Living In The Ghetto - Episode 34

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Mama walked, holding the goods bag while Adanne followed close and her eyes ran all over the environments. It met with a bird that perched on top of a tree as it flapped its wings and flew away. Her instincts told her those girls were still after her. She kept following Mama closely as they walked through the walkway that led to the houses in the ghetto.

Not so long, there were rattling noises at their back and feet that continuously stomped on the floor. Adanne turned immediately and shook at what she saw . It was the three girls. She ran forward and clasped her body around her mother tightly.

"What?" Mama asked, struggling to free herself from her grip.

She thought it was one of Adanne's childish behaviour or she was scared of a little creature as she always did. Mama turned and her eyes caught up with Simi and the two other girls. She stopped, and Adanne kept pointing at them. "They want to beat me. Yes... They want--" she stuttered.

Mama dropped her bag on the floor. "Simi, what's the problem?" she asked, trying to calm her voice.

She had heard about Simi and also about the last time she had an encounter with Chimaobim and dealt with her. Mama never wanted to have an encounter with her

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. Most of the elderly women in the village have had a bad encounter with her and it was an eyesore. She had beaten up some of them, and cussed out on others. Mama had witnessed her cussing out someone and was threatening to beat up the woman if she dared her.

Aisha tapped Simi softly. "Let's leave her, please. Are you going to beat her in front her mother? E no sound nice at all," she said.

Simi ignored her and walked towards Mama. Adanne freed from Mama's grip and stood still, gawking at them. "Shey you dey ask me wetin happen abi? You no fit ask your pikin wey no get respect?" she said.

Mama fumed in a rage, but tried hard to control her raging emotions. "Come, Simi, who do you think you are talking to? I have heard and seen how you act foolishly to people old enough to give birth to you in this area. Don't bring your foolishness near me," she said. "Oya, let's go, Ada" she tapped Adanne.

Simi turned and saw Aisha and Amaka trying to muffle their laughter. They had laughed at Mama's word and it hurt Simi more. She would have ignored them and wait for Adanne tomorrow in school if she hadn't seen her friends make a jest of her over Adanne mother's words. Me? Act foolishly? This woman don insult me. A whole me, she thought and tapped her chest.

She quickened her pace immediately and caught up with them, then grabbed the bag and yanked it off from Mama. She threw it into the bush and stood still. Her mouth and body didn't move.

Mama turned quickly. "What!" she shouted.

Her adrenaline skyrocketed and she dropped a resounding slap on Simi's face. The sound sent Aisha and Amaka two steps backward, as their mouth stood agape. They turned towards each other and their eyeballs lit up quickly in a shock. With so much gusto, Mama made to slap Simi again, but Simi held her hand quickly and sent a blow on Mama's forehead sending her to the ground. Mama fell with a bang without a scream. Her body laid on the ground. Aisha and Amaka seeing what had happened took to their heels.

Two men were almost walking close. Adanne screeched, "Help!"

Adanne's heart raced faster  than a cheetah. She didn't know the step to take. Shocked at her mother's body on the ground, she stood and watched blood dripped down from her nose slowly. Her forehead sunk deep and a mark of a clenched fist could be seen there. Simi froze for a bit, she turned immediately and her other two friends weren't in sight any longer. 

The men had approached. She made to run, but tripped off and fell bruising her knee. "It's her.

Read " The Missionary's Journey " by the same author ( Obinna Tony )

. She killed my mother," Adanne said, jumping up and down, crying in an endless manner. 

One of the man held Simi immediately and dragged her up. Shivers ran down her spine and her heart stuck in her mouth. Her heart panted heavily while she kept breathing loudly in a non-stop manner. "What happened?" the first man asked.

"She punched her and Mama fell. It looks like my mother is dead," Adanne cried.

Simi whole body shook. She wanted to speak but her lips quivered. People had already gathered around. Two men carried Mama into the car, and they zoomed off quickly to the hospital.

"Where are they taking my mother to?" Adanne wept.

A woman held her, before Mama Oyinda made her way through the crowd and grabbed Adanne tightly. She gripped Adanne in a motherly way and assured her that her mother will be okay. People stood and spat at Simi while some of the men beat and flogged her non stop.

"It's not only me o," she wept, wriggling on the floor.

"Who and who?" a man asked.

"I'll take you to their houses," she said, while she rolled on the floor and they kept beating her.

While they drove her in a van, a woman spat on the ground and cursed out loudly in her local dialect. "You don meet your waterloo today."

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  • Kadosh Wa Wambua picture
    Kadosh Wa Wambua
    Oh ooo, I hope that woman is not dead would be very sad for those poor kids
  • Amma picture
    ooh Mama
  • Amma picture
    ooh Mama
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Mama is a fighter she'll survive this one,as for Simi hope they beat the hell out her!
  • Obinna Tony picture
    Obinna Tony
    Hehe. Thanks for your comments guys.
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