Believe - Episode 13


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It’s Monday morning, the third week since resumption.

The school bus had just dropped Ayo off at school. As soon as she alighted from the bus, a familiar voice called her but she decided to ignore.

As she made to walk up the stairs, the voice called again. Though, it was faint as the person was calling from a distant but Ayo knows the owner of the voice. She ran up the first flight of stairs in a bid to avoid the caller but had to stop when the person called again . This time, right behind her.

“Are you avoiding me?” Bukky said as soon as she caught up with Ayo. “Because it seems to me like you are.”

“Ohhh!” Ayo grunted. “Bukky you’ve started again. It’s Monday morning for God’s sake.”

“What have I done?” Bukky protested. “Don’t worry sef.” She hissed and walked away.

Ayo sighed and walked up the remaining flight of stairs. ‘Was I too harsh?’ she thought. ‘But she wouldn’t stop pestering someone like a pest.’

“Funmi wait!” Bukky called out to Funmi who was about to run up the stairs. She hurriedly walked up to meet her and greeted as soon she got to her. “Hi.”

“Hi,” Funmi responded.

“Please, were you at last weekend’s Olympiad quiz show?”

“Yes I was.” She rested her arm on the stair railing.

“Did Emmanuel qualify?” Bukky said, going straight to why she stopped Funmi.

“Erm, I can’t remember.” She scratched her head

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. “Let me check my brain.”

“Get out of here joor!” Bukky snapped. “You are both the same thing.”

“You wait to watch it on TV in the evening.”

“Evening is a bit far. Besides, what’s stopping you from telling me?”

“Just be patient. It’s in less than 11 hours.”

“11 hours?”

“Like I care,” Funmi said and stuck out her tongue.

“Better don’t annoy me. I asked you…”

“Just hold it there.” She held out her hand like a policeman would when controlling traffic. “Am I the one that told you to become a talkative when given the opportunity or am I senior Bidemi that told the principal to remove your name from the audience list? Please…”

“It’s enough o,” Bukky finally let out. “It’s not your fault. I’m the one that doesn’t…”

Funmi didn’t allow her finish her statement before she turned and walked up the stairs. ‘She has spoilt someone’s mood this early morning. I just dislike her,’ she thought.

Bukky hissed and went in the other direction. She went straight to her classroom but still wasn’t pleased with herself and not comfortable on her seat. She was eager to know if Emmanuel qualifies or not. She wanted to confirm the rumours she heard as she didn’t believe any of it, given Emmanuel previous performance in the Mathematics Olympiad. She left her seat and went out of the class.

A minute later, she got to the front of SS 1 Science classroom. She peered inside and saw both Funmi and Ayo discussing, but she cared less. She looked further into the classroom and found out that Oreoluwa wasn’t in yet. Then, she turned back and intentionally went the other way she came, so Ayo could see her and maybe at least, eventually tell her what she wanted to know. As she walked past the window, Ayo looked up and stood up immediately.

Bukky knew Ayo had seen her and might soon come after her. She intend to make her run all the way down to her classroom. But just as she was about to climb down the stairs, she saw Oreoluwa coming up.

“Oh! Ore, I’ve been looking for you.” She ran down the stairs to meet Oreoluwa.

“Really,” Oreoluwa said. He brushed his hair with his palm and wiped imaginary dirt offq his shirt with his handkerchief.

“What’s wrong with this one?” Bukky hissed. “I came to ask you something.”

“Ask me anything?”

“Okay.” She sighed. “Did Emmanuel qualify for the semifinals?”


“Yes?” She raised her eyebrows.

“Yes.” Oreoluwa repeated. “What’s with the eyes? You know I don’t understand your sign languages. So speak?”

“You won’t tell me more. Like how he qualified?”

“The principal will announce on the assembly. If you are so eager, why not ask your friend?” He pointed behind Bukky.

Bukky looked back and saw no one. “Who was that?”

“Ayo” – he walked past Bukky, up the stairs – “she has been there since we began this conversation.”


Oreoluwa didn’t answer, he just walked on. ‘I thought it’s something else she wanted to ask me.’

Bukky went down the stairs, smiling to herself.


“Funmi, good morning,” Ayo greeted as soon as Funmi entered the classroom.

Funmi faked a smile. “Good morning,” she said. She dropped her bag beside Ayo carelessly and turned to leave.

“Where are you going?” She used a hand to shield Funmi’s bag which was about to fall off the chair. “You just drop your bag anyhow. Hope no problem?”

“Don’t mind me.” She turned to face Ayo.

“What is it Funmi?”

“Is it not your friend?”

“Bukky?” Ayo said with renewed interest. “She stopped me this morning.

Read " Hope " by the same author ( HABEEBLLAH DAMILOLA )

. Did she stop you too?”

“Yes she did.” Funmi picked up her bag and sat beside Ayo, placing her bag on her laps. “She wanted to know if Emmanuel qualifies.”

Ayo looked down feeling remorse. ‘Was I too harsh this morning? I should have at least hear her out?’

“Was that was she asked you too?”

“No,” she lied. “It was something else.” She looked up and out the window. There she saw Bukky, walking along their corridor. She hurriedly stood up to meet her but by the time she stepped out of the class, Bukky had gone farther than she expected. ‘Did she run?’ Nonetheless, she followed her. She got to the stairs and saw Bukky talking to Oreoluwa. She waited behind her for a while without Bukky noticing but had to leave when Oreoluwa pointed at her. She heard him tell her what she wanted to know, so she went back to her class in regret.


So tomorrow, you will reading the chapter I promised "hypocrite" but before then who do you think the hypocrite is or the Hypocrites are?


By tomorrow, you would Know more. till then, Keep your comments flowing in


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