Attitude meets Arrogance - Episode 26

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Ciara's POV
I was a prisoner in my own house..When Jordan told me that the next day I would be under lock and key, I thought he was bluffing until he acted his threat...

There were three armed strong men in my house who made sure I didn't get out of my room. Jane and I had no access to our phones until Mr arrogance stated otherwise...

He had this silly idea that I would run away or say something stupid to the press...

I just did one silly mistake and one of them ran inside my room in a lightning speed and stood right there infront of my bed...

What harm was it in screaming???I hated the torture Jordan was putting me under..

"Are you gonna just stand there in a girl's room???" I thought I would play with his conscience but nope, he didn't even move..

I sat on my bed, tapping my feet irritatingly on the floor but it didn't get to him...

I stood up and he stood in my way...

"Do you want to see my underpants???"I yelled threatening to drop my pyjamas to my knees..
"Don't do that Mrs Marcias . These are just orders from the boss..."
"So you wanna take me to the bathroom????"

He shook his head and moved aside....

I stood infront of the bathroom mirror thinking of ideas to escape from there but none of them made sense...

Jump through the window, I can't fit.
Hang myself, I am not that stupid..

Swallow some sleeping pills...No, I am not that desperate..

Pretend am unconcious...Jordan would marry me even if I am dead and the thought of getting married unconcious scared me...

One minute later,

"Mrs Marcias, are you okay????" He started knocking the door so hard.
"If you don't open the door, I will break it down..."

"I am coming in Mrs Marcias..." He can't do anything, he is trying to scare me..

So I thought until he broke the door and came in like nothing had happened..

"Was that necessary???" He found me seated on the toilet seat..
"I thought you were planning to escape..."
"Do I look like a terrorist to you???"

"For your punishment, I won't get ready or even have a bath. Let's see what your boss will say about that.."

I stood firm on my word and refused to either shower or get dressed...
Jordan had said we were going to get married at 1 pm and it was now 4 o'clock in the evening...

Did he decide to let me go???Please,who am I kidding???

I was exhausted from waiting for my husband to be to come that I dozed off...

"Wake up???" Jordan tapped me harshly on my shoulder...
"So we are getting married???I thought you ran away..." I teased him but he looked as cold as everyday...

"Why are you not ready???"
"I don't want to and you can't force me..." I shrugged...
"Then I will marry you in your pyjamas..." He took my hand and drag me from my bedroom...

There was Jane also been dragged from her room too.

"Are we animals???" I shouted at Jordan.
"Shut up!!!!"

"Ciara, this man is crazy

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. After getting married please admit him in the asylum..."

Jane thought she had whispered but the arrogant psychopath heard it all...

"If you don't shut up, I will cut your tongue out..."

And she was scared...

"We can't get married, we don't have a marriage licence..." I boasted doing a happy dance only to be slapped with a paper on my face.

"What's that????"

Holy donkey on a bicycle, we had a marriage licence.

"But how did you???" I stammered.
"I  knew you would try to act smart and so I had a plan B..."He grabbed the licence from my hand..

"But where did you get my identification card???You are a fraud..."
"Me, a thief but you gave it to my mother a week ago together with your passport photos..." He smiled looking all victorious while I rolled my eyes away..

How did I not think of this, I thought my identification card and passport photos were to be used for a good cause...

Just as we were arguing, Sebastian walked in...

"You guys are not even ready???The registrar is here..." He retorted.
"We are ready, the bride will be in her pyjamas..." Jordan replied dryly...

"Men, let the girl atleast look good at her wedding???" Sebastian stated but I gave him a blank look..I wasn't gonna act happy in a wedding I didn't even want to be in...

Wear a gown for who???If he doesn't want to marry me, he can as well turn around and go back to the hell hole he came from. It would be very good of him..

"I am good Seb..." I thundered.
"It's my wedding..."
"Which you don't want to be in..."
Does Jane want her tongue cut out???

"Come here..." Sebastian embossed me into a hug,"I am sorry I couldn't save you from this.."
"Atleast you tried..."

"Enough with the family reunion, it's time to make this thing official...."Jordan ordered...

The Registrar sat on the other side of the table infront of the couple to be. Jane and Sebastian standing beside us as witnesses...

The wedding was typically quick. There were no vows... Jordan just placed a ring on my finger, I did the same...We signed the certificates, the witnesses signed where their signatures needed to be and we were married....

As simple as that...The bride in her pyjamas and the groom looking all tired...

"Pack all your clothes, we are leaving in fifteen minutes..."He didn't even looked a little bit happy..
"Can I stay just for tonight???"
"No, pack your bags and I won't say it again..."

Something unreadable in his mind told me he was serious and so I stood up and went ahead into my room..

"Bestie, I am scared for you...This man is an animal..."
"Jenny, I will be fine. I just have to tolerate him for two years..."
"Ssshhh!!!!I will be okay..." I hugged her, tears burning my eyes.

I wasn't going to be fine but I needed to act strong...

After two hours I was done packing and it was time to start my new miserable life in the Marcias mansion. Learn how to tolerate Chloe,act like I love Sophie,act cool infront of Jaxon...Damn, it was hell of work...

When we got into the mansion, everyone was surprised to see me and my bags in the living room..
"Dear what happened???" My mother in-law asked looking all worried...
"Mum, your new daughter in-law..."
Jaxon on hearing those words, he dropped the cup of coffee he was holding....

"Jaxon are you okay????" I asked running to him.
"I will be in my room...." He ran upstairs. I tried calling him but he ignored.
"Baby, he is fine...The maid will clean this up.."Jordan came and stood beside me..

"How did this happen??You two only got engaged like yesterday..."Mason couldn't believe it and so Jordan showed them our marriage certificate...

"But why so fast????" My mother in-law was still in shock...
"Because I love her and we cant stay apart from each other..." He took my hand and kissed it,"Love let's go to our room, you need to rest..."

"Where is her wedding dress???Your honeymoon???Why is she in her pyjamas??" For Christ sake Mama can you stop with the questions.

Read " Pierced Rose " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

. It's hard for me to put up with the lies...

"Mom that's between my wife and I. We will go to our room now..." He literally pulled me out of there and for once I was grateful..The questions were driving me crazy...

We got into our room and he threw me on the bed...
"Not a word to anyone. Never answer any question Do you understand???"

"Where do I put my things???"

"In my closet, there is two empty shelves.You will try fit your clothes there.."

"Are you kidding me, how are they supposed to fit in there???"
"Thats your problem..."

He begun unbuttoning his shirt infront of me.
"What are you doing???"
"We are married and just because you are here I won't change my habits. I sleep naked and remove my clothes here where I am standing."

I turned around until I was sure he got into the bathroom...

Dear God, give me strength or I will kill this man in his sleep...

I was so lost in my own world until Jordan came to dry his hair beside me making me wet...

"I dry my hair at this spot..."

His hair looked messy in a good way...Wow, this guy was really handsome but not my type..I always heard stories of how Latina men were very handsome and him being a mixed race he had the body and the looks. Not forgetting his siblings, his family was made up of beautiful people....

"What are you staring at????"
"Just wondering how one can be so ugly..."
"Wrong move crazy mud girl, I am handsome and I know it. And Don't say it's  because my mother told me...."

"Before I forget, you will be sleeping at the couch. I will share my bed with you...." He threw his towel on my face...

"What the??"
"I throw my towel at that spot..."

Angrily I took the towel and begun stepping on it but he just stood there wondering what I was doing...
"You are a very bitter woman..."
"And I am not sleeping on the couch. I am sleeping on this bed and if you....." He walked out on me as I was talking...Did he just walk out on me????He is so rude...

I sat on the bed thinking of how everything happened so fast...I was a married woman but didn't have the wedding of my dreams...

I got married in my pyjamas, in my living room and here I am in my husband's room..The man I detested so much, truly fate had a way to make my life a nightmare.

"Mrs Marcias can I come in???" It was Carol..
"Yes Carol.."
"Here is your food. The boss said you are very tired you won't come down for dinner..."
"Place it there and thank you..."

She nodded, placed the food beside the bed and walked out of the room..So he cared about me, that's weird. What is he planning????

Did I have some appetite, No...Although the plate of spaghetti and meatballs looked tasty, I didn't even have a bite.

It's the beginning of a new journey for Ciara. Let's see how it goes....How will it be like for her and Jaxon living in the same house???

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  • Gift Maduakor picture
    Gift Maduakor
    hahaha... it getting all serious. on d watch out.. nice one dear
  • Young Royalty picture
    Young Royalty
    Its Gonna be Hell for ya baby!Pls Am Waiting For Jordan Punishment from Crazy Caira.
  • Maame Konadu Fredua picture
    Maame Konadu Fredua
    This thing is turning out to be romantic..abeg make de guy fall hard for her and suffer for it small
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Gift anytime honey
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Royalty soon
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Maame sure will
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    Ciara I really pitied u. Indeed Jordan is a psychopath really need help very selfish, he must be punished
  • Cutedreamer picture
    Hahaha married in pyjamas?? So funny. Nice one Fideh
  • Okorie Glory picture
    Okorie Glory
    This Jordan Of A Guy Is Really Something.Im Feeling Sad For Ciara
  • Fatu M picture
    Fatu M
    Wow, I can't believe a human would be so cold like this. No, Ciara is suffering.
  • Jennifer Aboagyewaa picture
    Jennifer Aboagyewaa
    Hmm! Very disappointed the wedding went ahead. I hope Jaxon pulls through. Jordan is very insensitive how can he do that to his own brother even when he realised Jaxon and Clara had some going. I hope it back fires in his face big time.
  • Thomas Camp picture
    Thomas Camp
    A tough road for Ciara
  • Equya Serwaa picture
    Equya Serwaa
    Oh Ciara please don't be soft on thu
  • Ucheoma Rufus picture
    Ucheoma Rufus
    Speechless, and disappointed
  • Chibuzor Ugbagu Eyisi picture
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