Regret - Episode 21

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Rose started laughing hysterically. 
"I know you doctors like to joke a lot, but please take it easy, this is someone's life you're talking about. 
"Ma'am we're serious, your daughter was already dead before you even brought her here" the doctor said sounding serious. 
"Doctor please, I don't know what you're talking about, I want to see my daughter" Rose said, already raising her voice. 
Tonye and Lola tried to calm her down. 
"Rose, take it easy, let's just go in and see her for the last time" Tonye said. 
"Wait, Tonye stop right there, are you trying to tell me that you believe what this doctor is saying? Rose said looking at Tonye. 
"I'm sorry, let's go and see Sara" Tonye apologized. 
Lola knew best not to talk at this time, because whatever you say would be used against you. 
"My daughter is not dead, she can't die, She was up and lively just this afternoon before she went to sleep. People just don't go like that . Maybe she just isn't moving that's why these doctors have already pronounced her dead. Who is sure they're not quacks

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. Please allow me to go in and wake my daughter up" Rose babbled.
Tonye and Lola looked at each other, they started to wonder what would happen if their friend runs mad. 

Meanwhile Amy had finished cashing the money at the bank, it took a while so it was around evening she returned to the hospital. She arrived with the four million  cash. She ran straight to the doctor's office. Mrs Amy please calm down, there's something we have to tell you" the doctor said. 
"What is it?, the money isn't enough anymore? Should I get more?" Amy asked frantically. 
"No, that's not it"
"Then what is it?, you need to tell me". Amy said. 
"Ma'am, I'll need you to brace yourself well for this" he paused then continued. "The nurse went to give your son his daily shots and he was found dead"
Amy was silent.

So many things were going on in her mind. How did it happen?,where did I go wrong? She asked herself. 
"Ma'am, there was something strange though. You son didn't die because of his sickness, he died of poisoning. 
Amy was starstruck. She needed not think again. She just walked out of the doctor's office and went straight back home. She didn't even want to see her son's corpse. When she reached home. She locked herself in the house. She opened the bag of money she was holding only to find out it was just wads of paper, plain paper. Her life was finished. "What am I still living for", she asked herself. Her son was the only reason she was living, now that he is dead, what else is she still doing on this earth. She had no money. She remembered the two suspicious looking boys that sat with her in the taxi she took back  to the hospital from the bank, she knew it was that evil woman that sent them. That woman was a manipulator. She didn't even think twice, she already knew who killed her son. She didn't know what she was getting herself into when she was doing business with that kind of person. She started laughing hysterically.This world has ended for her. There was nothing else she was living for. She didn't have any purpose in life. Her husband died some fifteen years ago. She found solace in her only son and now he too was gone. This was an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. She didn't even question God, why he decided to punish her this way, why her life has been  full of suffering. She didn't want to question God. Instead she questioned herself. Did she think she can take the life of someone else's child and go scot free?, This was her punishment, she knew. She decided to leave this world and its hurdles behind. She went to where she stored her drugs. She took in every drug she could find. Then she lay on the floor and waited for death to take her. That was when she remembered that she had to speak to Rose. She was already getting weak so she tore out a paper and took a pen to write a letter. 
Dear Rose, I want to apologize for everything I've done. I know you didn't even suspect me once, but I killed your daughter. I'm so sorry. I know nothing will make you forgive me. I wasn't the mastermind behind the murder though. I was being ordered just because I needed money. I was so pushed to the wall because I didn't have money. I want to warn you that not everything that glitters is gold. You have to be very careful of..... And Amy died leaving the letter half way.



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