Attitude meets Arrogance - Episode 42

Chapter 42

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Jaxon's POV
I only miss her when am breathing
I only need her when my heart is beating...
She is the only colour that am bleeding...

What is fate??? Fate to me is pain, anguish, terror... Fate allowed the woman I love more than my life to slip off my fingers..

If that wasn't enough, it gave her away to my brother...

Read " Bloody Fog " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

. Here I am stuck to the girl I don't love, the girl I introduced as my girlfriend to the whole world..

Was the sacrifice worth it??? Was my brother worth the sacrifice??? Ciara loves me and I love her then why are we apart??? Because my brother fell in love with my woman.. . At times I wanna strangle him, at times I can't control the anger I feel towards him but the bottom line is that he is my brother...

We walked into the hotel room and Ariana still thought she was acting..

"Put your hands off me... " I ordered slumping on the sofa..
"Jeez!!! What's with you???"

"How should I be when I just introduced you to the whole world as my girlfriend???" I barked and I noticed she flinched..

"But we had a deal, I make Zac jealous and you make your brother happy..." She yelled back...

"I will go shower before I burn this hotel room down with my rage..." I walked past her when she held my arm..

"You don't have anyone else to blame but yourself..If only you fought harder,Ciara would be yours..." She stated..

I shook her hand off my arm and slammed the door into the bathroom..I didn't recognise the person standing on the mirror..

He was angry, bitter and full of pain...Why did I not tell Jordan the truth??? Why was I the one to let go???

The anger in me was growing stronger everyday and I don't know for how long I can bottle it in..

Why did he choose her??? Was she the only girl in the planet???

Then he has the audacity to tell me to stay away when he is the one that stole her from me..The more I sacrifice for him, the more I hate him..

I lost her for good and I don't know if I am ever going to forgive him for that..

"How can you shower for an hour??? You are a man for crying out loud..."

Who told this woman I want to converse...

"I will sleep on the couch and you on the bed..." I whispered.

There I was busy drying my hair when my mother called..I took the phone, stared at it not sure I want to pick.

What was I to say??? That I was ashamed to face Ciara..That I am mad at her eldest son..That her house is suffocating me...That I was hurting and couldn't share it with anyone...

No I won't answer it, I don't feel like talking to anyone not even this girl infront of me... I switched off my phone and threw it on the bed..If only forgetting my feelings was easy like throwing my phone on the bed???

"I hope you remember what we agreed on.." She was at it again...

"Can you stop talking??? You are driving me crazy...It more than enough to have you in this room with me

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. So please just shut up!!"

"Don't blame us if you lost your girl. Who told you not to fight for her??? It's not like you had a gun pointed at your head..."

You know she is more of a chatter box and she was driving me crazy. Why can't she mind her own business???

I didn't have the energy to explain myself so I took one of the pillows from the bed, a shawl from the closet and slept on the couch..

I had a very rough day and the last thing I needed was someone rubbing salt on my wounds...

She continued ranting about how Zac betrayed her while I tried so hard to get some sleep..

The next morning, I was scared to face my reality..For a moment, I wanted to make that hotel room my home...

Ariana had an attitude like Ciara but hers was irritating..How can a girl have an attitude and a chatter box for a bonus?? She must have really made mistakes in her past life ..

"I can't wait to meet your mother. Will she like me???"

I remained silent...

"I hope Ciara will like me too..." She had no right to mention my Ciara...Here I was trying so hard to collect myself but no she just wants to see me restless..

"Ariana, don't even dare mention my Ciara...Talk about your Zac as much as you want but my Ciara No..." I grabbed the car keys and walked out of the hotel room.. I didn't care if the paparazzis would see me without her..

"Wait for me!!!" She shouted behind me, "Do you know how much I hate running???" She asked when she finally caught up with me..

"I don't care, let's just get home and get this over with. You beside me suffocates me.."

"Don't worry dear singer, I will do my job well.."

In the car, I couldn't stop my heart from beating so fast...How was I going to face her??? How was I to lie on her face that I love Ariana who isn't even my type??? The more she tried to start a conversation, the more I ignored her...

Finally we were home...Here I could avoid her as much as I wanted..

"We are here...." The environment felt cold as soon as I got out of the car..
"You have...." There she was smiling like a fool..Has she never seen a big house??? Typical ordinary girl...

"A big house and you wish you lived here..Blah blah blah!!!" I butted in before she could start chattering again..

"How did you read my mind???" She seemed shocked..

"Because every ordinary girl says that...." I faked a smile and begun walking inside the house...

Weirdly the house seemed peaceful...I expected Ciara to have burned the house down but everything seemed okay...

"Jaxon, you are here...Why are you not picking my calls??? Do you know how worried I have been??? I almost got a heart attack.."
My mother with her paranoia..

"Mom, as you can see I am okay..."

"So where is your girlfriend??? We have been waiting to see her..." My mom clapped her hands excitedly...

"She is somewhere...Maybe behind me..." I continued walking upto the living room where I found granny watching her favourite reality show..Keeping up with the Kardashians..

"How is the most beautiful granny in the whole world doing???" I knelt beside her and placed my hand on hers..

"She is okay but her Ciara is not..What happened yesterday at the concert??? When her and Jordan came back today morning she seemed sickish and Jordan didn't say anything...He just left since he had an important meeting..."

There and then my heart crushed.
My beloved, why do we have to feel this immense love if all it does is hurt us??

"Where is she now???"
"She is in her room resting..."
"I will go check on her..."

When I was running to go to my beloved I bumped into mother and Ariana at the stairs...

"Baby, where did you go to????" She asked...

"You are with my mother now so quit with the questions.." I faked a smile and continued running to Ciara's room..

I opened the door and found Caro forcing her to have soup..

"I said I am not hungry!!!" She yelled..

"But Sir Jordan said...."

"Sir Jordan nothing...I will take it from here..." I cut her off walking towards the bed..

At the sight of me, I could see the scalding rage in her eyes..

"Leave us Caro..." I ordered and she nodded...

After Caro shut the door, I sat beside her and took her hand but she pulled it away like she had touched poop..

"What are you doing here???" She folded her arms on her chest and looked away..
"Please I am sorry...I didn't mean things to turn out this way..."

I could see her trying so hard to fight her tears...

"I don't know if I have the strength in me to keep fighting for you..Maybe it hurts so much..."

Instead of being comforting, I was hurting her more...
She wiped the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hands and still remained silent..

"I love you Ciara but you are married to Jordan..How then can I fight for you??? My hands are tied.."

She still remained silent...

"Just understand me...For the happiness of my brother, I had to move on..And for you to move on and finally act like a married woman, I had also to do this..."

She stood from the bed and walked to the window...She silently looked through it and turned to Me...

"Why does this love hurt so much???."

She turned again to the window and begun crying while smiling...

If only she knew how much I loved her. How much I wanted to hold her in my arms...How much she meant to me...

What about me??? Does she know how angry I get at the thought of her and my brother sharing the same room?? How much I hate him for taking what's mine???

"I also have a broken heart...You are married to my brother Ciara..." I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, "Everytime I see how happy he makes you, I feel like killing him.."

She placed her hands on mine and sobbed profusely, "Why does it hurt so much????."

"I know you didn't want to marry him, I know he forced you to..." I blurted out, twisting her around to face me...When she looked at me, she had an emotionless face..

"Then why didn't you do anything???" She stuttered...

"I was afraid to hurt him...I didn't want to break him..."

I regretted saying those words the moment I felt a slap on my face...

"With that you broke me..With that you ruined the love we shared...I don't ever want to see you again..The Marcias brothers are all the same..." She ranted angrily...

"But...." My phone pinged with a message....

When I opened it, I almost was link from my manager...

"Ciara, we are finished...." I stammered...
"What???" She shook me...

Just before I could answer, Jordan slammed the door open...

"Jaxon???? Ciara???"

I felt frozen at the moment with wide eyes...



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