Christian - Episode 11

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I looked across the table at the guy Daniel who had ear piercings and hair dyed gold, his wrist-watch spoke of wealth though and I knew he wasn't middle class or poor, he was from some wealthy family, how was he then invited to the party.. I wondered....
Well leave it to Rosemary to Date someone exactly like her brother, I tsked. We were having a double date, their idea, it had worked out with them after all and he had asked her out barely a month after knowing each other but Rosemary looked so in love as she was all over him, I sipped my drink in thought,  as I was happy that at least I didn't have to fill her in on my love life anymore,  I still kept staring at him though and wondered if he was good enough for my friend...was she even old enough to date?
"So which school do you go to?"I asked
"I just gained admission "he said
"Wow, that's um, interesting?"I said
"What course?"Christian asked
"Electrical Engineering"
"Hmn, nice" a silence as I tapped on the table, he took out a cigarette and lit, and I rolled my eyes, typical..Rosemary gave me the eye that I was being a snob but I didn't budge, I felt she deserved better
"So you guys have been friends since kiddargarten?" he asked me
"Yeah, that long" I gave him a look I thought was scary
"That explains it.." I quirked my eyebrow"you scared I'm going to take your friend away, Rosemary told me how close you both were"
I sighed"Yeah, she's like my only sister" I said looking fondly at her
"Wow, don't know where most of my friends are from kiddargaten, wonder how you guys do it?". he said
" me too, I don't know how they do it, I hardly keep many friends"Christian said sipping his drink, I looked at him, was he referring to his childhood friends?, I had made him leave them, I felt bad at myself...
"Come on you have friends, way way more than I do"I said
"Yeah your a typical snob" he said suddenly and I flushed"at least that's what I thought till I got to know you"he said
I decided I was still a snob as I looked down, even now...
"Maybe we can hang out with Sean and the others, when is he having his gig"I asked him, he looked at me suddenly then sat up
"That's not a place u'd like to go?".
"How's that?"
"Because you said so"
Had I really been a snob??
"I think we  would all like to go" Rosemary said excitedly breaking the ice as I looked at her, she gave me a look...she just always knew what to say
"Okay, we can go on Friday next week  its not much but I guess you ll like it" he paused "I missed them" I felt bad even more., and worse I felt they hated me now.

We left after a while, and Daniel didn't seem that bad later on as we talked  about a lot of things,  himself and Christian got along and even exchanged numbers, guess they were guys and guys were just like that.
"I'm sorry I told you to ditch your friends" I said that sunday afternoon after he came over,  I was frying plantain in the kitchen "I feel so bad"I said sadly
He stared at me"its nothing like that, I wanted to so I did", why was he always trying to take the blame, I turned and teased him
"So it wasn't for me?"I asked 
He sauntered slowly towards me and put both hands besides me 
" you'd tell me to jump and I'd ask how high"
"Doesn't mean I have to take advantage of you"
"You can't and you won't"
I chuckled"what makes you think so?"
"Because you're very innocent"
I chuckled"you don't know anything about me Christian "
"How so?"
I paused"I'm very bad...a very bad girl"
He held my gaze and I knew I had caused something as I turned around and tried to focus on my plantain while he came close and kissed on my shoulder blade, I shivered, he played with my strap
"You look so hot on this, are you trying to seduce me?" he muttered, I had worn a white spaghetti tan top with blue bum shorts, I turned to face him
"Is it working?" I teased biting my lower lip softly
"Don't be playing with me like that" he said
"Because I'm dangerous" he said
I leaned up on the counter "What kind of danger?" I asked, he stared at me before he took my lips in his and I kissed him back as we hit the counter, I wrapped my legs around him as he carried me out of the kitchen, we made out till we got to my bedroom and he shut the door, I got back my senses when I was on the bed with him on top...he was kissing all over me before he paused and looked at me...
"What?" he asked
"I'm a virgin" I said
"I know that"
I sighed and leaned up pulling my straps back on..
"I hope to keep it till marriage"
"Are you serious?" he chuckled
"That's what you told Tunde?"
"Tunde and I never uh, got to this point"
He sat up in bed and sighed
"Then you should stop seducing me" he said
"Christian" he stood up and went out of my room and I sighed.
I went out and saw him sitting down on the cushion, I sat slowly beside him..there was a silence
"I'm sorry"
"No its okay, we should wait, that's what right" he said
There was a long silence after that, then he sniffed
"Something's burning.." he said...I dashed to the kitchen and true to form my plantain was burnt to ashes .. he came into the kitchen and hid a chuckle
" my bad, I'm sorry"he said as I battled with the smoke  and put off the gas, I looked at him but he suddenly burst into laughter and I chuckled then laughed with him
"You so crazy" I said "all your fault" I said as I chased him out
"I told you you weren't a good cook" he said
I kicked his shin when I caught up with him and he hopped in pain but it was my turn to laugh.
 I stared at him as he nursed his shin and decided that I loved him, I loved him a lot...

I saw Theresa talking with her friends against her car but I decided not to bother with her, my car was coming soon anyway and I couldn't wait to flaunt it but our final exams were in a month and though Christian and I were studying, we equally played a lot...
" I wonder what she ll do if I were to take him from her..we'll see then who is  the Queen bee" she said, I looked at her wondering who she was talking about again, why couldn't she just give her pr*stitution a rest, I'm sure her parents were really embarrassed about her...
"Hey, what you looking at?" she asked me
I looked away but then looked at her
"Just wondering if you had to go to a school to learn your wh*ring or it was inborn?"
"You should leave" she said "I'm not in the mood"
"For what exactly?" I wondered
She stared at me then"you wanna learn some tips?"she left the car and came towards me"you should have left when I asked you to but of course you won't... truth be told, I was talking about you"
I gaped, wait , what...
"Yeah, everyone knows I hangout with Christian, we meet at parties and do sh*t together but then you came along and snatched what was rightfully mine"
"Yeah" she crossed her arms"no bother, I got my game plan, let's see who wins in the end, Christian thinks he's going to use me and dump me for you,  look at you, what do you even know about Christian, you're not his type, you wouldn't even know what he likes" she paused "what he likes in bed"
what..I gaped, no she was playing with me
"I guess not" she turned away to go join her friends "see you around Jasmine" she filed her nails, I stared long at her wondering why I did not have a good comeback at that time but that was because I was very much Christian.

"What the hell are you on about?" he asked
I had pulled him straight out of football practice
"You and Theresa , you didn't tell me you had something going on with her"
"What's going on?" Jaden came to ask, we both looked at him "alrii but you guys are yelling" he walked away while Christian looked at me
"I had nothing to do with her?"
"Are you going to look at me and lie to my face?" I was already crying, because I saw everything and I saw he was lying, I didn't need this now, not close to my exams
"Fine, we met at a party, smoked and.. got drunk, things happened, I can't remember..."
I cried visibly and sat on the chair
"It doesn't matter Jasmine, that was my past, I swear I've not cheated on you since we..."
"I don't ever want to talk to you again" I said and ran out of the football playing field not caring to look back at his pained expression.

Is Jasmine being too harsh, is it over between them?

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  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Don't worry Christian.. Jasmine is going to come around ,she is just broken,she loves you(Christian) too much ,so she can't end d relationship just like dat
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    Jasmine is jealous, she will have to fight for what is hers. Well done, more episodes
  • Namugosa Rhoda picture
    Namugosa Rhoda
    Jasmine rushes things, she doesn't think twice before making a decision. It's bad.
  • Zainab Mohammed picture
    Zainab Mohammed
    Softly, softly nah Jasmine. Boys are boys O! No rush I beg.
  • Amma picture
    trust a woman's jealousy
  • Josephine Borngreat picture
    Josephine Borngreat
    One of the best stories am following now thanks a lot and keep it coming
  • Josephine Borngreat picture
    Josephine Borngreat
    Already missing you Funmi , pls still waiting for next episode
  • Funmi Anita Adesina picture
    Funmi Anita Adesina
    Thanks all, coming tmre
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