The Homecoming - Episode 9

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"What the hell happened to you?"

I get greeted by  that colorful shout that I almost jump.

Justice, Justin and Sage seem to be in a meeting of sorts, which instantly stops at the sight of me.

Sage marches forward and grabs my hand, he growls, 

"What the hell happened?"

"It's nothing”

"That isn't bloody nothing July, you better start talking before I get to my own conclusions"

That surprising outburst came from justice and my eyes narrow on him, I push all my pain and anger on him, who did he think he is?

"Do not yell at me justice and ask questions as if you care, you can keep your worry to your bloody self".

He looks a little taken aback, and I cant find it in me to care right now, my knees hurt like a mother.

"Sister kin, please calm your self, tell us what happened."

This was from Justin, I nod at him and I walk, rather limped to the dinning and took my sit, I turn to safe and he's right there, dropping on his hunches to be at level with me.


"I almost got ran over by a motorcycle, I jumped out of the way in time, it must have been a drunk driver"

Even I could hear the doubt in my voice, what drunk driver at 8 in the morning, either someone was a very reckless driver or the person was out to get me.

I plead the former.

"Where you able to get the plates?"

I nod my head negatively, he frowns, I look to the side and see justice making some calls, does he not care that I almost got ran over?

Sage must have read my face because he clarifies,

"He's making calls to check the CCTV cameras at the bus station if it got anything, we don't think it's some random driver"

"What?, Why?"

"Your a very rich woman julliet, some people would do anything to make justice distracted from this year's polls."

Figures, justice will be the end of me, Justin enters the room with a first aid kit, he must have left while I was talking to sage.

Sage takes the kit and croucues to begin cleaning my knee with some peroxide, I wince and hiss and he blows gently on it.

"Am sorry this happened to you lil bird"

He whispers softly and am stuck staring into his eyes, someone clears thier throat and the spell is broken, justice approaches us and I turn to him, sage countinues his cleaning of my knee.

"I made some calls and someone will be here in an hour with footage, I suggest you take a bath and rest J, you don't look too hurt".

I flip him the bird and he chuckles, it seemed like old times till he stopped, u get up gingerly and sage is there.

I don't know if justice is aware we are dating and that he slept over, but if he did he is doing a good job of hiding it.

Sage leads me to my room and I walk towards the bathroom.

"You need any help?".
He asks and i get a hint of mischievousness, I smirk.

"You wish"

He chuckles and I laugh as I slowly make my way to the bathroom , minding my hands and knees.

"Mind your hands and knees little bird,"

He calls after me, and I wonder how much of a chance is it that we have the same thought running through our mind.


I ended up being called into the media room(yes, you can close your mouth, we have a freaking media room, complete with a floor to ceiling screen) after taking a bath and throwing on some cut offs and a tank top I make my way there, I enter and immediately sense  the tension, was something wrong? Sage is pissed at something.

I walk to sage, instinctively knowing he would protect me no matter what, I sit on his lap and he instantly pulls me close.

"What's that matter? Is the footage here?".

"Yes sister kin, the footage is here, we watched before you, your man is not quite happy, seems this was not some random attack"

This is from Justin, I look to sage and he's still looking pissed.

"Can I see?"

I ask and Justin plays the vcr, I can't make any sense of it, you could see myself walking and smiling like a loon and the motorcycle almost running me over.

"I don't understand, what's there? It looks random to me."

Sage finally speaks, 

"Look closely lil bird, you see how he purposely manoeuvres to be on your Lane, baby there was plenty of road for him to drive,"

I open my mouth to speak but he exclaims

"Shit!, He could have hurt you bird, you could be at the hospital now fighting for your life, Jesus!"

He doesn't seem to be calming down, am scared.

"Sage look at me,"

He's not listening.

"Sage look at me, look at me,"

He stares into my eyes and I go on.

"Am here, am not hurt, here touch me,...."..

I place his hand on my face, 

"Am right here, see,? Am ok"

He nods and kisses my head,

"Never get hurt little bird".
He commands and I chuckle.

"That's a hard promise to keep big guy".

I tease, he doesn't find it funny so I acquiesce.

"I promise to try to keep safe Sage"

His lip tip to the side in a small smile.

"Love the way you say my name baby"

I blush, OMG, my brothers were in the room.

I glance to justice and I see him engrossed in some paperwork Justin seems to be replaying the footage again, they seem cool with this.

The door bell rings and I turn to the door.

"They must be here,."

That was Justin, he walks out of the media room and I turn to justice.

"Who's here?"

I posed the question to justice but it was sage that answered.

"Steve and Wesley Osas, they are private investigators, I want them on this case as soon as possible baby, they are also my friends"

"But why investigators? can't we just let it go?"

Justice replies,

"We can't let it go July, you are dating a rich man, and am running for governor, I won't let anything happen to you"

I turn as the door opens and Justin steps I with two men on his heels.

I turn to them and I get a case of deja Vu, like I've seen them before,.

"You might even know Wesley lil bird, he went to your school."

I turn away from him, I look at the both of them and I instantly get this overwhelming urge to cry and hit at them,.

What the hell? who are these people?

. .

Read " Twisted Twice, Twisted Mine " by the same author ( Bebe Ernest )


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