Black Widow - Episode 17

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“You this silly boy. What were you doing trying to scare me like that?”

Fabian laughed and sat beside Nana while resting his head on her shoulder. “What are you watching?”

“Take away that bushy hair from me. You need a hair cut.” The old woman said, trying to ease off her shoulders but Fabian was stubborn, they both laughed and she just caressed his head instead.

“Just something about the murder of one of the UN officials.” She replied.

“I guess Laura did her job well.”

Suddenly the woman stared at him. “You mean this is Black Widow’s work?”

“Yep.” He replied.

“Why did you have to let her kill an innocent man Fabian, I thought you are planning to undo everything Black Widow has ever done.”

“Yes Nana but he was part of Black Widow, he actually orchestrated the whole bombing that occurred in the Middle East last month.”

“So, why kill him if he’s part of them then?”

“He pissed someone off . Someone more powerful in Black Widow so there was an order for his death.”

Nana shook her head regrettably. “How about Shelby? Where is she?”

Fabian took Nana’s hand and kissed it

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. “Nana she is safe and fine, I just spoke with Michael hours ago.”

“I told you not to let her get away Fabian.”

“Nana, that was the only thing I could think of to protect her. You know that.” He said, putting his arm around her.

The woman took an handky from her seat to clean her eyes. “I l know Fabian, I know. You are a good son and I am so proud of you.”

Fabian smiled, kissing her on the forehead.

“But now that I did what I did, you know  he will be on the lookout for every of my move, you won’t be seeing me as often again .”

“I never saw you often before Fabian, do you remember the last time I saw you? That was like two months ago.”

“Yes nana and for both our safety , it will increase...”

The woman wanted to start sobbing. “Don’t do that Nana, you are over sixty years old, you are too old to be wasting tears.”

The woman hit him on the head.  “So what plan do you have? Have you discovered the Ruby program that I told you about?”

“No nana, I haven’t even started looking.”

“You need to start looking into it if you ever want to ruin the group.”

“I still don’t understand anything about it Nana.”

“Okay, I will break it down for you. You see, right before you or Shelby were born. Then Black Widow was just a little group found by Shelby’s mother to help orphans and fight for women right. You see, it was a time when we lived under a bad governance and terrorism was high. Rita was an activist, she believed in service for humanity. She helped so many people, especially those that suffered terrorist attack. Those that needed to go for surgeries and those that needed houses, she took care of these. We were very close so I knew most of these things. She became quite popular until one day when she got a message to help kill someone in the political government, she wasn’t a murderer, all she sought for was justice. The person who sent her this message promised a large amount of money which she turned down. This infuriated her husband who got the job and carried out the act. I think this was when things got sour in their relationship. John wanted to kill people that deserved it but she wanted justice for them. I was just a cleaner and then they were not all that rich.  Before, Black Widow was all about helping people but all of a sudden things just changed, I don’t even know how John did it, one day he held a meeting when his wife was not around, with some white men, I think that was when the partnership began. Before Rita knew, it was too late. She was no longer in control of Black Widow. It broke her heart that her husband sold her project to white men, she wanted to put an end to it but Black Widow with the partnership became larger until it became a giant secret service of assassins with its roots so deep.

Rita couldn’t do anything and she decided to join her husband in this deadly service. She had just one plan in mind, to understand how they work and use it to get rid of them. I warned her of how deadly this was but she didn’t care. She was afraid of her husband so she had to pretend.  She requested to be  put in charge of the operations and surveillance so it granted her access to the top secrets of the group. All she learned, she uploaded somewhere in a disc. All this time, she was pregnant. A night before she died, she told me she was afraid of the information getting into the wrong hands. She promised to make it a project called Ruby. Unknown to all except her, and myself, anyone who holds this ruby would have every detail needed to take down the Black Widow. “

Fabian let out a huge sigh. “So what is this Ruby thing?”

The old woman shrugged. “I don’t know. That night, she  got into a fight with John and I had no idea why, the next day, she went into a premature labour and she has been really sick since then. The only people she confided in were your parents who were also into operations...”

Fabian blinked. “Wait, my parents were Black Widows?”

Nana smiled. “Not really, they worked together with Rita when Black Widow was still good. I think somehow, she convinced them that they could change things when the time was right. So I am sure that they must have known about the Ruby.”

“Why didn’t you tell me all these Nana?”

“Well, my son, I had to be sure that you are a good person like your parents. I had to be sure that you knew what you were doing. You proved that to me by taking me far away from that monster.”

Fabian smiled. “You made it easy for me Nana. How did you know that you were going to be my Red Test?”

Nana smiled. “Well, I didn’t know. But Rita had told me so much and she made me realize that oneday, Black Widow might request for my death even though I was quite irrelevant. She made sure that all my clothes were bullet proof and that was what saved me that night. Apart from this, she had built this place in case I ever needed to hide, There was no way I could have survived if not for that. If you hadn’t run away with me and lied that you went to bury me within those four days, they would have found out the truth. You are good person Fabian, you lied for me, you put your life in jeopardy , you forsake the love that you have craved eversince your childhood, just to keep us all safe. I am so proud of you.”

Fabian sighed. “I had to do these Nana and I am glad that everything worked out but, my parents. Are you saying that, Black Widow must have been involved in the death of my parents and Shelby’s mom?”

Nana nodded. “Yes, that is what I’m saying because they all died the same day in a bomb blast that occurred in that house, before they built this new mansion with the underground facility.”

Fabian leaned back as he couldn’t believe his ears. All these years, he had thought that his parents died in a car accident and that Shelby’s mum died during labour.

“It wasn’t easy to stay in that house with everything going on, but I had to, I had to raise you right and I am so happy that I did.”

“So now, we can only use Ruby to get rid of the Black Widow.”

Nana nodded.                                                                 

“ So, what remains is to find out what project Ruby is before they do?”

Nana nodded. "It was a CD initially but she uploaded it into something else, something really tiny, i  don't understand this whole technology thing but it is really a tiny thing which with proper machines would reveal everything the Black Widow is capable of, everything they have ever done, how they came to be and the one way they could be gotten rid of."

Fabian sighed. "So what is this Ruby then?"

Nana nodded. “No, my son, the question is, where is the Ruby?.”

** ** **

Michael kept pacing up and down in the room. He glanced at the meter which was reading her blood flow and blood pressure, it was showing green instead of red. This wasn’t supposed to happen. If the morphine had worked, it would have shown green but now, it was still Red. This could mean only one thing, that all his efforts had proven futile. She would still remember everything that she needed to forget.

He saw her stir, about to wake up, so he quickly shot her another dose of anesthesia to make her sleep and she slept on.

He needed to find out what was wrong and he couldn’t even call Fabian. All the links they used to communicate had been broken. That meant, he was on his own.

Fabian had warned him not trust anyone or bring any attention to themselves until probably a year later after they had settled down but he could at least trust his brother. He was a doctor who had helped him escape the morgue and who had also helped him secure apartments in the UK. He only told him that people who killed their father was after his life and he needed his help.

Minutes later, the door opened and he walked in.

“Peter. Please did you find out anything?” He asked.

Peter nodded. “Yes brother. The most strangest thing I have ever seen in my years of medical practice.

Read " Synder-Ella " by the same author ( Tobi Loba )

. That morphine would never work for her, even the strongest morphine would not alter anything in her DNA because it has already been fortified against external threats like this.”

“What does that mean, simple lame man English please.”

“I mean that, no matter what you do to her, she will remember everything you don’t want her to remember. Whatever thing you are planning, you need to let it go and tell her the truth. You cannot touch her, nothing would happen to her. It’s like she was reprogrammed from birth to fight anything that may pose as a threat to her wellbeing. I carried out a scan and i found something in her blood which is quite rare. if that thing is not taken out of her, nothing you do to her would work and taking it out of her rquires a good hospital and at least a month of being hospitalised."

"No, that is not an option. WHat if i don't take it out? Will she be okay?"

"I don’t understand anything myself but since you are not willing to share what the hell is going on , I think I can take my leave back to Africa.”

“So you mean, when she wakes up now, she would want to know why she fainted in Nigeria and was awake in UK?”

Peter nodded. “Yes brother, be prepared to tell the biggest story of your life.”

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  • Abimbo Aji picture
    Abimbo Aji
    In her bloodstream ?lemme find somewhere to faint first
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    Lol abimbo come n faint in my house. Tobi nyc work. I can't even guess what would happen next o
  • Tobi Loba picture
  • Tobi Loba picture
  • Abimbo Aji picture
    Abimbo Aji
    @juilet am on my way
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    Come with food o abimbo
  • Marveyc Chuks picture
    Marveyc Chuks
    Ah # mouth open#... Can't predict what will happen ooo
  • carmen picture
    I can't even predict anytin its like my brain has been formated
  • olynelly picture
    Tobi e haf keeme. Ayaf die. I cant even say next........
  • olynelly picture
    I didnt see this coming
  • Abigail Amande picture
    Abigail Amande
    Oh my goodness!!!! I'm gasping for air, can someone help me out? Lol. Tobi your stories are unpredictable so, let us leave things the way they are and just watch and see... Bravo!!!
  • Medina Lawal picture
    Medina Lawal
    God! Tobi who are u? How did you make this ? You are a real genius. Tump up girl
  • Ola Hormolar picture
    Ola Hormolar
    Tobi u are full of suspends,jst like am watching its, i cant even predict wat will happen next.. Nice one tobi..
  • Tobinna picture
    Tobi!!!.. Putting somebodi in suspense since 1643..
  • Rachael Nnanke Omini picture
    Rachael Nnanke Omini
    U re so unpredictable writer Tobi, I can't rily quantify ur gift..... Rily wish to meet u in person cos u re amazing.......
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    Waoh! Tobi u are just too good, babe u are d best joor! This is serious cant even predict who & how will d ruby be removed now. Tobi u are something else o lols
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    Waoh! Tobi u are just too good, babe u are d best joor! This is serious cant even predict who & how will d ruby be removed now. Tobi u are something else o lols
  • Peesam picture
    Hmmmmmm.... This is deep
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    eeii Tobi, oh no, just short of words. how is that even possible? Ruby in her blood? wow! twist and turns in your stories make you wanna read to the end. May God bless this woman for me IJN. love you
  • Oluwadare Mojisola picture
    Oluwadare Mojisola
    I can't even think right now but I trust you are going to wow us with the outcome ?
  • Adorabe picture
    Tobi how do you kepp amazing me all the time? don't let me die before you post another.
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    lols@ollynelly, don't die now, lol
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    @Marveyc, abeg close it right now oo
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    hahahah@Carmen, sis i have a backup here
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    lmao, @Abigail, thank you sis
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    @Medinna, thanks so much sis,lol, im no alien o
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    lol@Ola, thanks bruv
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    hahahah@Tobinna, yes oo,
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    Awww@Racheal, someday sis, someday,
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    lols@peesam, O deep gan sis
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    @Benedicta, lol, Amen ooo, thanks ma
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    @Mojisola. hmm, Amen by Gods grace
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    Hahah@dorabe, Abeg dont die o
  • Irene Avworo picture
    Irene Avworo
    Now I can't wait for the next episode, feeling my heart beats gbim gbim......
  • Batubo Ibiye picture
    Batubo Ibiye
    I thought of it but didn't believe myself, too much of watching action movies i guess. Ride on Tobi love
  • Namugosa Rhoda picture
    Namugosa Rhoda
    Can't predict, tobi kudos
  • chisom Julia picture
    chisom Julia
    I'm awed! Speechless thumbs up dear
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    lols@Mrs Irene
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    [email protected] much of action movies indeed
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    @Chisom..thanks so much sis
  • Folasade picture
    Tobi U like keeping me at d edge....ooohh Nana I'm happy for her life. Abeg how Micheal go cope with Shelby now?
  • Victoria Ejeh picture
    Victoria Ejeh
    Ruby is Shelby! Ruby is Shelby!! Ruby is Shelby!!! Her mom planted the microchip in her!!! Oh Fabian you should've thought of this! And Micheal what will I do to you if you don't find out what's in her blood!!!?
  • Tobi Loba picture
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    [email protected] doesnt know poor lol
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    [email protected] doesnt know poor lol
  • Onyedikachi Chijioke picture
    Onyedikachi Chijioke
    Chao please dnt kill us with suspense oooo....u r a genius girl...
  • Amaka Lizzy picture
    Amaka Lizzy
    I think Michael wud start lookn fr a way to reach Fabian or vise versa, den Fabian wud like to know Wats in Shelby's blood Nd maybe finally gets d ruby, Nd puff!!! Black widow goes down. Nd der wud b a massive reunion, of Fabian,Shelby Nd Nana, ow abt that??? Suspense toooo much I don kuku end d story... Lols, thumbs girl...
  • Olasumbo Ayodeji picture
    Olasumbo Ayodeji
    Oh my Goodness, will it ever be found
  • Godiya Wisdom picture
    Godiya Wisdom
    You are just way too much Tobi
  • Precious jewel picture
    Precious jewel
    How will Michael connect to Fabian? Tobi pls quickly get back to d beginning lets knw wat happen! U re d only 1 who knws
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    [email protected] already finished it lol... lemme just put the end
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    [email protected] already finished it lol... lemme just put the end
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    lol@Olasumbo,i don't know
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    thanks sis@Godiya
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    @Precious... I dunnooo
  • Mandy-princess picture
    Ruby in her blood? Tobi, how did we get here. Please send me your address I'm coming to meet you
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    hahahshsh... ibadan
  • Fabian Ibeh picture
    Fabian Ibeh
    The Ruby, that could be the tag Fabian gave Back to Shelby's dad. That was why he asked Fabian if he opened and saw its content. Hmmm.
  • Uwem Udoh picture
    Uwem Udoh
    Tobi you are good,keep it up,God bless the works of your hands...mbok,next oo...the suspense is killing
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    lol@Uwem, thanks sis, hmm@Fabian
  • Ayomide Huntress picture
    Ayomide Huntress
    Maybe the ruby is in her blood
  • Princess gaius picture
    Princess gaius
  • Mimye picture
    @tobi Loba all your books keep surprising me. I just had to comment. Your books are interesting and suspenseful. I cannot even drop my phone till I'm done with your books.
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    lol@Mimye... thanks for the comment.. please don't even try to drop that phone
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    lol@Mimye... thanks for the comment.. please don't even try to drop that phone
  • Zainab Mohammed picture
    Zainab Mohammed
    The Ruby????? It was hidden in Shelby???
  • Maths picture
    Let me guess she is the project ruby... Anyway let me not stress myself and keep reading
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