The unstoppable Achiever - Episode 8

The unstoppable Achiever

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The D day ! 

Sandra POV...

Sammy took me out; he does that occasionally without the children. I had a good time anywhere. After the dinner, he said. 

*Do you like politics? 

"It depends"  I said

He asked, "what does it depend on"

"On who is politicking" I said

He dropped the boom shell. " I'm gonna be the personal assistance (PA) to that governor that we hosted here sometime ago . "

Of Course I  heard him but pretended as if I didn't and said nothing.

He turned , faced me , held my hands and repeated the same thing.

" I told him, very well, you will ' PA' from here in America  while he ' governs' over there. That's ok by me"... My rage was beginning to take over me , but I calmed it down. Maybe he is teasing me. I was wrong because he meant it.

 When he showed me  the appointment letter,  I noticed he was to leave for Nigeria in less than a month's time.

"What happened to us … me and the two kids" I asked

"You guys will stay, I will be coming often to see you. I can't interrupt their education at this level

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. It Is better here than Nigeria."he said.

" If America is better than Nigeria, why are you venturing into this. This seems hasty to me " I said

"Money!" he said , snapping two  fingers as if counting cripse currency. "Money!" He repeated with excitement. He was in such a  mode that made me think he has gotten the money already 

"Did you tell my Dad? I asked."

" I did,  He gave me his blessings and advice. He knows Nigeria better than I do. Remember he grew up there and had worked there too... Hehehe!" He laughed in a weird manner. 

I was beginning to think he was intoxicated only to remember that he was a teetotaler. Why the frenzy? Was he divorcing me tactically? Was he running away from his responsibilities?, Is there another woman somewhere?

 I was determined to cut this whole drama shot and clip his wings. Should I report him to the authorities? No, I had other plans…My thoughts went wild.


Sammy POV...

I got to Nigeria without my family and then to my state to resume work. I was taken to the governor who recognised me since I hosted him in our hotel when he was in the States.

He was a nice man and very accommodating and friendly too.

I worked as his PA for two years during which Dave ensured that I was made a commissioner after the two years and he succeeded. I was very happy for him. In fact he literally made me who I am. He was a  brother indeed. 

"Dave , why are you so nice to me" I have been asking him severally

"Sir, I just like you. You are the most competent person I see around me hence the reason to assist you as much as I can. I took him by his words but for some inconceivable reasons, I had this hunch ,he was being too nice, maybe for a reason.

 When the tenure of my Governor elapsed,  Dave urged me to contest for governorship of our great PPC party in our state. He spoke with the governor himself and the party chairman. Having worked as PA for two years and a commissioner for two years, my profile escalated. They all accepted me.   I trusted all their judgements and then applied. I passed the nomination and stood for election while Dave was still the Assistant Chairman of our party. 

With his influence, I won the election in a landslide manner and became the Governor of our state. I couldn't stay alone any more, I had to bring my wife and kids to Nigeria.

" Hello Sandra , I am coming to the States next week Wednesday" I called my wife and told her . I always do before travelling to see them

"Ok honey, we are expecting you. She responded...Please remember to bring those things" She listed some of her favorite Nigerian food that I should bring to her.

The following day after arriving to see my family in the States, I called Sandra and told her I have been made our state governor and that I want her and the kids back with me to Nigeria.

Without any hesitation, she accepted. No resistance? This is quite unlike her. This made me a bit sceptical.

"Ok honey , if  that's what you want. When are we leaving" she said.

" I have taken a month off to do some personal stuff in preparation for the swearing in ceremony. We shall leave on the 5th of next month."I replied to her.

Sandra POV…


"Papy! Papy ! that Niger of a husband wants and my children to move to his god forsaken country" I told my Dad

" Calm down , Child,  when did he say that" Dr. Steven responded

" That was last night Dad. I said

" And what was your response" 

" I pretended to be happy and played along" I said

" That means you were not happy about it…. Why didn't you tell him. He asked.

" Dad, Sammy is a stubborn man. When he sets his mind to do something, he goes for it no matter the obstacle. He wouldn't back out even if I had objected. Moreover, he has been elected the governor already and is awaiting swearing in. You see why I didn't object. I added.

"Ok, I'm sure you will be happy as a governor's wife. I think you should go, follow him, back him up. Help him to succeed in his work. It's not forever and when his tenure is over, you guys can come back to the States" My Dad advised.

"Dad!" ! I screamed. "Never. I say never." I stood up shouting , prowling

all over like a wounded lion. Of course I am a lion.

"Calm down , daughter". Dad said

"Never!. Dad I can't play along. Never" . I responded in a rage

"Ok,ok,  what are you going to do then" he added

"Dad, I , I… well,never mind, leave that to me" I said stammering in annoyance.

Of Course I have my plans. Trust me, clean and sharp !

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  • Blessed Daniel picture
    Blessed Daniel
    Nice One Dear Writer.The Story Is Superb And I Love It. Please Make It More Lenghty..
  • nsikak inyang picture
    nsikak inyang
    Ok. Will do that
  • Dolapo Oloyede picture
    Dolapo Oloyede
    You better don't ruin your husband career , a good woman want her husband to be successful
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