Brothers - Episode 3


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Jemima walked into the room and laid on the bed, playing with Raymond's tablet

"You better not alter anything there" he said 

"Why you so touchy?' she asked and turned to look at him "are you staying the night?" she asked

" called me home " he replied focusing on his laptop, he had a presentation  on Monday and it wasn't coming out well, maybe he would have go through it with Isabel, she usually helped him out when he was stuck

Jemima leaned on the bed, hand on cheek" what are you typing?" she asked

"Something" he replied, distracted, he had to finish that particular slide tonight to know he had gotten somewhere, Jemima was usually a pain in his hide but he was too busy for that now

"You usually more fun Raymond" she asked pouting 

"Go disturb Richard, he's in his room I'm busy here" he said deleting

She asked again and laid down on her belly, legs raised, she was his fourteen year old kid sister and had been a baby while the boys grew up but she was already trying out makeup and trying to be a woman. Isabel wasn't helping as she always encouraged it when she came around

"So mom said you should come downstairs" she said after playing with the bedsheets for sometime

He turned to look at her "you just thought to say it"

She brought out her tongue at him and he stood up and came towards her, she saw the glint in his tears

"Please please" she begged knowing what he was about do, but he tickled her till she teared and began to  cough

"You're wicked Raymond" she said and  threw him a pillow as he left the room

"You asked for it" he said

He got to the kitchen and saw his mother on her usual black turban and Didi, he leaned on the island and watched her as she made fruit salad, even though they had maids she liked to cook sometimes, the doctor had said it was good for the grieving and for her age.

She finished and covered it, then looked up, he noticed his mother had aged since his father passed months ago, he sometimes wished he could erase it and get his complete family again but it was a cross they all had to bear, speaking of complete family...Richard strolled in

"What did I miss?" he asked opening the fruit salad to take from it

"Nothing, mom just wanted to know how the first court appearance went" Raymond said crossing his arms knowing that was the latest

"It went well on my account" Richard said  eating 

"So who wins this war amongst you?" Their mother asked sadly, "after there's a victor, what next, you are brother's for gods sake" she said 

Richard paused "Mom we talking about..." he was saying

"Milions?.." Raymond said seeing the anguish they were causing their mother "You know what, you can have it, its been  all about the money for you"

"no you can have it, "Richard left the food and sauntered towards him "why do you always have to be the good son uh"

"I'm not trying to be," he said " I'm in no competition with you Richard" he said going to get a drink, he opened the fridge and took out a soda

Richard had always been closer to his mother and Raymond his father.

"You both should just stop this will you?" Mrs Wallace said one hand on waist "stop being an embarrassment to the family, its all over the papers "

"Of course we can" he said" I'm going to speak to the lawyer now.."Raymond said and took out his phone

"Psst you just scared I am going to win the  case, so you're running with your tail between your legs "Richard said moving closer to him "why don't you stay and fight like a man?"

"I can't fight you Richard, you're my brother, I'll call Barr Patrick  and get this all sorted out, as it should be done, I only wanted to fulfill my father's dying wish"he said and walked out of the kitchen leaving Richard to look at his sobbing mother.

That evening Richard walked into his brother's room, stared at him then

"I concede" he said "I think you should have the company" he began

"I already called the lawyer" Raymond said not looking up from the laptop

Richard asked "I know many things about you Raymond, including when you're lying" he sat down on the bed "I don't think we should fight over this" he said "maybe we can work something out"

"I'm thinking you should have it totally, I barely have time" Raymond said indicating his laptop while wondering at the game Richard was playing now, his brother never backed down easily from anything

"No, father must have wanted you in charge for a  reason, I have no idea why though, but I have to respect that" he said

Raymond stared at him wondering at his brothers playacting, what had happened between afternoon and now, was his brother for real or playing games?

"I hope we can drink on this, we should go out tonight bro.." he said standing up

Raymond looked back down "I have things to do but sure"

He was about going then turned" is Jess in town? "

"Nope, she's out of town" Raymond replied, as usual

"Funny how you get to see my girlfriend everyday and I hardly see yours" Richard said

"Yea" Raymond replied still  typing

"Lemme know when your done, I'm calling my lawyer to call off the case" he walked out leaving Raymond thinking that that was too easy.

*what do you think happened causing the change of heart, is Richard playing games?

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. .

Read " Trapped " by the same author ( Funmi Anita Adesina )

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