Imperfection - Episode 15

Her Greatest Nightmare

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Damilola Frederick, the one hell of a nightmare that I'll never forget in my life, I don't know why my past keep hunting me like this. I want everything to just stop. 

“Pearl, look at me. What's going on?” Greg pulled me out of my daze with his question. Even if I try to explain he still won't understand . “Peach?, I need to call her. I need her right now, she's the only person I can talk to……” Greg didn't allow me to finish my statement before he held my shoulder and looked into my eyes. 

“Calm down, I'll call her. Okay?. She'll be Here very soon” He assured me and not long after that he made a phone call to Peach. 

“She's on her way” He informed me after he dropped the call. He then took a seat beside me on my bed before he held my hand in his huge hand. I didn't have a choice that to forcefully remove my hand from his. He only smiled at my action. 

“Hey babe, what's wrong?, why do you look like a mess?” Peach complained immediately Greg opened my room’s door for her. 

She quickly took her seat beside me and I gave her the eye signal to tell Greg to excuse us. 

“Greg, can you please give us a minute?, we want to talk” 

“No, I'm not leaving this place until I get to the end of this issue” He said looking at me as if I was the one who asked him to leave in the first place. 

“You know I don't like you that  much, right?. I don't even like seeing your face” Peach snapped at him. 

“The feeling is mutual, sweetheart

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. I'm here for Pearl not you” His words actually warmed my heart. Looking at him leaning against my dressing table made me realize he's not actually bad as a person. 

“Did you proceed with operation 3 without telling me?” She asked glaring at me. 

“You know I wouldn’t do that, we're both in this together” I assured her. 

“What's operation 3, why do I feel it's something involving me?” The room suddenly became silence. 

“It's to get your attention so we could get Natasha out of the house” Peach threw the bomb and I had to bite myself from screaming. 

“Why would you want Natasha out?” He asked

“Because we thought she's your girlfriend” I said not looking at him

“Not thought, we know Natasha is your girlfriend” Peach confirmed

“I thought I cleared this out with you Pearl” Greg said

“So, you guys clear things out now behind my back. Is that the real definition of the word friendship, Miss Pearl Adams” She screamed into my face. And I couldn't help but to start looking from Peach to Greg bickering at one another

“It's Mrs Pearl Williams, miss Peach” Greg corrected her. 

“Since when did you start performing husband duties?, All so powerful lord, Greg Williams. The official most useless thing called husband in this world” Peach screamed at the top of her voice

“That's my husband you're talking to, Peach. Have a little respect for him” I scolded her a little. 

“Now you guys are ganging up against me, right?” She asked while looking at Greg as if she's going to kill him anytime soon. 

“I'm not ganging up, I'm just asking you to have a little respect for him, please babe” I pleaded 

“Where was he when Natasha slapped you?, he was standing right there as if nothing happened” She was already on her feet. 

“See, that was my mistake. You don't have to throw everything I do at my face. I'm trying to make things right with her and I'm really sorry I didn't do anything that day, Pearl. It was so sudden that I couldn't bring myself to do anything” He was now facing me and I could see the sincerity in his eyes. 

“Apology accepted, greg” Peach said smiling 

“I wasn't apologizing to you, so why…”

“Can you guys just stop?, enough of this bickering. Let's get back to the main reason why she's here. This is about me, so stop behaving like 85 years old couple” It was now my turn to scream at them which earned me a mumbled sorry from the both of them. 

“Why am I here?” Peach asked

“Damilola Frederick” I replied

“Same, cute and handsome Damilola Frederick. Your boyfriend during freshman year” she said while beaming with smile. 

“My boyfriend, or the guy that you forced me to date. You know, I think I should call the whole Amazon girls to get down here so we could talk” The shock on Peach’s face is not of this world. We had called ourselves Amazon girls during our freshman year at Loyola university. Then, it was me, Peach, Blessing and Yomi.

“We didn't force you to date him, Pearl. We only made a bet about it which you agreed to proceed with the plan. You guys dated for more than 8months, right?” She looked at me questionably. 

Greg shakes his head. “So you girls are not as innocent as you look, you even make bets on guys. I hope I'm not a bet.” 

Which earned him a hard glare from Peach. 

“Do you people even know what happened after, none of you bothered to ask me. All you knew was I was in a relationship with a cute guy.

Read " A Glint Of Hope " by the same author ( Penangel )

. None of you cared about how I managed to get myself away from an abusive relationship. You didn't ask me what it was like, you assumed it was a fairy tale love story. And you people even had the guts to say it to his face that he was a bet. You thought that was funny, it wasn't a bit. I was punished for all of our crimes for months, I carried the burden of a sexually and emotionally molested woman for years now” 

For the second time that day, Greg pulled me into his arms as I melted into tears. 

“It's okay, Pearl. Everything will be fine. We got the message, he won't be able to hurt you again. You'll be fine now” He consoled me

“I'm sorry, I didn't know. I had no idea what was going on then, you didn't give us a clue either. I didn't mean to hurt you, you know I'll never be able to hurt you. I'm sorry, girlfriend” 

“It's okay, I'll be fine” I pulled out of Greg arms and allowed him to guide me to the bed where he laid me down and pulled a blanket on my body. 


Here we are,, moving a little bit closer to the end of imperfection. 

I guess now you know who Damilola is.

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  • Olaleye Adedamola picture
    Olaleye Adedamola
    Great job, Natasha know what happened that time in sch that is why she been Damilola to pearl home. More episode
  • Ukay picture
    Hahahahahahahahahaha...I just dey look doz two @ Greg and pearl....pls more episodes...and pls start making plans for anoda novel as interesting as this
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    This story is making me to stay glued to my phone always expecting d next episode
  • Popoola Elizabeth picture
    Popoola Elizabeth
    So she bring damiola into the picture good of her
  • picture
    [email protected]
    good story. next plssssssssssssss
  • Abigail Amande picture
    Abigail Amande
    Wow!!!! More grease dear. You are so good!
  • Oluwadare Mojisola picture
    Oluwadare Mojisola
    Am really enjoying the turn out of the story
  • Saba dorcas picture
    Saba dorcas
    Same here Akindele.... Always expecting d next chapter.... Nice job.... Next chapter pls
  • Favour Abhatue picture
    Favour Abhatue
    But why will Nash did such thing? Ride on dear, nice one
  • Vivian Chime picture
    Vivian Chime
    Natasha... This girl sef. Nice one dearie
  • Sussnarlison Mat picture
    Sussnarlison Mat
    Eeeeeeeish I love this episode. Reading was fun. You do all
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