Two Faced Lover - Episode 16

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"How is she doing now?"

"Don't know"

I reply curtly, increasing the speed of the treadmill I was running on.

"Is she badly hurt?"

"Don't know" "Is she awake?"

"Don't know"

"Has she.."

"Don't know"

I cut in. I don't wanna know.

"Cameron? What's up with you? What do you mean you don't know if the girl is badly hurt or awake?"

I stop the treadmill, get off, grab a water bottle, uncork the lid and drink.

Placing the bottle back down, I walk towards the numerous dumbbells on the other side of my private gym.

Grab the not-so-heavy one and begin to lift.

"Don't ignore me Cameron! I f*cking asked you a question!"

"What do you want from me Julian? I've done what every godamn Samaritan is supposed to do isn't it? I f*cking brought her to my home!"

I drop the dumbbell, picking up my face towel to wipe my face . I walk past Julian into the living room, ignoring his piercing looks.

"So that's it? You're mad because you broke your rule by bringing her into your home?"

He questions. And into my f*cking bed! I wanted to add but kept my mouth shut.

"....I thought we agreed that bringing her here would be much more safer because if we had taken her to a hospital, the doctors would have realised the finger prints on her body, the bruises

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. It Won't take them long to realise she had been harrased. They would then ask us to make a report with the police and then investigations will begin. Considering the fact that that we are foreigners, once these New Yorkers smell anything fishy, they'll dig and dug until they find out about your illegal fighting business and racing cars. You wouldn't want that do you?"

I ignore him, walking into the kitchen to grab a couple of croissants onto a plate and pour myself a cup of juice.

"Forget about the fact that you brought her into your home. Be happy that you were able to get to her on time"

he continues.

"You can grab some croissants giry yourself. There's more"

I say ignoring his statements, chewing on a croissant.

I don't really wanna talk about this.

Julian sighs, clearly aggravated by my lack of cooperation.

"You're such a bipolar mess. I'll go check on her to see if she's awake and probably get her something to eat!"

He sneers the last part for emphasis like I'm a monster for not feeding her.


He disappears making way towards my bedroom.

I sigh, placing my plate on the dinning table.

I can't even answer any of Julian's questions.

I'm so mad at myself.

F*cking enraged. First I brought her to my home and as if than wasn't enough, I personally cleaned and bandaged her wound when the house help had clearly wanted to do it. But no, stupid me wanted to do it.

Then I couldn't help staring at her.. Admiring her. Calling her.. F*ck!.

You've been in control of your emotions for years now Cameron.

You can do it.

You can still do it. Push down any thoughts of her down the drain before a simple admiration turns into a stronger emotion.

An emotion that'll most likely leave you heartbroken again. Push it down Cameron.

Push it down. I push another croissant into my mouth.

"Cam.. She's gone. The girl is gone" Julian says coming up behind me.

"What do you mean she's gone?"

"She left. Her shoes and purse are missing."

She must have left while I was in the gym. Well for once she took a good decision by leaving.

"Well good riddance"

I mutter, fiunally relaxing.

"What the f*ck Cameron? Don't you care the tiniest bit? Shouldn't we go search for her?"

I scoff.

"Search for her? And bring her back to where? My house? No way. She left because she could handle herself. Let's leave it at that. I have to be at the office tomorrow very early. Can't afford losing sleep searching for some girl"

"'re insufferable Cameron. I wonder why I put up with you"

He asks running his fingers through his hair "Because you love me, isn't that obvious?" I shrug, chugging down the entire juice.

"Yes. I do love you.."

He admits, frowning.

"No I didn't mean it that way. I love you yes, but no homo. I'm straight ASF. I love my women okay"

I laugh, getting up and strolling towards the couch when I notice something. Wait. I frown... Where's my jacket? My eyes move to the table. My watch?. Where the f*ck are my jacket and watch? I pause.

That .. That b*itch! I should have f*cking known she was like the rest.



"Oh my God, Sky are you okay? What happened?"

Mrs Monroe's cornered voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

I look up to realise I was at the front porch of her home. I rake my hand through my hair.

It's so messy, sticking out in all directions.

The blazer I'm wearing isn't even big enough to cover the torn parts of my clothes.

Even the hem of my clothes is torn into a slit exposing my thighs. I sigh. I just wish Cameron calls me.

After I took his blazer and watch, I just couldn't find it in me to leave like that.

He would have probably thought I'm a disgusting thief and that would make things more difficult.

I'm already having a hard time trying to get a conversation out of him.

So after stepping out of the elevator, I had asked the guard on duty downstairs for a pen and paper, apologised to Cameron for leaving so impromptu and taking his jacket and watch.

I had explained in the letter that I took them in order to make sure I see him again.

I had even added my cell phone number and pushed it under his door.

An hour has passed and he hasn't called. Maybe he hasn't found it yet?


"Earth to Skylar!"

I blink looking up at Mrs Monroe.

"You zoned out again Sky. What happened?"

She asked opening the door for me to enter. I do.

"I'm sorry... Things just didn't go well as I wanted. And don't mind my dress, it got caught between the car door when I tried to alight and because I was in a hurry, I pulled my dress so hard it split into two"

the lie rolls off my tongue smoothly as I watch Mrs Monroe relax visibly.

"Come, go get changed. Sean is sleeping in Christian's room."

I mumble a thanks and turn towards the stairs.

"Oh and Sky?"

I stop.


"You don't have to come to work tomorrow. I asked you to prepare so much food for a reason. There's still a lot more than can take is through tomorrow"

"But the cleaning?"

"Cleaning can wait till monday"

"Thank you ma'am. I'm grateful"

I smile in appreciation. She waves me off.

"Not a problem. Go get your son, he was waiting for you"

I turn and continue up the stairs. I have a day off tomorrow. But with the kind of life that I live, I can't afford to have a day off.

Even though my son attends the cheapest community school in the area, Sean's school fees still need to be paid.

He's growing up. I have to sew him new school uniforms, get him a new lunch box. And save money for the future. I'll just have to go back to the market tomorrow to sell the remaining fruits I have.

It's been a while since I sold my fruits.

After changing my clothes, I walk towards Christian's room and push it slowly open.

They were both asleep.

I walk over to the bed bending to caress his hair, taking off his glasses and folding it inside it's case.

Sean stirs at my touch, opening his eyes groggily.

"Mom, you came"

"Of course baby. I would never leave you. Let's get you home okay?"

I say softly and he nods, yawning as I carry him off the bed... Jeez, he getting heavier.

"Sleep Sean. Go to sleep"

I pat his back soothingly, until I feel his grip on my neck losen, his breath coming out slow and steady, a prove that he's gone back to sleep. I sigh, walking out.


The moment I step out of the cab and make my way into the mansion, the same girl from yesterday is standing on the compound.

"The boss has asked for you"

she tells me swiftly.

"I'll put Sean to bed and be there"

I tell her. She nods and disappears.

I walk towards the boys quarter's and into my room, laying Sean gently on the bed and then covering him with the duvet.

My roommate was asleep also. I grab a comb from the bedside table and comb my hair as quickly as I can before exiting.


"So... I reckon everything went as planned?"

Mr park asks me as soon I make my entry. He was twirling his chair, rolling a huge tobacco between his fingers.

My head may be bowed but I can feel the heat of his stare on me.

I nod in affirmative.

"Hmm... You sure Skylar? I hate glitches and that's why I called you here. To make sure you can handle this before I let you go on. That way I can easily replace you. Should I get someone else for the job hmm?"

I clench my fists behind me, refusing to let it show on my face.

He's not giving me the opportunity to back out.

Neither is he making sure of any godamn sh*t.

I can hear the malice behind his sweet voice.

By replacing me with someone else, he means death.

For him, death is the only way to get a replacement. And talking about death, he's talking about my son. Either he kills me or my son.

Either way it's my son that's going to suffer.

If I get killed, Sean will be left alone and only God knows what'll happen to him.

If Sean gets killed, he still gets to suffer... F*cking bustard.

He called me here only to put more fear in me, use Sean as a leverage so I do my job well, just incase I decide to pull a fast one on him.

And it's working. Because Sean is my greatest weakness.

I'd die just to see him live.

"I do not need a replacement sir"

I answer through clenched teeth.. He chuckled darkly. God help me.

"Good. I thought so too."

"Before you retire for the night I just want to know one thing because I'm hoping you've already met Mr Knight. So, did you see him come into the arena with anyone.

Read " The Last Virgin " by the same author ( eliza )

. Did you notice anyone approaching him? Someone he seems to be on friendly terms with?"

He asks.

I suddenly remember the guy I had seen walking alongside Cameron when he'd come to save me just before I passed out.. I remember he was the same guy Cameron was with when we had first met at the market place.

He had apologized to me on behalf of Cameron when we had bumped into each other.

I remember Cameron calling him Julian.. I'm sure their friends. I peer at Mr park through my lowered eyelashes.

Judging by the look on his face, he's planning something.

He's thinking of something and whatever it is?.

It isn't good.

The next words that leave my mouth, wasn't at all planned.

"No. Mr Knight was alone the entire time. I didn't see anyone talking to him either"

I lie.

"Hmm. Very well then. You may retire for the night"

he dismisses.

Nodding, I turn and walk out, realisation hitting me like a moving train. I just lied... For the first time I just told a lie without thinking about the consequences.. I f*cking lied for Cameron.


A/N Happy new month people!

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  • Amma picture
    yaaaaayyy....this is not the first or last time you're gonna lie for Cameron,my dear Sky...thanks for the update Eliza dear
  • Foreverjoy picture
    Nice one
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    The beginning of Park's downfall!
  • eliza picture
    you're most welcome Amma darl
  • eliza picture
    thanks @ Foreverjoy
  • eliza picture
    hehe. let's hope so Pamela
  • Oluwakemi Oluwatoyin picture
    Oluwakemi Oluwatoyin
    Eliza darling... you know i love you ehn pls update another episode for me sweetheart
  • picture
    [email protected]
    Same to you Eliza
  • eliza picture
    lol Kemi, you always bribe me with love
  • eliza picture
    lol Kemi, you always bribe me with love
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Happy New Month darl, Skylar, be ready to face your fears cuz you gonna be telling these kind of lies lol just for love I guess hehe
  • eliza picture
    lol Bennie. you're right
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Skylar, minus 1 ooo. Maurice trust for you is nw minus 1 cos he is nw seeing u like the rest. Happy new month sugar, oya shower me with more episodes
  • eliza picture
    lol Confy. next episode will be in tonight
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Ooops, did i say Maurice??(kikikikiki)
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