Daddy's Girl - Episode 30

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*** She stopped when she came across two narrow paths before her.. Confused, she stared from her left to her right and stopped abruptly when she spotted a beautiful fair skinned woman with black long flowing hair staring at her from a distance.. She was smiling at her.. Such a beautiful smile.

She couldn't help but smile back at the woman as she took the right path towards the woman... She stood staring at the woman for a few seconds trying to recall where she had seen her.

Then it clicked . It was the same woman from the picture in her father's house.

She smiled broadly and run towards her screaming


The woman's smiled broadened as she spread her arms waiting for her to run into them but then she frowned almost immediately.. "No... Stop!" She screamed and the girl stopped.. "Don't come close dear.. This place isn't for you.. Go back"

she spoke with voice laced with pain.

The girl looked around and all she could see were beautiful flowers of different shapes and colours and colourful butterflies perching on the flowers as the birds chirped melodiously.

She loved it here already and she wanted to stay and spend the entire day in the garden chasing after butterflies.

"But mommy.. This place is nice

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I want to stay"

she pouted. The woman smiled sadly. "Me too honey but not yet.. Just look there.."

She paused and pointed at an endless mirror on her left side.

"Your father needs you. Go back my dear... It isn't yet time for you"

Fiona glanced into the mirror and saw her father holding onto her body, shaking her and crying.

"Go back sweetie. There's still.more time. I'll always, always watch over you."

she told her resisting the strong urge to reach out to stroke her hair.

Fiona looked from her father to her mother and then back.. "No.... Sometimes he is good and sometimes he is very bad. I don't want to go back. I'm staying here mama. I'm staying"

She frowned.

"Don't say that my child. This place isn't for you. You need to go back where you belonge. Your father is a very good man honey... Don't say that.. He loves you, much more than life itself. Go back.. I promise to always be by your side. Go now honey" "Promise?"


The woman confirmed smiling and watched her daughter turn slowly and walk away towards an endless cloudy path before disappearing into thin air.


"Fiona wake up please!! Dear Lord bring her back to me please! Please Lord!"

Arnold cried hysterically.

Alex and the doctor stepped forward trying to stop him.. "Arnold stop hurting yourself please"

Alex begged, tears trickling down his own cheeks.. "Stay away!!"

He hit their hands away harshly. "Stay the f*ck away from my baby got it?!" In a flash, Arnold jumped off the bed and lunged for the doctor, grabbing him by the neck as he slammed the helpless man Into the wall. His face was wet with tears. His eyes bloodshot, blazing with fury and pain.

"Arnold! Let go! Let him go. you'll strangle him to death, Arnold please!"

Alex was alarmed as he tried endlessly to rip Arnold off the doctor.

"You, you useless doctor. So pathetic. Why did you go to attend medical school if you knew you were a complete ass at saving lives? Why? F*ck, answer me!"

Arnold growled gripping the man tighter.

"Arnold stop it! Come back to your senses. Arnold st..."

Alex was cut off when Arnold using his free hand, pushed his friend away harshly making him plummet into the wall behind him.

He groaned, grabbing his back In pain. He slammed the doctor into the wall once more the before releasing him, allowing him to crumble to the floor gasping for breath.

Arnold rushed back to the bed, lifting Fiona off the bed as he cradled her, rocking her to and fro while his hand caressed her face lovingly, the tears from his eyes dripping onto her cheeks.

"Wake up, Fiona don't do this to me.. Wake up my love please I won't allow you to go.. I said I'm sorry for being cruel to you.

If this is the consequences for my actions then no, I cant. I cant accept this punishment.

I'm sorry but I will accept anything, anything at all for everything I've done but please not this. Not this punishment. Don't leave me.. Don't leave me honey. Stay with me. Don't go.

Not you too honey. Accept my apologies and wake up please! God I need a miracle please!!! Please Lord. Don't go. I.. I ..need you" His voice broke as he cried. He wasn't going to let her go. Not like this.

Not now. Not without a fight.

Not ever. He never did much for Amanda, maybe then he would have been able to save her. The guilt of her death had been weighing down on him for years. And he needed someone to blame.

He blamed Fiona.

He couldn't even look her in her eyes because she was a splitting image of his late wife and that only intensified his guilt. Right now.

Right here, he had the chance to do something.

And saving her was the only way to redeem himself of the guilt he'd been carrying for years.

He wasn't going to let go without a fight. Not this time. Wiping his tear stained face, Arnold eased his daughter on the bed and got down. He turned to the doctor, frustration etched on his face.

"Where's the defibrillator?"

He seethed to no one in particular. Silence.

"Where. Is. The. F*cking. Defibri-f*cking-llator!"

He growled louder punching the drip stand making the nurses flinch pointing simultaneously to the object laying on the floor.

Growling, Arnold bent to pick the object, plucked it in the switch, increased the voltage to it's highest and rubbed the defibrillator together before pressing it to Fiona's chest.


Her body jerked off the bed in an instant with electric shock before slumping back onto the bed. Wasting no the, he pressed it back to her chest as her body jerked off the bed again and again.

"Wake up! Fiona wake up!"

He let out am agonising scream as the defibrillator made contact with her chest again. There was still no sign.

He shook his head. If she didn't wake, he was going to go mad.. No pun intended.

He was going to run mad.

"Fiona, I know you're in there. I know you van hear me. Wake up now. Get up, get up now! Get up!"

He pressed the object once more to her chest but this time he didn't release it.

He let it sit there for a second longer, hoping, praying this time the f*cking object is able to jumpstart his child's heart back to life. Or else.

Read " The Last Virgin " by the same author ( eliza )

. Else... Suddenly there was a loud beelimg noise coming from the monitor.

Everyone's attention snapped to the monitor that was still connected to Fiona.. The lines which were flat a minute ago was slowly gaining momentum. Slowly but surely, the was movement as the flat lines didn't appear so flat anymore.

"Oh my God! There a pulse, there a pulse!"

One of the nurses screamed. Fiona's fingers moved, her eyelids moving back and forth.

She suddenly coughed slightly and whispered.


The nurses staggered back in shock as the doctor stared with his jaw dropped.. "Oh my God!!!" He exclaimed with his eyes still fixed on the person he had declared dead a few minutes ago, move her fingers and whisper.. "God!!" He exclaimed again..


A/N I so much love drama. Y'all know I wasn't gonna let her die just like that. On that note, please don't forget to like and drop a comment. Just a few episodes more and then we're done. love you all.

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  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Couldn't be more happier....Good job Noldie,but worst is yet to come that disease called mark is on to ya! Lizzie hun you're the best!
  • Nafia Lawal picture
    Nafia Lawal
    hmmmm!!!!!!!!relieved...... I feel high b4 but now.... lol.... I just love dis story dear... keep it up have my kisses
  • Maymunart Hoossaen picture
    Maymunart Hoossaen
    Thanks God ,my girl is back
  • eliza picture
    and I love you Pamela hun
  • eliza picture
    a thousand more kisses to you Nafia
  • eliza picture
    ikr @ Maymunart
  • Amma picture
    nice one.. Arnold just had the scare of his life and I guess this will teach him to value his daughter n treat her like the princess she is.
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    I knew you had that power eliza baby Hahaha...can't love you less for this. Kudos darling...hugs and kisses
  • Angela David picture
  • Olasumbo Ayodeji picture
    Olasumbo Ayodeji
    Thank u Elizaaaaaaaa
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Couldn't be more happier....Good job Noldie,but worst is yet to come that disease called mark is on to ya! Lizzie hun you're the best!
  • eliza picture
    ikr @ Amma. lets hope he's learnt his lesson
  • eliza picture
    a million hugs and kisses to you too Bennie
  • eliza picture
    thanks Angela
  • eliza picture
    you're highly welcooome Ola
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Awwww.....I love you too Lizzie
  • miz richy picture
    miz richy
    girl,you've completely stolen my heart with this story...cheers
  • eliza picture
    aww thanks a lot @ Mix Richy. I appreciate it
  • Folahanmi Faith picture
    Folahanmi Faith
    Thank you so much
  • Cordelia Esewe picture
    Cordelia Esewe
    Beautiful .
  • eliza picture
    thank you too for reading Faith
  • eliza picture
    thanks @ Cordelia
  • Elizabeth Ajayi picture
    Elizabeth Ajayi
    Very interesting
  • Olumide Harris picture
    Olumide Harris
  • eliza picture
    thanks Lizzy
  • Joycelyn Juliet picture
    Joycelyn Juliet
    love u, love u Eliza, tnx for bringing her back �
  • eliza picture
    love you more Juliet
  • Princess Babalola picture
    Princess Babalola
    I nearly die here too. Good job
  • eliza picture
    thanks Princess
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