Attitude meets Arrogance - Episode 77

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Ciara's POV
Am I hallucinating or did he just say Beatrice was calling???? I hope it's not that ex-fiancee of his because so help me God I am gonna kill somebody...

"Which Beatrice??? Your ex or another Beatrice you have never told me about..." I confirmed...

He was still in shock that he just nodded...
"What does that nod mean????" I cussed out as I hit him with a pillow on his head...

"Ciara what the f*ck???? Of course the Beatrice we all now..." He stammered as he rubbed his head...
"So she still has your number??? Let me rephrase you people still talk right???" I asked between closed teeth...

I could feel the anger inside me bubbling up...A killer headache had begun spreading across my temples but I didn't care.

My mind was soaking in fear and I couldn't help it...I know I shouldn't stress myself out but the situation infront of me wasn't helping either...

"We don't....."
"Shut up Jordan," I butted in,"When someone hurts you like she did, you f*cking block them...I know you still love her, right????"


I didn't even give him the chance to explain himself.....All I wanted to do was yell at him..I wasn't mad at him, I was angry with myself for not telling him what I feel and angry with Beatrice for coming back into our lives...

"No, nothing...I know you probably love her and that's why you want a divorce right??? She left you once and she will do it again..." I said the last sentence in emphasis as I looked straight into his eyes...

Trust me if eyes would kill, he would probably been dead by now...

"Let me explain!!!!" He cried out...
"I don't want to hear anything from you...I know you cheating on me with her...." I yelled and begun slapping his chest when he took hold of my hands...

"I am not cheating on you, I love you more than life itself. You mean the world to me...She left me and run away with my bodyguard, how can I forget the humiliation???? But how do I expect you to understand me while you love someone else?? I know you are just here for the comfort and company..." He yelled back as tears balanced on his bottom eyelids...

I could see pain and gentleness deep inside his eyes at the same time ..That was the time to tell him I love him but I couldn't bring myself to no matter how much I tried...

"Did you hear what I said???? I love you..

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. " He said in a shaky voice and I just looked at him tears falling from my eyes...

"Say something please, tell me you love me too and don't want this divorce. Tell me you want to be with me forever as I want to be with you..." He shook me lightly and I just looked down playing with my fingers...

I also don't want to divorce you my love, I love you so much...All I want is us to be a family with the being that's growing inside me..I am scared of losing you, what if I tell you how I truly feel and then Beatrice takes you from me...

I don't know if I would recover from it. I trust you so much my beloved but I don't trust her..

"Please,"He lifted my chin up,"Tell me you over Jaxon...I need you to tell me you love me...Don't reject me again...." He pleaded and I just looked away.

I couldn't bear the pain in his eyes or the tears that were threatening to fall....
I gathered all the courage inside me and looked at him with a straight face,"I want you to leave this room right now????"

"What???" He exclaimed in surprise...
"I said I want you to leave me alone Jordan..."

"Is this because of Beatrice??? Trust me we don't talk, I am not lying to you...." He stuttered...

I believed him but I needed some time to put myself together...I was going through an emotional tornado..

"Just leave..." I begun hitting him with the pillow as I stood from the bed...
"Ciara, trust me...

Read " Innocent Obsession " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

. " He pleaded but I didn't listen...The pregnancy is giving me emotional torrents...

"Get out!!!!" I cried and I pulled him from the bed.
"Leave me alone!!!!" I hit him with the pillow and all he did was cover his head with his hands as he stood there pleading I trust him...

"Enough!!!!" He yelled, snatched the pillow from me and threw it on the bed...

"I won't leave,"He said with a straight face and grabbed me by the shoulders," I am not leaving until you tell me what's going on...I am not cheating on you with Beatrice because I love you. But it's such a pity that you who is accusing me of cheating is in love someone else...."

Why do I keep making the situation worse???? Instead of drawing him close to me, I keep pushing him away...His words squeezed my heart that I felt pain...

"You don't have to keep hitting me with a pillow for me to leave, I am leaving and you won't see me again until 9pm today during the party...The divorce papers will be ready by Monday..." He thundered and slammed the door on his way out.

It's finally over Ciara, congratulations you ruined your marriage...

"It's your fault baby...You make me so moody...Now you don't have a father..Can you decide if you gonna cause me pain or make me moody??? Not both..." I spoke to that sweet being inside me as I rubbed my belly, "This time your papa was very mad..We will be alone very soon.."

I tried to smile but my soul was crying out in pain..I sat on the floor by the bed, let out a cry and cried harder than I ever imagined as his words played over and over in my head...

How will I overcome this pregnancy alone??? I need you Jordan, I love you Jordan....Come back please, come hug me tight....

Jordan's POV
I can't believe she really called me...For four years I have tried calling her, looking for her to seek answers but when I finally move on she shows up...

For a moment I was shocked and angry as all the sad memories five years ago played in my mind in slow motion but again I could finally seek the closure I needed and fight for Ciara.

But I made the mistake of telling Ciara about it and she is mad at me...I guess she really wants this divorce, I am the one raising my hopes up...

For a second I thought she was jealous that Beatrice was calling me but I was proved wrong the moment she didn't say she loved me back..Maybe this love was meant to be one sided...

When I walked out of the room, I found Jaxon and Ariana walking out of their room with Sophie behind them..

"You look so mad and your eyes are teary...What did you do to Ciara now???" Jaxon asked and I almost punched his face when I remember it's all his fault Ciara can't love me..
"Leave me alone .." I walked past them and went downstairs to my office...

I got madder and madder by the second when I remembered how Ciara just looked at me when I told her how much I love her....
Anger was trapped in my hands and I wanted to break everything around me...
Why do I love her so much???No matter how much she rejects me, I still want to be by her side...

How can she think I still love Beatrice, that b*tch broke me..She didn't care about my feelings when she left but her she changed me into a better man, tolerated my arrogance and rude behaviour,learnt to put me in my place and finally made me fall for her...
Now she wants to leave too, how will I live without her whereas she is my world...

Just as I was thinking about it, Beatrice called me again...I looked at the phone in a dilemma whether to pick it or switch my phone off...Yes I needed answers but if it's gonna threaten my relationship with my Ciara I don't need the closure then...

I should go back and apologise to Ciara, she is not feeling well and instead of being by her side I scolded her.. I declined the call from Beatrice and just when I was about to get out of the office I received a call that I was needed in the company urgently ..

Ciara's POV
I shouldn't have talked to Jordan like that, he wasn't at fault...It's not like I found him on top of her...

He is probably in his office, I will go apologise and tell him that I love him..It can't be that hard..

I wiped the tears from my face with the back of my hands and stood from the floor...I walked out of the room and headed to his office only to find him not there..

Did he go to look for her???? Are they meeting secretly??? Has he gone to see Beatrice??? I could feel the rapid rise and fall of my chest...

Is he going to sleep at her place??? What if he doesn't come tonight??? What if he chooses her??? By the thought of both of them together made me lightheaded and dizzy...

The room begun being so blurry and when I was about to fall, familiar arms held me....
"Easy Ciara!!!!"
I felt him carry me in his arms before I collapsed...

When I gained consciousness, all my girls were seated on my bed..Sophie,Ariana,Chloe and Jane...
"Finally the sleeping beauty is awake.." Sophie teased...
"I hope you won't kick me out of your room again..." Jane faked a sob and I just smiled...

"More good news, Mason is back from his art show in France and Jaxon is picking him from the airport..You are lucky Jaxon just arrived in the of time and held you before you collapsed..What happened between you and Jordan anyway??? You fainted and he looked mad as hell..." Ariana interrogated...

"Beatrice happened....." I murmured..
"Beatrice, Beatrice Calpols the b*tch who left him???" Jane confirmed and I nodded..
"How dare she come back???" Sophie snarled, clenching her fists..

"We won't let her...She betrayed us and that's unforgiving.She can never replace you.." Chloe said, squeezing my hand and if her aim was to make me feel better it was working...

Just as we were talking, Caro walked in with tray on her hands...
"Hey madam Chloe, here is some dry toasts and baby shake for madam Ciara..." Caro smiled and Chloe just nodded taking the tray from her...

"Darling, you need to eat then we can all get ready for tonight..It's already 5 o'clock..." Chloe smiled...
"Was I unconscious for that long????" I asked shockingly...
"No, the doctor had to sedate you so as you could have some rest. And before asked about Jordan, his phone is switched off..." Sophie replied..

Did she read my mind, I was to ask about Jordan??? Why was his phone off???Was he still mad at me????

"Surprise!!!!!" Mason slammed the door open and Jaxon followed him with alot of shopping bags in his hands..
"Baby...." Chloe ran to him and hugged him so tight as he lifted her off the floor...
"I missed you..." She sobbed before kissing him..Finally after one month, her husband was back..

"Enough with the kissing honey," He put her down and walked towards me," How is the pregnant elephant doing???"He teased me...
"Am I the only one who didn't know you are pregnant???" Jaxon cried out and we all nodded...
"You can't keep a secret...You remember when we were young you sold dad out that he was planning a surprise birthday party for mum..." Mason reminded him...

"But I am all grown up..." Jaxon tried defending himself...
"A leopard doesn't change its spots..You were the reason she fainted yesterday and today that brother of yours...Ciara you really have a poor taste in men..." Sophie commented as she shook her head...

"Don't talk ill about my husband..." Ariana and I said in unison ..
"Anyway I have alot of gifts for baby Ariana and baby Ciara...I can't wait to hold them..But for now, we need to get ready for the party..." Mason begun dancing around..

"Why not baby Jordan and baby Jaxon????" Jaxon can be dumb at times...
"Because you are not the one carrying them for nine months...I will go check on daddy's princess,take care pregnant elephants..." He kissed both Ariana and I on the forehead and left...

After I was done eating, the girls went to get ready....I wasn't sure I wanted to attend the party.. I didn't feel like seeing real people or talk to them let alone smiling..

I didn't have the energy, I just wanted to watch the walls of my room... I tried to call Jordan for the 20th time now but his phone was still off...

I took a shower and lied on the bed with my bathrobe feeling all sad...
"Why are you not ready????" Jane asked the moment she slammed the door open...
"Can't you knock??? What if Jordan and I were having s*x????" I scolded her and she lifted her hands up in defence mode...

"Please I am not in the mood of your scoldings...The guests have already arrived and you are not ready..." She rolled her eyes..
"I don't wanna go..." I cried out...

"Are you for real??? This party is all about you...Ariana, Jaxon, Chloe and Mason are taking care of the guests and everyone is waiting for the best fashion designer in the country...." Sophie said blissfully...
"I am so tired!!!" I groaned...

"We are just going to do a simple touch of make up and no heels tonight..." Jane assured me and Sophie nodded in agreement...

Disappointed, I stood from the bed and walked into the closet to get ready....I wore a choker halter neck maxi dress in a black hue with open back and side leg split with a pair of white sandals...

"Wow, you look pretty....just a slight touch of makeup and you will be the prettiest girl in the party..." Jane complimented, the moment I walked out of the closet...

After we were done, we headed to the ballroom...Sophie had used a winter  theme on the ball room and it was amazing.The floor was cool and icy with blue lighting ....The guests were handed out champagnes flutes and gin cocktails on arrival...People were everywhere: some talking, others just looking at the guests as they arrive. 

There were handsome models dressed in smart outfits walking all over the place with a tray of champagnes flutes and gin cocktails on their hands...

There was also soft jazz music playing in the background...
"Hey there the best fashion designer in the whole country????" Kendo joy wiggled her eyebrows, the moment she walked up to us...

"I am fine, Have you seen Jordan around???" I asked ignoring her compliment...
"Yes, he is talking with Sebastian near the buffet table...." She replied. 

"Okay ladies, I will see you around..."

I was about to walk past them when Kendo joy held my hand,"Dear, you are the one reading the speech..."
"I can't, one of you should do it. I don't feel so well..."
"Is the baby and you okay???"
"Yeah Kendi...I just need to talk to Jordan.."

I walked towards the buffet tables filled with the amazing aroma and seconds later I felt nausea...The amazing aroma dropped from 100 to 0 very fast... I looked around for Jordan and finally saw him and Sebastian talking with some of the investors...

He had this classic tuxedo that hugged his defined body in every possible way...My man was very handsome, No the most handsome man in the whole party...

This is your time Ciara, you need to tell him the truth. 
I walked to where they were and they all went silent. 
"Jordan, can I talk  to you????" I asked softly...
"My love," He held my hand," Can't it wait???it will only take two minutes and then am all yours.  For the record you look so beau....."

"Jordan, you can't believe who is behind you. " Sebastian stammered...
"Who????" Jordan asked as we both turned around to check who it was. 

"Beatrice?????" He called out shockingly....


Thank you guys for the support so far. I am grateful. Actually this is the longest chapter to ever write...Enjoy and don't forget to click on the star below. 

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  • Chineye ukara picture
    Chineye ukara
    Beatrice, you are wicked. Thumbs up dear
  • oluwasefunmi picture
    Beatrice who invited you Ciara please tell your man how much you love him and the pregnancy well-done
  • Muhammed Aishat Olajumoke picture
    Muhammed Aishat Olajumoke
    Abeg let Jordan send Beatrice away... Don't let him listen to her at all Such a devil incarnate na dey girl dey call Beatrice I just hope Clara wont meet them so that she wont hurt herself I just want Clara to be happy She deserve to be happy even if she can't be with Jason anymore atleast she should be with jordan
  • Josephine Borngreat picture
    Josephine Borngreat
    Beatrice shouldn't come and say that she was pregnant before she left oo
  • Akos Geyevu picture
    Akos Geyevu
    Trouble on the way
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    Beatrice is looking for Ciara's trouble,why is it that anytime there is a perfect mood to talk she just shows up
  • Busola Bolaji picture
    Busola Bolaji
    This is wt they caller gobe ,Beatrice whant to cause trouble for them oo,next pls
  • Stella Nwabueze picture
    Stella Nwabueze
    Oh my Lawd.... You are a good writer, always holding us down with suspense...... Continue with your flowing ink....
  • philzzz vicky picture
    philzzz vicky
    Ciara if Beatrice tries anything stupid beat the hell out of her trust me the preggy will not fall
  • Rufai onyinioza simbiyat picture
    Rufai onyinioza simbiyat
    Beatrice better pack well oo Don't come and cause problem for our Cidan love
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Abeg,someone should just help me shoot dis Beatrice witch
  • Wamathwe Muthuma picture
    Wamathwe Muthuma
    The only thing keeping me going is beauty meets arrogance. Beauty being Ciara and arrogance is Jordan
  • Ayomide Huntress picture
    Ayomide Huntress
    Maybe Beatrice will make Ciara sit up
  • Zainab Mohammed picture
    Zainab Mohammed
    Which kind bad luck Beatrice dey carry so? Today of all days that everyone's in a joyful mood.
  • picture
    [email protected]
    Ciara dis is a wake up call 4 u.great job fideh
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Oh boy....i sense trouble!
  • Loveth Dennis picture
    Loveth Dennis
    At least this should make ciara see reason y should she make her man knows her feeling and d baby part too no time to check time,woman up ciara and make things right
  • Hadiza picture
    What the f**k does dat bitch wants
  • Uwem Udoh picture
    Uwem Udoh
    First of all, i dont like that Ciara threw away her chance to tell Jordan how she feels about him,secondly who invited that B bitch? Nice story dear, cant wait for the next episode...
  • Nam Makay picture
    Nam Makay
    Let Ciara voice out her feelings and the pregnancy in the presence of Beatrice oo
  • Adeyemi Victoria picture
    Adeyemi Victoria
    Nice one..... Am eager to read the next episode o
  • Eunice Ache picture
    Eunice Ache
    Beatrice is a show spoiler
  • Fatu M picture
    Fatu M
    Now this story is getting to my nerves. Kudos to the writer.
  • Amberjoy picture
    mtchewww Beatrice show spoiler
  • Young Royalty picture
    Young Royalty
    That Girl Na Obanje!Why She De Spoil Show For Caira.Next Pls.
  • Doris Edwards picture
    Doris Edwards
    Hope ciara and Jordan clear their doubts and end up not divorcing.They have overcome alot
  • Sarah Splend picture
    Sarah Splend
    I'm honorably waiting oo pls. Next
  • Tumininu Odunlami picture
    Tumininu Odunlami
    Am waiting for d next episode o Fideh.
  • Amma picture
    Béatrice's presence will be a wake up call to Ciara....she can't keep being selfish like that.
  • Tony Presh picture
    Tony Presh
    That witch
  • Michael winful picture
    Michael winful
    Ahh, this is called em don put sand for my garri. The unexpected is about to transpire and I must it won't be a good thing at all
  • Divine Amrachi picture
    Divine Amrachi
    So at a point I tot this was sweet..
  • Fatty picture
    This Beatrice is a witch o
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