H.Y.B.R.I.D (Sequel to The Forgotten Wolf) - Episode 17

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Previously from the last Episode:

When Elsie shadow wanted to entered Ly's body to her utter surprise she couldn't.


Her shadow floated back to Ara's room.

"Do you remember something?" Ara immediately asked Elsie when she re saw her shadow once again in her chambers.

"I can't penetrate the body of Ly again. I am struck like this now" . Elsie said.

"But how can it be possible? You were able to switch into his body before why now?" Ara demanded.

"I don't know but when I tried and tried to enter his body I couldn't. You have got to help me". Elsie finally said.

"If the king sees me in his room he will have my head regardless of we working together". Ara told Elsie.

"So what am I going to do? As far as I remained a shadow I am powerless and can't do anything. I need to enter the body of the hybrid king fast before the sun set today". Elsie commanded.

"Of course my Mistress". Ara said bowing her head.

And started proceeding with a new spell that can allow Elsie penetrate the body of the Hybrid king.

"Be fast little one, be fast".


Rala and Rava had over heard the conversation between the shadow and Ara.

"What are we going to do now? Ara might find a way to put the shadow back into King Ly's body". Rala was the first to speak quietly to her sister.

"Yes and that is why we need to find our mothers very fast before they return Elsie shadow back into Ly's body"

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/h-y-b-r-i-d-sequel-to-the-forgotten-wolf

. Rava answered.

"But how can we do that? I mean how can we find our mothers quick?" Rala question.

Rava suddenly remembered something and called out softly. "Black wolf".

No sooner had she said those words the black, blue and red wolf appeared.

"We've been waiting for your calls". The red wolf was the first to speak as they made their appearance in front of them.

"So why do you call on us kids?" The Black wolf asked.

"Do you know where our mothers are been kept? Of course you do, please can you take us to her". Rava said.

"As a matter of fact yes we do know where your mothers are kept. Climb on us". The blue wolf replied.

The Two girls climbed respectively on the back of the blue and red wolf.

"So what now?" Rala asked.

"We take you to them". The blue wolf nearly rolled his eyes when he answered Rala.

"Least I forget, black wolf since you are the only wolf not with someone I need you to do something urgently for me". Rava told the black wolf.

"And what can that be Rava?" The Black wolf questioned.

"We made some kind of spell that can prevent Elsie spirit from entering the Hybrid body and letting him course more Havoc and now her follower is making a new spell for her to gain access once again in his body". Rava reply him.

"And so what do you want me to do? Create a distraction for the witches? Deceiving the witch to make a wrong spell?"

"That is a good suggestion but the one I about to say is better. Can you wake up the Hybrid king for us when we gone to meet our mothers?" Rava asked.

"Yes I can I am the night wolf after all and I control whosoever I wish to control". The Black wolf answered his head all in pride.

"Good, we want you to wake the Hybrid king up from his slumber to prevent Ara and Elsie from carrying out their plans". Rava told him.

"I can do that Rava". The Black wolf said.

"Then we shall be on our way now". Rala said.

So saying, the blue and red wolves disappeared leaving the black wolf behind who then carried out what Rava had told him to do.


"We are almost at the gate of Crescent Kingdom your Highness". One of Levi's men, his general to be precise, told him in his tent they had made for him.

"How many days will it take to open the gate?" Levi asked.

"This night sir. We will reached the gate before night falls". The man replied.

"Good then. Prepare my men we are attacking the city tonight". Levi said.

Bowing his head to Levi, he left to inform their warriors.

"Crescent Kingdom won't know what hit them. They had better be prepared for me". Levi said laughing as he imagined the downfall of Crescent Kingdom".

His armies were thousands in in numbers and were undefeated.


"The first thing you do is.... ehm who is the regent of the kingdom- since Odin is not here- for now?" Diana asked.

"Since Olin is also with Odin then it is my husband my Lady, he is the third regent of Crescent Kingdom". Arizona replied.

"And who that be?" Diana asked.

Reed raised up his right hand to signify himself.

"I am my Lady". He answered.

"Good. You have to announced to the people of the coming war about to happen soon. You have to keep your people safe for the war". Diana told him.

"Yes my Lady. I shall do as you have said". Reed replied.

"They will reached the kingdom by night fall hopefully before then you would have taken the villagers away to a more safer place". Diana said and Reed spring into action.


The blue and red wolves appeared inside a room.

There they saw the statues of their mothers.

Rava and Rala where elated when they saw their statues at least coming to the Hybrid kingdom didn't prove as a waste.

A thought suddenly clicked into the mind of Rala.

"Rava they are statues". Rala begin. "How do we free them?"

"I know Rala, we will think of something and release them". Rava replied.

"Think? In case you don't Rava We Don't Have Much Time. The witches might come here and the Hybrid king as well". Rala told her sister.

"I have a plan, though don't know if it would work, but my mother told me this once, don't know if yours also did". Rava announced after a while.

"And what can that be?" Rala questioned.

"Did Aunty Olin ever taught you a song?" Rava asked.

"Well she did taught me one, she told me it was a song she and and Aunty Odin both composed, so what do you want to do with the song?". Rala questioned

"Mother once told me that the song released Aunty Olin and they usually sing it together whenever they need help". Rava tried to explained.

"And you think this song can free them Rava?"

"I don't think Rala I hope it does". Rava replied.

"Then let's quickly say it before any one barge in on us". Rala said.

"Hold my hands". Rava instructed and her sister did as she was told, together they began singing the song their mother had once taught them.

'How much pride must be sacrificed to time so we can pick up the pieces of affection?

When we noticed the lingering closeness from the sword fight, we’ve already put down our swords

Fortunately, we haven’t wasted away our beauty nor the fleeting years to have been separated by time.

We only make peace with life. We get what we want by never negotiating.

Leave the victory and defeat to yesterday, so we can enjoy the good views when swallows return.

When we sang of the songs of sword fight, we no longer bear grudges.

Never mind the fading beauty or the bygone years, when the fire is gone the flower will bloom.

Our fates have already overlapped, they are already reunited.

Even spells cast overtime could be broken.

When hearts are together and fates connected, the feelings are between love and hate.

In this life or next we still remain sisters.

Olin tears are worth it'.

Well..... something magnificent happened.

A bright light started forming round the two and completely covered them. Rava and Rala had to cover their eyes to prevent the bright shinning light from hurting their eyes.

When they did eventually opened their eyes they saw their mothers.

Olin and Odin have been restored back.



They both said together and each ran to their mothers respectively and afterwards interchanged to the other one.

"Why are we here, where are we?" Odin was the first person to ask once she took notice of their surroundings.

"You are in the Hybrid kingdom". Rala answered.

"The what?" Olin asked.

"The hybrid kingdom" Rava repeated. "He kidnapped both of you for sometime now. So I and my sister journeyed to the Hidden Land and met with the Fire Wolf King. He told us about a sword and begged us to retrieve it for him that if we do so he would give us much powers to defeat the Hybrid and save the both of you". Rava added, explaining what they had passed through.

"Obviously he was lying. We all entered the seven gates of Hell. The seventh one told us about the Fire wolf king killing us once we've retrieved the Ice Sliver Sword for him. With the help of the sword we escaped and we found ourselves at home. And we were giving powers, Rava was given the fire magic and I was given an arrow that never runs dry". Rala said picking up from where her sister stopped.

"Okay, I understand the fact that you all went to the Hidden land and got the Ice Silver Sword but what I don't understand is what are you both doing here with us?" Olin demanded.

"Did the Hybrid king kidnapped you also?" Olin questioned.

"No mother, we came on our own accord and even, we didn't tell anyone about our whereabouts. We wanted to rescue you". Rala said.

"Fine and well said. You have rescued us but I will first of all find that Hybrid and teach him a very big lesson". Odin aberrant said.

"About that mother, we later came to know that it wasn't the Hybrid doing after all". Rava quickly said.

"Meaning?" Both twin asked at the same time.

"Meaning that your old enemy, Elsie, whom you thought you have destroyed was doing all this. Her shadow lives in him". Rala explained.

At the mention of Elsie, Olin and Odin eyes widen in shocked.

"How was that possible?" Olin asked.

"We don't have an answer to that mother. I used a binding spell to cast out any thing from dwelling in ones body not too long ago". Rava answered.

"How did you do that?" Odin asked.

"She used a spell you've taught her and we make sure the shadow was with the other witch called Ara and oh Rava disguised us when we came in before. And the wolves carried us here and finally we released you".

"Quite an interesting story, with what you have just said I think the Hybrid is wasn't the one who kidnapped us but Elsie". Olin said and her twin agreed with her.

"I think we should hurry up and go home now that we've released you". Rava said all of a sudden.

"And why is that?" Odin asked.

"Our father are preparing for war, they want to fight against the Fire Wolf kingdom. We took the Ice Silver Sword that he needed and he needs it by all means". Rava answered.

"You do know that Levi was the one who had created the sword in the first place but couldn't activate it. His father also had helped him when he was creating the sword". Olin announced.

"And you know only those with the purest of heart can activate it". A new voice added.

They all turned in a fighting stance only to see the Hybrid king.

"I have put Ara where she belongs- in a dungeon below my castle where I put witches. She is going to rot in there and as for the shadow who made me do this, let's just say she is never ever going to disturb you or your generations again". Ly said. He saw the surprised look on their various faces and smiled at them.

"Your wolf told me everything and so I hurried here to release you only to see I have been beating to it. I am sorry once again for any inconvenience I have brought upon you and your household". Ly said with sorrow. "I wouldn't have done what I did if I where in my right senses Olin and Odin". He added.

"It is okay, thankfully you are sincere". Olin said.

"And we have forgiven you. Now we need to hurry home". Odin said.

"Mother, call upon your Odinlent wolves to take us home". Rava suggested.

"Hmmm". Olin mused. "That was a thoughtful idea".

Summoning up her wolves and getting sited in the backs.

"I will meet with you in the battle field with my brother. I can perceive their presence, hope by helping will your husbands forgive me".

"Well till then". Odin said and they vanished.

The hybrid king started preparing his warriors. He was going to attack his brother armies from behind.


Prince Philip and Lucian where so happy when they saw their soul mate. They hugged with kisses.

After they where apart Olin went into details about what had happened back in there and how their daughters saved them. And when it was their turn to talk about what has been happening in the kingdom in their absence.

"We have a visitor". Prince Philip began.

"A visitor?" Olin echo after him.

"Yes, not a visitor but some visitors". Lucian added.

"And who can they be?" Odin asked.

"They came to help us in the war.... or better still ask your mother, she alone can explained it very well than me". Prince Philip answered.

Without wasting much time they Olin and Odin left them and went to look for their mother.

Facing their children respectively.

"So what kind of visitors are they.....".


"The visitors are my mother, one of my sisters and her twin, they are from a different dimension. They came here to help". The moon goddess told her children.

When they had gone in search for her, they had dumped into her with some strangers and now she began introducing them.

"This is my mother, Selena, Lucas, Grace and Erica". The moon goddess said pointing at each other with their names.

"But you never made any mention of you having any sister let alone a mother".

"Yes, I ran away from home with the man I love. It's a long story and to cut it short I have reunite with them".

"Okay, so how are the preparation for war".


"Charge!!!" Levi shouted as his warriors ran towards Crescent in full speed.

Odin who has been waiting for that move shouted and crescent armies ran towards them.

The armies met and started slashing each other.

Lucas Rala and Rava where told to stay at home and look after the villagers should in case some of Levi warriors would sneaked inside, while they battle with Levi outside the gate of Crescent.

Selena and Arizona kept healing the wounded from their side as the raging war started. Grace and Erica and the rest all were fighting.

It was a fight of life and death.

The Hybrid king also made his own appearance with his well trained archers armies. They stood aside and fired arrows at Levi armies. The arrows only killed those in Levi's armies, no matter how far they are.

Soon, Levi was left with only few men.

"You are now out numbered brother, give up and forfeit defeat". Ly said.

"Brother?" Levi spat. "I lost my brother a long time ago when he refused to yield to my plans. I don't have any brother and I can never be defeated".

"Forget about the sword and how powerful it is. What I want is my brother back. I am giving you a chance to live in peace, drop your sword and come with me".

Read " Selena's Daughter (The Prophecy) " by the same author ( Ifeoma Isabella Okeke )

. Ly said trying to see if he could confuse his brother to drop his sword.

"That will be the last thing I will do, leaving the sword. I rather die then leaving the sword I worked so much hard for many ancient years ago".

"So you want to die and live me all alone? Is that your plan Levi well sorry to say that is not happening this time". Ly said and he did something unexpectedly to Levi.

Levi holding his throat and started choking himself. Soon he passed out.

The Hybrid king with a swift of his hand Levi floated and he place the pass out figure across his horse.

He turned and look at Olin and Odin.

"His men are all yours, do with them whatever you like. I promise that he wouldn't be a bother to any of you again. And for the sword, keep it tightly safe more demons and witches will come for it soon so you have to be watchful. I don't want anything to do with that sword ever again. I take my leave. I hope when we meet in future it would be for merrily and not war". So saying the Hybrid king left with his thousands of Archetrs armies.

They imprisoned Levi's surviving warriors.

They had won the war.

After staying with Odin and others for some days Diana decided to return home.

Rala and Rava grew closer with Grace and Erica. They often visit each other.

But has it truly end?

The END.

Selena, Diana, Grace, Lucas and Erica are from my story I posted here a long time ago.

To understand the story.


Selena's Daughter (The Prophecy)

All Rights and Reserved.

© Ifeoma Isabella Okeke


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