Desmond's generosity. He would buy them little gifts and at times take us on outings in the evening to have a nice time.

Most times, I still found myself comparing Desmond with Stephen.
Desmond was never like Stephen to me, he only filled half of the vacuum. There is something about Stephen that I couldn't find in Desmond, though he gave me all the care and attention I needed. But I later consoled myself with the fact that no two people are alike in character. I also had this strong feeling that I was too fast to start another relationship but still, Oyinkan won me over with the fact that if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to forget Stephen and it would affect my studies, so just as usual, I surrendered to her advice...

Troubles started when Desmond began craving to have carnal knowledge of me. The first time he made an attempt was a particular evening. We both sat on the bed in my room gisting...
I stood up quickly and ordered him out of my room immediately. I was angry. I expected him to understand the fact that we both should abstain from fornication. He apologized and we ended the quarrel there and then.

But later on, at different intervals, he would bring up the issue again. So, on one of such occasions, I told him I was a virgin and I intended to remain so till I get married.

"Really? Wow! You never told me." He responded surprisingly. "But there is nothing wrong if we do it now since we will end up getting married anyway." He added.

"I can't believe you could be saying this, I thought you are a child of God and besides, what is the probability that you will end up marrying me? I can't trust any man."

"Haba, Shalewa! Of course I will by God's grace. I am serious with this relationship and I mean it whenever I tell you that I love you. Forgive me for being carnal, it's the work of the devil and I must confess that it's difficult to resist such a beauty like you."

"Okay oh, lover boy. God will give you the grace to resist. Let us wait till our wedding night. I am not saying that you do not love me but let's wait okay?"

"Okay then my queen, your wish is my command."

All these while, my mum wasn't aware of my break up with Stephen. I just decided not to tell her because she would be worried that it might affect my studies.

Soon, our examination approached. I wrote my papers and then came the time to go home on holidays. I didn't leave school immediately because of Desmond. I decided to spend one extra week at school after the exams because he pleaded. Of course, I would miss him too, so I yielded to his pleas.

One day, during that extra week I spent at school, Tope told me that Desmond wasn't feeling fine and that he couldn't even go to work. I was surprised because I still saw him the previous evening, we even went to Bible study together. Since we started dating, we did attend midweek services together and he was really fervent and active at church...

I told Tope that I would check on him at his apartment.

"But why didn't he tell me that he is ill?" I asked Tope.

"He said he didn't want to get you worried," he replied.

I dressed up and set off to see Desmond. I got to his place around 4:30pm in the evening. I met him resting. He truly didn't go to work that day. I asked him if he had taken some medications already but he said he hadn't gotten any. So I went to a nearby pharmaceutical shop and got some antimalarial drugs since he said he suspected malaria.

I also made him a light meal for dinner. He ate and took the drugs. Very soon, he was fast asleep. I called Tope, his friend at around 8:30pm to tell him that I was about to leave Desmond's place, so he could come to stay with him for the night, but he didn't pick his calls. I tried several times but to no avail. So, I decided to leave quietly.

Read " The Honeymoon " by the same author ( Moyosore Teniola )

. I made sure I left some fruits and water near his bed in case he was famished later in the night.

I switched off the light and quietly walked out of the room. Then he called my name weakly. I responded and switched on the light again.

"Are you that heartless? You want to leave me in this condition and go back home?" He asked.

"I am sorry dear. I thought you are better." I answered guiltily.

I gave him some fruits to eat and we talked for some time before he went back to sleep again. I left him in the room and went to sleep on the sofa in the sitting room.

I woke up in the middle of the night when I felt someone touched me. I even thought it was a dream until the hand gripped me more. I screamed.

"It's me Shalewa, take it easy." The voice replied.

It took me a few seconds to remember where I was and when I actually did, I was so scared.

"Desmond? Why? What are you trying to do?" I whispered.

"Relax Angel, let's do this thing once and for all, I can't hold it any longer. I promise you will enjoy it."

"What? I thought you were sick. Don't let us do this please, I am begging you, it will still be yours at the end, please..." I screamed. But all my pleas fell on deaf ears.

Desmond painfully forced himself on me that very night and I was deflowered there and then, right in his living room...


Ecclesiastes 3:1-
"To everything, there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."

Don't mishandle your time, remember God in the days of your Youth...

"Flee all appearances of evil."

So, Shalewa's heart has finally been shattered. It's a pity...
The story had just started.
Thanks for reading so far...
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  • Tobinna picture
    Mehn.. I'm more heart broken.. This is terrible.. Shalewa has always been naive.. you can't sleep on Delilah's lap hoping to wake up in Abraham's bossom, far from it.. Desmond should be reported and charged for rape.. But the trauma remains with shalewa.. Nice job our dear writer..
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    Shalewa was just too naive and allow wrong counsel at her own detriment, she choose to turn a deaf ear to God's warning & allow friends advice destroy her, Desmond was just playing nice to get her all along. It is a pity though but not d end of d world dear Shalewa. This is one lesson learnt in an hard way. @ Moyosore, God bless u
  • carmen picture
    She's not serious, how can u allow a frnd talk u out of loving someone u know u genuinely love? She preferred going 4 her frnd's choice who foes dat. Even if Stephen is bad at least hr Neva 4 once disturbed her
  • chisom Julia picture
    chisom Julia
    I said it, the guy is evil, but poor shalewa couldn't see it that way she thought it was love but no it was lust, thanks for sharing at teniola
  • Olasumbo Ayodeji picture
  • chisom Julia picture
    chisom Julia
    Wolf in sheep clothing, all the whole mid week service was nothing but a camouflage, stupid Desmond God will judge, since you had the ulterior motives to that to a naive girl, and to think of that you suddenly became sick judging from the point that she told you that she's a virgin, you faked to be sick so as to take away her innocence without delay.
  • Godiya Wisdom picture
    Godiya Wisdom
    Oh! I just knew that it will end this way, am very sure Desmond even got more interested the moment he learnt Shalewa was still a virgin. Let's chose our friends wisely o! Those friends of her really pushed her into this mess.
  • chisom Julia picture
    chisom Julia
    But then shalewa's mother has failed her daughter, she denied her daughter the knowledge of sexuality education, then she now has to depend on peers who now gave her wrong advice that landed her in this mess, mothers and future mothers teach your girl child (daughters) and sons as well sexuality education.
  • Juliet Nalumansi picture
    Juliet Nalumansi
    omg its a pity
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thanks Tobinna, I like your comparison about Delilah's lap and Abraham's bosom
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Amen @ Adeoti, thanks... @ Carmen, abi ooo my sister, see life
  • Zenith picture
    Evil company indeed corrupt good manners. What a pity shalewa
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    You are on point @ Godiya... 'the moment he discovered she was a virgin...' one great lesson for ladies to learn
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    @ Julia, you are seriously making sense. You are also right about Shalewa's mum's negligence.
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Yes indeed @ Zenith... Thank you all for the wonderful contributions. I appreciate you all
  • Abigail Amande picture
    Abigail Amande
    I knew it will end this way. If only she allow herself to hear from God, but no, she did otherwise and now you see the result. Nice one my dear.
  • Harmony Odazie picture
    Harmony Odazie
    I just hope she doesn't get pregnant along the way.. Some friends can be very very deceiving.. God help Shalewa.. Thanx Teniola for the lesson in this story..
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thanks so much @ Abigail and Harmony
  • Boluwatife picture
    Hmmmm, really sad for her
  • Faith Omonkhodion picture
    Faith Omonkhodion
    I hv always been a silent reader but dis episode got me. It's a pity. More ink to ur pen girl
  • Fiyinfolu Obisakin picture
    Fiyinfolu Obisakin
    Oh my my, my poor shalewa. You're so naive.
  • Victoria Obio picture
    Victoria Obio
    I knew this will lead to this, its unfortunate that she has lost her dignity, virgin and her soulmate all at once, and she might get pregnant. At the end, she will want to ask Stephen for forgiveness, but of course he will forgive her but can't ever have anything to do with her again. She destroyed her life with her own hands as a result of ignorance, lack of understanding, bad friends and not being proactive.
  • Aniemeke Anita picture
    Aniemeke Anita
    I expected Desmond would come up with a ploy to ve carnal knowledge of her, me reading it really happening weakened me seriously. She prayed God gave her the right answer she choose to fall deaf ears n listen to her friends, ve bin like her a lot of times pray to God about sth n still decide to disregard God's word.. Proverbs 3vs5:8 says it all we should trust in the Lord n not conform to our own knowledge, he would direct our paths wen he is d one directing our path we won't fall into any evil, Shalewa has fallen into this God help her come out of it, episode 11 loading........... God bless u Moyo
  • Jessica Francis picture
    Jessica Francis
    What a pity if only u did not follow dat stupid Oyin advice dat beast wundnt hv succeeded
  • Oluwapelumi picture
    Am sure shalewa will get pregnant
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Hmm! this story has really opened an old wound in me, Omoshalewa has learned in a hard way, hope she can forget and move on in life. its such a pity the kind of friends we fall prey to. I knew Desmond and Tope planned it all, is well
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    So so sad @ Boluwatife... Thanks @ Faith, welcome on board and thanks for reading
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    @ Vic, you are on point... @Anita, nice contribution, thanks
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Yea, she's naive @ Fiyinfolu
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Abi o, @ Jessica... @Oluwapelumi, let's wait and see
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    You are right sis @ Benadicta, it is well indeed
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    You are right sis @ Benedicta, it is well indeed
  • Idris Taiwo picture
    Idris Taiwo
    I am so sorry for shalewa but I think oyin was plant to convinced her to accept Desmond's offer. Let's wait an see the outcome. Interesting
  • Adorabe picture
    Ohhhh, am not happy
  • Chekwube picture
    Sobbing..... .next plss
  • picture
  • picture
    [email protected]
    But I don't know why some guys behaves irrational and uncultured without thinking the end result of their foolishness .Desmond doesn't love her, is just lust or infatuation, bcos love sufferenth long and love is kind.
  • picture
    [email protected]
    And if thr is any ladies here that are into any relationship, and the guy is trying to have carnal knowledge of you, is better you put an end to that relationship bcos it might needs to regrets in the future. My advice!
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thanks @ Idris, we shall see the outcome soon
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Aaawwww, so sorry @ Adorable and Chekwube
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    @ Orogbangba, wise advice there. Welcome on board, thanks
  • Blessed Daniel picture
    Blessed Daniel
    That's Just The Begining Of Her Sorrow. She Wil Leave With The Pain Al Her Life. Hmm Pathetic..Anyway I Warned Her But She Wouldnt Listen.. Lol. Lemme Start Going Joor.. Nice One Writer.
  • Blessed Daniel picture
    Blessed Daniel
    That's Just The Begining Of Her Sorrow. Thats The Price One Pay For Bad Company.. I Warned Her But She Wouldn't Listen. Lol. Lemme Start Going Joor. Nice One Writer.
  • Blessed Daniel picture
  • Omotosho saheed picture
    Omotosho saheed
    Medication after injury. Lesson no 1. Don't do it. 2. Don't go near it. 3. Don't even dare it. Mind u, it=trusting others with matters that has to do with u nd putting them at the helm.
  • Omotosho saheed picture
    Omotosho saheed
    Tenny, wehdone
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thanks Blessed, she didn't listen to you oh
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Yea @Saheed, thanks a lot
  • Blessed Daniel picture
    Blessed Daniel
    My Pleasure@moyosore
  • Blessed Daniel picture
    Blessed Daniel
    My Pleasure@moyosore
  • Ify Dada picture
    Ify Dada
    Shebi i told ds Shalewa not to jump in any relationship n face her studies, have now see dat wat an elder see while sitting down a child cant see it frm an eroko tree eheheh... Shalewa i just pray u dont get preggy o,do u still remba d dota of whom u r? O mmeri ama efi na anya!
  • Emash picture
    oya Shalewa let ur adviser give you ur virginity back. Moyo why din't u mk it a narrow escape.
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thanks @ Ify Dada... smiles @ Emash, no escape o
  • Jessy Vicky! picture
    Jessy Vicky!
    Haaaa... Sha... Le.... Wa!!
  • Hay square picture
    Hay square
    c ur life nao shalewa hummmm
  • Tony Presh picture
    Tony Presh
    Am very angry now! Am sure that was an unprotected sex. We will soon have to congratulate you on ur pregnancy result. That's what u want. You left a guy who have been with u close to 3 years just a day and u didn't even give him a chance to explain him self. Am just feeling for him
  • Ogunyemi Grace picture
    Ogunyemi Grace
    Ahhh.. shalewa,what a message!
  • Ab Joseph picture
    Ab Joseph
    So sad for shalewa. How wil u cope now. A shattered life.. I feel so sad now.
  • Ummulkulthum Mohammad picture
    Ummulkulthum Mohammad
    Its all her fault,she was stupid
  • Ummulkulthum Mohammad picture
    Ummulkulthum Mohammad
    Its all her fault,she was stupid
  • Ajibola Gbogboade picture
    Ajibola Gbogboade
    The same friend that pushed to this will still tell her that , nothing is bad about been deflowered before marriage . Indeed evil communication corrupt good manners.
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