Love Crystal - Episode 4

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 I looked at the bottle containing the acid but I couldn't bring myself to take my own life. I stood up went to the bathroom and emptied it. For many days Gabi was in his room. He didn't step out nor talk to anyone, always cried himself to bed and worst of all, he had no appetite for food. His mom and sister knocked on his door for days but he ignored them. His mom was very worried, she couldn't take it anymore so she called his dad who was outside the country for business . She explained everything to him and he promised to round up his business as early as possible and return home.

Meanwhile, days turned into weeks and weeks turned into a month. I was so happy to be discharged from the hospital, I could finally go home and start my life again. A welcome dinner was held at my house for my return. Everyone was present, including the reckless driving who nearly killed me (so I thought) and the lady who visited at the hospital. I was staring at everyone from upstairs when my dad called everyone's attention. He thanked everyone for coming and God too for preserving my life. "with a clapping ovation, please welcome my daughter Queen" my dad said and everyone clapped happily while I majestically stepped down the staircase. Everyone stared at me with joy except that guy(gabi) who sadness was written all over his face though he tried to smile when I looked at him but then I thought to myself, maybe it's his conscience cause of what he did to me

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. I continued stepping down and my brother walked up to me, pecked me and said "you look gorgeous" then he took my hand. At that moment, I felt a little weird. It felt like things were reoccurring again, like someone had said same to me before in the same manner but then I brushed the thought away cause it's just a complement and anyone can use it.

The evening was heavenly. We all proceeded to the dinning and ate gracefully. After eating, we all danced and celebrated life together. There was so much fun and i was really happy. "Can I have the honour of dancing with you?" I heard someone say from behind me, then I turned and saw that same guy(gabi). "The music is nice and the dance floor is empty" he said again with a little smile. "Really?" I asked sarcastically. "Hey! Don't be like that. It's your day you know" he said this time with that convincing look on his face. "Well I don't......" before I could complete my statement, he interrupted me "don't dance cause it's not my thing" then he smiled. Heavens!! He just said the very thing I had in mind to say, I was amazed i must confess. I was about asking how he knew what I was going to say but someone touched my shoulder, I turned and saw doctor Steve smiling at me(doc Williams is the same doctor that treated me at the hospital. My mom actually invited him). "Oh! Doc Williams! What a surprise, nice to see you" I said. "And nice to see you on your feet, beautiful and alive" he answered. "It's because you did a wonderful job Doc" I teased and we both laughed. "Can I have the honour of a dance?" He asked stretching out his hand while I took it "With pleasure" we laughed and graced the dance floor with our moves. I totally forgot about the other guy who I was talking to.

## Gabi's POV

when I saw her that evening in the purple colour gown she wore, like an angel it was glowing and flowing down with her as she moved. I was very excited that finally she was out of the hospital but I was also sad that I couldn't walk up to her. I always watched from afar and when she looked at me, I smiled but she looked away like I was some total stranger and yes, i now am to her. Finally I got the chance of talking to her and I walked up to her. I offered a dance but she totally ignored me when that doctor came. This was the same queen that will never take a second look at another guy except me but today she didn't even mind me. I felt the tears building up in my eyes as she majestically walked away with him. After dancing with him, everyone ignorantly cheered them. I really felt like killing the so called doctor. We( I and Williams) danced, laughed and chatted all night. We got to know each other more and we shared contact before he left. I must confess, he's really fun to be with.

Finally my dad bid everyone a goodnight and they started Leaving one after the other. I stood at the door and thanked each one for coming and then I noticed that guy(gabi) never left where he was sitting and the house was almost empty. I saw a girl walk up to him and whispered something into his ear and for some unknown reason, I felt jealous. It must be his sister, I said to myself trying to boast my pride but on a second thought, I must be really stupid. What's wrong with me? I must be seriously out of my mind. I thought to myself. I walked up to him "hey Mr, ain't you leaving already?" I asked in a kinda harsh tone. He looked at me and pretended not to hear me and ignored me. "I'm talking to you, don't you dare ignore me yo..." he cut my words before I could finish.

Read " Errors In Our Destiny " by the same author ( Queen Allie )

. "Can you please be quite for a minute!!??" He said raising his voice at me and stood up. "You are killing me" he said but this time, he sounded like someone who's heartbroken. He was about walking away "don't you dare walk out on me" I mustered courage to say standing my ground. "Oh! I shouldn't? Then stop hurting me" he shouted. "What are you talking about. You should be apologizing to me" I shouted back. "I'm talking about you! Us! And this!!" He drew me close to himself, with one hand around my waist and the other on my cheek .... 

What happens next? Even I don't know.. let's find out in the next episode.. Goodnight guys... and hey! The comment box is for you... stay cool

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