Make You Mine(Redemption 2) - Episode 5

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"I'm up!" My eyes fly open as the shrill noise of my ringing phone startle me up.  My neck feels stiff and my surroundings doesn't look like bedroom. I turn my neck a little bit sideways to relieve some of the ache and that's when I notice the expanse of skin under me. I have to scrub my sleepy eyes before I see Phillip's dark head resting on the headrest of the couch . I'm about to panic at his lack of shirt when my sleepy brain kicks on and last night's events replay.
  Philip is really a disaster in the kitchen but I had fun ordering him around while I did all the essentials. He was like my sous chef and with the music he turned on later on, we kinda had fun. My eyes scan his delicious broad chest with a sprinkling of dark hairs. Goodness gracious, he's a man meat. I've had this dream before but in said dream, it wasn't baking that exhausted us to the point of sleeping on the couch. It was a more delicious activity. I can already feel myself going hot from thoughts of delicious activities.

"Why the hell are you licking those lips of yours?" Phillip's sudden question startle me and I jerk off the chair. I almost land on my butt before he catches me by the waist

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. My breath itches as his hand connect with the bare skin under my top and I feel hotter yet again.

"Are you always so clumsy?" his s*xy bedroom voice is ruined by the insulting words and I frown.
"I'm sorry I slipped. I didn't even ask you to catch me. You can let me go now anyways." I spit. 
"oh. Alright." he just shrug his broad shoulders and let go of my waist. 
"Jesus!" I yell as I fall the few centimeters to the floor. 
"My head is killing me. What time is it?" he seems so nonchalant about everything which is driving me crazy. I get off the floor and try to get my self in order. I need to stop fooling myself around this dickhead. With my frown fixed firmly on my face, I brush dirt off my short as I mutter all manner of curses on Phillip. He looks perfectly good in his cargo shorts which is currently riding low on his slim hips. I wonder if he'll have the v under his sweet packs. My wayward eyes admire the flex of his back as he pour himself some water and down it. If he could just turn a little, I can watch his Adam's apple move as he downs the water. Stop drooling Cheryl! 
"Are you taking that call? The awful ringtone is killing my brain cells." Philip turn suddenly and I quickly wipe the drool off my face. 
"wha--t?" I stutter and he smirk. I must be blushing beet red right now. 
"your phone. It has been ringing for the longest time now." he points to my phone on the coffee table. Shit. I forgot all about it. I skip to his side quickly and grab my phone. It's dad's new wife. I pause as I stare down at the caller ID. I can vividly remember the last time I saw her. It's been almost four years and that was the day I asked Damon for a divorce. The things I saw that day was enough to make any woman ask for a divorce no matter how much she was scared of her abusive husband. The memories of that day bombard me and I feel myself shaking a bit. 
"Are you going to take that?" Philip asks softly. There's something in his eyes. He's trying to read me. I plaster a smile on my face and connect the call. 

"Hello Kitty." her tiny voice feels scratchy to my ears. I can feel Phillip's eyes on me so I quickly slip out towards the sitting room.
"Don't call me that." I grind out. Only my mother used to call me that.
"Longest time. Don't tell me you are still cold about four years ago?"
"Cold? You slept with my--"
"Your father yes. Big deal. We are married." she says completely cutting me off from what I didn't really mean to say. She obviously doesn't know what I saw. I could never tell anyone till this day. 
"I don't want to talk to you okay? Just go away." I whisper into the phone as Phillip strolls into the sitting room.
"I'm doing you a favour by calling. Shouldn't you be at a wedding delivering cake right about now?"
Shit! My eyes move to the antique clock on the wall. Few minutes to nine am. I'm super late. I am supposed to be there at 9am!
"Don't stress yourself Kitty. Your dad and I don't expect you to succeed. You know he'll always take care of you." she says and before I can get words in she end the call. Goooodddddd! I hate her guts! Disgusting woman! I squeeze my phone hard just as I'll like to squeeze her tiny neck. 
"You good there?" Philip interrupts my murderous thoughts. My eyes flies up to his face. He looks worried and curious. Before he starts asking questions, I quickly deflect the subject. 
"Can you get the cake? We're super late." I say. He looks like he's going to argue but he just sighs softly. 
"yes ma'am. You should change while I get it. You have icing on your hair and chin and shoulder and--" he's obviously teasing and I roll my eyes off before cutting his list short. 
"Fine! I get the drift. I look like a cake. I'll go change. Won't be long. Can you please get my mini van out front before I get down?" I call out as I hurry up the stairs. 
"aye aye captain." he hollers and I chuckle under my breath. He's being so obedient and nice all of a sudden. I can't complain.


"You ready?" Cheryl ask as she turn the ignition of her small van on. It's bright orange and totally girly. It seems new seeing as it's paint job looks spotless. I feel feminine riding in the back seat holding a huge cake.
"I don't see why I can't drive." I grumble. 
"I need you to protect that cake. I'm going to drive like a lunatic to beat traffic." she explain as she press down on the accelerator and we fly out of her compound.
"Hold the cake!" she yell as she zoom pass a pothole. My ass lift and slam down back on the chair with the force. Ouch. 
"Sorry" she calls back to me. I watch her through the mirror as she peek her tiny oink tongue out of her mouth in concentration as she maneuver through the traffic. I take this time to study her. I could tell that the call this morning really shook her. I was able to catch a glimpse of the caller ID. Step monster? Could there be a story there or is Cheryl just the usual rich snub who don't like sharing their father.
"Hold on tight!" Cheryl calls suddenly as she overtake a black pasat.
"Bitch!" a brown teethed middle aged man yell at us from the pasat. 
"You drive like my grandma and she's a dead old woman!" Cheryl fire back and I can't help but chuckle. Cheryl's eyes meet mine in the mirror and she wink. Her eyes are beautiful as they sparkle with excitement. She's obviously having fun. 
"Doing good back there?" she ask and I shrug. 
"Just sore assed." I tell her then wiggle my brows and she giggle. 
"I know. We are already here okay?" She says as she pulls off the road into a gravel road.

Read " Stolen innocence " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )

. We pass rows of high trees before entering a quiet estate.
"It's beautiful right?" I look around the beautiful compound as we pass. 
"yea. I guess we are always so happy to show their affluence." she jokes as she bring the van to a stop beside a pink Maserati.
"I'll help you with the cake." she calls out as she alight the car and open the door for me. 
"I'll take that." she carefully take the cake from my lap.
"Kitty!" I feel Cheryl freeze as a beautiful woman waltz towards us.
"gosh." I hear Cheryl mutter under her breath before turning to face the woman.
"you look umm nice." the woman say as she eye Cheryl up and down.
"Who's the hottie?" the woman's smile gets bigger as she push Cheryl to the side to shake my hand. I alight the car to shake her properly. I can feel Cheryl staring daggers into her friend's back. 
"None of your business. Can you please leave me alone?" Cheryl says coldly as she comes between the woman and I.
"You shouldn't talk to your mom like that Kitty. Your dad wouldn't like that." the woman says and my jaws drop. Mom? They are like the same age. My mind takes me to the hostile call Cheryl took before we left the house. This woman is the step monster. She seem nice.
"mom indeed." Cheryl mutter. 
"Don't be hostile okay? I have a surprise for you." the woman says, never losing her smile.
"what stupid surp--Damon?!" I see Cheryl's eyes literally go big. I follow her eyes to see a man in a tux walking towards her with a smirk on his face. 

what is going on? 

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