Love Crystal - Episode 39

Unraveling Mysteries

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After a while, Nessy regained consciousness . I couldn't believe my dad was still alive. I can still remember him but I don't think Nessy does cause she was not yet born. 

" Williams, I need to see mommy.. "
Nessy said. 

" We definitely have to see her. "

I turned to inspector Julian 

" Please, can we see her? "

" Yes you can . Please follow me. "
He led the way and we followed behind. 

We were seated at the interrogation room when mom was brought in. 

Nessy called and broke down in tears. 

" My baby, don't cry. "
She made to come close to Nessy but an officer prevented her. 

" Why mommy? Why did you do it? Why Jessi? Why Queen? Why dad? Did you really do it? "
I asked.. 

" Yes son, I did. I did all of it but I never meant to hurt Queen. She was at the wrong place at the wrong time. "

" And why Jessi? You saw how much I suffered when I was made to believe that she was dead but you felt no pity for me. You are my mother for heaven's sake and he is my father!!! Why mom! Why lock him up? Why 30 years!! "

I hit my hand on the desk, scaring the hell out of my mom. 

" I was all good but your father caused it all

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. If I had let him stay, he would have ruined your life. He caused it all. "

" Stop it Mom.. Stop passing the blame. I'm not angry, I'm heart broken. I'm shattered. How do I face Queen? How do I face her family? "

" Ask your father that. Ask him why he abandoned us and went out with another woman. "

" What does that have to do with the fact that you kidnapped Jessi! "

" Cause Jessi is your father's daughter."

" What! "
Nessy exclaimed 

" You are lying. You do not have a heart, You do not know what it means to be a mother! You do not deserve children. You are lying!! "

Mom started crying. 

" She's telling the truth son"
Father answered from behind. 

" It's true? "
Nessy turned to him.

" Yes Nessa. It is. "
He affirmed 

" You are both terrible! I'm fed up! I can't take it anymore."

I stood up and made to leave but father held my arm. 

" Son! "

" What do you want to tell me? That my father fathered a woman I shared kisses with? My Father fathered a woman that I shared countless romance with? My Father fathered a woman I shared my bed with or you fathered a woman I almost went to the altar with. Tell me!!! What do you have to say? My mother kidnapped my fiancée? Or my mother locked up my father for 30 years. I'm going insane. Tell me!! "

I yelled already weeping like a baby. 

" It hurts that I have parents like you. What a reputation and example you have laid for I and my sister to follow. Let me go, I have nothing else to do here. "

He let go off my arms and I went to my sister

" Nessy, let's go. We've got no place here. "

I took her hand and led us out. 

Queen's Point Of View 

The operation on Desmond was successful but he was still unconscious. Jessi is already awake and we are all in her room . She wouldn't say anything, just cry out her balls. Mom tried talking to her, so did her uncle and aunt but she couldn't talk. 
Mom asked them to give her time to rest according to her, pressuring her to say something will only complicate things .
Despite that, I couldn't leave her side. I stayed with her and tried consoling her. 

" Sister, I don't know what happened but I won't ask you to say anything. It really breaks my heart to see you this way. Please stop crying. "

" How's my brother? "
She finally spoke up. 

" Thanks sis. He's fine, the operation was successful. He took a bullet for me. "
Tears building up in my eyes. 

" Has Doreen heard? "

" Your mother?  Yes she has. She will be here anytime soon."

" Take care of him. Take care of Desmond, he really loves you very much. Please value that. "

" I will Sister. "

I replied and she went mute again. 

We remained mute but then, we started hearing noises outside. I rushed out to know why my mom was raising her voice. 

" Ma'am please, I want to see Jessi, I want to see Queen "
Williams pleaded. 

" Please MA, hear us out. "
Nessy pleaded. 

" Williams, you've got no right to be here. Please leave!! "
Mom retorted. 

" Please calm down Doris "
Mrs Helen tried to calm mom down. 

" My daughter would have been the one in there Helen! "
Mom retorted 

" They've got all the rights to be here mom. "
I answered from behind and mom turned. 

" What? "
Mom was shocked 

" Do you think it's easy for them? Did they pull the trigger? Can you imagine the pain they must be going through? For heaven's sake mom! We all accused Williams falsely and locked him up for two weeks! "
I yelled. 

" But their mother is responsible! "
Mom yelled back

" Alice is not Williams, neither is Alice Nessa. She's their mother and I don't see any reason why they must pay for her sin! "

" You could have been the one lying in Desmond's position right now! "

" But I'm not and Desmond is also got a mother too. Don't be like this mom. Where's your heart? Please stop this already. "

" Your daughter is right Doris. I understand you but Williams and his sister has got nothing to do with all this. So let them be. "
Helen affirmed. 

" Yes, she's right! "

A voice said drawing our attention to the opposite direction. The lady walked up to us. 

" I'm Doreen Manyika. I want to see my children. "

She turned to Williams 

" Young man, you can come in. "

I walked up to Williams and he hugged me

" Thanks for standing up for me. "
He whispered. 

" Thanks for not judging us Queen. "
Nessy said and I embraced her. 

" let's go see Jessi "
I said and led the way. 

In Jessi's Room. 

" My child.. I told you. I warned you "

Doreen said and went to sit beside Jessi. Jessi was mute, staring at her like a lost sheep. 

" She has not spoken to anyone ever since she woke up. "
Mom said. 

" What happened my child? Please talk to me. I had to rush down from Dubai as fast as I could. Please tell me, what happened. "

" You happened Doreen"

Jessi finally spoke up, addressing her mother by her name. Indeed, her mother was shocked. 

" Yes Doreen, you happened. Nothing went wrong, you did. "

" Jessi.. "
Doreen called with shock written all over her. 

" Don't give me that shit. Have you seen Desmond? Alice shot him. "

" Who is Alice? "
Doreen asked. 

Jessi laughed sarcastically. 

" You don't know her? How funny. Alice shot my brother, I can forgive her but I can't forgive you. You know why? You made her that way. "

" Jessica, I don't know what.... "

She was cut short by Jessi 

" I will not speak to you again neither will I give the police my statement until my brother is well. Until then, I do not want to see you again. Now get the hell out of my room! "

" Jes... "

" I said leave! "

Jessi yelled at Doreen and she left the room in tears. 

" Everyone, please leave. I want to be alone. "

Everyone left the room but with one lingering question in their minds 

    ' what happened? '

Everyone left but Jessi asked Williams to stay back, including Nessa. 

" My love... "
Williams said and broke down in tears 

Sobbing, Jessi said " My love.. Have you heard? "

" It hurts to imagine that you are my sister. My kid sister. "
Williams said. 

" It hurts too. It hurts even more that my heart still yearns for you. It hurts that I still want to walk down the aisle with you as my groom. "

" I wish this was all a nightmare. If it is, I want to wake up with you as my wife. With you beside me. "

" You know mom kidnapped you right? "
Nessy asked. 

Jessi nodded. 

" She actually tried to kill me the first time I disappeared but I still do not know how I survived. My mom will tell us that when I and my brother are out of here. "

" Wait, my mom was the one who tried to kill you? A day to our wedding?  Oh my.... "
Williams held his chest. 

" Williams, stop. I'm sorry I accused you.

Read " Errors In Our Destiny " by the same author ( Queen Allie )

. Sorry I almost hated you and sorry most of all that I fell in love with you."

" No no no... I love you Jessi... "

" I wish I could say I don't but please, do not say a word about this to anyone. A time is coming when they will have to tell us the truth. "

" I won't... Please get well for me. There must be a mix up. You can't just be my sister. "

" I pray so honey... I pray so.. "


I don't know what to say so..... 

Happy reading folks.... 

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