The Forgotten Wolf - Episode 16

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'In a night of western wind and cold mountain rain

I dream of home country

I especially miss you who I have not seen

Separation is hard but we endure it

When will the war end

And the victors and losers cease to matter

Time draws near yet tears persist

The world is new but the beautiful woman has grown old

Endure the separation

I cannot endure it yet we must part

I ask the birds to fly south

But where to send my message

Beauty fades

Time will change

But this love will go on'

"Arizona, it is high time you announced to the people of Wolf that Odin is back".

Arizona nodded her head and left Odin and Philip presence to do as she was told.

Odin turned and embraced her lover and started singing a song only her and Olin know. A song that brings the two girls closer . A song of a lost one. A song she had once taught Prince Philip in her past. A song that would set things right.

'How much pride must be sacrificed to time so we can pick up the pieces of affection?

When we noticed the lingering closeness from the sword fight, we’ve already put down our swords

Fortunately, we haven’t wasted away our beauty nor the fleeting years to have been separated by time.

We only make peace with life. We get what we want by never negotiating.

Leave the victory and defeat to yesterday, so we can enjoy the good views when swallows return.

When we sang of the songs of sword fight, we no longer bear grudges.

Never mind the fading beauty or the bygone years, when the fire is gone the flower will bloom.

Our fates have already overlapped, they are already reunited.

Even spells cast overtime could be broken.

When hearts are together and fates connected, the feelings are between love and hate.

In this life or next we still remain sisters.

Olin tears are worth it'.


"Odin, I have a feeling that we will be separated from each other

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I have this strange feelings our destinies are about to change". Olin told her twin quietly.

"Nothing gonna happen, and even if something happens we will stick together".

"You don't get it Odin, something tragedy will shape our future, but as you have said, we will stick together". Olin said.

"You are just scared of nothing Olin, besides if eventually something happens as you have quoted, we have our wolves to depend on". Odin said trying to cheer her twin sister up but was failing.

"You know what Odin, let's create a strong bond". Olin said after a while.

"A strong bond? What for Olin" Odin questioned confusingly.

"In case something happens and we are separated, this bond will call on us when one of us call on it".

"Okay, so what will be the bond?"

"A song.

Read " Forbidden Love " by the same author ( Ifeoma Isabella Okeke )

. A song that is all about, love, war, victories, magic and our fate". Olin answered.

"Hmm, I like that. Do you have a song at heart?"

Olin smiled "Yes I do".

"Okay, let me hear it then", Odin said.


Elsie was so engrossed on her spells in raising the Medallion Wolves that she didn't noticed the silent figure behind her all these while.

Her followers had gone to the grave of the Medallion Wolves to dig out the remains of their bones.

Medallion Wolves are the only wolves in the wolf history who had went rogue. A one wolf that can multiply into three or battalion wolves at a time, hence it name. No one know what had ended their life. Some stories goes that the wolf was the first creation of Mankind, but had anger the one who had created them. Some said the wolf went mad and took his own life.

As soon as Elsie has completed the spell needed. She pierced her hand and placed it over the bones of the wolf, but the silent figure who had been waiting for that opportunity has already let her blood drop on the bones of the wolf.

"It is already too late Elsie, the wolf is mine now". Olin said to a surprise Elsie, her shadow form slowly moving away from Olin.


King Reed who has been pacing around his throne room, suddenly clutch his throat, something was moving around his throat. He quickly spat it out and was surprised to see a live black scorpion hurrying away but the king was faster and smashed it with his boot.

He was Reed once again.

Queen Annabel walked into the throne room, she has heard the grunt sound made by the king and has rushed to find out what the problem was when she saw her husband smashing something on the ground

"What happened dear?" Annabel asked trying not to  show her fears as Reed looked at her.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"


Erica and Eric had been resting when a lady came to them.

"I have been watching your movement ever since you two left the Palace".

The twins looked shocked.

"But how did you know? Who are you?" Erica asked fearfully.

The lady smiled at them and said "I am Arizona and I can take you to the person you seek".


Odin suddenly removed herself from the embrace she had with her lover and smiled so suddenly.

"What is it Odin, why are you smiling?" Prince Philip asked.

If nothing, her smile widening the more, "I sense Zeus, and I sense Olin. They are both coming".

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