Unattainable Perfection - Episode 41

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It happened probably one second ago.

But it felt like an eternity.


That's how I felt.

I felt completely numb as I sit on the rocky ground, the fire illuminating my eyes as I watch it get much bigger and bigger, spreading to each part of the car.

My lips parted.

Desperate to make a sound.

Any sound at all.

Just to indicate I was just hallucinating,dreaming.

My toes curled.

Desperate to be liberated from the pressure of my thighs as I sat with both legs crossed underneath me, like an Indian. I blinked rapidly.

My eyeballs moving to and fro, up and down rapidly in an attempt to catch any sign of movement.

My ears were perked to it's highest hearing ability just to catch the tinniest of sounds . But nothing.

Absolutely nothing. No movement, no sound.

Only the sounds and smell of a burning car...


a voice says from behind me.

It sounded faraway as my focus was solely on one thing.

I didn't realise I was shaking my head repeatedly until the owner of the voice touched my shoulder.

I jerked instantly, slapping his hands away.

"Help him. Not me

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/unattainable-perfection

. He's in there"

my voice came out shaky as I point a trembling finger towards the car consumed with flames.

"I'm sorry ma'am. If anyone's in there he or she is probably..."

I turn sharply, grabbing him by the collar.

"Don't you f*cking finish that sentence got it? He's alive. He's not dead. He can't die you hear me!!"

Silence was my reply and he only stared at me. Pitifully.

Shaking my head, I turn away and focus my attention back to the car.

Like I've been caught in a trance, I stood gazing into nothingness, swallowing back the tears building with force. Why should I cry when no one's dead? He's fine.

I know he is.

He has to be fine.

I keep staring until I hear a groan.

It was faint.

So faint it sounded like my illusion.

A millisecond later,I heard the groan again.

Immediately, immense hope surged through me and without further delay, I run as fast as my legs could carry me, like I've never done before, ignoring the sharp small rocks that pierced into the flesh of my feet.

I was running, my gaze fixed on the pond behind the rock.

I had to get to him.

That sound.. It could only belong to William. It had to belong to him only.. Another sharp object pierced my feet.

I winced and continued running. I stopped only when I reached the pond.

I searched around frantically until my eyes landed on a form I knew so well, laying near the pond, wet and curled into a ball,letting out small groans.


My heart leaped with joy as I advanced towards him,crouching near him.


I call out,my heart pounding wildly. His only reply was a painful groan.

"Will, if you can hear me please say something. Please"

I cup his face carefully, afraid I might hurt him.

"Allow me catch my breath princess. I had a hard time coming out of that pond. I know you miss me already but tone it down"

My eyes widen at his words. He opens his eyes just then to meet mine only to smile crookedly. "You....you.....argh!!!"

I slap his chest in frustration, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him off the ground ignoring his painful cries.

How could he find such a situation funny?

"Do you always have to make a joke out of everything? Is this funny to you. I almost lost my head thinking I had lost you and....and....you're smiling... You...."

I trail off,biting my trembling lips hard as tears blind me.

"Love, I'm sorry."

He reaches out to touch me but I swat his hand away angrily.

"Here I was going crazy over losing you and you... You had the audacity to smile and crack a joke... You....you...."

I stop when my breathing comes out laboured, strangled even.

William wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me to him.

His lips finds mine immediately, kissing me fiercely.

I don't waste time.

I wrap my arms around him,kissing him back with as much intensity and passion until we both break apart gasping for air.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you in anyway. I love you too much to hurt you purposely"

he rests his forehead against mine.

He had used the L word again.

My heart flutters again. I open my north to reply when a cough interrupts us.. I turn and immediately frown at the last face I was expecting to see.

"Why are you here?"

I snap


"Don't Alexa me. Answer my question"

"Ever since you refused to pick any of my calls, I had someone follow you, an eye on you.."

"You've been spying on me?"

I ask incredulously rising from the ground. He sighs

"to make sure you were safe. Protected"

"I know it wasn't right but I had to. And when I got a call that a pickup had been following you for the last few minutes, I rushed down here. Come with me"

Mr Dante says. I narrow my eyes at him infinitesimally.

"Come on Alexa"

William nudges me.

I sigh before following him up the hill until we were back on the road, a few passerby's surrounding the area as some policemen tried to push them back.

Mr Dante leads us through the crowd and stops In the middle.

I stop and stare at the center of attention


Mr Dante points to the dead man.

"When he realised you were still alive after jumping out of the car, he still wanted to kill you but my man tried to stop him. It resulted in a scuffle, the gun went off,shooting him in the process.

Do you by any chance know him?" I stare at the lifeless man. David.

He used to be our driver for years as I recall.

He left abruptly right after my mother's death.

The last time I saw him was at the beach house. His face wasn't clear so Ii had dismissed the thought. But now...seeing him as the man who tried to kill William and I?

But why?

"That's not all. I've been Informed that Alice will be transferred to the mental health center"

Now that got my attention.. I whip my head to stare at him. Wide eyed..


He nods

"I was told eversince her son's death,she's been acting abnormally. She was tested today and it was proven she's lost her mental stability. She's gone crazy now"

"And you believe that sh*t?!"

I almost scream.. Knowing Alice, I'm hundred percent sure she isn't crazy.

She's perfectly sane.

Alice will never allow herself go mad unless she's gotten her revenge on all of us.. Alice is a mastered con artist, a trickster and manipulator.

If she had evaded the entire police force by changing her appearance then this, was easy. Besides, no judge will take up the case of a mentally sick person right? She'll never let Fraser's death make her lose her mind..if anything, Fraser's death can only fuel her anger, give her more reasons for revenge.

"I want to see her. She's not crazy. I'm sure if this. This might just be another trick she's pulling to evade prison."

"Alexa are you sure?"

"I'm sure Mr Dante. She's playing you all"

I answer determinedly..

"Fine but don't you think we should go to the hospital to check for any injuries?"

"No, I'm good" William answers "Very well, come on"

I ignore the throbbing pain underneath my feet as we make out way towards Mr Dante's car.


We arrived at the police station just In time to see Alice being escorted by two police men behind her into a white van.

She was playing with a doll,occasionally calling it Fraser and mumbling incoherent words.

As they advanced, I watched with keen interest as Alice continued to speak and then sing.

"Do not fear little one. Mummy is here. My little Fraser, see how fast you've grown. You know,mummy loves you more than Marcus.. But..."

She pauses, looking left and right then back to the doll which I'm still wondering where she got it from.

"Shhh. Don't tell Marcus okay? Little Marcus will get jealous of little Fraser"

she giggles petting the doll.

For a moment, I was beginning to think she had truly gone crazy until she lifted her head and our eyes met.

The smile on her face vanished instantly, replaced by a frown.

Her eyes grew dark as they displayed all the dark thoughts running through her mind.

I could see the desire to hurt me burning behind her pupils.

I noticed her clench her hands around the doll,squeezing it.

I knew it. It was unmistakable.

She was faking it.. She was an expert but not so much of an expertise to hide her hatred towards me.

Her eyes, facial expression gave her away and no one seemed to notice.

That's what she wanted.

For the attention to be shifted away from her.

Because honestly, who would pay attention to a woman who had gone crazy after witnessing her son's death? Everyone will automatically lower their guard just like these stupid clueless policemen because they think she's harmless A crazy woman doesn't have the time to plot evil but Alice? She was the devil's incarnate.

How she passed that test to make a whole doctor declare her mentally unstable surpassed my thinking. And now, watching Alice a few inches away from where we stood, I watched her closely, noticing her fumbling with the doll.

A tiny metal peeks out.. No doubt, it was a gun.

It was one of those really small tiny handy guns that almost looked like toyguns.

You could stuff it in your pocket and no one would notice..

Read " The Last Virgin " by the same author ( eliza )

. For her to possess a gun meant there was a mole amongst the police force, helping her.

I glance at the policemen, hoping to make eye contact with them but they were stupidly chatting.

Did Alice's acting pull of so well that they thought she had gone crazy and was totally harmless?.

Wow, this country needs reinforcements in the police section. Alice's frown turned into a sinister smirk as she pointed the gun at William who was unsuspecting.

Then she pointed it at me.

What was she doing?

She was confusing me.

What to do!.

These policemen don't even make eye contact. If I don't do something, blood will spill for sure. They were closer now, branching towards the van.

Alice points the small gun at me.

Then she moves the doll, making the tip of the gun point to William.

Her fingers caress the trigger.

F*ck! Were these policemen that clueless?

"Watch out!!"

I yell pushing William out of the way.

It all happened in a flash.

Within the blink of an eye.

I grab the gun tucked in the holster around the police officer who was near me and then.


I scream! But no. Alice was determined to die killing me.

Before the police became aware of the situation, a shot was fired Out of fear, my fingers grazed the gun in my trembling hand.

Pressing the trigger.

A bullet escaped the gun as the shot rang out.

The force at which the bullet left the huge gun sent me tumbling back. A gasp caught my attention. I looked up, my eyes met with that of Alice's.

Her eyes were wide with surprise, lips parted open.

And right there on her forehead, in between her eyes was a large gaping hole, where the bullet had ripped through.

Alice's eyes remain on me for just a second before she drops to the floor, dead.

I gasp, dropping the gun in my hold at the horrible realisation.

I just shot someone.

My stepmother. I killed her.


Happy Easter everyone! Have a blissful Sunday. Benedicta, this is yours. Love you hun... Your thoughts please....

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  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    Happy Easter to you too. Alice deserved it. Alexa did it for self defence. Well done
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Thanks so much dear eliza, I appreciate this gesture hun and Happy Easter to you too. As for Alice, he who use the sword, dies of the sword. It serves her right, nice one dear
  • Maame Benewaah picture
    Maame Benewaah
    Happy Easter to you Eliza and Benedicta my name sake happy birthday to you
  • eliza picture
    thanks Ronke
  • eliza picture
    thanks Bennie love
  • eliza picture
    thanks Bennie love
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Happy Easter to u too dear,oh no I'm supposed to be celebrating but I'm worried about Alexa,hope she won't be convicted *on panic mode*
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Happy Easter too love ...now I'm calmed, Williams is alive...Goodbye David and Alice,rest in hell....thumbs up Eliza
  • eliza picture
    lets hope so Pamela
  • eliza picture
    thanks confy
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    Nice episode dear
  • belladiva54@gmail.com picture
    [email protected]
    Perfect end.i love dis.elliz hun,u r d best
  • eliza picture
    thanks Destiny
  • eliza picture
    aw thank you Bella hun
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    @maame Benewaah, how can you have my native name and English name at the same time...haha...thank you dear
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