From The Eyes Of A Spinster - Episode 12

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"Seriously? You mean you're seriously going to cook today yaya Sakinah?" Anas asked shocked. Wait, shock is an understatement. Anas was beyond shocked as this is the very first time Sakinah was cooking.

"Oh yes little brother. Today I'll be the one to cook and trust me, you all are gonna chop off your fingers while eating" Sakinah said as she washed the parboiled rice.

"Hell No Yaya kis kis!" Sultan groaned as he stepped a foot into the kitchen "You mean we are going to have stomach ache all through the weekend right? Well i seriously don't like this idea and am saying a big NO to it". He added rubbing his temple.

"Mr . Man, go inside and keep your school bag, take a hot shower and come over here to taste my dish. Don't worry, judge after you've eaten it".

"Ahhhggghh!" He groaned leaving the kitchen.

Hajiya Siyammah and the two other girls sat in the living room laughing at the little drama going on. This is the very first time ever Sakinah stepped her foot into the kitchen in the name of cooking something for the family. The only thing she knows how to do was cook noodles, boil water and fry some eggs!. 

All her life, she has only focused on reading and reading all the time to be a good lawyer in future, never taking fantasy in cooking or other girly stuffs.

She poured the rice in a pot. Added the blended red chili and pepper, powdered garlic and ginger, curry and thyme

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Maggi and salt and also some olive oil. Yes, the Gada's use the olive oil to cook not groundnut oil. After adding all those, Sakinah measured five glass of water and poured over the parboiled rice. She then put the pot over the gas cooker which has been lit since the time she finished parboiling the rice. Satisfied with what she did, Sakinah placed the lid over the pot and sauntered over to the freezer and brought out boiled chicken. She rinsed the chicken again and add the species she wants with lots and lots of pepper. Damn! RIP to the Gadas!.

The kitchen held an awful aroma. Sakinah opened the lid of the pot to check her cooking. The rice has already melted and looks like (Tuwo) with a very strange aroma. To Sakinah, this is something new and she's sure her family will be proud of her. She turned the gas cooker off and poured all the food content in food warmers plus her so-called pepper soup.

She arranged all the food warmers on the dining table and called out her siblings including her parents. But she couldn't find Nafisah. She went out to the backyard and found her watching something on her phone, but as soon as she saw Sakinah approaching her, she quickly turned off her phone and adjusted her blouse which she has lifted in the process of watching porn video.

"Sis, come on... Lets go and have lunch, am done cooking" Sakinah said as she grabbed Nafisa's hand.

"Hmmmmn. I hope my stomach won't turn upside down today, let me warn you tun yanxu, if you know that dish is not eatable don't even make me go to the dining area, as you can see am busy here" Nafisa said, rolling her eyes.

"Busy doing what? Chatting? Or watching a video?" Sakinah asked raising one of her brows.

"Noooo!" Nafisa answered quickly "I mean i was just chatting not watching any video" 

"Okay. Easy miss! Why getting agitated all of the sudden? I was only asking. Now, lets get going miss". Sakinah said dragging Nafisa's hand.

"Wait, i need to see the gate man. I sent him to buy something for me and am sure he's back by now. Go ahead, I'll be inside before you know it". She said making her way to the main gate.

She sauntered over to the main gate to meet Talle mai gadi.

"Talle, are you back?" She called out as she stood outside his room.

"Yes Hajiya, here are the enlargement photos" he answered as he passed her two large enlargement frames of dawoud's pictures.

She looked at the pictures and swallowed so hard. Already imagining herself being his wife while he held her tight in those large hands of his and whisper 'I love you Nafisah' . She drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly, she hope and pray that this will be a dream come true, someday, sometime.

"Tha...." Her words were cut short when the gate was banged so hard that she almost ran and hugged talle out of fear.

"Uban waye yake neman balla mana gate?" (Who's the bastard trying to break down our gate?). Talle said angrily as he opened the smaller gate only to be surprised when he saw the figure standing right there.

"Mansoor? Is this really you?" He asked surprised.

"Yes man" Mansoor said smiling before hugging talle. That was when his eyes caught up with Nafisa's. His eyes grew wide like saucers as he looked from Talle to Nafisa a confused look on his face.

"Its been a while. How have you been? How's Mama and Ruqayyah my wife?" Talle asked further.

"All fine" Came his curt reply.

"Mansoor samari!" Nafisa smiling "Yan anzo gidanmu kenan!".

He looked at Talle again with a confused look on his face.

"You mean this is your house?" He asked pointing at her.

"Yes. What's wrong" Nafisa asked concerned.

"Well, I've been coming over for quite a long time and I've never came across any of you" he stated.

"What? Are you serious?" Nafisa asked surprised.

"Yeah. Talle here is a childhood friend of mine. We grew up together in kano and studied in the same polytechnic in Plateau state. I studied civil engineering while he studied electrical engineering. But you know our country, only the rich ones get what they want". Mansoor said sadly.

"Yeah. Sadly that's what our nation has turn into. Anyways, you ain't leaving without going in and saying Hi to our parents. Dad will be very pleased to see you am sure". Nafisa said smiling.

Mansoor didn't like the idea at all. So he try to pop up any excuse.

"You see, arrrmm..i...i.." He stuttered

"Cut it Mansoor. You are going in right now and thank God we're about to have lunch so you'll join us. Come on, let's go" she ushered him in.

They sauntered towards the main house with Nafisa carrying the enlargement pictures of Dawoud with her. She clutched them in her chest and made up her mind not to let anyone see it. As they made their way pass the boys quarters, they bumped into Habeeb who just woke up from his afternoon nap.

"Hey bro. You woke up just in time for lunch. Guess who cooked lunch today?" Nafisa asked happily.

"Who else but you or Safinah. Wait, don't tell me today Mom cooked?" Habeeb asked happily.

"Nop" she replied popping the 'P' "The queen of the house, The great and most sweetest sister in the whole universe. Sis Sakinah!". She said jumping up like a little girl still holding the frames.

"What?" Habeeb asked shocked "what do you mean Sakinah? She can't even cook goddammit!". 

"Well, she did cook and we are going to eat it. Uhh, Yaya Habeeb this is mansoor, remember him?" Nafisa asked gesturing towards Mansoor who was standing a little bit far from them.

"He saved Sakinah that day right?" He asked looking at Mansoor right from his head to his toe.

"Yeah. Told him to come have lunch with us". Nafisa replied.

"I hate his guts!" Habeeb said through gritted teeth.

Nafisa gave him a puzzled look. "Why is that? He's so simple and easy going. Am already starving, can we please go in?".

"Sure...after you". Habeeb said and Nafisa took off signalling for Mansoor to come with them. The two men looked at each other, both hating each other's guts. Its obvious that both guys don't like each other, and i can't point out the reason.

"Look who i found sisters" Nafisa shouted happily as soon as they were in the living room. She stood rooted on her spot as she saw Sakinah standing with a server in her hand biting her fingers which shows clearly that she's nervous.

"When i told you to always go into the kitchen and learn how to cook instead of reading and reading all day. You never listened and now you're presenting us this uneatable food and expect us to eat right? Are you out of your senses? What will i tell your future husband?" Hajiya Siyammah barked at Sakinah Angrily.

"Take it easy Hajiya" Alhaji Abbas tried to calm her down.

"Take it easy? You're asking me to take it easy Alhaji. How? Why will i take it easy when a grown up girl like Sakinah can't cook just a common Jollof rice? Won't she be a disgrace when we marry her off someday? Will we tell her husband that she can't cook? And why is that?". She added.

"Mommy pl....." Sakinah started

"Don't Mommy me miss! Don't you dare it. I won't take Bullsh-ts like this from you ever again. Go and learn how to cook and BE A WOMAN!"  She snapped as she stood up and made her way to her room.

"Good afternoon Hajiya" Mansoor quickly greeted stopping her from moving an inch more.

She turned and look at him only to give out a weird smile and replied. "Afternoon Mansoor. Its been a while, how are you?".

"Am fine Hajiya. But am starving right now. If you wouldn't mind...." He trailed off scratching the back of his neck.

"Don't worry. Let me ask Nafisa to cook something for you as soon as possible. Take a seat please". She offered turning to look at Nafisa.

"No Hajiya. Don't worry, I'll eat that one" Mansoor replied gesturing towards the table.

"What?! No way. You can't eat that food son" Hajiya Siyammah said quickly.

"Trust me, i can". Mansoor replied making his way to the dining. He took the food that Sakinah served her Mom and devoured it down without stopping or even looking at any of the family members.

"Is the food sweet yaya?" Mas'ud asked innocently.

"Yes" Mansoor replied between spoon "You don't wanna miss this trust me. Why don't you eat and listen to me tell you a story about the lion and the tortoise". Mansoor said smiling.

"I think I'll join you guys" Sultaan replied and took a seat beside Mas'ud.

"Same here" Anas replied

They sat down and eat the food, Sultaan knows quite well that the food taste horrible. But if a stranger can try to make his OWN sister Happy, why won't he?. They ate and laughed at Mansoor's jokes since he was done eating.

"Thank you so very much for this food Miss Sakinah. Indeed, your hands are blessed. Allah ya qara basirahn  girki!" He said smiling. 

Sakinah looked up at him and couldn't help but twist up her lips in an attempt to smile but quickly masked it off when her subconscious warned her.

Hell.miss! You wanna smile for a guy? Are you okay?!

She turned and looked at her sisters who all these while were looking at the whole drama without attempting to do anything.

"What?! You ate that? Just the aroma wants to make me throw up right now. Damn!" Habeeb said scrunching up his nose.

"Well, i bet you can't cook as good as that. So don't worry. Present your own dish and we'll scale both on 100".

"No way! Why will i cook? Am i a lady? Am not girly like mister".

"Oh! I see. Then please keep your negative thoughts to yourself. I guess we enjoyed the meal right boys?"Mansoor asked looking at the boys.

"Yes. Kudus Yaya kis kis, this is just the beginning of you serving us your healthy meal. I love you". Sultaan said hugging her, and so did Anas and Mas'oud.

She felt tears threatening to spill from her eyes as she quickly mouthed a 'Thank you to Mansoor' which is almost inaudible except for him because he was looking at her intently and smiling like a loon.

"My bad. Good afternoon Alhaji" Mansoor greeted Alhaji bello as soon as he spotted him seating by his left, three chairs away from him.

Alhaji Bello smiled and tried to crack a joke "I'm very hurt right now Mansoor. You only noticed me after finishing Sakinah's dish i guess".

Mansoor looked at the floor. Damn! Why won't the ground just swallow him and save him from this embarrassment?

The...aroma that's why". He stuttered.

"Don't worry. Thank you for coming over. Am glad you came actually". Alhaji Bello said with a glint in his eyes.

"Uhh, Hajiya. I heard you talking about how you're going to deliver her to her husband's house when she can't cook. Am so sorry to say this, but i don't think cooking is a necessity in marriage. If you visit the arab countries you'll find out that their wives don't cook, but only cook when they feel like, it was never a necessity or an obligation on them. Do you know? that most of our people who leave the country in the name of going to other countries to work end up working as chefs and house help to the Arabs. The wife only duty is to take Care of her husband and her kids. Here in the north, we are trying to make it an obligation which is wrong. I've seen a man who divorced his wife just seven days after they've gotten married because she can't cook. Subhannallah! Marriage is not that way, we are the ones  trying to make it look so hard. Its good if she cooks to make him Happy and earn reward, but we shouldn't make it our top priority. May Allah see us through". Mansoor ended his long speech.

"Amiiin" they all replied together.

"If only men out there will think the way you do my son, then the divorce cases we have nowadays may decrease. Abun sai addu'a kawai.

"Exactly Alhaji. A woman deserved to be taken care of and also deserve to be respected. Remember, they gave birth to us, we end up marrying them, and they still give us kids to call ours. We can Never pay a woman for her sufferings. Only Allah can reward them". From the way Mansoor speaks, one can clearly point out how hurt he is to see a woman being disrespected.

And as Mansoor made his way out, he stopped before Sakinah and said slowly "Wipe off those tears beautiful. A lady like you shouldn't waste her tears on silly stuffs like this. And as per the cooking, i enjoyed it. But it wouldn't hurt if you join cooking classes right? Take care Amica Mea (My love in latin)".


"Whoooaaa! Finally a graduate!" Nafisa jumped up happily.

"Yessooo!" Safinah joined her. "Now, i can do what i want, anytime I feel like. And i want to serve in Kaduna" .

"No way! Am going far, far away to kebbi. I want to serve there". Nafisa said "But maybe i should get married first" she added.

"Mssssttttww" Sakinah hissed "look how you girls are jumping, instead of you two to go and pray and thank Allah for all he has given you, you are here shouting and filling my ear with your stupid rants".

"Whoa! Someone is jealous" the two sisters said before laughing and leaving Sakinah to her work.

"Useless things" she mused to herself.


For the past few months, Sakinah had visited her therapist whenever they were scheduled to meet. Thou, her phobia increased and that was bound to happen since the fear is out and she talks about it. The wild dreams of Habeeb chasing her only got worst. But the doctor told her not to worry as that's the first step to getting things off easily.

For Nafisa, the past few months have been the best to her as she went over to Dawoud's house and spend two good weeks there. The best part of those two weeks were when she mastu-bates herself thinking of Dawoud doing it. And sometimes she watch videos of him which she did secretly without him knowing. To top it all, Nafisa now watch porn videos and sometimes mastu-bate imagining herself as the girl and Dawoud as the guy. Hasbunnallah!.

Safinah, our queen is now a graduate so levels have to change.

Read " Embedded Roses " by the same author ( Murjanatu Alkali )

. Just recently, one sugar daddy she got bought her a benz which Safinah showed off to her friends proudly telling them she's now a big girl and can't waste her time with babies like them. At home, she told her parents that the Alhaji is willing to marry her so they shouldn't worry about it. Even thou Alhaji Bello was against it, but Hajiya Siyammah managed to convince him to let the girl enjoy her life to the fullest.

It was a perfect day, cloudless and warm and the singing breeze carried a tantalizing mixture of scents across the garden. Sakinah's head buried so deep in reading a recipe book she bought days back and munching on her Samosa with tiger nut smoothie beside her. She chewed slowly and also drank from the glass cup placed beside her when she felt a shadow above her. She looked up and her eyes caught up with Habeeb's.

She stood up quickly in an attempt to leave the garden but Habeeb was quick enough to grab her hand and drag her to him till she fell so hard on his chest.

" feel so soft in my hands. And i miss those days you cry and beg me to let you go. Want me to remind you that?" He asked, his voice filled with lust.

"Y...ya...ya..." Sakinah tried speaking but couldn't.

"Shhhh....keep quite lil sis, just let me do it and we'll go our separate ways, hmmmn...".

Sakinah closed her eyes thinking of what to do. Just then, an idea popped into her head, and without second thoughts, Sakinah used her leg with all her strength and hit him so hard in that particular place he used to destroy her life.

Habeeb fell down with a cry of pain and agony and Sakinah used that chance to run off.

Huuuuhh! That was way too close!



I really don't feel motivated #sad#

Actually, i have no intention of writing anytime soon, but when mom reminded me of my first time in kitchen that was when i was in primary two...i couldn't help but laugh and that was when this chapter popped in. Mind you, mine was way better than Sakinah's own.... Even thou half done ne.
Please share your first cooking experience and lets have fun.

With love

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  • olynelly picture
    The 1st day i was asked to cook beans,i had washed it as though preparing to grind for moimoi, until grandma came to help
  • Onome Bamidele picture
    Onome Bamidele
    This story is very very interesting.
  • carmen picture
    I wish dat tin inbetween his legs will never function again
  • Oluwadare Mojisola picture
    Oluwadare Mojisola
    My 1st time cooking experience was also jollof rice but it was too spicy
  • Bernice Gold picture
    Bernice Gold
    My first time cooking experience was yam although nobody sent me I was in primary five then, I vividly remember I was dancing all around the whole compound definitely to no tune but to the scratching of my body lol my mum finished the cooking herself..
  • Georgina Bestway picture
    Georgina Bestway
    mj pls i wana see d devil suffer soon
  • Nyamusi Noreen picture
    Nyamusi Noreen
    Great piece
  • Murjanatu Alkali picture
    Murjanatu Alkali
    Lmao! @Olly, i would've loved to eat that beans of yours o. Thank you @Onome
  • Murjanatu Alkali picture
    Murjanatu Alkali
    Lol, Carmen, why so harsh na babe? OMG! Lmao, Bernice! I can't stop laughing, chaii.
  • Murjanatu Alkali picture
    Murjanatu Alkali
    @Georgina, be patient dear and let the story unfold. Thank you @Nyamusi.
  • Olasumbo Ayodeji picture
    Olasumbo Ayodeji
    Dis is one story dt keeps my her beating like d victim is someone close, I hope d kick did a serious damage to d idiot.... I've always loved cooking from tym
  • Kaziko Jimmy picture
    Kaziko Jimmy
    Mine was beans Forgot to add salt and maggi
  • Hakeem Marami picture
    Hakeem Marami
    My First Cooking Was Porridge It Was Too Pepperish But Sweet Oooo Hnmnnn It Interesting Abeg Keep It Coming Coz Am Really Enjoying This
  • Rachael Nnanke Omini picture
    Rachael Nnanke Omini
    Mine was I added too much salt in beans...
  • Boluwatife picture
    Cooking experience? Wow, me I prepared eba with cold water, I received the insult and beating of my life from my mum?
  • Mary Anne Okere picture
    Mary Anne Okere
    My first cooking experience was hilarious, I tried cooking noodles with palm oil, and I even took to my friend's house to brag that I'm now a pro in the kitchen. Everyone laughed to their fill that day. Anyways, I love this story, thumbs up to you. More grease to you elbow.
  • Pamela Essien picture
    Pamela Essien
    Hahahaha. My food was beans. Though I tried but I forgot to put salt in the food,neither did I taste the food till it was served.
  • Peace Ighofose picture
    Peace Ighofose
    The story don end????
  • Ucheoma Rufus picture
    Ucheoma Rufus
    My first cooking expirience was in my primary six, the house help was busy in the shop and my mum went to the market ,I was formed to make a native soup which came out very delicious, daddy never believed I made that soup. From then onwards I was allowed to cook from time to time.and I enjoyed every moment of it. Very interesting story kudos.
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