Beyond captivating - Episode 7

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So guys let's introduce our unknown POVs....
So guys,,,
Do you really think I can write a story without suspense ...

Me I don't think sooooo....

Just that I didn't wanna scare you yet both on the story description and the intro .....
But now don't let me still scare you yet oo ...
But I think our suspense should begin from here..

Roooooooooooarrrrrrrr...prepare for the hit ..

Lucas POV:

Lucas you are acting like a bastard cause that's what you are

The word hit me with full force ,
its been two hours yet
The headache it brought kept its bang in my head and it wouldn't even stop for once ...
God this is so frustrating

Why won't mom leave me alone ,

I love my life this way, why wouldn't she just let me be ...

I needed to get out of here or else I might do something I will definitely regret ...

  Nothing is going right,,

she has been getting on my nerve lately and I hate it .. ..I hate her for it...

A whole Lucas Tyson to tie a rope around my neck ...god I can't stand it ...urghhh, I would rather die instead ...

She can call me useless,, am okay with it

This is my life and not hers, how many times will I have to remind her
...its my life damn it ..
and am gonna so live it the way I want to  ..

I was about tying the lace of my boot when I heard a knock from the door ....

With burst of fury I raced for the door,

If its that witch then am gonna spat at her face,
I wouldn't care if she's my mum this time
she called me a bastard then  am gonna so act like one ...

I pull the door with force only to see  one of the maids fumbling her hold on a tray ..

"Sire your food , your mum said....I"

At the mere sight of her
My blood throbbed in a hot surge

 I can't believe she is blushing ,
Blushing for who ...

"Get out of my sight, did I ever told you am hungry" I spatted out

"But sire, your, your, your"

She stammered

I cursed briefly and slammed the door closed before she could say another word ...

Are these maids for real ,
I can't believe that tiny girl is blushing,
How old is she??? ...

I might be a flirt, but I would rather faint getting hard than lay my hands on maids ...

Nothing is going right today ...

After tying my boot laces, I raced here and there while I searched for my phone  ..

A new loads of Annoyance jell up a cold lump in my stomach while I attack my drawal

Where the hell is my phone, God, and my car keys ...were the hell is it

I spent another fifteen minutes in searching and it hurt a lot cause the frustration was more worst than a heart burn .

I was panting like a tired dog now while my gaze wander round my scattered room...
Did that b-tch stole my phone ,
what about my car keys
I was contemplating whether she did or not when my friends entered...

Their bass voices made me flinched, I closed my eyes briefly before bouncing my weight on the bed . ...

"Hey what's up man "

I was sure the smile on their faces faded at the sight of my room ...

"Lucas what's happening in here" tom called out first ...

others except Nigel kept talking only God know what...

Am just so tired and hungry ...

I sent them my dead tired stare while I pant with my mouth slightly open,

I cleared my throat when I realise they were all waiting for the sole reason why i turn my room into a dustbin like

"I was searching for my phone and car keys, but its fine I can easily get another one .."

I raced for the door while I call out to one of the maids ...

Suddenly my friends let out a laugh except Nigel who pocketed his hands before walking towards me ...

what!!! What's funny!?? ...

Nigel stood across me, his hands was tucked into the pocket of his black trouser...
He  was staring at me more like the way my dad usually does ,,
Cool and quiet

I shifted my gaze and surprisingly glared at my other friends who stood there laughing their ass out ....

I was blinking rapidly now as I stared back at Nigel's unsmiling face .
The expression he wore has this kind of serious quality that was so uncompromising...
he was always so hard to read anyways ..

"Your shirt pocket man"

"My ,  what"

I widened my eyes at Nigel when I touched my shirt pocket ....
I was blinking rapidly now with heated face when I felt my phone and keys...

"I....I " I swallowed the remaining words...

"Would you stop laughing now "

I kick at my other friends who went running round my room

"Another fight with mum " Nigel asked 

I stare back at him and nodded

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. .

"Common guys " Nigel call out

He patted my arm while We all made our way out and towards the relaxing area, my other friends went into the casino room while Nigel and I waited outside for a conversation ....

He accepted the cup of coffee I offered while I lifted mine to my lips ,

"He is different"

His words made me dropped my cup while I lifted my brows towards him , his brown eyes narrowed with malicious glee as he stares out to space  ..

I watched him with bewilderment while he tuck his chin back and forth...

instinctively knowing I should take a dim view of his expression even though I never understood what he was trying to say

"His world was like slipping into another man's dream, but yet the dream was the only way that could make sense to his life, his relationship, his works, "

A weak smile tucked at his lips, and I realise I went on staring at him,
while he spoke as if two world's existed on a parallel lanes that couldn't touch, couldn't become entwined with each other even as they themselves was disapproving of that story ...

"At the end, He wanted his life back , his nice , orderly, peaceful life ,
But he never get it back , do you know why"

"Why" I asked eager to hear the end of the story

"Because, he never gets a second chance "

I was so unsure of what to say at that moment, I became mute, Nigel has always been the type that talks in words you would never understand...more like parables

He patted my arms 

"Hope you understand what this story means sooner,"

He left me standing before I could stop him, i stare at him in disbelief while i nibbled on my bottom lips, amazement battled me as I shot him a glare ..for a seconds dozen of question sprung my mind,

I wanted to ask him why the man never gets a second chance, at least some mistakes are made twice ...
And there's always a chance to fix things.

"I wonder who he is talking about"

smiling to myself ...i made my way down the alley and into the casino room

"Nigel wait up"


Unknown POV:

I sneaked out of the corner
While I watch his friends walked into the casino room...
He was the last outside ..
And at that moment I wish I could strangle him to death ...

"Hey Nigel wait up" he called

A smile curled up my lips, i glance around strictly before making my way into his bedroom
I walked into his scattered  room and laughed ,
I glanced around once more and there my gaze met his pictures....
I knew he always has this glory of beauty and I hated it so much ...

memories Hit me like a blow, and I can't help but rack my hands through my hairs repeatedly ...
I watch as he fought with his mum everyday, and it feels so right ...
Cause he can't take over the company now ...
Not ever ..
You are  a thug and you should remain that way Lucas...
After I end my quest in the company,
After I ruined everything that should be your inheritance ...

Then You are the next

Lucas Tyson

now that I seek revenge, what are you gonna do about it
Cause soon we are gonna be riding
In the garden of mourning glory ...


Some pains cant be treated with money ...

It just can't

So who is gonna save you now Lucas  ..
No one, absolute my no one ...

When I heard a knock from the door I knew it was probably one of the maids who wanted to tidy up his room..

I ran up to his balcony, I took the pipe and went right down ...

See you soon lucas tyson



Silvia POV:


I rolled up my eyes at my friends they all came in dancing on only God knows what ...

cheer leader dresses ...God what are they up to this time

This girls never stop behaving like kids, in spite of being an adult and
A graduate for that matter ..

"Why are you all putting on a cheer leader dresses"

I watched as Jamie raced out of his room and towards their direction

"My pretty aunties"

"Oh Jamie baby" they carried him up while he joyously ask for the things they bought for him ..

After their charade, I offered them part of the orange juice I was making for jamie, but they were too excited to drink ...

Celine was the first to clap while talking ...

"Guess what Silvia, the billionaire sons are coming for a  baseball match at the local field of Capetown around three we only have just two hours left to prepare ...we are going to cheer them up"

"Yeaahhhhhhh"  they all shouted, I watched as jamie shout along with them..

"Aunty Celine, let me go with you please " he said while he crawls on Celine laps ....

I Shook my head at them

"So what, girls, look your obsession to these guys is getting way too much, what's wrong with you girls, I understand joys and, diana ,

but you two anabell and celine , you are in a serious relationship, what if your boyfriends are there..

"My boyfriend is out of town" they both  said together .."


Joyce cut in this time, she was shaking as if she has just been shocked by an electric cooker ...

"Those guys are damn way too handsome, the third richest Jackson bale, that tall, cute guy .... oh am so much in love with that guy,
It's been years already
this is an opportunity to meet him Silvia , don't you get it, he is into modeling"

I smile at her ....

"That's cool, so why are you girls here you should be on your way then"

They stare at each other and back at me

"To take you along with us of course "

"Count me out, am not interested"

"Silvia" Celine cried out

"Nooooo" I returned

"Yessssss" my mum said as she came out to join us ...

"Go have some fun Silvia, all you spend your spare time doing is  kung fu , don't you get tired,"


Instantly jamie ran up to my mum,

"Granny am going with mum too"

"Of course darling, go with your mum"

"Yeahhhhhhh" jamie shouted while he raced to his room ...
My friends hurriedly went to Peck my mum happily ...

"Wao grannie , you are the best "

I felt so weak, my mum was right, i only spent  my spare time devoted to jamie and kung fu  not that am going their to do anything other than sit and watch the guys play

"Okay you win" I said quietly

"Alright girls, let's prepare" Celine voice ranted through the air

Lucas POV:

I realise the sky is beginning to smothered the earth with a spotless blanket.
Blistering heat made it’s way through the covering and oiled the earth as if it was ready to fry an egg.

I was sweating profusely while I bounced from left to right

Today was the day I realise how much people love me,
Girls howl, guys are also here to watch ...

I can't believe this ....

"Waooo Lucas, you are so handsone ,"
I heard some cry out loud ...

This is real glory, real power,
this is what I was trying to tell my mum, but she just doesn't  understand...
She wouldn't listen

If I get stucked up in an office with a rope tied around my neck , how am I gonna get this praises ...

How am I gonna know how much people loved me ,,

I raced forward while I shout

"Tom" pass the ball

He passed it while enthusiast's approach the pin ....

"Lucas Lucas, go go go Lucas Tyson  "

I can't help but laugh at the cheer leaders screams, I wonder who they were ..

I studied the shiny hard wood before I stepped forward, I swing my arm back and then releasing the ball ...
Then at the last possible moment the ball slammed into the pins ....

The screams around almost burst the drum in my ears ....
I was panting with joy,
while I watch the security men and my body guards guard the entrance intently from the the uneasy girls who wanted to squeezed their way in ,,

Jack, Nigel tom and Elliot, went ahead to shook  hands with girls  through the nets whose holes was wide enough ...

The screams just wouldn't stop ..
I was about making my way to the left side to shook hands  when I felt an arm wrap around my legs .

Surprised at what it was

I stare down only to smile broadly cause what I saw was so amazing ,,
a small boy , about three or four years was smiling up at me with his incomplete teeth ....

"You are so handsome Mr "

I bent slowly and carried him up to my arm,  God he must have squeezed his tiny form through those guys ...

"What's your name pretty boy"


"Wao, lovely name,  its nice meeting you jamie ,
Am Lucas Tyson..."

"Waooo Lucas, my mum normally said you are a monkey, but now that I see you, I know she is lying "

I can't help but laugh...

Girls never call me monkey, who could his mother be,
Then sudden a realisation struck me, could his mum be the girl I have been looking all over for the last three years ...

The girl that said the words in a whisper along with a laugh that looks so scary and brave. ...

"So where is your mum jamie "....

"here I am "

I turn and my eyes met with no other ...but the silly girl who called a whole me LUCAS TYSON a monkey and yet get away with it ....

So guys who do you think the unknown POV was ...

Don't forget to like, rate and comments guys .,
Thanks lots of love ....


. .

Read " Cold But Charming " by the same author ( Op. Amina )

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  • Betty Orah picture
    Betty Orah
    Am not good at guessing so I will leave it to dem.
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    Nate Elliot for taking the virginity of Silvia
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    That's Nigel, he is his friend for a purpose, oh God, those we think they love us...God have mercy
  • cecilia louis picture
    cecilia louis
    I think its Silvia's ex boyfriend but my fingers are still crossed cha
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    I guess its Nate too but he allow his greed to overpower him he's also guilty as charged, but Amina u know d true answer weldone babe
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Unknown POV? I guess its that douche bag called Nate......keep up the good work Amina!
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @betty ....lolzz OK na
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @ronke ,, I almost forget about that character Nate ....does he still exist lolzzzz..
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @benedicta ...lolzzzz, You think its Nigel ... Mmm
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @cicilia mmmm.....nate well let's read further to find out ..
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @adeoti....lolzzz...sure thanks
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @pamela ....thanks ...lolzzz
  • Jennifer picture
    Lucas' dad
  • Amma picture
    It may be someone Lucas might hv offended in the past....male or female?? only Amina knows..lolx
  • Racheal Rakel Namz picture
    Racheal Rakel Namz
    Loved Nigel advise
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    hmmm,I don't know, I'm not good at guessing but I have a feeling it's either Nathan or Sylvia's mum
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Nice one dear! Please when is d next episode coming out?
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Thanks for the comments dearest ,,next episode today ...thank you all for reading
  • Kenny_D picture
    Hmm please who is the unknown pov oo?? What is he trying to do? I know he must be planning sth evil... Mehn i cant wait to know who he his... this getting more intresting
  • Lo is picture
    Lo is
    I'll find out while someone is ranting to our Soo that our hot hero looks like a monkey....Hmmmn
  • Abel Mbam picture
    Abel Mbam
    Of course Silvia
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