Beyond captivating - Episode 63

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"Where is Lucas" Silvia demanded the moment the guys came out of the room. 
The fact that everyone including the girls were acting strange was enough to make her suspicious ...
She narrowed her eyes at them and back at the girls who also refused to give her the clues to what the supposed conversation was all about got her so weak....

She was resting her head on Diana's laps and demanded right as the tall handsome guys bounced out ...
She had watched them like a business settings after collecting her phone from Jack yet she wasn't comfortable with the fact that they didn't give her the answers she needed...

Lucas didn't came out with them, and he is taking too long already, she thought to herself...she waited as the guys arrange some drink for them all and how they had took their seat 

"Where is Lucas he still using the bathroom" she asked again and sat up 

Elliot was the first to talk as he lithed his cigarette


"I won't like you smoking that in my presence Elliot, please put that away"

Elliot who was half way in taking a deep drag of his cigarette smile and hurriedly dusted the light off on a mug placed on top of the stood right beside the couch he was sitting on...
He met with his girl friend gaze and traced his stare down to her rosy lips before staring back at Silvia...

He cracked his tone and adjusted on his seat ...

"Silvia, tonight would be a moment of truth for you, but I want you to take it with heart"

"What are you talking about Elliot"

Silvia frowned and send her gaze to read expressions from the other guys who wouldn't dare look at her straight in the eyes as they sipped on their drink, their friend lucas Tyson was once a terror but what choice do they have, now that he had committed a big crime they had no choice than to be there for him..

Elliot pinched the bridge of his nose and shifted to a more dignified position  then gestured with his hands ...

"Silvia what am talking about is no amount of what you find out tonight, I want to please calm down and forgive him,"

"Who am I forgiving Elliot , and why is Lucas not here, I thought you wanted to have the conversation with both of us"

"Yes He would be out soon, listen we found out who r*pped you three years back, but according to our findings it wasn't something he did intentionally"

Silvia read his lips with eloquence then something snap back in her head ..
Did he just say they found out who r*pped her,???..
Her throat tightened as she clenched her fist hard...

"Who is it "

"Nathan I mean your ex is here to tell you how it all happened" 

Lucas Tyson stood at the corner and look across the room at his friends and his Angel, how she was worriedly staring at the guys..

fear knot in his stomach at the thought that emotionally pound his heart and almost blowing it into pieces,  the guys had set the plans on how they would address the matter to Silvia and had given him the time to come out 

and that would be right after they called Silvia ex in, he glanced at his watch uneasily then went back to Jackson's room with the now cleared memories on the night he had staggered to coffee bay on 2016 new year eve and into that dark room to r*pe Silvia ...

With his hand racking through his hair and his eyes as red as blood...his entire being just felt as if someone had filled his head with sand ..he paced and went back to peep
his heart suddenly stop the  moment he saw Nathan coming in..
The scene wasn't one he could comprehend cause the time he stare back at the look on Silvia face he staggered, turn his head from the scene and hold on to his pounding heart...

"Oh God" its time for him to go out ...
He was trying to drag in a deep breath and out but 
The sudden scream he heard made his eyes go huge...hurriedly he stare back at the scene and cursed out 

A jolt of shock went through Silvia at the sight of her ex...Nathan elliot
She sat up ramrod straight on her chair and rubbed her face as if not believing who she saw, the hard smell of his perfume alone was a kill, he was glowing, so fresh and ten times handsome than he was before, the sight of him looking so fine alone was enough to crack the nuts in her brain... the rage on her face as she stare at Nathan who stood with a pleading gaze right at the corner made the guys fear,..

"Silvia listen, he is here to explain to you how it happen, and who Jamie father was"

Non of what the guys were saying went heeded to Silvia cause her gaze was now on Nathan, she was staring at him like a bull who just saw a prey to pounce on...she knew Elliot was talking, but to hell with whatever he was saying ...
She knew the girls were patting her back to calm her down but whomever crosses her path at this moment gets a share in this...a mass of overpermed curls tumbled into her eyes ...this times tears was falling from her eyes as she keep staring back at Nathan,
Memories on the night she was dancing when he announce their trip to a rock of electric spark plummeting her brain, she knew Nathan was scared of her as she read the tension and fear from the lines beside his eyes but he never thought of today when he had lied to her....betray her, destroy her life, and sold her out to make his wealth...

With a sprang of hurt shuddering through her heart she suddenly stood up with rage, the guys and girls stood along with her and tried calming her down, she watched their moves like a tiger, she knew they were gonna try  blocking her path but if only they knew she had been fighting kungfu right from six ..
The gown she wore seems to be an hindrance but still
She picked up her bare foot, walked a little fast forward she jerked Elliot and Jackson aside, raced, jumped on the couch and flew towards Nathan in a taichi kung fu mode style...

"You bastarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd"


that was a kick 

There Nathan flew like a kite across the room and landed his head brutally on the tiled floor ...with the giant pain that suddenly went shuddering through his head ...he cried out and plead with her but never was she listening ...

"My God Silvia" the girls screamed her name with their hands on their mouth ..
The guys rushed towards her and tried holding her from attacking him further 

Like a giant boss Silvia brutally shoved out her two elbows which again caught Elliot and Jack right on the stomach and there they groan and staggered backwards with their hands holding on to it  ..
Tom who was an half cast ,(100% buttie ) raced to caught up with her 

"Silvia for crying out loud, stop" 
But the hard right he took was a specially reserved one, there he back  fleeted and landed on his face ..

"What the f-ck my face" he groan in pain ..

Silvia already full with rage with a red dark circle beneath her eyes smirked towards the wincing Nathan  and raced to grab him on the collar and there she began sending her punches to his face, Nathan screamed and pleaded ...he tried all possible ways to block her blows but she stubbornly held him down and keep sending her punches 

"Am gonna kill you, bastard huh huh I will kill you, you destroyed my life" she scream grab his two ears this time and began hitting his head hard on the floor ....

"Silvia you are killing me huh oh god"  Nathan pleaded but all she did was scream at him in rage

"Am gonna kill you" she screamed

Lucas whose shocking eyes was already on the whole scene got uneasy and disrupted, the matter had gotten out of hand...the fact was the action to take right at that moment went fleeing to space, he was busy pacing left and right with tears on his face and his hand racking through his hair ,,he saw his friends wincing,  the shocking expressions the girls face as they keep pleading and screaming her name, 

The sight of  Silvia pouncing on Nathan  like a mad dog was enough to make his head bang,..

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. He was thinking of running away from the whole truth, he wanted to go lock himself up and kill himself...if Silvia could do this to Nathan what about him the r*pist ....he was about turning and racing inside but sight of blood rushing out of Nathan nose and lips as he kept pleading  with silvia gave him no choice than to race out or else she is gonna kill him...

he raced  towards Silvia and drag her from the back ...

"Let me go " Silvia struggled...

"I gave this bastard everything I was, I trusted him with my life and soul, all I ever did was love him like a fool," .

Silvia looking as bewildered and hurt as she had just like the day she woke up to see blood stained all over her, struggled on whomever was holding her back as she cried and shout  more...

"That was one big sin I committed I was naive enough to think a man like this fool here could love me, he never loved me but himself, all I did was dance like fool to any thing he promised"

Lucas hugged her tight right  from behind while he  kept pleading with her, as though suddenly hearing the voice of who tried holding her back she turn in his arms to see Lucas whose eyes was as red as cherry...

"Silvia please" Lucas pleaded
Silvia shook her head instead and reassured him

"my love don't cry please, he is about telling me who r*pped me, am gonna be the one to kill him myself so we could be together right..."

Lucas who was unable to give her an answer closed his eyes for a moment and opened when he felt her arms wrapped around him

"I love you Lucas, we are gonna send the bastard to jail, i assure you he won't stay alive to be a father to Jamie, you are gonna be"

Elliot and Jack rushed towards them when they couldn't stand the sight and the strength to keep hearing the nonsense she kept saying, Lucas who couldn't look at her straight in the eyes slowly eased her out of his arms and towards the guys who tried calming her down to listen ...

"Lucas" Silvia called to him...what was going on she was confused as she watched tears fall down his cheek...his hand was on his hair and his pink lips kept on trembling as he swallowed his tears..the girls also with tears falling from their eyes walked towards Lucas and tried to calm him down 

"You are man Lucas please stop crying already" anabell pleaded first but he only stare at them and nodded, he wanted to stop it, he was trying so hard to stop the goddamn tears but he couldn't...he walked a little towards a direction  and lean back on the wall with his head rested back on it 

"Now do it," tom who has been bending over Nathan and attending to his wound with a first aid treatment supported him up and slapped a handkerchief to his nose..
Nathan cursed out in pain, one of his eyes was already swollen up and his lips cut to the extreme as he struggled to sit on a single arm chair ...


Silvia who was starring at Lucas the whole time not understanding why he was crying so hard stare back at Nathan at the sudden sound of her name ...
She frowned
Memories of the night he shoved the handkerchief to her nose and how she tried struggling for life surfaced and there 
She was about jumping towards him , but the guys hold her back with their strong hands

"Silvia stop this" Jack scolded

"If you keep doing this you are not gonna make things easy, please Silvia, if you wanna kill us all after hearing the truth then do it, but for now just listen dammit " Elliot gasped out and loosened the top button of his shirt, he was about going crazy

Silvia stare at the two guys and clenched her teeth hard ...suddenly she freed her hold from Jack and went on to take her seat ....they followed her like a cat and sat down close to her

"Lucas Tyson was the one silvia," Nathan began 
"he was the one who r*pped you,  but i swear on the grave of my now late dad"...
"It wasn't done intentionally, Lucas would never r*pe....much less a lady if he was in his right senses"..

Silvia struggled a little on her seat, she battered her eye lashes as if not believing what she just heard, ...

"Wait, what did you just say"

"Lucas was the one Silvia " Elliot said softly ...

She stare at Elliot 
Her breath caught up in her throat as she look up at him not certain whether she should let anger or fear take control ...

"did you just say Lucas" tears rose up her eyes as she stood on her feet 

Lucas already with a banging heart stood head down, he could feel her gaze on him...heat took over his eyes and the hint of fear curling the corner of his face ...but this lips of his wouldn't stop trembling ,,

"It wasn't done intentionally Silvia, Lucas would never r*pe....much less a lady if he was in his right state...I was the cause," Nathan said again 

"I drugged you cause I know you would never agreed to it, but I already collected the cash and had to give him his demand in wanting a virgin to spend time with,  I was a club guy,

that was my job give women to guys, Lucas was drunk that night,  it was new year eve remember, and the mistake i did was to drug you...I swear he would never r*pe, he has too many women than to commit a crime like r*pe and I did it, I drugged you cause I thought he might come looking for me..."

All fight drain inside of Silvia as she stare up at Lucas, she stood their like a zombie, numb, staring at him, she was surprised he didn't deny the accusations made on him, 

the truth was she had time and again let men destroy her...she had let this particular man used her...degrade her, slept with her, after she swore never to let any man touch her, the flash back on Lucas making love to her...shunned her belly soar and acidic ..

The true identity of Lucas Tyson's past was now cleared to her as she took her steps slowly towards him with tears falling miserably from her face...he had committed so many crimes ... he never cared about anything but himself, to flunt his father's  money for his pleasure, his satisfaction,  his comfort, and she was just a convenient means of achieving those ends, he had used her, r*ped her brutally and discard her without  looking back..if he was drunk that night didn't he at least ask Nathan about the virgin he wanted
Lucas stare up to see her eyes cold and hard as she glared at him ...

"Please Silvia, forgive me, I swear I never remember a thing about even going to coffee bay that night, few days after when I didn't hear from Nathan, I tried calling him on the girl I demanded for, but all I heard was he is already out of the country, I didn't know up until this night that  I committed a r*pe crime, please Silvia," he said hurriedly and kept wiping his tears ..

Silvia ignored his barb and keep taking her step towards him, she wasn't herself anymore, she had wished death to come right at this moment and took her...she had damn herself for a dog, she cursed her body for giving in to him so easily with no pride no Shame, she had yet again been betrayed by the person she loved ...why is life so cruel to her, now that she thought she has love and happiness...

life had yet played another joke on her ....
Lucas Tyson had turn out to be her r*pist ..
She paused and tried to steady her head but they pounded in on her along with the faces of an upper crust,

She pressed her fist against her temple and sucked in a breath around her throat, tears spilled down her cheek as the reality came hitting her on the chest ...

"He was the r*pist " the voice echoed through her ear, with a tormented cry she struck out at him 

Her fist drumming against Lucas as he pleaded with her 

"Please tell me its not true Lucas, tell me its not you..."
Her pounded at him, she shoved him hard

"I am Silvia , please forgive me "

At that Silvia raised her hand and gave him an hot slap that got him staggering back  ...

"Did you say forgive huh"

Tears spilled down her cheek as she shouted more  ..

"Bastard, you irritating son of a b*tch " 

"Silvia listen, I didn't know" Lucas tried speaking with his hand on his cheek but she moved towards him and gave him another hot slap, this time his body hit on the wall . 

"Silvia am sorry please i didn't know"

his fine lips kept trembling, the guys were trying to come close to his rescue, but he stopped them ...

"Don't you dare come any  further," he cleared the blood on his lips and waited for Silvia to charged towards him again this time the blow she gave got him flying, there his body hit on the sliding glass that led to Jackson fashion studio  the glass twinkle and broke down right on his body ...

"Silvia stop you are killing him" the girls raced towards her 
"Stop please, killing him won't solve anything, he is the father of your son and the man you loved" 

The sound of love made her head snap and there she turn her face to the first person she saw.... diana fast forward she grabbed her on the neck and raised her off her foot ...

"Kwe huh Silvia stop" Diana cried, and shuddered at the red circle on Silvia eyes,

the girls hit on her to stop, but her dim mak fist was able to send the two flying to the corner of the room...

"Get away"

"Jesus christ what the .... " Elliot raced to his girl friend rescue and pushed Silvia ...

The other two guys  tom And jack raced on towards Lucas and drag him away from the glass ..blood was sliding down his face and fore head  as he rested back on the wall ...

Nathan who was watching the whole scene stare back at Silvia and stood  in fear.....
He watched her stood up and stare up at Lucas who was already gasping in pain

"You destroyed my life huh,"

Lucas could only stare at her, he was tired of explaining, he just wanted her to  end him once and for all...cause life without her loving him anymore is useless ..
He watched as she stood up in rage not wanting to believe it was the same woman who had loved like crazy ...

"No Silvia he didn't know, Lucas would never r*pe you intentionally" the two guys Jack and Tom stood up to block her path before she would destroy their friend...

"Yes Silvia , don't blame any of the guys, I was the cause of everything from the beginning "

They all turn back to stare at Celine who walked in slowly with tears on her face 

"What are you doing" anabell and joy rushed towards her but she shook her head this time...

"I'm sorry I had to tell her girls, I would rather die knowing I told her the truth than to stay alive with a guilty conscience sorry, let me tell silvia please"

" tell me what Celine" Silvia whose voice had finally turn into that of the demons spoke and there all eyes went to her blood face....


Gen gen another intermission ooo...

What would happen now ...

Kai dey enjoy myself as I dey write this story oooo lol

Don't forget to like rate and comments ,,
.thanks lots of love ...

My silent readers 

Ya gal dey holla ooo

. .

Read " The fugitive " by the same author ( Op. Amina )

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  • temilade picture
    Gbagan Truth don come out @ last
  • Mery Ezinne Okoro picture
    Mery Ezinne Okoro
    This truth dikwa risky
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    Na dimmak aunty Celine go receive
  • Cecilia wangeci picture
    Cecilia wangeci
    Is this the Silvia I know????oh know....poor Lucas... I pity the friends... Hope she calms down soon
  • ugochimtunyerem chukwu picture
    ugochimtunyerem chukwu
    Silvia should take it easy. The guy didn't do it intentionally. The real culprits are Celine and Nathan
  • Cecilia wangeci picture
    Cecilia wangeci
    Is this the Silvia I know????oh know....poor Lucas... I pity the friends... Hope she calms down soon
  • LOHWOR mark picture
    LOHWOR mark
    Amina am too old to go through this suspense!kai you're good.
  • LOHWOR mark picture
    LOHWOR mark
    Amina am too old to go through this suspense!kai you're good.
  • Cynthiah Bismarck picture
    Cynthiah Bismarck
    Amina Ooh,,i Cant Take IT Anymore If Silviah Continue Wth Ths Stupidty Of Hers,,jxt Bcx She Knws Fightng Doesnt Mean She Can Beat Up Everybody,,chaii!!
  • Oke Olabisi picture
    Oke Olabisi
    hmmm i really pity Lucas but it has to happen cos what he did was very bad i know Sylvia will forgive him but it will be very very hard
  • Oke Olabisi picture
    Oke Olabisi
    nice one@Amina pls the next episode
  • Oke Olabisi picture
    Oke Olabisi
    hmmm i really pity Lucas but it has to happen cos what he did was very bad i know Sylvia will forgive him but it will be very very hard
  • Zoey Whyte picture
    Zoey Whyte
    Lol, she'll kill all of them haha haha
  • Loveth Dennis picture
    Loveth Dennis
    Oh Silvia please oo forgive brother Lucas we know it not easy but for ur son sake forgive
  • Faith Benedeth picture
    Faith Benedeth
    Aunty Celine your dimack is loading, Amina you are just too good. Next episode please
  • Stephanie picture
    Well done Op. Amina like LOHWOR mark said we are too old for this suspense. Don't keep us waiting
  • Sochima Nwogwugwu picture
    Sochima Nwogwugwu
    Wao. It’s so hot in here
  • Eunice Ache picture
  • fatma picture
    Silvia should stop it Let her just walk out instead Violence won't solve anything
  • Abena Asima picture
    Abena Asima
    This story is lovely Amina you are the best please drop the next episode the suspense is killing me
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Nawaoo,,.... Dis beaten is too much nah, she rather walk away than dis... Me, am not liking this anymore
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    I feel sorry for Lucas, Silvia please forgive our darling lucas
  • Olarinre Mobolaji picture
    Olarinre Mobolaji
    Biko she should stop beating them up Bcos she can fight jare Haba nah, what if they never told her the truth nko? Let her stop the stupidity cos when she is calm she will regret it
  • Ngozi Awagu picture
    Ngozi Awagu
    Get the ambulance ready for celeine, somebody is about being admitted next to her lover
  • Orji Christiana picture
    Orji Christiana
    Just because she can fight, that's why she has turn to a wild dog. What of d other lady that died yet she fought for Lucas. Now it has come to her turn she stated running mad but the worst thing that will happen to her is when she loses Lucas
  • Rifkatu Halilu picture
    Rifkatu Halilu
    Ngozi Awagu, I almost pee on my bed oo, "someone is about to be admitted next to her lover" hahahahahha Weldon Amina dear
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Wao guys thanks for the battalions of comments ,, sorry but another epi won't be out until weekend hope u understand... Hahahahhaa I don't laugh tire for here mind Silvia ooo ,, na power dey shark am .....person dey beg you say him no no yet you dey attack am ....if she looses our fine boy na ,, she go dey cry like mumu....yeeee Silvia oooo no mind da girl jare...
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Thinking without brain na bad thing know you can't live without this guy yet you dey shout at am .... He rapped you unknowingly, and he apologized abeg wetin she won take pass apologies...hahahaha she no even dey happy say he turn out to be the same guy she fell in love with ,,,abi at least he is the only that has ever slept with her... No mind am oo dey watch oo her eyes go commot na if she realises she's expecting another baby for our fine boy yeeeee.....abeg I no fit laugh jare ,,,the girl too funny .... Wish I had the time to upload every day ...but I hope you all stay with me till the end .....its near though... Holla at you all....... thanks ......
  • temilade picture
    Next episode please
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    We are with you to the end of the story. I just dey pity aunty Celine already.
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Ronke Adetula..... U are funny oooo, me I don laugh enter gutter.... Chai.... I pity poor Celine
  • festus wisdom picture
    festus wisdom
    don't be surprise she won't attack Celine because she never knew about the rape of a thing she just hook Nate and Silvia together which I see noting wrong in the she did not force Silvia to date Nate ,silvia fell in love with Nate the only wrong Celine did was knowing the truth for long but hide it for her own selfish interest hope you all get my point
  • Abena Asima picture
    Abena Asima
    Celine Celine bestie
  • Abena Asima picture
    Abena Asima
    Celine Celine bestie
  • Akos Geyevu picture
    Akos Geyevu
    Amina please new episodes please
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Yea Festus Wisdom.. U are right, she didn't force her on him..
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Guys I don't know why they've not uploaded it yet ooo ,, but another episodes is out since ya all ... They might upload it tonight or probably tomorrow....holla
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    A dimmak for Celine will do just great!
  • Lo is picture
    Lo is
    Amina I owe you but how much mi no Know... This story is on fire..She should take it easy with my Celine oo or I'll fight karate with her
  • Rita Appaw picture
    Rita Appaw
    Does Silvia want to kill everyone? She's lucky she has a father for her son whom she love now. What of the women who were raped, got pregnant and got infected with HIV? She should give us a break. Is it because she knows how to fight?
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