Beyond captivating - Episode 27

Beyond captivating

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Silvia POV:

Like crying my heart would lessen the pain ... Would it???
I wish I had break his neck instead,

who gave him the right to talk to me that way???
does he even know how i was raped and molested???
...does he even know how i got to live with that through the years ....???
It hurt so much,
it hurt me in here and as much as I try to hold it in ... I couldn't help the tears, all possible sounds around me was gone ...the thought of being betrayed by the only man have ever loved and trust sends a different kind of swells in my head ...this time I was crying like a kid ....
I just don't know why someone could keep me that long and still let another guy took my virginity to the extent of getting me pregnant..
A wicked kind of guy who could only take advantage of a lady only by r*ping her while unconscious, I just wish I could see Nate, I wish he crosses my part one day so I could give him a dim mak in the neck..

visiting the club he works a countless  times was always a fruitless trial ..
his whereabouts was still a mystery even to his co workers ...the worst of it was  I never  even get to meet any of his family or friends ...or maybe he'd even been lying to me right from the start ,about a dead parent and being an only child who had to hustle ,,
I was a so naive, a  fool in love yet
The bastard traded my innocence  to make his money ...
My stomach made a little churning as more of my tears fall
I felt my pulse racing, ..the
sense of vibrations whirring within me just wouldn't stop..

After Mrs Tyson led me out Lucas room ..
Sharing my heart out with her seems to lessen my aching heart a little ...
Guess I was a little relieved in a kinda way I haven't been in years ...not because of the Shelter or the luxury comfort she offered but in a kinda of way my heart knew this special kind of peace....
A regular peace that seems to float into my brain and out with a particular kind of relieve

At the thought of it all over and over again ..I think it was because she promised to help me find whomsoever Jamie father was....
I just wanted to meet him, oh how much I wish to meet him before taking his life...
Nate and the bastard made my life this way, they made me a single mother who doesn't even know how pleasurable the feeling of love making was

They deprived me of all the feeling I wanted to experience with someone I love, the dream of making love in a balcony that shows a whole lot of skyscraper. . The feeling of being loved and to be loved ...
The feeling of striping my man naked and making love to him the way I wanted to ...
I wouldn't deny how the touch of that bastard had taken so much effect on me,
But I couldn't help it ,,I just felt he wanted to use me just like I was being used when r*pped,
That's it
I wonder if he even know what love is, I doubt if he'd ever fallen in love??...and it serves him right ,by destroying his face he got what he deserve..
And I swear as long as am in this house if he crosses my part am gonna break his neck  ...
Mrs Tyson had left me strictly undisturbed in a room I realise was her study ...leaving me alone to my thought after consoling me was the best she could do for me...after every drop of my tears has ended I realise the whole episode of my life was just some unmitigated disaster from every point of view...
I wish my life was like that of Celine  who dumps men instead, if I hadn't had Jamie who gave me so much happiness, what would have been left of me by now,

at first i was convinced the r*pe was done by Nate but when i went for a DNA with Nate hair in a comb he left with me, It was confirmed  his blood and that of jamie was strongly  negative....
All I did was love the bastard and how sweet would it be of he were real with me and I to give him Jamie as the fruit of our love ...
How much I hate him
Can I even fall in love again??

Can I ??

I swallowed whatever tears that might be threatening to come out ...
Instead i tried shifting my thought away from every bit of how pained I was...and it worked
I was studying how neat and tidy Mrs Tyson study was when I sighted a picture ...
I moved towards it and picked it up,,.

How come the family has such good look ,,
...Mrs Tyson and a lady I guess was her daughter was smiling broadly while Lucas arms was crossed around his dad..
I touched his lips on pictured and shuddered a bit ..
I swallowed my saliva twice and start to wonder what prompt this kind of feeling ??, when will I  admit my world had turn into topsy turvy....

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. there is no room for any kind of emotion..although his devilish looks could drive any sane woman off their foot  but I had to remind myself am here to work and I would be a fool to feel any kind of attraction towards him...
Why do I feel like kissing the bastard  in spite of  all he did
... Despite my inner turmoil i smile a bit with the thought of him wanting to jump a balcony cause of few bruises ...

what a baby ...

I was busy admiring how good looking he was in the picture but jumped a little when the door to the study opened

Mrs Tyson  appeared with a Maid who was holding a tea tray ....
Her smile was just so soft and rich

What an elegant woman

"ma'am" I smile towards her before dropping the picture

"I can see you are a bit okay now Silvia"

"Yes ma'am ,, I thinks so "

"Thanks heaven for that "
I smile as the maid gave me the tea before turning on her heels, I took a sip and gave Mrs Tyson an appreciative sigh before taking my seat

"Thanks ma'am ,"

She gave me a brief motherly smile before moving forward to caress my arm

"U're welcome,,"
The atmosphere was quite a bit
I was forced to stare down at my tea for a moment before gazing up at her

"Ma'am  I think am gonna go home to check up on my son ,,you know and packed few of my cloth"

"You don't have to stress yourself Silvia, I already send my driver, Zion and few guard over to settle those at least today is Friday, your son can spent the weekend with you here ..they should be here soon"

I stared up at her as my inside bubbled with joy
With tears of happiness, I sipped my tea a little before clearing it away

"Thanks ma'am ,, you are such a mother, thanks "

"No problem dear, come let me give you a tour around the house before showing you to your room,,I think its ready now"

I nodded expressionlessly before following her out of the room.

After the tour of the house  .....Mrs Tyson and i with few maids came back upstairs before moving forth towards a room which is exactly besides Lucas ...
My eyes went huge ,
Why would she choose my room to be beside this bastard son of hers ...
Of course she wants me to break his neck this time..
I noticed his door was closed ,I bit my lips a little and start to wonder what he was doing inside,,
Gosh its almost 6:o pm the fool wouldn't even come out of his room  because of few bruises ...

As big as he is ,, why does he always behaves like a baby ...

but I was mute ..
I could only stare at Mrs Tyson smiling face as she opened the door

"And this is your room Silvia"

I swallowed glancing around rather wildly at the large modern four poster bed which took pride of the place ...

"Its so lovely" I was forced to gasped out ,,,
Gosh it was double the size of room at home

"It has its own dressing room and bath room ..." She demonstrated 

"hope you feel comfortable dear" she smiles broadly and order the maids to go arrange only God knows what

I turn back at her and smile...

"Ma'am , but Lucas room is just at the opposite, I mean beside "

She interrupted my words ....

"Not far from him is the best way to get your job done dearie don't you think so "
I swallowed my saliva and nodded

"I will right back dearie ,, just look around ,, you can freshen up if you want to"

I  nodded and smile nervously towards her before she turned on her heels

Lucas POV....

After freshening up, I had lunch before taking some pain killer...

This whole time I spent the entire time locked up in my room ,,berating myself for being a seven kind of fool ,,what had gotten into me for kissing her like that ?

Kissing an horror kinda of woman
Now how am I even gonna live with this bruises on my face ...

A whole Lucas Tyson
.. who would ever thought a woman...

A mere woman could do this to me,

moving tiredly...I walked towards my mirror and touched my bruised lips...

the pain it brought instantly sends a churning to my stomach
My fine lips ...I touched it as though I was touching a gold ...
Of course my lips is,, every part of my body is ....
I know I shouldn't have taken her like that ,,but should kissing and touching  her prompt to the extent of destroying my face..

Physically, i felt worst. Psychologically,
I felt worsen ,yet  i found myself continuing to brood despite all my
attempts to forget about her ....
I wish i could just get the thought of her out from my head ... Her behavior this morning was exactly like ......goshh

Nothing but an horror,, the abrupt swing from a sick lady to a tyrant, was beyond my understanding.

What the hell is wrong with her???

I glance around my room quietly ...
I just hope she'd left already...
And what will mom hire some one like her for..???

She doesn't fit in any position around here ,,

When the flash back on how I kissed her came ,,my heart made a rapid beating ....
I beat on my chest repeatedly before moving away from the mirror...

What i don't understand was she kissed me so hungrily...
She kissed me as though she hasn't been kissed in years ,yet gosh that woman is just so hard to understand ...

I stared into space for a while and found myself fumbling at the stupid thought of  having her in  front of me while I give that lips of hers the best love making ever

Gosh have never wanted anyone in my whole life, she aroused me so bad
What's with this anger of hers??

No matter how hard she tried to hide under a man skin,,with that body of hers she's still a woman ...
I realise my private had start to tickle in a bind of emotional jumble only for my eyes to go huge when I stare down at it
Damn, I slid my hands on the length before cursing at her
Despite being an horror she could still make me feel this way huh ...
Despite giving me the beating of my life ,,she could still make me this hard
I gave myself a long level look before heaving a sigh ...

Whats with this image of hers in my head seriously I found this rather strange as an international playboy ...
If its all about this coincidence night I had with her ,

Then Lucas it seems you are hopeless ,you've striped countless of  girls ..get that in your head ...

I was forced to
Step out to the balcony for some fresh air, I realise the weather had turned gorgeous...
And At a moment I found myself smiling at the thought of wanting to jump off the balcony ....

She is such an horror really, how does she even know I was faking it ..
I stared up at the sky for a while before
..closing my eyes and tilting my head back, I reveled more deeply in the sensual master piece of the atmosphere. The balmy tropical breeze fanned through
My hair, and slapped on my
face with the gentleness of a whisper, tenderly baring my features to the healing flow of the
trade winds.

Each breath i took of the moist air brought growing relaxation through my  limbs and sending my
my thought along with  the mixture of how beautiful she was , how fresh her body was when i had stripped her...
How soft she felt under that robe ,, suddenly I was sent to the image of her sending her fist on my face ,,how she was shouting and slapping me like some horror

God I opened my eyes quickly before I would faint at the mere thought of that

Gosh Lucas behave ...behave,you have so many women at hand for you to start thinking of one particular horror kinda woman..
I shook my head before sliding my  hands on my hair , when I glanced down the balcony ,,this time I had to blink rapidly as three of my friends drove in with their sport cars,
At the sight of the taunting expression on Elliot and jack's face ...
It was as if the world is about crashing into airs
Gosh it was so obvious mum told them everything ,,


this two taunter's are here to taunt me,,I rack my hands through my hairs and cursed more
At first I was so glad I already put a lock on my door but when I remember jack has this kind of master key that could open any door ...I found my running round my room thinking of what next to do ....
The last thing I wanted now is for those two taunter's to start tauting me ...

, damn

I jerk in a polo and a much longer short before racing out of my room ...
I thought of going down the stairs but at the sound of their laughing bass voice downstairs  ,, I raced back ,

quietly I closed the door to my room and raced to the next ...
After rushing in I was fast to put a lock on it ...

And when I turn,
my eyes went huge ,,i was shocked and stunned only to stand like a rock on the door way ..she was standing with her back towards me ,
Wrapped in a towel which was showing enough of her fresh thighs, her raven black hair, was fanned on her shoulder ,, once taken aback by her beauty I thought I could just stand there and drink in the sight of her until time went still

I closed my eyes and opened just to make sure i wasn't day dreaming ,, but damn it was no dream ,, it was her ..looking like the goddess of moonlight...
She shakes her hips a little and hum to the song she was listening to ....
The sight of her moving butt makes more of my eyes went huge ...

Lucas turn quietly and get out of this room right now .

Get outttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

but the voice went unheeded, I swallowed repeatedly as i stare at her from her head and down to the toes .

......this woman is .......
My eyes fell on her butt once more as it shake a little rapidly this time ..

Gosh I had to shift my head sideway 
While i struggled convulsively to swallow the tingling feeling underneath me
Then, with a deep breath, i lifted trembling fingers on my face and when I glanced back this time ...
My breath choked out of my lungs as she dropped her towel  ,,,

My god  ...
I was about racing out when my head hit on the door ...

I glanced back at her

Her head swung back as it held into collision with mine,

Now there was anger and coldness in them as She shouted ....

"Lucas "
she struggled to tie the towel around herself ...

"Lucas's what the hell," ...

"I am........m......I didn't .......its not what you think Silvia"

I was fumbling with the locks this time as more waves of  inner heat overwhelm me.

"Gosh what have I done, open up this damn locks"

Curiosity got me glancing back and there she was racing towards me all  full with rage  ....

"Am going kill you "

"Silvia no no its not what you think "
I shook my head rapidly ....

"Its not what you think"

"You bastarddddddd"

Guess what happened next guys

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Thanks lots of love ...

. .

Read " Her Secret Lover " by the same author ( Op. Amina )

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  • Judith Ankomah picture
    Judith Ankomah
    Lucas is damn dead
  • Ayomide Huntress picture
    Ayomide Huntress
    He got another smack on his neck
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Oh Amina, pls, enough of the torture dear, Lucas is suffering too much in Silvia's hands, abeg free him wai lol
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    And they made ****
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Lmao she gave him a dim mak again, this time he's gonna be looking like a gorilla,more reasons for me nd his friends to laugh at him,Amina I love u dear!
  • Fagbire Omowunmi picture
    Fagbire Omowunmi
    Let's prepare for Lucas burial ......*lol*.... I would bring the coffin
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    haaaa,,Lucas ooo,,better start praying for it to b a dream
  • Fagbire Omowunmi picture
    Fagbire Omowunmi
    Let's prepare for Lucas burial ......*lol*.... I would bring the coffin
  • picture
    [email protected]
    LWKMD!!!lucas don die 2day.abeg silvia have mercy.amina love u plenty
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @judith lol.....that guy ehn I just hope Silvia no go kill am patapata ooo.. thanks babe
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @ayomide God go save Lucas from Silvia hand oo.. thanks dearie
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @benedicta hahaha no be me oooo... na karma dey meet up with Lucas jare .... I just hope she won't end up killing him for his mum....thanks dearie
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @ronke lol ooo thanks dearie
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @pamela ,,hahahaha self don dey pity am sha ..... the story hasn't even got the part Lucas would start crying for love ooo... maybe by then we'll all bundle our self just to go beg Silvia...the girl self wicked... thanks dearie
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    haaaaaa @fagbire ....abeg make una pity Lucas small ooo.....coffins ke thanks dearie
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @bella lol.....thanks dearie self dey beg Silvia ooo ..the girl self wicked
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Please, Sylvia should not kill dis mummy's baby ooo.....Chai
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @confy lol.....dream thanks dearie
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @mareen infact karma dey meet up with mummy baby be kuku Silvia's fault .....thanks dearie
  • Obioma Esther picture
    Obioma Esther
    love please let Silvia not destroy the remaining part of Lucas face and please more episodes. I love you
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Lol @Amina on that day I'll go there just to rub salt in his wounds or better yet rearrange his face as well!
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Chai! Imagine Sylvia wishing to be like Celine "who dumps guys when she wants" ?? ?.. If only she knows..
  • Ayomide Huntress picture
    Ayomide Huntress
    Who Lucas face EPP? Amina abeg let her beat him more especially on that his stupid face so he won't b forming fine boy again huh he can't come n fine pass me na.. Kudos babe
  • Mhearty picture
    Haaa! Lucas is good as work Amina
  • Ngozi Awagu picture
    Ngozi Awagu
    Heheheheheee ! I cant stop laughing, abeg silvia have mercy
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    lol,, @esther,, sure ....thanks dear
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    haa @pamela ,, pls have mercy ooo....all this things wey dey happen to lucas recently na new stuffs oo.... I just hope he survive
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    lol @mareen...if only she knows ooo...kai
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    hahaha funny u @ayomide....Lucas na one kind fine big boy ooo...abeg no let Silvia destroy am patapata ooo... this time he won't hesitate to jump balcony
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @mhearty ...he is,, thanks dearie
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @ngozi in fact me self tire oooo...this beating too much ....the won wey hin mum no give am when him still dey small...nahin Silvia dey give am ooo... I just hope he survive... balcony no kuku far from am .... thanks love
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @ngozi in fact me self tire oooo...this beating too much ....the won wey hin mum no give am when him still dey small...nahin Silvia dey give am ooo... I just hope he survive... balcony no kuku far from am .... thanks love
  • Ayomide Huntress picture
    Ayomide Huntress
    Ami baby he fittn't jumping jor
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    lol @ayomide he fittn't fittn't ooo
  • Ajiboye Deborah picture
    Ajiboye Deborah
    Lucas is in trouble
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