Two Faced Lover - Episode 70

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"Uhh... I'll just...Go....yeah"

I mumble incoherently as I rush out of the room, avoiding eye contact with any of them. I could feel their gazes boring holes at the back of my head especially my husband. Successfully stepping out of the ICU, I look down at myself and my hands involuntarily wrap around my belly. I spot a nurse coming my way and my hands drop from my belly . I guess I really need this checkup after all.

"Excuse me"

I wave at the nurse just before she bypassed me. She stops and turns, her ponytail swinging and hitting her cheeks softly.

"Yes?" "Uhh...I need help... Well, I want to have some tests done..."

I say nervously. Why am I suddenly nervous?

"Pregnancy test" 

I clarify, noticing the look of confusion on the nurse's face.


her eyes lit up.

"This way please. Follow me"

I nod, following her down the hall and taking a sharp bend to the right.

There were only four doors on that side of the hospital and I figured this was where people were brought to take tests and whatnot.

The nurse stopped at the second door and pushed it open.

The first thing I noticed was a white wasted metal baricade that had curtain rings.

The nurse tugged at a string hanging from the metal and a long green curtain dropped, dividing the room into two. We walked to the other side of the curtain and a man sat behind a table full of small tubes containing blood, some urine,microscope, fluids of different colors and whatever you could find in a laboratory.

The man looked up from the microscope he was peering into and nodded once.

"She's here for a pregnancy test"

the nurse offered.

"Oh right

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. Please sit"

he gestures to the chair adjacent his desk.

I nod and take a seat as the nurse excuses herself and walks out. 

I wait impatiently as he goes back to peering into his microscope and then scribble on his notepad. Done, he looks up at me and hands me a tiny tube.



I chip in and he nods

"Alright Skylar, I'll need your urine. Just a little bit. You can go in there"

he points to the door at the farthest end of the room. Nodding, I take it and march into the room he'd pointed and do as instructed. When I'm done, I wash my hands and step out, handing the tube to the lab technician.

"Okay. You may wait outside at the waiting area. I'll give your results to the doctor and he'll attend to you thereon."

He tells me and I nod again, walking out.

I make my way towards the cashier and ask her to add my bill to Cameron's. After that, I go to the waiting area and wait.

The next two and half hours that I was made to wait felt like eternity. I couldn't stop tapping my feet on the tiled floor and rubbing my incredibly wet palm.

"Mrs Knight?"

A nurse approaches me. Finally! I groan inwardly.


"Follow me please"

I do as told.

"The doctor is expecting you"

she tells me and I thank her before pushing the door open and stepping in. The brunette doctor looks up from his computer and gestures to the seat.

"Have a seat"

"Thanks... So?"

I ask as soon I'm seated, I can't waste anymore time.

He chuckles and hands me a paper.

My eyes scan the paper briefly, skipping over the medical terms and stop at what I wanted to see.

Positive, was boldy written near the pregnancy status.

I blink.

"Congratulations Mrs Knight, the HCG hormones are very present in your blood. You're pregnant ma'am however it's too early to determine how far gone you are through the test. Perhaps a few weeks gone. But we could set up an appointment for you to have an ultrasound. It'll be easier to determine how old the pregnancy is that way" I shake my head

" least not now. Uh my husband is unwell and I'd like to have an ultrasound only when he's with me"

"Very well then.. As you wish. You can come again tomorrow and we'll give you a schedule of your antenatal appointments until you put to bed"

he says and I nod.. Nodding has become my second favourite thing..

"Alright. Here are some medicines I'd like you to get. They are vitamin supplements you need for a healthy pregnancy"

I take the paper.

"Once again congratulations"

"Thank you"

"And...Mrs Knight?"

I turn


"Go over to the immediate next room and have your wrist checked. They don't look good"

I look down at my wrist and sure enough, the lines had turned into blotches of dark purple with dryed blood.

"I will. Thank you" 

I did as told. After having my wrists cleaned and bandaged, I walked out clutching the results like my life depended on it.


The moment I stepped into the ward, I was bombarded with questions.

"Jesus Skylar! Where did you disappear to? It's been three hours since you just run out without a word"

that was my mother in-law. I sigh. Cameron was staring at me already. It was as if he'd been staring at the door the whole time, waiting for me to make an appearance.

"Uh...I went to have some tests done."

I reply


Dad asks, getting up from his seat and stalking towards me.

"Yes. It's positive. I'm pregnant"

Saying it out loud was a lot more frightening. What if Cameron didn't want a child now? Stop thinking Sky.

"I'm..I'm going to be a grandfather?"

Dads exclamation pulls me out of my reverie and I notice his eyes glistening with unshed tears.. Before I could respond, the door burst open and a rather irritated looking nurse stepped in.

"I'm sorry but this us the ICU and you all can't be in here. The patient needs to rest. Only one person is allowed to stay though"

My mother in-law turns to me.

"You stay here with him. Take care of yourself. I brought you something to eat. It doesn't contain eggs or shrimps so you can eat. Just make sure the nurses don't notice you eating in here"

she whispers

"Thank you"

"Julian will be taking us to his home so Sean can rest and have a bath"

She beckoned to Sean who yawned and got off the bed, saying his goodbyes to Cameron before they all walked out save for Julian.

He wasn't in the room when I returned. After they left, the nurse followed suit, shutting the door behind.

"Come sit by me princess"

Cameron said patting the bed when he realised I wasn't making an effort to move. I did as told and sat by him. Once I was seated, his hands reached out to touch my belly and I jerked so slightly he didn't notice. I watched as he stared at my belly in fascination.

"You're pregnant"

he mutters, breaking the silence.

"I am"

"You're pregnant"

he repeats.

"I am"

"F*ck you're pregnant!"

His voice rose, eyes widening.

"You're pregnant!" 

I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips. He was repeating it like a mantra. Like he couldn't believe it.

"You're carrying my child. I'm going to be a father" he says, still in a trance

"I'm carrying your child"

I affirm. Truth be told, nothing seemed fulfilling to the ear. "F*ck! I love you princess!" He made to get up when he winced.

"Cameron, love. Lie down. Why are you so stubborn. Didn't you hear what the nurse said? You need rest!"

I snap pushing him gently to make him lie back down. The damn man grinned at me instead.


"You're sexy when you're giving orders"

I roll my eyes, pulling the covers up to his chest. His hand reached out to stop me. "I wish I was healthy.

I would have lifted you in my arms and twirled you around with a thousand kisses, shouting to the world that my beautiful wife is about me to give me a child"

he caresses my belly. I blush.

My stomach grumbles loudly just then destroying the moment.

Cameron laughs quietly..

"Looks like our baby is gonna be one hell of a warrior. He's already demanding food. Mother brought you some food"

he gestures to the brown paper bag on the cabinet.

I grab it, unwrap the food and begin to eat.. Damnit, I didn't realise how hungry I was. I muched on the food, never stopping until the bag was empty.. I lick my fingers, looking up to find my husband staring. I blush. I just ate like a barbarian in front of my husband but I'm still not satisfied.

"I..I'm still hungry Cam"

I mumble and he smiles.

"Mother brought more. Eat up princess".

Like he'd said, another paper bag sat on top of the small cabinet. Grabbing it, I unwrap it and munch on it, never stopping until I was done. Pouring myself a cup of water from the jar, I drank it.. I sigh in content wiping my mouth.

"Feeling okay now?"

Cameron rubs my back, his eyes were drooping. He was falling asleep.


I yawn rather unladylike.

"But now I'm sleepy"

"Come lay with me"

he shifts slightly, making room for me.

"Cameron, we..I can't. This is a hospital..."

He rolls this eyes.

"Come lay down. F*ck hospital rules. Lay with me. I know you want to. Don't resist".

I giggle, slipping the slippers off my feet and joining him in bed. I feel his lips on my forehead. I snuggle closer. We lay in silence.



"I want a little girl"

I lift my head, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"And why is that?"

He brushes a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Because I want a mini-you. An exact carbon copy of you. Minus your craziness of course" he winks "I'm not crazy Cameron"

I huff He smiles and doesn't say a word. He keeps looking into my eyes, as if searching for something.

"I'm gonna take care of you baby girl. I'll make sure you lack nothing. I'll come with you to every appointment. Even if I have to cancel every meeting at work, I will. I'll massage your feet when they begin to hurt. I'll go out at midnight to buy you whatever food you crave. I'll do everything that bastard wasn't there to do when you were pregnant with Sean. I'll be the best husband, you'll see" 

I blink back the tears that were blinding my vision.

"I love you Cameron"

"Love you more princess"

he says and grunts.

"That nurse must have injected me with a sedative. I feel sleepy as hell" "What nurse?"

"Some bimbo came here while you were gone"

he frowns


He clicks his tongue

"Yeah. She looked like a Barbie doll with her obviously fake breast implants she was pushing in my face all the time. Got me wondering if she assaults every male patient here"

his face turns sour at the memory and laughter bubbles out of me.

"I would have kicked her ass if I were around"

He grins at that.

"I know. You're one badass wife and that alone turns me on"

"My God Cameron, how can you be thinking of that when you're wounded?"

My face feels hot I'm sure my ears are turning pink.

"What? I was stabbed princess, that doesn't mean my bed game is off. I'll have you know that my d*ck is....."

I gasp slapping my hand over his mouth to keep him from saying any more.

He chuckles.

"You have no shame Cameron Knight! You have a filthy mouth!" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"I can be filthy in bed too mi amir"

Oh God... I blush harder. This man.

"Alright that's enough. Sleep!"

He chuckles but doesn't say anything. He shuts his eyes and mumbles something. He was asleep less than a minute later. I sigh, admiring him as he slept when the door creaked open and Julian poked his head inside.

"Uh... I'm not allowed to enter. Can I talk to you real quick?"

"Yeah. A second"

I climb down the bed slowly and slip into my slippers, joining Cameron outside.

"Any news?"

I ask

"Congratulations. On the baby. I hope I get to be the godfather"

he eyes my belly.

"Thank you.."

I smile, wrapping my arms around my belly subconsciously.

"Right.. Umm there's news on Tracy. She was found this morning in one of the dungeons. Apparently, there were several dungeons, some of which were underground"

"Who's Tracy again?"

He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

"She was someone we sent to spy on Park. You know, kind of like an insider to feed us information about Park"


I hiss.

"How could you do that? That was dangerous. You know how nothing gets past Park!".

"I know, I know. Everything was going according to plan until well, Park found out she was a spy"

I let out a sigh. I really can't blame him. He did what he felt was right..

"So how is she?"

He grimaced.

"In a coma. She was almost dead when she was found. Completely malnourished. She was starved, her hair was shaved off..."

"Okay. I don't think I need the details"

I cut him off.

"Let's just hope she wakes up"

"Yeah. I really pray so"

he nods in agreement before his eyes lit up like a kid who had sighted Santa Claus.

"There's more! It's about Park"

"What about him?"

"I don't know if it makes me a bad person that I don't feel bad about his current situation"

"Honestly, Park is the last person to feel pity for.

Read " The Emerald Chase " by the same author ( eliza )

. Just tell me"

"Well.. He isn't doing good at all. They really beat him up pretty badly"

I hum, impatient to know the news.

"Well, I just returned from speaking to the doctor and I was told Park has a few broken ribs. A fractured skull. A broken arm, An injured left eye and a broken spine. He really was beaten to a pulp"

I shrug. I don't feel bad. Not at at all..

"So this means..".

"It means after all the evidence that was discovered in his mansion, Park will not only spend all his life in jail but even though his ribs will heal, he'd never be able to see with his left eye. His left eye is blind and his spine is a total goner. He'll never be able to use his legs again. He's totally paralyzed and blind"



Merry Christmas guys! And a very prosperous new year to you!

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