LEX - Episode 39

For Old-Time Sake

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Distrusting one another could be the only weapon against betrayal! It been two weeks of excitement, suspense, thriller, secrets.. But they both learn to live with it. Lex had a lot of things hidden- his identity, his heritage- the family charade had all been a lie but he can't tell her the whole truth, Atleast not now. The whole thing was different from what Lex had experienced- It was very new to him. His love life with Heather had kicked off well. Lex hadn't believe he could be such a romantic guy despite being what he is. They both had decided to thread slow and keep their relationship from the rest of the students- even their friends! Lex had particularly emphasized on them keeping the relationship from their friends and had threatened Fergus to keep is raveled puzzles to himself. Fergus had solve the puzzle few days after giving him Heather's home address. He knew the two of them had something going- but it was their choice to keep it away from the rest. Lex had thought of telling Adam and Cole about the new development, but he wasn't sure how they would take it. A vampire and a human in a relationship was something Kol or Austin must hear about. So the only way to keep Heather safe was to burry the whole thing in his heart and make it a secret, but some things just wouldn't stay hidden- something's can't be hidden for so long. Lex knew Adam had began to suspect something- his sudden disappearance had began to raise speculations... It was only a matter of time before everyone knew. Things was going smoothly as Lex had planned... Atleast for now! He had try to dodge Derrick questions a couple of times. Lex wasn't that active among the group anymore. It was like he already have something big- something that distract him and gets all his attention. True! Heather was a distraction that Lex was learning to be with. She was like a bomb that makes him look like a renegade. She wasn't atomic- neither was she a time bomb- she was something different, something that gives no signal- something small that makes large impact... She was a Grenade! And Lex wasn't sure of when she would explode. On a certain Sunday in the penthouse, Lex felt he had kept his relationship hidden for so long. Its been a month of infatuation love, so he thought of telling his lads- atleast there was nothing they could say to talk him out of it. His only concern was them telling Austin or Kol! Anything except that doesn't bother him. So after their usual dinner at the northeast hall of the penthouse, Lex call Adam and Cole to hell chambers. He had wanted to include Derrick, but he doesn't trust Derrick yet. He doesn't feel any connection with Derrick like he does with his old lad. Adam pondered on what could make Lex so serious... But he just couldn't place it. So they followed him like a lamb trailing its Shepherd. "Why the hell chamber?" Cole asked from behind. The Hell Chamber! So ferocious has it been since its existence, the hell chamber had surmount a lot of vampires. The place was built by Kol six centuries ago. He used it to imprison any vampires that goes against him. A lot of vampires souls had wander helplessly in the hell chamber. After Kol disappearance, Gerard had adopted the same punishment, even down to Austin- he had kept Adam and the boys body there lying in a coffin. "That's to tell you how serious the issue is... And the gravity it heard on me to finally reveal it to you both..." Cole shiver as if death was lurking in the corner. "I haven't been here since we got resurrected" Cole said, silently. "Lex! We shouldn't be here- it's late already" Lex paused and turned towards them. He hesitated for a while before he could summon up the courage to tell them. He had come this far, so there isn't any turning back. "You guys were right-" he began "About what?" Cole said, briskly. "-about me keeping a secret..." Lex paused to swallow the saliva that had began to build up in his mouth. "...I love Heather and the two of us have something going on-" he added Adam couldn't believe his ears, it wasn't what he was expecting. Adam was expecting something else- like the confession of Lex feeding on a human, Lex sneaking out of the penthouse at night... He hadn't expected it- Lex having a girlfriend was like a nightmare. "When did this happen?" Adam asked, after surmounting his thoughts. "-we have been dating for a month now" Cole just couldn't believe his ears. His feet had become so numb that he doesn't even know what to say. "Did she know about us?" Cole asked. "Us?" Lex asked, looking puzzled. "Yes us! Vampires! You being a vampire" "Oh that! She doesn't know we exist" Lex said "And do you plan keeping it that way- or will you tell her about our existence?" Adam asked Lex hasn't thought of that question before, he doesn't even know what her reaction would be if he tells her. He wasn't sure if she could take it- she might be unstable if she knew about their existence. Fergus took the whole tug between humans and vampires in very well doesn't mean Heather would. So Lex dropped every idea of tell her about his true nature- and had decided to keep it all to himself. "Our relationship had been going smoothly because we kept some things from each other... Guess that is the sacrifice we have to make for being happy" "We? Or You? From where am seeing things, you are the only one embedded with secrets" "Those secrets ain't my fault- it wasn't my intention to hide it from her" Lex said "- Adam, what time is it?" "..21:13" Adam said, after checking his wristwatch. "Ohhh f*ck! Am damn late-" Lex shouted. "Late for what?" Adam asked, curiously. "Am having a sparing practice with Michael- and am thirteen minutes late" "Now fourteen!" Adam corrected. "Ohhh-" Lex said, trying to rush out of the basement- but he stopped half way after remembering he was missing out an important detail. "Please, I don't know if you can keep this discussion between us- for old time sake. I don't want anybody hearing about it including Kol and Austin.. Because am also not going to tell Michael" Cole gave Lex his word instantly. "From me, I am giving you my word" he said, but Adam wasn't sure of what to do. If the secret was leaked, a lot would be at stake- they could end up being put in the box and left- forgotten in the hell chamber. "It's dangerous Lex- we could end up in a box" Adam said, after a brief thought. "We would only end up in a box if one of us reveal the secret" Lex said, trying to assure him. Adam was caught in a dilemma of family and friendship. His whole existence had been wrapped among the two most precious thing in his life. Family had always come first in everything- but Lex and Cole were no longer friends, they are now family. And what family does is to clean one another mess. Lex is in a deep mess and he just hasn't realized it yet- being in love with an human was against everything they believed in... Against everything they have been taught. Humans were their prey during the ancient days- and will still be... But they have been taught to learn how to bend the rules and learn to survive without the human blood. "... I'm in-" Adam said, putting every regrets behind him. His two lads were no longer friends to him.. They are more like a family! "-we are no longer friends.." He continued, holding their hands to his "..we are family- from now to the end of days.." And they stretched their hands forward as a usual courtesy to the Olsen's slogan. "-family.. Always comes first- in everything!" The boys echoed. Lex smiled and gave them both a hug. "Thanks" he whispered, and took off like a plane clearing into the thin air.


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  • Emmett babyboy picture
    Emmett babyboy
    when are the next episodes coming out bro?
  • Emmett babyboy picture
    Emmett babyboy
    Notify bro..that my fuckin gmail :[email protected] you can't just put me in dire need of my favorite vampire story/novel ever.... being in this site couple of days but two stories fuckin moved me...MERRY HAVEN & LEX...
  • olasupo isaac picture
    olasupo isaac
    why don't you subscribe for the email alert, you will get notified when a new episode is posted... thanks
  • Story wizard picture
    Story wizard
    I am tired of this fucking shit the best story in ebony why ? are they not more episode my writer there are better places to write stories like watt pad please post the remaining story there
  • Itz Rude picture
    Itz Rude
    What is taking so long
  • Peter Ijeremen picture
    Peter Ijeremen
    we are still waiting
  • General Medics picture
    General Medics
    What's going on bro? Why the delay?
  • General Medics picture
    General Medics
    @olasupo what is causing the delay
  • It'z Pals picture
    It'z Pals
    Pls post the next story pls
  • olasupo isaac picture
    olasupo isaac
    I promise to start posting January. was busy with some personal stuff.. thanks
  • Peter Ijeremen picture
    Peter Ijeremen
    ohhhhh thank God
  • Peter Ijeremen picture
    Peter Ijeremen
    u once said january it now june y na as dis story sweet reach pls post oh or i may not eat till i see the next lol
  • Frank chidi picture
    Frank chidi
    The coke I was drinking and waiting for you to finish up.. it has finished oo
  • Pop Smok picture
    Pop Smok
    What's keeping the next ones
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