Two Faced Lover - Episode 38

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I stare at him, completely dumbfounded. I blink several times, words getting stuck in my throat. Is he really...??

"You don't need to give me an answer right away princess. You have all the time in the world to make a decision. And if you manage to come up with another idea to tackle this entire situation, then I'll be by your side regardless"

his voice cuts through my thoughts sending warmth through me as he pulls me close, kissing my cheeks so softly his lips on my skin sent shivers down my spine.

I let out a shaky breath, leaning in to his touch.

"Take all the time you need to think about it yeah?"

He whispers and I can only nod, my throat feeling so dry from so much crying. Cameron gets up suddenly, stretching out his hand.

I look up at him in confusion.

"Come with me princess"

I slip my hands into his large ones as he leads me out of the gym into the guestroom.

We pass by Sean who was busy watching his favorite cartoon show.

Once we get inside the room, Cameron shuts the door and walks to the closet, pulling out a large pink towel and handing it to me.

"Do you prefer bubble bath or a normal bath?"


"You need to take a shower Skylar and wash away the sand from your hair"

Oh, I'd forgotten about that . Uh wait.

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Is he going to bath me? He must have noticed the look of horror on my face because he shakes his head

"It's not what you think. Trust me"\

I nod slowly, biting my lip.. I just want to sleep.

"I'll go prepare your bath and meanwhile, you can take off your clothes and wrap yourself in the towel. I'll be back"

he disappears into the adjoining bathroom as I quickly begin to take off my clothes so he doesn't return to find me naked.

I like him a lot but I'm not ready to take that step with him yet.

Few minutes later, Cameron steps out and beckons me to follow him.

I do so, following timidly behind him into the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom, I marvel at the bubble bath he'd prepared.

There were red petals floating on the water and the bathroom smelled suspiciously good. I turn to him.

"Oh I kind of added a bit of Jasmine scented oil into the water. I hope you like it?"

He asks. I only nod.

"You can get into the water and hang your towel up there"

he tells me as he turns away, his back facing me.

He was giving me privacy and I appreciated it.

Slipping off the towel, I hang it and step into the bathtub, my body disappearing into the water leaving my shoulder upwards out of the water.

I bring my knees up, wrapping my arms around my legs as I rest the side of my face on my knees.



I reply and he turns, grabbing a shampoo from the small shelf containing bottle of shampoos and bathing essentials.

Kneeling beside me on the bathroom floor, I watch as he squirts a good amount of shampoo on his hand.

I catch a whiff of the scent.

It smelt like coconut.

Just like Cameron.

Probably it's his shampoo.

"I'm gonna wash you hair now princess yeah?"

He asks, smearing the cool liquid into my hair.

I nod again and he sighs. I know he was probably expecting me to reply with words but I'd barely said a few words ever since we returned from the beach and it's probably disturbing him but I just can't seem to bring my cheerful side back.

I sigh In content as he begins to massage my scalp, washing my hair with utmost care and gentleness.

No hairdresser had ever washed my hair like this.

I liked this so much.

My eyes automatically fall close, my body concentrating on the wonderful feel of his fingers in my hair.

He washes my hair for a while and then I feel him scoop some bubble into his hand and smear on my arms and bare back.

That was as far as he could go.

Tomorrow I'd take a proper bath with sponge and all.

I don't know how long I sat in the bathtub but it sure felt like an eternity. I open my eyes when Cameron's hand leave my hair.

I notice him grab a shower head and proceed to rinse my hair.

"You good Skylar?"

He asks after a while.


I nod.

"Okay. Can you drain out the water from the tub and refill it with fresh water?"

It was more of a rhetorical question.

I nod my answer as he turns away while I drain out the water from the tub.

I then open the tab to refill the tub with fresh water.

"I'll be outside while you rinse yourself. There are fresh clothes hanging up there"

he points to where the clothes hang with his back still turned to me. I hadn't even realised he'd brought me clothes.

"Thank you"

I mutter wincing at how scratchy my voice comes out.

Cameron nods and walks out.


I walk into the bedroom later to find him waiting for me on the bed.

"Come here"

he beckons to me and I dont hesitate. I rush towards him, practically flinging myself at him, needing his warmth and comfort to keep me same. I bury my face into his chest, settling between his spread legs and curling myself into a ball.

"You wanna eat something princess? I'll order you some food"

he runs his hand through my slightly damp hair.


I mutter, eyes closed.

"Okay I won't push you. Just let me change your bandage okay? It's wet"

Before I can reply, my hair is pulled into a ponytail.

He takes off the bandage and wipes around the wound with a cotton.

Done, he bandages it with fresh ones.

I lean back into him immediately he's done, closing my eyes.

We stay like that for a while in silence. I do not felt like talking.

After what seemed like twenty minutes in silence, I felt Cameron slip from beneath me, adjusting my head on the pillow.

He must be thinking I've fallen asleep.

My eyes continue to remain closed as he covers me with the duvet.

I still lay in bed even after I hear the door shutting, willing for sleep to come so bad.

Suddenly my phone begins to chime loudly from somewhere in the room.

Begrudgingly, I begin to feel around the sheets on the bed until my hand grasps the phone. It was a message. I know I shouldn't be opening it but I still did.

"Meet me at the beach, same time tomorrow. Bring my son along. It's time he meets his father. Maurice..."

Maurice, so that's his name.

I don't even want to start thinking about how he got my number.

Right. Miss Glen must have given it to him considering I'd only spoken to her just a little over two months ago.

I drop my phone, not bothering to reply. I don't even feel anything at this point.

I feel numb. Just numb. I turn on my side, facing away from the phone. I'm not going. He can rot in hell.


"I waited Skylar Sampson, and you didn't show up. Don't force me to take drastic measures because you wouldn't like it. Meet me at the beach in an hour. Again, bring my son along.. Maurice"

I drop the phone after reading the message.

It's a Friday.

I was supposed to go meet Maurice or whatever his name was yesterday but I didn't.

Not even when Sean and Cameron returned from the hospital after the appointment checkup.

And today, he just sent me another message threatening me. Like always, I ignore it.

I'm not falling for his sh*t.

Who does he think to destroy my life in a second, disappear and then come back to demand for a right he doesn't even have? I stroll into the bathroom.

Again, I'm not going.


Another threat.

My eyes skim over the messages.

I drop the phone like I always do anytime such messages come in.

It's Sunday now, four good days after the incident at the beach and he's been sending me threatening messages over and over again. If he thinks his little threat can get to me then he's f*cking wrong.

Mr Park has been suspiciously quiet these days too.

He hasn't even called me once.

We've been living in Julian's apartment more than the penthouse these past few days maybe that's why he hasn't called yet .

But given the situation right now, I really couldn't care less.

The moment I drop my phone, it begins to ring. "Hello?"

"Hello my dear Skylar. How are you doing?"

My fists clench. How dare she pretend with me?

"Why? Were you expecting someone to pick uo the call and announce I'm dead?"

I seethe.

"What? What's gotten into you? Have you no respect for elders? It is I remember?"

"Elders who do not respect themselves do not deserve to be respected miss Glen. Or should I say Mrs Glen? Oh wait, do you prefer I call you Patricia instead? Such a nice name you got hmm?"

I sneer, fighting the urge to cuss profanities at her.

Some nerve she has to call me, sounding all sweet and caring.

There was silence for a while, her sharp intake of breath being the only evidence that she heard me loud and clear.

"Skylar listen.. It's not what you think..I.."

She begins but I cut her off before she starts ranting some bullsh*t.

"It's not what I think? It was the work of the devil? Isn't that the clich line people use when they are caught in a bad act? What? you're gonna tell me it was the work of the devil too? Well then I'd agree because you're the devil in the flesh!"

"I'm..I'm sorry.. Look I love you, genuinely. I loved you like a child..I.."

I let out a bitter laugh. Pathetic.

"You love me? You've got a nice way of showing love Patricia. You played with my life, deceived me for years, I could forgive that but you played with my son's life too and for that I'll never forgive you. I hope your children never find out what you've done because they'll be so damn ashamed to have a conniving mother like you"

I snap, hot tears burning my eyes. Her betrayal still cuts so deep, words can't describe it... I hear soft sobs at the other end of the line.

"I'm sorry. I... I had no choice.."

"Of course you had a f*cking choice!"

I snap, my patience at it's wits end now.

"You always had a choice. Every human being on earth has a choice. As long as you're alive and breathing, and you wake up every morning, you have a choice. A choice to eat, a choice to go to work or stay home. Every one has a choice and you had a choice! Even after I left the country, you had a choice to tell Maurice whether I'd left you a letter or not. When I called you to tell you I was now living in new York, you had a choice to lie to Maurice that I hadn't called you. You had a f*cking choice but you chose not to. You chose not to and that's the choice you made. But you know what miss Glen, even I have a choice too. And you know something else, I'm not going to cower in fear and surrender to a man who has no right over my son. No. I won't. I will fight. I will fight for my son until the last drop of my blood is wasted. Maurice isn't going to have his way. I will fight and that's my choice. Now go and tell your boss what I've just told you"

I get up from the bed, wiping my tears. No more.

"Skylar wait.. I.. "And don't you ever call my line ever again. Let this be the last time you pick your phone to call me else you'll regret it"

. I hung up, ready to throw my phone somewhere in the room when it vibrates in my hand.

Read " The Last Virgin " by the same author ( eliza )

. It was another message. I click on it to open it.

"It surprises me how you take my warnings for granted miss Sampson. Like they say, when persuasion fails, force is applied. Sean is mine and I'll prove that to you. Tomorrow, my lawyers will contact you. Get ready to make an appearance the court. P.S: Make yourself beautiful. I'll see you in court.. Xoxo."

This time, I smash my phone to the wall, storming out of the room to find Cameron.. It's now or never.

I know what I need to do.

Cameron must be in the gym.

I quicken my steps.

Reaching my destination, I push the door open and sure enough, Cameron was running on the treadmill, panting.

I walk towards him, pressing the button to stop the treadmill.

He stops and turns to me, eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

"You okay? Need Anything?"

He steps down grabbing a towel to wipe his face.

"I'm ready. Let's get married."

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  • Godiya Wisdom picture
    Godiya Wisdom
    Oh, amazing Eliza.. Well done dear
  • Dolapo Oloyede picture
    Dolapo Oloyede
    Best option Skylar , to protect that boy Well done job Eliza
  • eliza picture
    thanks @ Godiya
  • eliza picture
    thank you Dolapo
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Now that's the spirit.....hope they win this one,even park himself
  • Ajoke Oluwakemi picture
    Ajoke Oluwakemi
    That de way to go Skylar...nice one Eliza but pls make it 2 episodes at a go more ink in ur pen
  • eliza picture
    I hope so too Pamela
  • eliza picture
    I'll see what I can do about it @ Ajoke
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Skylar! Now u re talking. Who does maurice think he is? Nice episode dear expecting more
  • Abigail Yaale picture
    Abigail Yaale
    Thumbs up Skylar Please bring up what happened to her parent and I think she should have listened to Mrs Glem
  • eliza picture
    sure thing @Confy
  • eliza picture
    it'll unravel soon @ Abigail
  • Tony Presh picture
    Tony Presh
    This is what you should have done since
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