Beyond captivating - Episode 47

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Another triple episode in one ...don't worry guys, we should be conscious about the numbers of episode na...

Its very very long ooo......So just relax and read..

Winks ..


Midnight had come and go as I rolled my bike  into a tumble down the shed my uncle was using for a garage,
He was an engineer

as expected bald tires were seen scattered all over the place  ..  i hissed as I propped my bike against a stalk, I trudged out of the shed and across the mansion with my hands stuffed into the  pockets of my jean..

I never liked coming home to this house ....
Especially when I had to see the betrayer image of my uncle...
That reasons alone was enough to turn me into a midnight walker ...

I stepped inside the mansion ... it was only 2.o clock in the morning as I settled on the sofa...determined to prolonged the inevitable and the pained memory in my head ....i tucked a cigarette out of the pocket of my T-shirt while I fished out a lighter from my jean, I lit it up before taking a dip drag fighting with the urge to cough it all out,

 I didn't really care if my brains exploded now that smoking is an habit i was willing to keep... . cause I realise it was the only way that makes me  feel tougher, more like a man, more dangerous and heartless
I knew this wasn't good for me but since nothing much going on in my life at this time seems good....
guess I had a hard time caring ...
Am gonna smoke my skulls out .

I took another long pull while i concentrated on the sound of the door 
The image on how he must have gave my uncle the large cash, sends a feeling of inside turmoil, anger and uneasiness into my brain ...
Few more days and that would be the end of him...
I don't want to hurt you Silvia, and as this is going I hope you wont get hurt ...

"Were have you been Phyllis " my uncle called from behind  

Heat rose on my face at the sound of his tone...I sat straight and struggled to swipe a tangled bangs out of my eyes,, i matched my cigarette on a mug beside me...

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I was intending not to give him my replies but when I realise his eyes was on me i spoke softly 

"Don't ask me uncle," my deep voice crooned

"And who do you think you are to come into my house at this time of the morning and you told me not to ask you" he raised a questioning brows..

"Do you say your house"

My eyes widened in terror as I stare up at him ...

"Alright do it already, am not a kid anymore bitch me out and get it over with cause every corner of this goddamn house is locked with nothing but my sisters blood," I shouted not caring if I woke up whomsoever might be inside with him

"Whitney is gone, get that to your skull Phyllis, I paid for her fees, I did every thing for her but she choose that part , she killed herself... "

"The fuck uncle,  my sister didn't kill herself, she was told to, you got it, and am gonna take that rich guy down I promise you"

"Don't do anything stupid Phyllis ,, you can't fight those people, be careful or you gonna get yourself locked up behind bars," 

With rage boiling inside my skull I raced into my room before locking the door from behind...

Uncle Derrick had been like a parent to me and my twin sister ever since my mum abandoned us at a tiny age was him and my dad ever since then...

the thought of mum abandoning us got my dad jobless and weak and since he died just three years after had been uncle Derrick ever since and him being a witness to a crime and yet covering it up with a huge sum of money made me quiver ...
Did he just say, Whitney killed herself,??

She was told to go terminate her pregnancy and she did just that ???
What evidence am i gonna use to prove that when he refuse to admit the truth other than getting my revenge on that asshole Lucas Tyson .....

That Bastardized son of a b*tch 
And am gonna make sure I send him to  the exact place he sent my sister, even if it had to cost the last of my breath...

I picked up my phone angrily before dialing a number..

"Hunter listen carefully" 


Silvia POV:

It was like morning ran through the night in a speed race ...immediately I opened my eyes I  realise I wasn't in the position I slept last night, my sandals were off and the blanket was placed gently on my body, my heart skipped at the thought of Lucas

Did he came into my room last night???

How was i to know when I don't even remember a thing I must have been tired to the throat after crying myself to sleep ...

The image of Matilda's face flashed into my head again and at that ...
The jealousy that came rushing into my skull made me bit my lips so hard

Tiredly I walk into the closet to change ...
After my charades of brushing and glancing at the bathroom mirror
I dialed mums number

"Mum, I can't make it down there just send Raoul over please"

"Alright darling"

We talked for a while after the call ended ...I walked towards the door....

 Immediately i closed it behind me I turned only to see Matilda's surprised face 

She was putting on a 
T-back and a leggings with a huge ear phone wrapped around her head immediately I met with her eyes, she stopped on her track before pulling the ear phone to her neck ...

"And who the hell are you" she raised a questioning brows with her legs crossed exactly like that of a Turkey

I stare at her and down at her lips and so wish to smack it off 
..  how dare she talk to that way,, but I clenched my fist to hold back my attack  instead

"Hello am talking to you" she gestured  as though she might be talking to a blind person

...i shook my head more in a manner of pitying her if she get to receive one of my smack...I ignored her instead and was about moving away when The door to Lucas opened ...

"Hey handsome" she smile at him and with that I frown at the seduction display on her face ...

What wrong with this girl???

i glanced back only to see him also in a pair of tight fitting joggers and a body hug that clings perfectly to his body,

he should be preparing for work and not jog ,, the thought of them staying all night talking and planning on jogging together this morning got my throat tightened ..

"Good morning pretties" he called 

But i ignored and made my way towards the step instead,,
"And who the hell is she Lucas,??"

I heard Matilda's voice asking and with that

My blood surged up with the feeling of  racing back and giving her a tap in the head but I manage my composure as i make my way into Jamie's room..
He was wide awake when I went in,  getting him ready took several minutes though but immediately I led him outside ... Raoul call came in ...
I took his hand and was about moving towards the exit gate when I heard Mrs Tyson's voice ..

"Oh my dear are you taking Jamie without letting him say good bye to me"

I glance back at her and smile ...

"Ma'am am sorry I didn't know you were awake"
I glanced down at Jamie before saying softly ...

"Come on Jamie say hello to grannie "

"Hello grannie"

She bent to kiss him on the cheek ..

"How are you handsome,,"

"Fine grannie "

She stood up and smile at me ..

"Thank you my dear, Lucas told me last night about starting work today, i never expected it to be sooner and the look on his face....

Read " Cold But Charming " by the same author ( Op. Amina )

. told me something different was willingly from his heart thank you so much,"

I smile and nodded as She moved closer to hug me tight

"You are welcome ma'am"

She released her hold and smile ...

"So ma'am...."

I was catch from my next word when Lucas raced towards us with Matilda at a farther direction , 
Waiting for him...
I glared at him with cold fury 
I was right .....they planned the morning jog ,

I was all getting jealous again but immediately I met with his beautiful face ,, heat battered my form at the sight of his lips, and the kisses we shared yesterday ..
Damn must he always look so handsome, can't he just try to look ugly for once

"Hi Silvia" he said but I ignored him pretending to have an urgent stuff to attend to on my phone...
I felt his Stares on me as he pick up Jamie who seems suddenly lively at his sight ...

"I will miss you Lucas Tyson" Jamie chuckled 

"am gonna miss you more pretty boy mmm, be a good boy and do not fight kungfu at school okay,"

Jamie laughed 

"Okay Mr Lucas tyson"

The moment he dropped him Matilda's was seen calling him from the far direction ...

"Come on Lucas" she called

Oh how much I hate that girl??

He pecked his mum hurriedly before moving away ...

"Five minutes, I would be back "

Immediately he left, I turn back to Mrs Tyson's who was smiling at their direction ..

"The two look good together,"

I clenched my fist harder and frown at her but when she met with my eyes I was fast to  squeeze a smile 

"When are you planning to tell him ma'am" I asked before settling my gaze on the flower right behind her

"It a surprise announcement but Matilda herself had been pressurising me to tell him cause everything has been prepared already we already pick the wedding date and the engagement is taking place this weekend, the earlier he knew the better don't you think, Lucas seems to like her too" she smile 

At the sound of that I felt a fluid of feverish anger, as i stare back at the direction they left ...where is this  done, setting his life right doesn't mean  they should be the one choosing his wife for him...this is absurd.
I knew mrs tyson lied about wishing for a grandson ...
If this match making wasn't about a contract or business, then what is it ....
Of course her husband didn't travel to Australia for nothing ...he has several business over there ...
Is it or is it not???...

I was battling with my thought when Raoul bike speed in ...

"Its Raoul mum" Jamie jumped up 

"Raoul" I call to him

" hi ma'am, hi cute sis" he smile as he lifted his helmet off his face

"Raoul why take so long " 

"Am sorry, just some little traffic on the way"

"How are you my dear" Mrs Tyson smile at him

"Fine ma'am"  

"Excuse me guys" she said immediately a maid emerges to deliver some messages

"Alright ma'am"

"And how is my pretty nephew doing"
He smile at Jamie whose lips was now red at the lollipop he was licking..

"Fine Raoul" he smile 

I carried him to the front before staring back at him..

"He is my life you know that, so please be extremely careful, no running or glancing at road side chicks"

Raoul tilt his face heaven wards before  laughing

"Really, no glancing, no running, got it"

In spite of trying to stay as serious as possible I smile at the playful image he conjured before kissing Jamie on the head

"Bye Jamie"

"Bye mum"

"No fighting kung fu, okay"

"Okay mum byeee"

After watching them leave, I turned and was about making my way in when i sighted Lucas and Matilda smiling and talking as they jog back  in,
My cheeks bloom scarlets at their sight ...

He doesn't even know about this, then why was I getting jealous...

Memories of the moments we spent together sends some rush of guilt through my spine ...I should have at least said my thanks instead of getting jealous like a  fool right  ...

You are unbelievable Silvia, when did you get so worst ..


I gasped tiredly immediately I entered my room, 
The image of both Lucas and Matilda kissing got my head pounding 
Of course it was from my imagination 
I  began pacing left and right with my finger on my lips ..

And where the hell are they??
Are they in his room ??

He should be preparing for work and not ...


I let loose a yell only to watch as Lucas gave a shout of laughter that made me want to punch him in the gut ...
Where has my kung fu sense gone to ...

So he had been in the room watching my jealousy charade and I hadn't notice  ...

with my hand on my chest I scolded him with a frown

"Stop that Lucas, I was startled"

But there he was smiling and staring at me with his two hands inside his pocket ..

"As strong as you are Silvia, so you could be this easily frightened"

My face got heated at his sight., this is just so embarrassing 

"I....I caught me unaware "

I said softly before moving towards the bed, I was about picking up a pillow, when I felt his arms wrapped around me,
I felt his breath against my neck and his lips nuzzling on my ea,.the voice of reasons pleaded with me to jerk him away but it seemly went unheeded as I breathed in his rich dark scent which went straight through my brain until I felt so weak and dizzy 

"Some one is getting jealous mmm" he said softly

At that my brains came back to life while I squeezed myself away from his hold...
Immediately I freed myself I turn back at him..

"Am not jealous Lucas, and who should I be getting jealous of "
I avoided his eyes before arranging the pillows on my bed ..

"And you coming into my room like that is wrong okay "

When  he wasn't replying I turn back to stare at him only to realise his gaze was on mine ...
I shifted my stare almost immediately

"And why is he staring at me like that???"

"What is he thinking??"

I was about moving past him and towards the closet when he stopped me, slowly he drew me into his large arms and take my face into his hands, he continue to watch me for a moment before smiling softly ...

"Matilda is just a friend okay, you shouldn't get jealous of her, "

I blinked back at him as he kissed my eyes ,
God if only he knew what his parents are planning .

"You drive me crazy at the way you get jealous Silvia"

He kissed my nose, here I was looking so paralysed at his sight, I couldn't even stop him,.

"You owe my heart now, no one can replace that hope you know that "

My heart swelled as he kissed my cheek  and finally a touch on my lips 

"I want you more than anything on this earth "

"But Matilda, she is much more prettier, and s*xy...and" I tried saying


He pull me into his arms for a deep hug

"If being pretty or s*xy is what it actually takes to fall in love, I should have a long time ago Silvia,"

He released me and stare back into my lost eyes ...

"If you think that's what I saw in you..... you missed it "

"Then what is it" I smile at him  

"Am saving my reply till the moment you tell me,  am willing to be your woman Lucas Tyson" he gestured with his eyes and I can't help but laughed as i tapped his chest playfully ..

God This guy is the most romantic guy on earth at least to me..
My brains and heart were screaming the yes, but its just so sad that I couldn't form the words of out ..

"I understand you don't wanna rush things,  you can take your time, and
Mr Lucas Tyson as Jamie would say "

We both laughed as he pinched the bridge of his nose ...

"Mr Lucas Tyson would always be here waiting mmmm"

He bent to place a kiss on my forehead almost immediately hot rush of adrenaline went scattering through my head ... 

"I should go get ready  cause, I am to make a speech in front of the press ....
Hope I won't end  up screwing it all.."

He rack his hand into his hair ...

"I don't know ,,am just kinda nervous"

I smile up at him while i take his hands into mine ..

"You won't Lucas, I believe you can do it , okay ,,since you aren't a camera shy type,, you are good to go"

"And How do you know that"

"Rich guys like you won't be, you've passed through so many paparazzi enough to be  shy of some hordes of reporters,"

I gave him a smile a woman would give her loving husband, 

"You just gonna make it clear to the world that your not being interested in your father's business is false mmm, I believe you"

He smile softly as he lifted my hands to his lips ...

"Thanks Silva"

"you are welcome, am going with you anyway"

"Really " his face brighten up


"With you by my side, you are really gonna make my day, thanks"

"I think i should go now" he said again

I nodded and can't help but admire his whole as he walked towards the door, he was about going right out when I stopped him ...

"Lucas "

"Yes" he stare back at me

"Yesterday was the best day of my life and so also Jamie, thank you so much"

"you are welcome"

He winked at me, before closing the door behind him..

I sat back on the bed with my teeth biting my lower lips

"He loved me, Lucas Tyson loved him, and  he'd proved that.....he had said it over and all over again,"

Gosh ... With the thought of him wailing all over my head ...
I headed into the bathroom...

After getting dressed and fully ready, I realise its almost 8.o'clock, we should be on our way already ... I smile and took a one last glance at the mirror before making my way to his door,
Is he fully ready now??
I breathed in and out and was about knocking when I heard Matildas voice ...I roll my eyes ...

Really, I think this girl needs some beatings 

"Hey, what are you doing in front of Lucas room" she called

I roll my eyes and glance at her she was wearing this kinda frown I can't help but smile at, I ignored her instead and was about knocking when she called again 

"Hey woman are you deaf or what"

At that my eyes went huge 

Did she just say am deaf, I gave her a level look only to realise she was  dressed so elegantly,, and where the hell is she going??

I walked towards her before giving her a eyeing look 
despite the high heels she was putting on I can't believe I was still much taller 

"I dare you repeat what you just said" I was so sure the cold glint in my eyes alarmed her for an instance  cause all she did was blinked rapidly before flinging her hair to the back

"Hellooooo, do you know who I am" she pouted her lips 

"And who the hell are you ???" I raised my brows

"If you do not know the future wife of the Tyson's, and getting engaged to Lucas in few days time, so I do not want you near his room you got it"   she raised her finger towards my nose ....

for a moment I feel like lambasting her with every vocabulary I could produce or punching the day light out of her nose ... But the sight of her looking so soft and fragile made me pity her ...
Gently enough no to end up breaking her tiny fingers I took it before dropping it ....

"And does he knew about it, how are you sure he's gonna accept you" I taunted 

"You do not understand anything , so from now on I don't want you locking around my fiancee door " she shouted

"And what the hell is going on here" 

I froze at the bass voice of Lucas, 
I turn to stare at him glad he was fully dressed and looking so handsome as always...
He was wearing this kinda frown I don't seems to understand ...

Or did he over heard my conversation with Matilda???...

My God... he definitely did cause this time his stares was on Matilda

"What nonsense are you talking about Matilda," he raised a questioning brows

To my surprise she smile before cat walking towards him, her hands went straight to his tie but Lucas was fast to tap her hands away

"Lucas, its me Matilda, did you just hit me" 

"Am not blind okay, would you fucking tell me,  what I over heard is not true " he struck his eyes at her

She straighten her posture 

"Lucas please just ...."

"Shut the f-ck up and tell me, you were only joking with what I overheard you telling her"

"Alright am not ........... okay," she scream....

Damn ....!!! I feel like hitting her, she's such a spoilt brat

"Listen carefully am not here for any goddamn vacation but for our engagement and wedding,, the dates has been chosen and if you doubt me go ask your mum or rather call your dad"

"Are you crazy, what engagement, what wedding" Lucas shouted back at her 

He grabbed her hand with a suddenness of the lion attacking his prey but she was fast to wheel away from him...

"Matilda" Lucas shouted with his hand on his head..but all she did was stare back at me irritatedly before storming towards the stairs...
Gosh that girl could damn well provoke a saint, she was incredibly more worst than she looks ...what a b*tch

I was silent with my back against the wall just staring at him with a pounding heart as he try to steady his brain....

"Don't tell me you knew about this Silvia, is that why you couldn't even give me an answer to my asking you out "

"Lucas , lets talk about this when we get back "

"The f-ck Silvia, you knew about this and you kept it from me "

He speed away from me like flash as he raced downstairs screaming  ...


God this is getting out of out ...

"Lucas stop" I raced after him 

"Mum what the hell is wrong you huh" he shouted at her immediately she emerges from wherever 

"Lucas you don't speak to your mum like that"

He raised a finger towards my direction in a gesture of telling me to shut my mouth ...
The maids were locking at the corner all staring and gossiping with an huge eyes..... there gaze were fixed on him of cause guess some of them was surprise by his outfit which brought out the figure of a set and manly perfection...

Only the blind would tell his mum wasn't surprised too ...
She seems rather amused when I met her eyes

Her gaze was on him while Matilda sat elegantly like some sort of queen on a sofa....with the mischievous grin playing on her face I just felt like lifting her up with her neck before throwing her hard ...

"Mum explain to me what in the world is she doing here" he thundered with his finger pointed at Matilda 

I have never seen him so angry, even when i had slapped him then he wasn't as angry as now, the anger was different,, the tautness of his jaw was nearly as forbidding as the amber shards of his eyes was a fury beyond

"You want explanation" Mrs Tyson asked with a raised brows 

"Alright you'll get it"

She smiled warmly 

"But not here Lucas, for Christ sake you are embarrassing me".. She raised her voice

"look at me mum" he seethed through clenched teeth

"I'm a man and not boy anymore okay, and if think you and dad could lead me the same way you lead Sarah, then you got it wrong,"

"Lucas its enough, let's go" I whispered from behind 

"All you wanted was this"

He outstretched his hands showing her his outfit ...

"isn't this enough, if your man was chosen must your children also trend in the part"

"Lucas enough" Mrs Tyson exclaimed angrily ...

"Its never enough mum, until you leave me be what the hell" he countered angrily before storming out 

I was about racing after him when Mrs Tyson stopped me ...

"Silvia please do something about this," she whispered

I glared at Matilda whose face was bowed on her phone instead, she doesn't look glad, but who cares ...
What a sh*t

"He must be on that live news, make sure he doesn't screw it all please"

I stare at her, why is everything about business to this rich people, what about considering what their children might be going through or probably fully considering their feelings,  I now get why her daughter refused to give her a grandchild ...probably she was stuck in a loveless relationship...
What is this for crying out loud 
I won't take part in this never ...
Lucas is gonna choose whether he appeared on that live news or not

"Ma'am excuse me" I countered boldly...

"I have to go"

I released my hold from her before racing out ...

I realise Lucas was talking to the Zion guy or maybe Phyllis when I got outside, I was glad he didn't let the whole mess wore him down ...
The determination was still there and with that,I was glad ..
I stare back at the guy and there my heart skipped
There is something about him that doesn't seem right, quite alright his face was familiar...but what and what else, I couldn't really pinpoint ...

The moment I approached them he removed his sunglasses before saying his hi 

"Phyllis" I said again stunned by the stricken resemblance

"Zion ma'am" he corrected before showing me his I.D....

"Yes Zion " l smile feeling so embarrassed 

"you guys have met " Lucas raised his brow 

"yes" I replied before adjusting his tie ...

"Lucas about your mum"

"I will handle her Silvia, just stay out of it "

He gestured at Zion instead...

"He's been mums personal assistance for quite a while now he kinda knew a lot about the company .. He is going with us, since its the first time"

I nodded as he smile towards us ...
As if noticing how I was focusing my gaze on him 
He went ahead to hold the door for us while we made our way in ...

Think the body guards took a different car cause immediately we stepped out from the car, they encircled Lucas guiding him from the reporters and photographer that had been clamoring and squirming in front of the Tyson luxurious company ...
I nudge myself forward on the other side feeling so glad with the fearless look Lucas was wearing, he wasn't smiling though 
but he was everything special and beautiful, he was a man whose looks and stand was able to release different kinds of gasps from the reporters 

as expected the hush of reporters fell over us again...but was taken aback almost immediately by the body guards

Lucas POV:

I knew I was a mess right now, I was angry, at mum most especially Silvia for keeping me in the dark about such an huge stuff, I knew mum before now, she is nothing but a manipulator and a kinda cunning woman ...
I noticed her attitude lately, she seldom nags and all....
As if my mind wasn't buying it my guess was right ...for crying out loud, Matilda wasn't even my type....

I was catch from my thought when Silvia call to me softly 

"Lucas We are here,"

I stare at her face and nodded, my eyes scorched her moistened lips and so wish to pull her closer for a deep and sensual kiss ...
She was the reason why I accepted this, I hope mum understand I cant be with anyone else except her, "

"Go for the mike Lucas"
At that I met with her eyes again...

"Go for it, and let them realise you are the sole owner of this, tell them those false rumors are nothing but sh*t, introduce yourself ..
politely decline the field to useless questions that doesn't go in line with your announcement after that ......
say nothing more and head out okay "

I stayed quiet for a while, before smiling at her, that was the reason I love her, she was my inspiration, my heart, the sole reason why I want more than life could offer, she was a rare breed among tons of women, a hard, strong woman that causes no other but the Almighty Lucas Tyson's heart to pound unnecessarily, she was the definition of a priceless woman with dignity and pride that I cant help but adored so much ...

"Thank you Silvia," I manage to say .

"Let's go"

Now as we stepped out to meet with the hush of reporters and photographer who were taking shots and saying only god knows what  ...
My heart swell with the feeling of manliness, Silvia was right this is what it takes to become a man, this was the reason i went to college, the ability to  take up responsibilities that is as large as earth, facing it with oneness of heart and extreme dedication ..
The body guards cleared the door way as i moved into the large hall and towards the micro phone as Silvia had instructed, I realise it was a live news and with that I was glad ...
Let them show the world, the sight of Silvia standing there and staring at me gave me the strength, I just wanted her to be proud of me ...

I cleared my throat,  the spontaneous burst of applause astonished me, i smile only to realise, the people there weren't just reporters, but well formal people I realise might be the people I would be responsible for ...
God why are they so much ....
My foot step flattered as I inched a little further ...

I felt the stares of many but mine went towards Silvia , whose dazzling smile boosted my confidence tremendously ...

I graciously signaled for the applause to cease,

And as it tapered off 

I gave a timid thank you, then cleared my throat before giving a slight toss of my head and moistening of my lips 

"Thank you ladies and gentle men,
  firstly I wish to publicly announce that those rumors, about me not being interested in this beautiful and well successful business is false, and with dew honor am announcing to the world that the c.e.o to the  Tyson's group of company from now would be no other but me .... your support and encouragement in lifting it to a better place would be highly appreciated"

Another spontaneous burst of applause echoed with different happy murmurs from the Crowd ..

"Why does it took so long to take up this responsibility Lucas Tyson and according to your past ....."

"We heard you finished college years back , what have you been doing all those years "

The reporters was given chance to ask their questions as they flock around each other like sheeps 

"My past has nothing to do with this, with due honor, my purpose for being here was to make this announcement and I hope I was able to solve the puzzle to the answers you are seeking, thank you"

"Lucas Tyson , we heard your fiance arrived to the country last night, what can you say about that "

"How long have you been dating,"

"the pictures of you kissing some woman was seen online, is she the same woman"

My blood surged up with a deep frown ...I said my thanks and was about moving away when I heard another clap from the crowd, with the announcement from the reports my eyes went huge

"Lucas Tyson mum and The Tyson's future queen is here, let's see what they have for us "

I glanced up with a skipped heart only to see Matilda's lighted face as she walked in rhythms with my mum whose smile brighten the whole atmosphere...

It was a live news, I staggered as I submit to the pressure of my banging head

"What the hell kind of a game is this "

I stare at Silvia whose heated face was on them as they made their way to the stage....

Roarrrrrrrrrrrr, that was the sound that went through my skull as Matilda eyed me seductively as she walk right towards the micro phone ....and my kneels but crumbled beneath me ...


 let's goooooo...

Don't forget to like rate and comments ...guys 

Thanks lots of love ...

Abeg who is proud of Lucas na ...omo our guy don grow up na ...

Matilda ,, that girl ehn ,, I just hope she won't end up taking one of Silvia's dim mak ....why na 


Guys comments oo ...

Ya girl dey holla...

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  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    This is serious. His mum is going to announce his engagement to the world.Seriously enjoying this story. Matilda needs dim mak. Well done Amina. When should we be expecting the next episode?
  • Akos Geyevu picture
    Akos Geyevu
    Silvia shld put some sense into her head and with Phyllis please let him not hurt Lucas or Silvia
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    What's with rich parents always tryna control their children's lives, Matilda doesn't even love Lucas what's her matter, thanks for a lovely long episode hun!
  • Angel picture
    I was hoping Lucas will seize that opportunity to announce to the world the woman he is in love with and that would have thwart his mother and Matilda's plan
  • Oke Olabisi picture
    Oke Olabisi
    Siliva should put that Matilda in her place
  • Morenikeji Opeyemi picture
    Morenikeji Opeyemi
    I just wish Lucas will simply announce to d world d lady he truly loves and Celine should come b4 d engagement to tell dem d true father of Jamie
  • Amma picture
    I love long episodes...I know Sylvia's heart is gonna break at the announcement the women will give n Lucas will hv no option than to go along with them since it's a live feed
  • Chibuzor Ugbagu Eyisi picture
    Chibuzor Ugbagu Eyisi
    I wish Silvia will give Matilda dim mak, but Syvia, remember that Matilda is not strong enough to hold it, take it easy with her, well done Amina, keep the ball rolling, it is very interesting story
  • Loveth Dennis picture
    Loveth Dennis
    Hmnn I just wish Celine cud see this and know is time to show up and correct her wrong
  • Stacie Maitha picture
    Stacie Maitha
    This confused molecule called Matilda is such a pain in the ass
  • picture
    [email protected]
    Lucas pls deny matilda as ur fiance.great job darl
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Exactly @ Angel, Lucas would have ceased d opportunity to announce to d world d woman his heart beats for... Dis high class people eeh, they never care about their children happiness, they are always after fame.... Dis brief Matilda should just respect her womanhood..... Nonesense!.... More ink to ur Biro babe!
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    just one dim mak and Matilda will know where she
  • Uwem Udoh picture
    Uwem Udoh
    Na wa oo,this rich people self, his mum did not try oo,y for Maltida, i think i smack from Silva should reset her brain, lol...thanks dear, cant wait for the next episode
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    I think that dim mak will re organize Matilda's sense o. Proud of Lucas mean, Sylvia just calm, Lucas is urs. Amina thanks for this long episode
  • Chris Love picture
    Chris Love
    Yeye Matilda
  • Grace Njoroge picture
    Grace Njoroge
    Hey, what's up, you are realy taking your time to update, hope all is well
  • Sekemi picture
    Wow I can't wait for the next episode,well done Amina.
  • Atinuke Ahmed picture
    Atinuke Ahmed
    Amina this story is too interesting
  • Atinuke Ahmed picture
    Atinuke Ahmed
    Very interesting story but what is taking you this long to give us another episode....... Please don't make me get tired of reading it. Next pleaseeee.
  • Rifkatu Halilu picture
    Rifkatu Halilu
    Interesting story, thumbs up Amina
  • Rifkatu Halilu picture
    Rifkatu Halilu
    Interesting story, thumbs up Amina
  • Oke Olabisi picture
    Oke Olabisi
    hello Amina pls we are waiting for the other episode God bless you
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Hope everything is okay with you Darling?
  • Abdulsalam Aisha picture
    Abdulsalam Aisha
    Am proud of Lucas, Matilda really need Silvia smack down like seriously
  • Rifkatu Halilu picture
    Rifkatu Halilu
    Please oo our amiable writer, we are eagerly waiting for the ending part of the story
  • Ewoma Patience picture
    Ewoma Patience
    Zion is Phyllis, brother to late Winifred. I was right. Doesn't wanna hurt Silvia cause he knew her dad. His ex student. Hmm. He's so close to the family and trusted. Let's see how far his plans for revenge goes. I wonder what happened to Nathan. Maltida will soon be put in her place.
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